Straits Echo, 24 November 1917

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1145 1 fMIMWAUI 11 i p ■lff*» 1I®® NA GOOD CHANCE ’Phone No. 694, OR STOP ON YOUR WAY HOME FOB (BANKS Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China. Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation. (Incorporated in England by Royal Charter.) MICHELIN TYRES At Georgetown £i, 200,000 £1,900,000 £1,200,0:0 APPOINTED STOCKISTS. Motor Repairers
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    • 15 1 (A MILK f IS nit itiV t^' ft* •Tiom LilC rtl ■M ‘sni J h=
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 24 2 mm m -“Tr^- >‘’ MT' M rS#«R ;±4 ~v v fv.- SBI».^tV V -I ':i’-T' v k3SS r£ !W JTI ®fSf*ff9£S( s <^O<=^O<=^O<={>3<=^< oO<=^OO^O^^O<={^OC^O«=oO• < ={> :>< =^o«=^o<=^o<=^o<=^o<=^o«=(^okc^o<=^ck=^o«=^<=^o
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  • 4356 3 GERMANY'S BOOMERANG. \V« Havb thk Mkans Lieutenant-General Smuts was the guest a t the Connaught Rooms of Sir A kern n Firth, Chairman of the Associat ed Chambers of Commerce, whose Presi dents and Secretaries are at pr-sent -Bating privately in London to discuss trade matters.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 702 3 NOTICE OF SAFE. e t is b BY ORDER OF THE SUB MORTGAGEE Tho undersigned is instructed to put up for sale by PUBLIC AUCTION I On Monday., the 26, h day of Kit,, 191 f. At Logan's Building, Beach Street, Penang, Tie nndermentioned property of Aisha binti Abram. AT
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  • 1371 4 I have always thought that the death of Lieutenant Thomas Kettle at Ginchy on Bept6mber 9, 1916, from the bullet of a Prussian Guard, the greatest individual lose that Ireland suffered during the war. He was, in my opinion, and I knew him inti* mately, the
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  • 686 4 Inquiry Opened in the Marine Court. An irqairy into the foundering of the local steamer Hong Wan was begun in the Marine Court Singapore on Thursday morning. The Civil District Judge (Mr, Bilpb Scot*) presided and was accompanied by the Mister Attendant (Commander B.A Cator,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 299 4 f. I X XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXMX W. L. Range of Turkish TOWELS. Have been popular with the public for years and well justify that populaiity by the high standard of quality "that is always maintained. They are thick, soft and absorbent. SIZE. 64 by 28 inches 66 by 28 54 by 31
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    • 24 4 The Ways of War.’' By Professor T. M. Kettle, Lieutenant 2nd Dablin Fasiliers, With a Memoir by his Wife. (Constable London 7s. fd. net.)
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    • 797 4 Snifo-like Fains T be sharp, .hooting pains, the i D t«n«« agony of Sciatica, often make death mo able to life, The fiery darts IhTt r «f fm« bip to heel, the sleepless nights, the ches? less day—why not stop all this tD( i 111 barb to health and comfort
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  • 1206 5  -  [By Tom Wright.] No. This is not going to be about Me, though I will admit, if it so please you that it is improbable you have had among your acquaintances any man more conceited than I. Unless, it may be. you hare known one who was
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  • 734 5 A Visit to the Best House a.t Lumut [To THE Edito* of the Strait» Echo. 1 Dear Sir, The boat reached Lumut at about 7 am, and accustomed to having an early breakfast I was looking forward with pleasure to the anticipated Dejeunner de Luxe I expected to have
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  • 198 5 The case against Nonia Cheah Beng Yearn for failing to make certain alterations to her premises in Bishop Street as required by the Municipality, which was postponed from last Saturday in order that a sketch plan be submitted by the Municipality for the approval of both the
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  • 28 5 OPnm Owr Own Correspondent,) London, November 22 The prices in the London Bobber Mari r* to day were: Pale Crepe 2/51 Diamond Smoked Sheet 2/4|
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  • 186 5 Latest Quotations. Tin (unrefined) is quoted here to-day at $129.00, buyers no sellers, in Sine -.pore (refined) at $130.50, business done, (125 tens sold) and in London at £282 st. spot and at £2Bl ss. three months. Messrs. Boustead A Co. inform us that the following were
