Straits Echo, 3 January 1918

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 55 2 £Y> IK/' A •J** EfKiK V^f'V-iKC 07 M e *S r -Wk V^v /7(fe "ipN M UR 4’^ V V; V Vi A--t* r KV V < CK\ m u s. iO :a Cl v t .C m 5- :*'r It &V.-M maah ASHM iW e] a V m e
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  • 944 3 New Year Meeting, 1918. (Under S. R- A. Rules of Racing.) RACE DAYS: F RST DAY Tuesday, 15th January, 1918. SECOND DAY Thursday, 17th January, 1918. THIRD DAY Saturday, 19th January. 1918. first day, TUESDAY, 15th JANUARY 1918. A 7 George Town Tlate and Purse «100. A
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  • 1951 3 One of the most difficult problems in the j whole range of political economy is the j connection between the volume of currency and the range of prices. Yet, partly perhaps because this problem is so difficult, there are few questions upon which writers and
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 309 3 Entries Close January, 1918. w Ponie,, the Official Haudicapper may, witli the separately Handicapped, into more or leas than adrerthed and each Claaa will he separately Han ppe In all Divide Race." the Commits hot SStlSSES do not justify two Races, to instruct Handicapp* 0 f Entries justify their
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    • 12 3 For Children’s Hacking Cough at Night Woods’ Great Peppermint Cure la 6d.
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    • 91 3 Chamberlain's Coigh Remedy. When yen bare a bad cold you want a remedy that will not only give relief, but efffet a prompt and permanent cure, a remedy that ia pleasant to take, a remedy that contains nothing injurious. Chamberlain s I Cough Remedy meets all these requirements It acts
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    • 446 3 RHEUMATISM, LUMBAGO SCIATICA. Rheumatism, Lumbago and Sciatica are three of the most common and most painful complaints and practically arise from the same cause and the names only distinguish the location of the disease. If the arms and legs are affected it is called Rheumatism: if in the Loins, Lumbago;
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  • 1056 4 (£>X H. B. C. fOLL-UtD.) > When tee world war broke out in August, 1914, few people realised the actual nature of the calamity and it is oertain that no one cad the faintest conception of the magnitude of the struggle. Since then the British naiion—and
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 132 4 iWhiteaw&y, Laidlaw Co. Ltd., Penang. H Nj a (INC02P0EAT2D IN ZNSLAN2) 1 0i SWEEPING !|||LLVt-UAT REDUCTIONS |0 C|t *MI »HH HH-HII I H 14- H H- H H >S H -H-S<■ -H-H-iS3 STOCKTAKING SALF a m s cl Jiati- ra dqjj ss- 1 Monday, Jan. 7th at 9 a. il
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    • 175 4 OND c<* k £.o“.e'"!is gAHTBSR^ MB fe§&3c3fcss£ *EW YORK. Borden’s Eagle Brand Condensed Milk has no Equal. LARGE TINS FULL WEIGHT OBTAINABLE EgSSK EN m tSSS •'»Co*o*'.***j‘ u XsHruSnL^ r»? EVERYWHERE i <j -41:- < Connell Brothers Coy., Sole Agents. 1 Hengmoh HongKee A C0.,l Special Agents. Poh Seng &Co
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  • 836 5 [Bt Tom Wright.] With what a difference may the same tbisg be done by different people. Registration” in the United Kingdom was a mere census-taking affair, a formality, a 60 arcs of information for the Government, and (assurance in Parliament) it had absolutely no connection with conscription.” The chief
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  • 432 5 Sousd Si ngapoeb Opinion. In the course of a leading article on the proposal of the Rubber Growers’ Association to reduce the rubber output for 1918 to 80 per cent, of that harvested in 1917, the Free Free» says “As a general rule restriction of production leads
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  • 37 5 C From Our Oicn Correspondent Kuala Lumpur, January 2. A cable has been received here from home which announces the death of Mr. F. J. B. Dykes, late Senior Warden of Mines, F.M.S.
