Straits Echo, 4 January 1918

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • 1137 2  -  Bt ISABEL bUTCHABT. The unwary preacher, thoughtlessly beginning a sentence 1 And now to md bringing his startled congregation to its feet tm minutes or so before tbe appointed time, may Bpeod tbe rest of tbe day regretting tbe omission of bis carefully worked out conclusion, but
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  • 411 2 M Ernest Oatrey, who represents Oocbin-Cbina in the Chamber of D -dumps, bas written an article for the Stigon Opinion >n Le Siam et 1’ Iodochine lie was moved to do so by the action of the Government of Iado-Cbina in voting Tcs. 50.000 to
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  • 308 2 66 l f* e m<tklD g of ariation let J 6 th V u,, °n w th« destruction ot £l—H* 3 or.Qen«al W 8. Brancker. «.lf i Bre d0 ltuai 19 parked rer-oity and 3 lf-re«peot disappear, and all that is eril b nd. congenial lodgment,-fit. Hon. G.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 181 2 seshsseshs mmg&smumsaßEEßm sa HWhiteaway, Laidlaw Co. Ltd., Penang (INCOBPOBATED IN ENGLAND) v s{ r; si pyj'*** 4 '-h-h- in yg ■m mm m w -h-h-k-h--hi-h--h-h-->**4-j--O|SWEEPING x| ntLVL"UAI REDUCTIONS lltl III! III! lint -f >8 )< »g 3< )lfl< >iil HH STOCKTAKING SAL E s s fyA Bf» i 1 fsfl
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    • 97 2 Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. When you have a bad cold you want a remedy that will not only give relief, but effect a prompt and p ermanent cure, a remedy that 1. pleasant to fake, remedy that con fWt, J g ID 3 ur,OB8 Chamberlain s Cough Remedy meets all these
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    • 616 2 NOTICE I THE USUAL MONTHLY SUE c f Pawob okeo’ forfei. d pledges for m m| |exo°eding $lO bi held pactually M n o'clock am. od Tnsday, Wednesday tD( j Ton «day, the 7<h, Brh and 9h proximo respectively at N). 42, Beach't. Tbe above forfeited p'edges m»y
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  • 222 3 No Eklatiox to Local Pbiom. A not ficitioD in the last F.M.S. Govern- merit Gazette saysi— For the period from the 4th to the 10th I January, 1916, inclusive, the value of tbs I highest grade of robber is fixe! at two abilI hnga and five
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  • 147 3 Regarding the alleged dissatisfaction imoag the Hindus in connection with recent I appointments, we gather that the attitude of I the Endowments Board in the matter is I briefly this The Board would like to know who are those people who are not satisfied with
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  • 539 3 Kampong Kamunting Tin Dbkoging Ltd. —Hours run 1086; Cubic Yards neated 140,000; Total P.culs 885,84; and Realised on sale 171,200 01. The low yardage is due chiefly to overhauling Boilers and bucket band on No. 1 Dredge. Mr. Kbaw Joo Tok advisee us that the output from
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  • 332 3 Mobs Singapore Comment. Referring to the R.G.A.’s. proposals tc reduoe the rubber output for 1918 to 80 per 1 cent, of that harvested in 1917, the Malaya 1 Tribune sajs in a leading article. Ic is to be regretted that the Council did not appeal to the
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  • 400 3 One does not, as a rule, depend to any great extent on the Church for guidance in political matters, but there seems something to be said in favour of the view taken by the Bishop of Madras of the political agitation that is now being carried on
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  • 252 3 At the Eastern Produoe Exchange 198th Auction Sale the following prices were obtained per picul. Diamond Smoked Good from 191 to 96 Diamond Smoked Fair 59 to 90 Diamond Unßmoked $9 to 80 Plain Unsmoked 57 to 70 Scrap Crepe Fair 24 to 40 Virgin Pressed A
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 478 3 ANOTHFR GREAT SCREEN ATTRACTION §1 M Sbowin Pour Nights only Friday, Saturday. Sunday and Monday. 4th 5th, 6th and 7th January, 1918. AT TH£ Electric Polyscope Business Manager. Kh or» Ktng Checw fc* A Regular Treat to oor Patrons iu the Second Show at 9-15 p m. WOKI,l> FILM OKI>OKATIO\
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    • 420 3 LOST Nap,” An Airedale Dog. Finder will be rewarded. W. C. MICHELL, The Residency WANTED. TWO EXPEBIENCED Compositor. for the Newspaper Department. Qocd salary to competent men. Apply tc: FOREMAN. 10, ejo Straits Echo ANTED A CONDUCTOR. MuM YY speak Tamil and Malay. Also bare thorough knowledge of all field
