Straits Echo, 30 November 1917

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 945 1 mi/ r.j}/it*MC op" :-jrv VV A j :’1» 3Br •tv i Mi COOP CHANCE 'Phone No. 694, OR STOP ON YOUR WAY HOME 4 BANKS X Chartered Bank of India. Australia and China. Incorporated in England by Royal Charter.) Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation. Nederlandscho handei Maatsohappij. FO* MICHELIN TYRES
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    • 10 1 SSmS Or IS* ""tEC tion* Jsf J» !S> sssSS?33 IC^
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  • 999 2 Slowly through the darknees the long line of dhoolies winds up th-« tortuous mountain path, the glare of torches cast ing an unearthly li« ht over the faces of the occupants, and on the swarthy features of the straining bearers, who every now and then give
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  • 1179 2 DEBASING THE CURRENCY. [Bt Hartley Withers in tmb Daily When a nation goes to war, it can only meet its cost by stinting itself, except in so far as it does so by borrowing abroad or selling to forrigners its assets, such as the securities of foreign
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 341 2 ;xxx>' XXX>00<XXXXXXXXXXX, '51 apoow iwll RENOWNED FO>* QUALITY 1« BSD LD1. Bolton Sheets Extra heavy twill sheets, pure white bleach, free from filling, very soft finish, durable in wear. Sizes Prices 74 by 4$ ft. $2.55 ea. 7$ by 6 $3.60 74 by 7* $3.95 74 by 84 $4.75 Bolton
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    • 561 2 A Stubborn To corquer an obstinate enem. persistency and perseverance same with Rheumatism, the' d r L'! mankiDd, which ranks foremost SI* 5* < ness. To eradicate it from t be Ubbor must use the right weannn 7 i?' To Orient»! Balm is the only remedy overpower it. It has
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  • 947 3 A CONVERSATION. Because Scotland beat England at Bannoekbarn a Union was established, Otherwise England «night have become the vassal of the Gallic Empire. As it is the two peoples are united, and the glbry of St. Davy that never shone (or will shine) brighter -than in this
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  • 828 3 SOVEREIGN AS THE UNIT. A PmoroswD Bill. The Decimal Association, we are inform? ed, are about to ask the Association of Bankers and the Association of Chambers of Commerce to meet them in order la pat forward a Bill in 1 'Parliament to decimal liie the coinage, The
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  • 179 3 A very old resident of Singapore died last evening at his residence in Bnkit Timah rd, in the person of Mr. Alexander James Gunn, for many years secretary to the Chamber of Commerce and a wellknown man in Singapore. He succeeded in the secretaryship
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  • 139 3 The Empire Theatre waa simply packed last night and for the lower seats only standing accommodation was availab e. The programmers of a high order and included one 'Chapter of The Great Secret,” the mystery of which the audience are beginning to coojecture bnt when the last !<
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  • 117 3 The Shielding Shadow the sensational serial, being shdwn at the Electric Polyscope is keeping people agog with excitement, and the two further episodes of it, with a notable long Pathe detective drama in The Trap will keep the audience well entertained tonight. Toe Girl of Frisco is a
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 383 3 jgffWfTffnTfWfWWrtTWWfTTWWWWWTWntff* TO-NIGHT! TO-NIGHT t 3 SENSATIONAL SPECTACULAR SURPRISES. ff ft 4 F ft 4 ft 4 PLNANG’i POIIILAR LVESTBODY GOES. Ft g-r it- 4 5-u »-»d ft 4 Sr 4 EMPlREtheatre Business Manager Thomas Shat to. ft 4 ft 4 ft 4 F ft 4 ft 4 j* 4 ft
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    • 161 3 A COMPLETE PLANT OF RICE MILL with Accpisories including one Piug Igniti >n Petroleum Motor of 2 H.P. Capacity 100 piculs per 24 hours. Apply EaSTBR* TeADINO Co., Penang. FOR SALE. The following shop houses in the township of Taiping:— No. l.HouseNo S 3, Kota Road. 2. C 42 do.
