Straits Echo, 27 November 1917

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 980 2  -  [By Capt. H. B. C. Pollard The litt’e Felgiau hamlet poo* enough place, just a little t\>up of s»"!**©». a smith’s forgo where carts ami peasant* gear might be repair© and an est«miv*‘ Autumn weather was already »t ippmg 'he leaves from the tall poplars and the road*
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  • 747 2 THE QUESTION OF RO*D3. Un FFICIAL u AGISTR ATEB A general meeting of the Ulu Selangor District Planters’ Association was held at Kuala Kubu on November 22 The following were present: —Messrs W de L Brooke ((.hairman) N H Dakeyne (Hon Secretary), G C. Bailey R M.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 223 2 Whiteaway’s m ALL-BRITISH S BOOTS SHOES Penang. EXCEPTIONAL VALUE IN UP-TO-DATE LADIES’ CANVAS FOOT WEAR. W. ro►as o- w -T *■>£ The ‘Swiss’ Brand Ladies’ White Canvas Derby Lacing Shoes, made with neat toe caps, fine canvas uppers, white canvas lining, strong soles, smartly finished. THE “SWISS” BRAND Ladies’ White
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    • 90 2 Chamberlain s Cough Remedy. When ycu have a bad cold you want a remedy that will not only give relief, but efffct a prompt and permanent cure, a remedy that is pleasant to take, a remedy that contains nothing injurious. Chamberlain*’ Cough Remedy meets all these requirement*. It acts on
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    • 526 2 A Stubborn p 0l To conquer an obstinate enem persistency and perseverance seme with Rheumatism, the’ a, thi mankind, which ranks foremost r#ld 08 of uese. To eradicate ,t fromZ mu.t u-e the right wear™ 7 Oriental Balm is the only v«med v overpower it. It has cured h*ini 7
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  • 1065 3 Japan’s Straight forward Policy. Popular Demonstration in New York New Y irk, 8-pt. 30. The festivities in connection with tfce reception of th« Imperial Japanese Mission reached their cu mination at a great given at tbe Waldorf Astoria Hotel yesterday evening, when Viscount Ishii delivered a
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  • 346 3 "OUR DAY” EXHIBITION. Exciting Perak—Pexano Contest. Sijs Monday’s TOM. Lovers of tennis in the Spates have beei> keenly interested ia a series of exciting contests that have b eu in progress betweer the two leading c xponents of the game in the upper part of the Peninsula
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  • 908 3 Opening Sit to Thbelfall j Spowers started service and began in i vigorous style. Getting in some strong drives that tnat bis opponent, he gave only S one ace away in winning the opening game. 1 In the secood game Tbrelfall went off well, but when the score
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 386 3 The Greatest Wonder Attraction Ever Presented. Famous 4 Serial Played to Capacity Houses All Over the World. •ft 3 o f t’ie m f »t exp&ns'Te m? st#rpiec s. So t > that you •ft don't mi>8 seeing To-Night*» Programme— A Stupeod-us Change. 5 THE SHIELDING SHADOW! S See Him
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    • 692 3 UCV fin -8686— 8686* 86— 8686— 8686— 8686— 8686— 86yc an TAKE I\OTE—BE EARLY COMING MONDAY ’XTR SPESHUL ATTRACTION. Model I’iolure I’aluee, Empire theatre Business Manager Thomas Siiafto. II Costly Double Program for Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, November 26tb, 27th and 23th, showing 3 Nghts only. THE SOCIAL BUCCANEER 5
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  • 98 4 TaftKAsi dally (axcept Sunday* and public holiday*) AT TIB OWTHRION PRESS, Ltd. gfo oJ, Boach Street, Penang. Fmicn DaOy Leeal $24 per annum. OwtoUtxm... Postage Extra. Mail riifiia (Port Free) $17.50 H CAB LB ADDSIIS H echo—PENANG” Telephone Nos. (Echo) 586 Printing Department 343 A.8.-All bu sines*
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  • 1316 4 In the trade war that ia to follow the clash of arms—the trade war that is to teach Germany that her highest interest, if she had but known it. was peace and not war—Malaya may play a notable part Germany's stock of raw material must be
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  • 760 4 Mr. end Mrs. A. A. Oraigen have left for India oo a holiday. Mr. 8. Veerasamv, Barrister-at-Law, has 1 joined Mr. G. E Wright Motion, Miss A. Williams has been appointed 1 Matron of the General Hospital here. Commander'D. C. Macintyre, who was up the Penang Hills,
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  • 37 4 [Reuter’s Telegrams] Premier Shouted Down* OtUw*, November 26. A crowJ of youog Germans shouted down S r B L Borden at a j election m eting of M r Kitchener, formerly of Berlin and Ontario,
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  • 948 4 Nablus. The British in Palestine are n-a-in* Je-usaltm—Nablus R’.ad. N«blu« <w. from th3 Greek, Nexpolit the Shechem stands on th* pass, betwsen Mounts Ebal and (Li.that leads from the Mediterranean r 0 Jordan. Ia the eame valley 0 r be Jacob’s Well, the Tree of the *11 Joseph
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 264 4 IK ITS m n 4 YOU ARE WANTING •H-->5--H-->v "HifOSMALH ;C In 5 gallon -f I Drums I PRICES ON •H —H-’i"! —S'S* "iH S S< 9-« Mercury f Perchioride j PRICES ON i 1 HE FIRM. We are the largest purveyors of drugs in the Stra ts Settlements. Doctors,
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    • 50 4 IN AID OF 1 HE RED CROSS FUND. ST. ANDREW S DAY. Diana forget the Soccer Match ON FRIDAY Planters vs. P. C C. AT THE PA DANG. Have you booked table at the E. O. For the Haggis and Scotch Broth Over 200 have already made aiccar, ye ken.