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 796 5 ise SH B* 9H <*- SH an* at* 8K» an AT T.ChNLGHT I Penang Popular Play House Where TO-WX3HT everybody goes E MPIRETHEATR Business Manager Thomas Shafto. E -58 -50 —58 3 —S' —Si i -a SH (SF* 3H <** aH an iH 3H SF* iir* Still another Monster Program
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    • 557 5 mnrv rwvv S?£CIHL ATTRACTION is To-night Saturday a.(th November, 1917 THE POPULAR BRITANNIA OPERA Coy. (An up-to-date Maliy Opera of) STRAITS SETTLEMENTS. WILL PERFORM AT THE KUALA KANGSAR ROAD THEATRE BALL, 9 9 b e o PENANG FOR THE FIRST TIME IN PENANG Come See Come See A Wonderfully Quick
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  • 97 6 MliM daily (exoept SudAji ud pdblio > holidays) ax xn OQTRION PRESS, Ltd. jfr 59, Beach Stmt, Penang. Fhion’ Ptfyt—l MH4 par unoL Onketation... Postage Extra. M«.i UMn (Post Pm) 917.50 OABLI A9DMU SOHO—PEN AN G Telephone Nos. (Echo) 586 Printing Department 343 A. B. A ll
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  • 1234 6 In a letter to Lord Rothschild a few dayi ago Mr. A. J. Balfour disclosed the Government policy as regards the future of Palestine To-day comes news that even the Germans have begun to envisage the possibility of the capture of Jerusalem. General Allenby’s forces have dealt the Turks
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  • 983 6 Mr, J. M. Gbista, of Messrs. Ghista Bros, I leaves for Singapore this afternoon on buai-1 ness. I, Mr. A. Anthony, who has been on a business visit to Penang, returns to Singapore I this afternoon. Mr. H. Gee, of Messrs. MoAuliffe, Davies I and Hope, leaves
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  • 982 6 The Conscientious Objector, Few will sympathise with that bud the conscientious objector, nd the following story, told by a oorresE P of the Mancheiter Guardian oorrect popular estimate of his derteriU On my way to prison for the purpolTnf visiting a conscientious objX" 0 was joined by another
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 273 6 IK I 'M 4 sa m YOU ARE WANTING -H-'-Pv-Py i fOHMALIN In 5 gallon -jDr ms «P PRICES' ON vaphlication iK- tK- 4K- -Hi* *H~ f Mercury Perchloridc T T PRICKS ON jj» 3*< H K 'H H- FIRM, We are the largest purveyors of drugs in the Stra
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    • 29 6 IN AID OF THE RED CROSS FUND. If yon bave not won a prize IN THE SELANGOR or JOHORE LOTTERY Try your luck in the PENANG LOTTERY 888 PRIZES.
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  • 1270 7 [Reuter's Telegrams.] OFFICIAL REPOET. Southern Battle Front London, Not. 23 Sir Douglas Haig reports i<Tbe day was spent on the southern battle* front in consolidating a large area. Wher#Ter ws advanced during the last two days this was successfully carried out, except at Fontaine Notre Dame whioh the
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  • 654 7 [Reuter's Telegrams.] I Entmy Attack Repulsed. London, Nov. 23. A French oommuniqnl states: In the region of Cerny and Jnvinoourt I our fire stopped an enemy attack on the left I of the position we won on November 21.’’ Artillery Duels London, November 23. A French official announcement
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  • 624 7 [Reuter's Telegrams.] Enemy Activity at the Tagliamento. London, November 23. Italian aviators report great enemy aotivily at the Tagliamento. Th 9 prisoners declare that the objeot is to establish a formidable defence there in oass of defeat. Attaolu Repulsed London, November 23. An Italian offioial message states i—"We
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  • 652 7 [Reuter's Telegrams.] Pacifist MeasuresLondon, November 22. A wireless Russian official announcement states that the Connoil of the People’s Commissaries, io the name of the Govern» ment of the Russian Ropublio, deprssd General Dukhoii-, owing to his refusal to offar an armistice, and appointed General Krylenko as Commander-io-Chief It
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  • 513 7 [Reuter's Telegrams.] Chinese Premier ResignsPeking, Nov. 22. The Premier has again resigned owing to the oomplete revolt of the Huoaoeas who have driven oat the northern troops from tbe Province, and also owing to the Governors of the Central Provinces defying the orders of the Government to snpprese
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  • 154 7 The following articles w.ll be fonnd on our outside pages Page. 3 —General Smuts on Reprisals. 4—Professor Kettle's Last Testament. Foundering of the Hong Wan.” 5.—“ A Conoeited Fellow.” Correa* pondence. A Municipal Case. 8—Church Army. Cburoh Services. More Pages in the Russian Drama. Vital Statistics. Today’s Bind Programme.