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    • 192 3 WA.NTEJD. An ehperienced bookkeeper and CASHIER. Security »2.000. Apply in writing, with copies of testimonials to: G. D., c/e Strait» Etho, WANTED. STEADY CLERK of Book-keeping and Typwriting. Apply Box 600. c/o Strait» Ech». v WANTED. A SIGNAL SERGEANT, at Fort Cornwallis, Penang, Salary £lOO p.a. to £l2O (yearly increment
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  • 98 4 flMttat daily (axoept Sudtja tad pdMu > bobdmT») AT TMM CRITERION PRESS) Ltd. gl 59, Batch Street, Pauif. Pbioh' I Duly Lmdl m 954 par unia. m Portage Extra. Mail Fiitir- (Port Free) 117.50 OilLl iODIIU 10H0—PENANG.” Telephone Nos. (Echo) 586 Printing Department 343 M.B.—A 11 business
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  • 1309 4 A partnership of nations, based on the principle of public right, was declared bj IMr Asquith from the very beginning of the war to be our ultimate aim in it And I through the smoke of battle that vision 'Lust never be lost. Not domination is the
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  • 923 4 Mr. W. Peel, who went to the F.M.8., returned to-day. E 97. Bro. Jamep, who was on a visit to Burmab, returned to day from Moulmein Mr. C. 0. Cline, of the East Asiatic Company, Limited, Singora. is on a visit to Penang. Mr. Ng Seng Sooi,
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  • 1001 4 A Postal Anniversary. To-morrow is tbe rf t of the division of rL 1 &DolT(l ru,. f ,,nctt December 1856 j«2 toder in London received e 7 hos„. Rowland Hill announcing Vst tro apportioned the metropolis and he M mto ten districts, an!Tgj Tni d t 8
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  • 26 4 (.From Omr Own Correspondent London, November If. The prices in the London Rubber Marks* to-day were: Pale Crepe 2/6f Diamond Smoked Sheet l/$$
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 195 4 a* X THE WELL-KNOWN Hi Akiha Rickshaws. A ride in one of these is a treat. For Smooth. Running and durable wear we recommend an Akiha “SEEING IS BELIEVING.” INSPECTION CORDIALLY INVIETD. PRICE EXCEPTION ABLY LOW FOR THE QUALITY WHICH IS SIMPLY Al. Sole Agents: Messrs: THE EASTERN TRADING Coy.
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    • 46 4 IN AID OF THE RED CROSS FUND. ST. ANDREW’S DAY. Dl«u forget the Soccer Match TO-DAY Planters vs. P. C C, AT THE PA Have you booked table at tbe E. O. For the Haggis and Scotch Broth Over SOO have already made s’ccar. ye kea.
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  • 615 5 [Reuter's Telegrams.] admibalty betubns. A Slight Bise. London, November 29. The Admiralty reporta that the arrivals daring the week numbered 2,056 and the sailings 2,122 4.180 Total Fourteen veaaela over 1,600 tons were iaok and aeven under that tonnage, making a total of twenty-ore. Eight vessels were
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  • 590 5 [Reuter’s Telegrams] Raids Repulsed London, Novemoer 29, 12.10 a.m. Sir Douglas Haig reports:— “There is nothing special to report on the Cambrai battle front. We repulsed two raids in the neighbourhood of Avion. The enemy’s artillery has been active on the Ypres front and very heavily so in
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  • 384 5 [Reuter's Telegrams] Enemy Thrusts London, Nov. 28. Reuter’s correspondent at the Italian Headquarters states "The enemy vainly hammered at the valley on both sides of Mount Grippa and are now apparently attempting to desoend towards the plain from the Sette Communi plateau in the hope that the threat
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  • 281 5 LIEUT. P. H. MORRIS, M-S.V.R. Kill» ie Action. In the oasualty lists of October 22 appears the name of 2ad Lieut, P.H. Morris, Machine-Gun Corps, as killed in aotion, This obviously refers to Mr. P. H. Morris, one time of Ipoh and latterly machinegun officer of
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  • 583 5 [Reuter’s Telegrams] Armistice Negotiations Petrograd, Nov, 28. General Krylenko, in an order to tbs Army and Navy, announces that the envoj nominated by him had returned with an official answer from the German Com-mander-in-Chief consenting to enter into negotiations for an armistice at all the fronts. General Krylenko
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  • 496 5 [Reuter's Telegrams.] Lord Lansdowne's LetterLondon, November 29. Lord Lansdowne, in a luDg latter to the Daily Telegraph, urges co-ordination in the war aims of the Allies and says that the prolongation of the war will rain the civilised world and an immense stimulcs will probably be given
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  • 67 5 The foliowing articles will be found o» our outside pages Pages. 2. —Finance by Inflation. Sunrise Over Mt. Everest. 3. —St. Andrew’s Day. Decimal Coinage. The Late Mr. A. J Gunn. 6 —The Premier’s Libel Ac’ion. L«te Mr. R. E. Jackson Enemy Bubjacts in < hina K'ntaK lles The
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  • 548 5 In the Dst ict C urt, this morning, Cbeih Cbye Sna local Babi, was charged »s follows:—"Tiat you on or about the Ist October, 1917, being entrusted] with csrt»in property, to wit, money to the value of $1 468 55 to pay to one Pog Ah
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  • 174 5 PENANG “OUR DAT.” Amount previously acknowledged ...$126,318 26 P.M I. A. p cceeds Amateur Dramatic p3formance 2,683 73 EvattACo. 100 00 Additional amount Dindings “Our Day” 2,269 71 Collecting card No. 11 by Syed S«Heb Alsag ff 28 00 P oceeds Swimming Olnh Water Carnival