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    • 295 3 3waai«aBarjBacaRai!ML"j!jtfgi|!w^ o. Bocec. I CONCERT IN AID or •t. DUN8TA N’ 3 H O M 4 AFTER k DINNER I ON Satur. 5th January I A SPECIAL LAUNCH WILL LEAVE THE JETTY TOR BUTTERWORTH AT 12-30 am 2} r nr. n r. rrvi rn? n r a r: rrc: rra
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  • 98 4 PUBLISHED DAILY (Except Sundays and public holidays.) AT THE CRITERION PRESS, LIMITED, 59, Beach Street, PenangPrice Daily Local $BO par annum. Outatation Postage Extra. Mail Edition (Post Free) $lB per annum. Cable Address: ECHO PENANG Telephone Noe. (Eoho) 586, Printing Department 343. A. 3. —AII bu.ine» communication,
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  • 1312 4 Reuter tbia year was rather chary of details regarding the New Year honours Thus, of the six new Privy Councillors he gate us the names of only two there were twenty additions to the roll of Baronets, but he told us only of four and of the fifty odd
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  • 872 4 Mr. Tom Wright has left Honolulu and gone to the Uaited States. 8 The friends and relatives of Mr. K»m Coin Poe are reminded that his funera takes place to-morrow at 11 o’clock a.m. an not Sunday, the 6ih inst. as notified out our issue yesterday. The
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  • 81 4 Latest Quotations. J'® (unrefined) is quoted here to-day at 9 u DeM donP in BiQ g*PO«’» (refined) at $l2l, buyers no sellers, Messrs. Boustead Co inform ns that the following were the quotations for Rubber on spot in London on tbe 2od inst reoeivtd to-day:— Plantation Ist
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  • 922 4 An Admission. We kuow not the private opinion of ryery individual in Malaya as to the present and future of eveuta io regard to tha war—TOM. A Sorry Plight, Wont her it be true that au army met-ohe* on its f-et or on its stomaob, there oau b*
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 148 4 :dcdc=: MOSAIC TILES. THE BEjT THING FOR YOUR FLOOR CHEAP and LISTING and ARTISTIC IN APPEARANCE. IMPROVE WITH USE. A room 10 feet by 10 feet will only require 225 Tiles. We can lay them for you at moderate prices. Hundreds of patterns to choose from. WE SOLICIT YOUR INQUIRIES!
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  • 1476 5 [REUTER'S TELEGRAMS.] IKPOBTANT DEVELOPMENTSTHE BttE-iT-LITOVdK PROPOSALS, Bolshevik ExplanationPoln gr-i Jad. 2, The Bolihevik Nawa Agency, referring 0 the Brest Litovsk proposals, says that articles one and two Cibled on Dicember 13 were German proposal! to which the Russian delegation refused to agree, The Russian delegation expressed
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  • 765 5 [REUTER'S TELEGRAMS.] Portion of tho UkraineI 1 Pttrograd, Jan. 2. I The Bolshevik News Agenoy announces I that the Ukraine Rada is willing to agree Ito tbe Bolshevik demands not to take or I facilitate military measures against I the Bolsheviks on condition that money 1 1
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  • 631 5 [REUTER'S TELEGRAMS] Admiralty ReportLondon, J*i.u« j 2 9 50 p m. The Admiralty reports tiut arrivals at British porta during the week num--1 bared 2111 and tbe sailings 2074 Total 4185 Eighteen vessels over 1.600 tors si d three under that tonnage were sunk, nuking a total
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  • 27 5 (Firm Our Own Correspondent, London, January 2, The prioes in the Loudon Rubber Market to-day were: Pale Crepe Ml 2/6 Diamond Smoked Sheet 2/5$
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  • 257 5 [REUTER'S TELEGRAMS.] ENEMY ARTILLERY MORE ACTIVE Considerable Air-Fightinq. t Ljtdon, J*p. 3, 12 25 a.m. Sir Douglas Haig reports that the enemy, attempting a raid in the neighbourhood of Oppe, was driven off before reaching our > trenohes. His artillery was more aotive in 1 the neighbourhood of
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  • 170 5 The hearing was commeooed in the Supreme Court b'-fore Mr, Justice Woodward to-day of a case under the Acquisition of Lands for Public Purposes Ordinance in which the olsimant is Mr. Ooi Sean Bwee and the opposite party the Penang Harbonr Board. The claimant possesses a piece
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  • 259 5 The following articles will be found on our outside pages Pages. 2. —The Perfect Ending. Siam, Franoe and the Allies. Obiter Dicta. 3. —F.M.B- Rubbe- Export Duty. Eastern Produce Exchange. Tin Outputs. Rubber Restriction Proposals Hindus and the Endowments Board. 6, —The New Feminism. Why They did not Fight.