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  • 656 8 THE MALAYAN TENTS. Position Desceibkd. Mr. Cyril B*xendale writes as follows to Mr. H. C, E. Zicharias, Koala Lumpur:— J Barclay’s Bank advises two further 1 remittances of £9OO from Kuala Lumpur. Prebendary Oarlile asks me to thank you again and says Malaya must be a great place
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  • 160 8 Nov. 25. Sunday next before Advent. 8- a.m. Matins 8*30 a.uj. Holy Communion 6-00 p.m. Sunday School 6-00 p.m. Evensong Hymn 280 Psalms as set Magnificat 1 Bunnett Nunc Dimittis ia F Hymns 236,165 and 332 On Wednesday. 10*00 a m. Matins and Litany 5- p.m. Evensong
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  • 1036 8 AWABD3 FOR GALLANTRY. And Mbeitoeious Seevicn. Yesterday was a red letter day in the annals of Boy Scout movement in Penarg for it was on this occasiou that the highest 4wards a member of this organisation can win were presented to Lim Tit Seab, of the Aoglo-Cbiaofe
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  • 540 8 We append the accounts of the entertainment, given by the P. M. I, A. Chinese j Amateur Dramatic Performance i Receipts. By Sale of Admission Tickets $6,514 50 Flags ***** -i ii Programmes 90.87 Refreshments 98.27 Payment from children admitted 46 05 Donation from Mrs.-Lake Yew
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  • 148 8 Packed houses have been the order at the above show since the change of programme last Thursday which speak of the unparalleled excellence of the films put on the screen. It is a pity, however, that the t Mysteries of Myra” wbicF is much liked is missed by
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  • 55 8 Saturday, November 24 P, V. Field Operations. Sunday, November 26. 25tb after Trinity. j P. Y. Church Parade, St. Andrew’s Church 5 30 p.m, Penang Swimming Club, November Handicap Rices. Monday, Noyrmbrr 26. Town Band, Esplanade. Municipal Commission, 4 p.m, Wednesday, Novbmbee 28. Town Band, Eeplanae. Friday,
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  • 222 8 The following are the Agenda fer the meeting of the Municipal Commi-aioners to be held on 26 b ioet 1 Minutes of last meeting to be read and c nfirmed. 2 Any special busicess the President may bring forward. 3 Questions. 4 Some bills to be passed. 5
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  • 126 8 “Lohengrin” was successfully staged by the Britannia Op ra C impany at the Kuala Kingsar Road Theatre Hall last night, the large audience consisting most y of Chinese ladies both in the front seats and in the gallery upstairs. The acting of the Hero and of Miss
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  • 106 8 The following are the alterations of Mesers. A. A. Ar-thony A Co.’s Share List to-day Bukit Katil Robber Estates 0.85 buyers and 0.95 sellers; Luaa* Rubber Eitates $B-50 buyers and $8 75 sellers; Milaka Pinda Rubber Estates A 3 05 sellers Parit (Perak) Rubber Co. $2 75 buyers and
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  • 68 8 CFrom Out Oion Correspondent Investiture Ceremony. Ipob, November 24 The Timet of Malayi learns that H. E' the High Commissioner will invest H. H. The Sultan of Per*k with the Insignia of the K.C.M.G. at the A«tana Nagara, Kuala Kangsar. The Chief Secretary, the Resident
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  • 79 8 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, November 24. The Rubber auction occupied three days* The following were the prioes realised Fine smoked sheet... $lOO to $lO6 per picul Good 75 99 jdo Fine plain 78 90 *do Unsmoked fine plain 90 do Cxepefine pale thin 100 105 do
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  • 102 8 Last night’s packed house at the Polyscope proves the excellence of the films put on the screen. The earlier show started punctually at 7.30 with a very instructive moral lesson in the Universal Special Even as You and I iu 7 complete reels. C&bira,” which was none the