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  • 1338 5 [Reuter's Telegrams] HOHTIN9 AT BOUELON WOOD. Toll of Prisoners. London, Nov. 26. Sir Douglas Haig repoit*:— if Savare fighting took place to-day to the west of Cambrai. The enemy at midday strongly attacked the neighbourhood of jßourlon and pressed us back from portions of the village. Our positions
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  • 452 5 [Reuter's Telegrams] Enemy Attempts FoiledLondon, November, 26. A wire from Rone oa November 25, dealing with the fortnight’s hard fighting on the Piave line, says that half a dozei enemy atticks on a ten-mile front of the Monte Fenara—Monte Pertica—San Marino line, were repulsed and the enemy was
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  • 75 5 The following articles will be found o» our outside pages Page. 2.—Ulu Selangor D.PA. War Omnibuses. 3 —Viscount Ishii on China. Tennis Test Matoh, 6. —Fizhting in Hunau. Tbe Week s E rents. Weather and War. The Toree Best Things in the World. Humours of Childhood. Court of Appeal.
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  • 264 5 [Reuter's Telegrams] AT THE FRONT. Interesting Developments ExpectedLondon, Nov. 26, Interesting developments are expected on the Russian front. General Dukhonin has refused to hand over the supreme command to General Krylenko, declaring that he would arrest him if bo arrived at Headquarters, Nevertheless General Krylenko has left Petrograd
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  • 539 5 Some Likely Chanoes. It is rumoured (says the T.O M that Mr. F. A. 8. McClelland, at present Acting Deputy Public Prosecutor. Perak, is short y to be appointed Assistant Treasurer, F.M 8,. and that Mr. W. T. Chapman, Protector of Chinese, Perak, will act
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  • 1913 5 [Reuter's Telegrams] Eomb in A Church. London, N >v«-mber 26, A telegram from New Yok states that ai> anarchist bomb was found ia a church at Milwaukee where a meeting was being held. It exploded in the Police Sta'ioo, killing seven detectives and wounding three. Sentries
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  • 16 5 Obituary. Sir L- S JamesonLondon, November 26, The death is announced of Sir L. Starr Jameson.
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  • 741 6 Siva the China Press of October 11 s Fighting bdtweon Northern and Southern ■roops is in progress in two districts of Hunan, and according to Government reports the Northerners have been successful in the opening engagements. Tne first clash seems to have taken place near Hengchowfu, about
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  • 76 6 W BDNBSDAY, NoTBMBEX 28. Town Band, E-p'anide. Thursday, November 29. Fall Meon. Friday, November 30. Town Band, Esplanade. St. Andrew. St. Andrew’s Society, Oar D*y” Dinner, E. O Hotel. Football—Planters vs. P.G.C., Esplanade. Saturday, December 1. Queen Alexandra’s Birthday. Tapping Our Diy Baztar, Sapper and Dacce, Towu
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  • 967 6 So frequently has the weather intervene! to tbe benefit of the Central Powers that we might be pardoned for thinking that that curious daily, the good old German God," is bead of the meteorologi- 1 cal department, and specially orders con- ditions to euit. bis patrons. Weather
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  • 672 6  -  By Aethur Brisbane. If you had choice of all qualities which j man can possess, which three would you declare most importautP 1 Tnis question is submitted as in'e esting i every man. We give our answer if yours is different a nt
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  • 179 6 i ll Go To Hell With My Golliwogi A correspondent to the Spectator, signing herself Medina Seton-Obristopber, draws attention to the frequency with which children’s humour is a curious reflection on grown ups. The child who wrote a description of all the vices of Mary Tudor and
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  • 692 6 A Question of Local Tenancies In the Court of Appeal Singapore on Thursday the Chief Jus-ice (Sir John Buckmil, K C Mr. Justice Wuodwird and Mr. Justice Eoden tegan the bcaiiog of toe appeal ot the Sultan of Siak and L tn N e Soon against a
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  • 256 6 Anc^q-Indian Views. Calcutta, Oat. 27. It is understood that among the subjects to ba submitted by the AngloIndian Deputation to Mr. Montagu, decided on at the Conference of the 21 h instant, will be: (1) Anglo-Indian representation by election in all representative bodies in India, such as Imperial
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  • 828 6 AN INCBEA-E OF CAPITAL. Isstxn ov 5,000 Shares Tb9 sixth Oidmiry general meeting of the 1 Rij* Musa Rubber and Cooo- v nuts, L mited, was held at No. 17 S'. Helen’s Piacp, E, C. f Mr. R, \y. f Harrison (chairman of the .company) 1 prasidicg