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  • 59 5 PKMA.NG WOMBK WORRIES. Amount previously acknowledged 16,249.68 Mrs. Darby 10 00 Mrs. Oxenbam 5.00 p. M. 10 00 K. S. 1° 00 Hospital garments for soldiers ready cut out for workers will be given out at the Town Hall every Friday at 9.15 a.m, to 10.80
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  • 139 5 The particulars of the outputs from the following companies for the month of December were Kamunting Tin Dredging Ltd- —Piculs 1.150: Hours run 626; Yards treated 8*7,900 Value of output $BB,OOO Cost of mining $11,500, Chendemng Tin Dredging Ltd., DredgePiculs 475; Hours run 623; Yards treated 87,000; Value
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  • 43 5 The following programme of music wil be played at the Esplanade to-morrow a 5 p.m.:— 1 Overture Morimo Williams 2 In the Shadows Fmck 8 Selection Macbeth Ve T dj 4 Walt* Loin du Bal Ghllet 5 March Adolphe Marks
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  • 39 5 Suneei Gettah 7,220. Perak River Valley *****. S-»roaDgcol 13,133, Jaru 16,51-0, Kot* Lm (Per-k) W g»]‘ 117.585, Krian 28,500. Padang Jawa 27 594, Samagaga 18.077, Karan 11,525, Rantau 6,100, Stiawan 12 911, K M.S. 23,870 lb.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 389 5 THE BUSINESS MAN THE Blsi EL$ NAGEK. T WISHES OF THE SEASON CTRIC POLYSCOPE KHOO KENG CHEOW. A STUPENDOUS ALL-SERiAL-FEATURE PROGRAMME For WednesdaGnd Thursday, 2nd and 3rd January, i9lH. AN It S'X *OttOIN 1 N r •A a ■0 m 3 xi4wml ri V H, 6 RIELS TH” Wl'CHi G
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    • 318 5 Willard Mack’s Thrilling Story £H> Star* tt- fi- ss—- 8S- B* BB* as— BB— BSH 8H Ba— ssMIXED BLOOD A FXYE REEL RED FEATHER FEATURE COMMENCING TO-NIGHT AT 10-15 Empire theatre Business Manager Thomas Shafto. 1 -'■U'U Supporting Films of Excep r ional Merit 7\ H At 8 p.m. 9-15
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  • 98 6 PUBLISHED DAILY (Except Sundays and public holidays.) AT THE CRITERION PRESS, LIMITED, 59, Beach Street, Penang. Price: Dally Local $BO per annum. Outstation Postage Extra. Mall Edition (Post Free) $lB per annum* Cable Address: ECHO PENANQ.” Telephone Nos. (Eoho) 586. Printing Department 343. A. B. —all business
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  • 1336 6 j As intimated in a Random Note yesterday, the establishment of a college in Singapore is in a fair way to becoming an accomplished fact That is good hear ing. Even one oasis in the educational desert that is Malaya is better than no aasis at all. The
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  • 965 6 Mr. D. K. Somerville, of the Straits Steamship Company, is engaged on Admiralty work in Scotland. Mr. Wee Glim Keng, seoond son of the late Mr. Wee 8 wee 800, who went to England to fiaish bis studies arrived here to-day via Singapore and Medan. s s
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  • 967 6 Clive’s C.pture ol Calcutta. Yestertky was the 16Ut anniversary 0 f the of Oalomta by Clive after it had beet overwhelmed in the previrns Jqq« by the enormous host of Bur»j« DjwUli, who tbust 117 English prism «is into a duo. geon eighteen feet square, of whom only
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 223 6 Plate Cameras. STOCKTAKING SALE. GREAT BARG4INS. SANDERSON i PLATE CAMERA Fitted with F—8 Symetrical Lens and Thornton-Pickard Shutter. Complete with 2 Double Dark Slides, Tripod and Focussing Cloth, $65.00« A Grind Camera for Amateur or Professional• There is nothing approaching the above value in Penang. Sanderson tropical i Plate Camrra.