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  • 61 5 Latest Quotations. Tin (unrefined) is quoted here to-day at $132.75, business done, in Singapore (refined) at $133 50 business done, (210 tone ‘0 d) and in London at J 8285 spot and at £286 threa months. A private water boat sank in her moorings last night. Thi causa is
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  • 518 6 RESIGNATION ow Cabinet. Peking, November 16: —Tuan Chi Jui has resigned the Prenaiership. It umi r stood that the whole Cabinet will follow his His resignation is quite unexpected *nd has caused a considerable sensation, me reasons for it are still somewhat Commenting on the above, the Press
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  • 345 6 TO-MORROW’S "OUR DAY” GYMKHANA. The Hon, Secretary of the Penang Polo Club Gymkhana advisee ua -that given fine wither there is every prospect of a fast and excitirg polo match to-morrow afternoon. The game commences and is a three-obukkur match of 9 minutes each, with ten-minute intervals
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  • 934 6 INCREASED AREA PLANTED. Reducbd Costs. The seventh o>diu»ry general meeting of Kinta Kellas Rubber E tates. Limited, was held at the Council R »nm of the Rubber Growers’ Association, 38, Eastcheap, E. C., Mr. Edward Bedford, (chairman of the companv), presiding. The Cnairman said that last year shareholders
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  • 81 6 Friday. Novbmbr* 30 Town Band, Esplanade St. Andrew. St. Andrew's Society, Our Day” Dinner, E. O Hotel. Football—Planters vs. P.C.C., Esplanade. Saturday, Decembbr 1. Queen Alexandra’s Birthday. Ta ping Our Baxaar, Supper and Dance, Town Hall, Polo Club Gymkhana, Pclo Ground, 4.30 p.m. New Railway Time-Table comes
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  • 1453 6 TELLS WHERE HE SPENT AN AIR RAID NIGHT, Watching Shrapnel Burst. A settlement was recently effected of the action for libel brought by the Prime Minister against the Exchange lelegraph Co. the Westminster Gazette, and the Daily News, Ltd. in tin case of the latter newspaper, the
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  • 195 6 Says Wednesday’s if. M. The funeral of Mr. R. E. Jackson," of K»jtng, who succumbed yesterday to injuries sustained in a motor cycle accident on Sunday evening, took place in Kuala Lumpur this morning with military honours, deceased having been a member of the
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  • 178 6 The treatment of enemy subjects in China, which was recently the subj *ct of a repreMentation to the Chinese Government by the Ministers of the Allied Powers, appears, from a statement in the Peking Daily Newt. to be extraordinarily lax. According to onr contemporary there are
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  • 1943 6 The I-Li; or Book|of Etiquette and Ceremo- c nial Translated -from the Chinese, with I j Introduction, Notes, and Plans, by John ‘Steele. Two Volumes. (Probsihain. 245). L No nation has ever been to weighted by I j ceremonial rales and regulations for every* day observances as the
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  • 46 6 Tbe following programme of mu*ic will played at the Esplanade this evem ft at 5 p.m. 1 Overture The Eclipse Wii** 1 2 Bolero Pasquita Bigg o 3 Selection A Chinese Honeymoon Talbot 4 Waltz Reine du Danube 5 March Magara 1 doCl
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 86 6 Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. When you have a bad cold you want a remedy that will not only giro relief, but effect ar prompt a remedy that is pleasant to take, a remedy that contains nothing injurious. Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy meets all these requirements. It acts on nature’s plan, relieves the
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    • 51 6 Accidents Will Happ«* It may» be impossible to prerent an dent, but it is not impossible to be P re P a L for it. Chamberlain's Pain Balm >» B yond anyone'* purse, and with a bot lo this liniment you tare prepared tor wort 1 thing. Fwruale ’by ’nil
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  • 1367 7  -  By Horace Hutchinson. Id 1917, for the first time, England had a chanoe of hearing baseball. A. sigtt of the game had been given it several times before, wnen teams of American or Canadian players had patriotically desired to show the mothercountry what their own national game
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  • 714 7 Sir Hubert Gough was born on August 12, 1870; the eldest son of the late Sir Charles John Stanley Gough. He was educated at Eton and Sandhurst, and in 1889 obtained a commission in the 16fb Lancers. He served in the Tirah Expedition and in the Siuth
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 537 7 lllliuna’sag nhbb a*® ASK FOR GIRARD'S S Well-kuowa “One, Two »nd Three Grape»” Brandr, fl quality unsurpassed and price unrivalled Its merit recommends it-elf, and a trial will convince you. Obtain- able Irom all leading fctorea. s TIANC L-EE <Sc CO. j* Sole Agents. Fenang and F M S* f
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    • 41 7 ann: ann Are Victims plane 8 Most People •re tainted, 11 mature to establish re«ular habits of health n casta h> ehial at roar dmUiit 1 or dlract hr Mail on rscaipt of orloa Llrom 08. WILLIAMS* MEDICINE COMPANY, SINGAPORE. BDaBMBBMBanDBBMMSaManBMBE^MBh-i-liaa
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    • 661 7 oc jnCZDHC Jf. BE PREPARED TO FIGHT. Nature is always fighting to kerp well. Under normal oorditions ths forces < f health within our bodies keep the disoaso germs in subWtinn are n< t expelled entirely but they are kept harmless. J Some indiscretion in diet and the digestion is
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
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