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  • 644 5 [REUTER'S TELEGRAMS.] THE RECENT OPERATIONS. A Fine AchievementLondon, Jan. 3. Reuter’s correspondent at headquarters in Jerusalem, cabling on Deotmber 30, state 8 1 “The record of the last few days* fighting, which drove the Turks helter-skelter, from immensely strong positions, is a great achievement. The Turks opened their
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  • 744 6 OuMii Plots in Italy, 81owly but surely the secret history ot the war is beginning to become known. Behind the great military offensives under* taken by the enemy there have been conducted political offensives of even greater importance. It is doubtful if there is such
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  • 64 6 FaiDAT, JabUART 4. Penang Race Entries Close. Town Band, Esplanade, Satubday, January 5. Penang War Loan Lottery Drawing, Esplanade. SUNDAY, JANUARY 6. Epiphany. Universal day of Prayer and Thanks* giving appointed by the King. Mokday, January 7. Town Band, Esplanade. Tuesday, January 8, Municipal Commission, 4 pm.
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  • 22 6 Sumatra Consolidated 62,000, Bukit Mertajam 86,673, Taiping 66,281, Sungei Siput 1f, 700, Susgei Reyla (F M S.) 18,087 lb.
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  • 1023 6 Successful Sports on Sua and Land. Over 200 member* and guests assembled at the Singapore Club to watch the sea sports, and most of them afterwards tiffiaed at the Club, says the Strait» Timet of Wednesday. During tiffia Colonel Derrick, Piesident of the Club, read
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  • 1926 6 Only in a few months ago— the early spring—Mata-Hari appeared in a Paris musio ball, the Folies Bergere- It was her first appearance on the French stage since the outbreak of the war; and in the last three years France’s ideas of propriety on the stage
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  • 55 6 The following programme of music will be ployed at the Golf Club to-morrow at 5 45 p.m, 1 flection A CountrT Girl Monokton 2 The Egyptian Patrol Pasass Vale Lane 3 R mmiscence of the Plantation Chambers i Nuit Waldteufel 5 Polka Retour des Champs Dupret 6
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  • 1952 6 (By E. Belfort Pax.) 1 The Making of Wohk-Ox toed Essays > IV feminism by A. Maude Royden, Ralph J R OD9r Eleauo’r F. Rathbone, Elinor Burns, ST Round Table, and Victor Gollanc. i Edited by Victor Gollancz. (London: George Allen A'Ujtfcia.) I The essays contained ir
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  • Page 6 Advertisements

  • 1441 7 In this little volume are reprinted a moil noble sene* of State Paper*, perhaps the most disinterested pronouncements on tbe rights and libt-rue. of free peoples which have ever been made m the world’s history. No onp, in high political position among tbe nation», has seen
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  • 489 7 The Bound Table points out the depressing fact that after three years of war not one of the purposes of the Empire in going to war has yet been fulfilled—or looks like being fulfilled ia the near future. Yet this quarterly is assured of ultimata
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 406 7 DC DUCZDnC DC PA LE WOMEN DO Many a woman who Lad a good colour at Home grow* j al» and sallow when living in the Tropios- 8 Wh n th*' fading oolour in cheeks and lips is accompanied by a loss of brightness in the ey«« and an increasing
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    • 79 7 Coer; 1 ip=9an*s f You Clean Outside annfi inji kill W b a t about your Inside I To be bealtby, it’» ju»t a» important to rleaa your stemaeb of impurities, it ia to keep your body clean. FINK r TTL3 gently A 6 imulaie tbe bowel», thus keeplag 'be
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    • 606 7 Are You Crumpled Up with rheumatism F Then these word* are ▼oar salvation. I Parbap? you have bsen told that you can. □ot be cured. There are thousands who bare bean told that before you. They tried LITTLE S ORIENTAL BALM rubbed it on to the aching parts, the swellings,
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1726 8 P. 0— BRITISH INDIA AND APGAR LINE. (Companies Incorporated in EnJtnd) MAIL AND PASSENGER SERVICES. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS(Undei Contract with Hia Majesty’s Government.) The Company’s MAIL SERVICES EAST OF BOMBAT are at present impended Pe'seng-nrn for Europe »r« booked via Bombay as opportunity offers aad as far as modation
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