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  • 752 7 [REUTER'S TELEGRAMS] ENEMY PROPOSALS. Qnesticn of Baltic Ports Petrograd, Jan. 3, 8 a.m. The Russian delegates to Biest Litovsk hsve returned to Petrograd. They state that the Germans expressed their readiness t0 evacuate White Russia but diclmed to withdraw their troops from Riga, Libaa and lisiltr bases,
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  • 714 7 [REUTER'S TELEGRAMS.] GENERAL KALEDIN’S ARMY. Whole Cossack Population Mobilised. London, January 2, 6.40 a no. The correspondent of the Timet in Petrograd states that the whole of tbp Cossack population in the Don valley, j including the women, have been mobilised for civil war. Thousands of
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  • 528 7 [REUTER'S TELEGRAMS] ALLIES' INTENTIONS. An Appeal to DemocracyLondoo, J «nuary 2. Tbe Timet' correspondent at Washington states that exchanges of views are proceeding between Loudon, Paris and Washington regarding the form of the reply to the Au9tro-German terms when they are presented to the Allies by the
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  • 245 7 Latest Quotations. Tin (unrefined) is quoted hero to-day at $125.25, business done, in Singapore (refined) at $126.25 buyers no sellers, Messrs. Rlbeiro and Co., send us one of their useful desk calendars for 1918. Router, cabling on December 31, stated that silver was steady and added that the market
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  • 1686 7 [REUTER'S TELEGRAMS.] The Persistent GermanLondon, Dec. 31, 11 45 p.m. Sir Douglas Haig reports “The enemy this miming renewed his attack on Welsh R-dga on a 1,200 yards *ront, His troops on the southern portion of the attack temporarily, with the assistance of l'quid fire, entered our trench
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  • 214 7 [REUTER'S TELEGRAMS.] BETTER NEWS. Enemy Forced BackL jndoc, J -nuary 1, 6.5 p.m. An Italian c fficia) commucq: says i "Owing to our energetic pressure since D cetrber 27 the enemy has abandoned the bridgehead at Z neon and Grossed to the left bark of the Pmve, suff
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  • 583 7 The following articles will be found on our outside pages Pages. 3.—Cur ercy lifliMon and High Prices, 4 —Thu National War Museum. 5. —Adversaria. Rubber Out* ut Restriction. Mary’s Needlework Guild. December Rubber Crops. Tin Outputs. To-morrow’s Band Programme. B*—‘‘Oar Dav Result. Police Court News, Empire Theatre. P-nang Rubber
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  • 918 8 Nearly A Million Dollars. A meeting of tbe General Committee of tbe"OurD«y” Fund was held yesterday afternoon, tbe chairman (tha hon’ble Mr. F. 8. James, c. m g.), says tbe Free Prett of Tuesday. Mr. M. Kolease, bon. secretary of the General Committee, presented the following
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  • 445 8 Alleged Bash Driving. Mat and Kulop, motor drivers, appeared in the District Court, this morning, on the charges of (1) driving their cars in a rash and manner; (2) driving their cars on the wrong side of the road arid (3) failing to souod their horns. It
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  • 97 8 The Empire Theatre presents an unequalled programme commencing to-night. Io the first show four reels of the Great Universal Serial‘’The Voice on the Wire” will be screened and in the second show at 9.15 tharp several laughable comedies together with a Red Feather Feature “Mixed Blood”, a five
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  • 84 8 The undermentioned prices were realised for rubber sold by Messrs. Allen Dennyß Co. at their 345th Auction Sale held today Smoked Diamond Sheet No. 1 sB9to 97 per picul Smoked Diamond Sheet No. 2 65 77 do Unsmoked Sheet No. I 76 do Unsmcfeed Sheet No, 2
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  • 140 8 Thursday, January 3. Penang War Loan Lottery closes, Friday, January 4. Penang Race Entries Close. Town Band, Esplanade, Saturday, January 5. Penang War Loan Lottery Drawing Esplanade. Sunday, January 6. Epiphany. Universal day of Prayer and Thanksgiving appointed by the King. Monday, January 7. Town Band, Esplanade.
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  • 925 8 England's Lesson with Napoleon. I The penalty of b iaging war to an end before its work is acc mplished should be known to this country from experience, for tbe game wh'cb Germany is trying to play to-day was practised at our expense more than a century
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  • 409 8 Daar Enemies, —You speak with many ▼oices, but wa think we know you by now. Your leader in the Reichstag-—Ebert—says that The speedy conclusion of peace is a vital necessity for the workmen of all countries. The policy of the mailed fist will, after the frightful
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  • 545 8 An ordinary general meeting of the Straits Trading Co. Ltd, was held at the registered > office, 11, Collyer Quay, on December 31, the hon’ble Mr, W. W. Cook presiding. The meeting adopted the statement of accounts and balance sheet for the half-year ended Sept 30, and
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  • 986 8 One grows weary of writing on the chaotic state of China, but in viaw of tbe latest phases it is imperative that both furtifensrs and enlightened Chinese should realise how dangerously near-the country u drifting towards anarchy. Yesterday an observer returned to Shanghai from the Capital, and although
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 468 8 WANTED TWO EXPERIENCED Compositor» for the Newspaper Department. Good •alary to competent men. Apply to: FOREMAN, 10, cjo Strait» Echo. WANTED A CONDUCTOR. Must ■peak Tamil and Malay. Also have thorough knowledge of all field work. Apply in writing stating terms to Manager, Sungei Gettah Estate, Semeling. 4a, WANTED. CASHIER
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    • 42 8 Early Golds. Be careful of the colds you take at this time of the year. They are particularly dan* gerous. A neglected cold may mean a win* ter-long oold. Take Chamberlain's Comgh Remedy at onoe, For sale by all dispensaries and dealers,
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    • 49 8 Why It Selli Chamberlain's Cough B°medy is the largest selling cough medicine in the world to-day because it does exactly what a cough remedy is supposed to do. It stops the cough by curing the cold, and does it speedily and effectually. For sale by all diepensanes and dealers.