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  • 52 6 Penang Our Day" Red Cross Fund. Amount previously acknowledg®d ...1122,406 62 Collecting Box No. 22 77 Dialings Collections 2 360.27 Chung Thye Chong 100 00 Col. A B. Adams 860 00 Collecting Card Mee Din Tambi 11 80 Aihletio Sports Free School Contribution 537 80 Athletic Sporta Proceeeds of tea
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  • 70 6 The management of the above show beg fL* a rm thß P ubli by special request «Tb.SriSZ'W 4 ,wo °< Ine Shielding Bbadow at 8 o’olook this evening The final episode of Cabiria ”io 4 reels and a Path* Gold Rooster Joy and the Dragon are other chief
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  • 735 6 British ships worn Brxthh Gqom. By rapid strides the.war is hringiog home to the natiou certain truths to mary refus'd to listen when 7l£ Zl uU Hr ed Fourteen years a i0 u?JoS£ Oh mberlain, eptakiag at Grt-ennnt i You wili fiud that the GermTs wh m*ke iron
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  • 44 6 The following programme of musio will be played at the Esplanade tomorrow evening at 5 p.m. 1 Fantasia A plantation Holiday Sebold Poppies Japanese Romanze Moret o Selection The Toredor Monckton 4 Waltz Tresor D’Armour Waldtaufel 5 March Lively on Balfoar
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 41 6 Early Colds. Be careful of tbe colds you take at tb s time of tbe year. They ate particularly dangerous. A neglected cold may mean a win-ter-long cold. Take Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy at ouce, For sale by all dispensaries and dealers.
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    • 52 6 Accidents Will Happen. ,It miy ba impossible to prer o nt an acci- < ■u\ but it is not impossib e to be prepared for it. Chamberlain's Pain Balm is not bB- anyone's purse, and with a bottle of this liniment you are prepared for most anything. For sale by
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    • 12 6 For Children’s Haeking Cough at ftight. Wood’ Great Peppermint Cure la, 6d,
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    • 12 6 For Children’s Hacking Cough at Night Woods’ Great Peppermint Care 1« gd.
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    • 49 6 Why It Sells. Chamberlain’s Cough Bemedy is the UrgPst sellirg oough medicine in the world to-day because it does eiaotlj what a cough remedy is supposed to do. It stops ths p*ugh by curing the cold, and does it speedily and effectually. For sale by all dispensaries and dealers,
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  • 1599 7 A Chapter or Secret History. Count Czernin, the friend and confident of the Archduke Franois Ferdinand, whose murder three yean ago precipitated the present war, was in 1914 Ambassador for Austria-Hungary at Bucharest, the Rumanian Capital, and the famous AustroHungarian Rid Book shows plainly how he
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  • 187 7 Official Details of Damage And Casualties. According to reports received at the Japanese Home Office from various prefectures, the total number of people who lost their lives in the typhoon of September 30, October 1, and in the floods which followed it, was 990. The number
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 212 7 EFESH Ĕmm SfDCKS I V‘vf; y F i# AGENTS: 1 i l s c i i 8 jR.T. REID& Co., Penang.g I BRINKMANN Co, Singapore. S it I THE; WATERHOUSE Co., Ltd. S I flNCOKPOKATBD IN THE U SA Muar, Malacca and Kuala Lumpur IET* am—lib ni iin hhiihiimw -an*-
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    • 69 7 When a child develops one of those nasty hacking coughs wbiob keep the family awake at night it is annoying for them, but for more serious for the child because of the strain thrown on its undeveloped bodily organs. Bupturs is often caused by a straining cough. WOODS’ GREAT PEPPERMINT
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    • 588 7 THE EASTERN PRODUCE EXCHANGE, 27, Beach Street, at the corner of Beach Street and Church Street Ghaut. CAPITAL Auctioneers $120,000. 4k Brokers. TSie I89ih Auction Sale of Rubber WILL BE HELD On Thursday, the 29th November. 1917. /action Sales of Rubber held twice a week, on every Monday and Thursday.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1583 8 p. BRITISH INDIA AND APCAR LINK. (Companies Incorporated in England MAIL AND PASSENGER SERVICES. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS(Under Contract with His Majesty’s Government.) The Company’s MAIL SERVICES 4BABT OF BOMBAY are at present suspended. Passengers for Inrope are hooked via Bombay as opportunity offers and as far as aeoommodatien is
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