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    • 41 8 Accidents Will Happen. ft may ba impossible to prevent »n aooi- not ‘“possible to be prepared for it. Chamberlain's P»ip Balm is not beyond anyone’s parse, and with a bottia of ißimeafe yoa are prepared for alnuit SfaLr F r b >
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  • 1220 9 Will Aircraft End The War By C. G. Gbit, Editob of thi Aeroplane So often in these days one bears th-. qaestioD, "Will aircraft end the warp th* it is worth while to pat the answer to tb< question in something like a logical f irm People have visions of
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  • 783 9 I really cannot help scribbling a few lines on the well merited good fortune cf the proprietors of the Bangkok Daily Mail lioals 430,000 is the price paid and I believe the principal proprietor is Mr. Huffman, who came here several years ago from America to assist
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 472 9 n 0 a 0 0 0 0 a a V 0 a n a 0 0 0 Ruivnymeifc Hotel, Penang x (SEA-SfOE) Every Wednesday and Saturday Musical Selections DURING WF^BR, v 8^ o an nnnnnnnnanaar^nnnnnnaanau 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a x 8H
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    • 13 9 For Children 1 Haeking Cough at Right. Wood’ Groat Peppermint Care la, 6d.
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    • 909 9 KTOTICR Notice is hereby given that Mr, C. R. A. Goatlj baa been admitted aa a partner in tbia firm aa from January lat. R. T. REID A Co. NOTICE. MY WIPE KHOO YONG SIM haring left my protection I do not any longer conaider her to be my wife
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  • 1537 10 Id the Fortnightly, H M Hyndman writes with his usual resolute sanity on the political career of Sir Charles Dilke. Nowhere have we seen the development of Dilke’s opinions and policy more lucidly put. His exile from public office Mr. Hyndman thinks to hare been Dilke’s own
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  • 357 10 President Feng Kwo Chang has promised to render Mr. Lin Yi Shun, an oversea Chinese merchant, every assistance in making his experiment of rubber and eoconat planting in China a success. He has also approved of Mr. Lin’s proposal for tbe organisation of an oversea industrial bank
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 62 10 In a bot climate such as tbia harmful bacteria multiply very quickly and that is the reason of atomaoh and bowel complaints being eo prevalent. These troubles are difioult to cure unless the right medicine be taken, WOODS' GREAT PEPPERMINT CURE is a medicine of sound curative properties and particularly
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    • 267 10 Began Since the The Allied Governments Have Bought Over ROYAL TYPEWRITERS To Equip their New Armies Compare the work and you too will choose the ROYAL Typewriter,—the machine that makes big organizations complete. STOCKED IN BRIEF, POLICY 8 FOOLSCAP SIZES BY THE SOLE IMPORTERS: HUTTENBACH AND COMPANY. GROSS HERMANOS. MALAGA,
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  • 2035 11 Mature, busy at the eternal job of evolving sklarks and monkeys from protoplasm, sudenly found a creature that had jumped becreative claim and was developing accordin) to his own plan instead of hers. She ha made the thing better than a monkey for th practical business of running round
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 238 11 JAMES EPFS Co., Ltd (IITCOEPOhfED IN ENULAM» > CONTRACTORS to H. M. GOVERNMENT «S' EPPS’S COCOA. o. A 1 u vvvvn. i+j iri i i )b. Packets and 1 lb. tins. cr \A cfEPPS'S CHOCOLATES,^ BURRELL CO.’S BOILED RAW LINSEED OILS. SNOW WHITE ZINC. PAINTS TURPENTINE. To be had Retail
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    • 392 11 Are You Crumpled Up with rheumatism Then these wordi are your salvation. Perhaps you have been told that jeu can. not ba cured. There are tbouaandi who hare been told that before you. They tried LITTLE’S ORIENTAL BALM rubbed it on to the aching parts, the swelljog», the twitching drawn
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1854 12 p. BRITISH INDIA AND APCAR LINE. (Companies Incorporated in England MAU. AMO PASSENGER SERVICE8. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS. (Uadai Contract with Hia Majesty's Government.) Tho Company 1 MAIL 8ERY1CE8 EASfT OF BOMBAY in at prsssnt suspended. Ha Bombay m opportunity offers and m far as igevs for Burope aw booked
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