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  • 14 8 To-morrow, Sunday, in the Leagur, Oreeoeat and Bt>a Tanjong Tokong me*S
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  • 1730 8  -  By Paul Hyacinthe Loyson MARTYRDOM OF THE OFFICERS. (E iitor of Lea Droits de I Homme Petrogiar’, September, 1917. To travel in Russia at tiji9 moment brings both gain and pain instructive as are tbe lessons to an Ally, they are dutressing to a
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  • 71 8 The following is the health statement ot tha Penang Municipality for the week ended November 17,1917 [Male 54) > 73 Female 19 J Death rate 85.91 per millo per Una» compared with 62-96 in the preceding week and with 23.35 in the corresponding week ot last year. Nationality.
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  • 60 8 The following programme of minis Hill b 0 played at the Golf Club this evawog 5 45 p.m. 1 Selection Cavalleria Rush- cana Maicagm i 2 Polka Are you Engaged Hewitt 3 Selection Carmen up to Date B xat 4 Waltz The Girl iQ the Train Fall
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  • Page 8 Advertisements

  • 1083 9 Old Ships. Some little time ago I spent twenty-four hours in one of our obsolete battleships, now used as a Dep6t-ship; after many eventful years of sea life she bad pasted cut of active service with the fleet, and, with her glory very much departed,
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 396 9 Borden’s Eagle Brand Condensed Milk has no Equal. 45s c<” ''.J i* ..chief*' .LjJ*’ I A,# MEW YCP«. U-i URGE TINS FULL WEIGHT OBTAINABLE EVERYWHERE tOHDPN5?5 C o ■"-S?3S.<>>S« v°*Jtion. *ach iv Jjw V0RKU.3-A. Connell Brothers Coy., Hengmoh HongKee Co., Poh Seng Co Sole Agents. Special Agents. i Q: r
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    • 528 9 Penang Auction Mart. BY ORDER OF THE MORTGAGEE TO BE SOLD BY j PUBLIC AUCTION Do Thursday, the 29th November, 1917, AT NOON. At tbe Police Station, j Bukit Mertajim, Piovince Wellesley. The following property belonging to LIM KONG ENG. All those seven pieces of land situate in the Central
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    • 729 9 MUNICIPAL NOTICE. AN ORDINARY MEETING of tbe Municipal Commissioners will fce held at tbe Mun cipal Off ce at 4 p.m. on M nday, the 26:h mstaot. (Bv Order) L. A. COUriER BIGGS, Secretary to the Municipal Commissioners. GENERAL POST OFFICE Advertisements in Stamp Books» Tendrs are invited for tbe
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  • 1895 10 BPEECH IN 8 AN FRANCISCO War Will Continue foe Long Tim* James, W. Gerard, Ambassador of the United States to Germany during the stirring times that led up to the entry of the United States into the war, on his first public .appearance in Sin Francisco
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 40 10 Early Colds. Be careful of tbe colds you take at tbii time of tbe year. They are particularly dangerous. A neglected cold may mean a win-ter-long cold. Take Chamberlain's Cough Remedy at onoe, For salt by all dispensaries and dealers.
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    • 168 10 Q there’s Purity and Vigour IN EVERY DROP OF READ’S DOG'S HEAD’’ GUINNESS It retains through the entire brewing process and after maturing and bottling, the delicious fragrance of the hop with its sweet and soothing perfume. It has the sparkling force of a cleverly fermented beverage without the fiery
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  • 664 11 Before the war Franca headed the liat of automobile exporting nation a, followed iD order of importance by America, with Ita’y occupying fifth position. Since then oonditiona have changed enormoualy and while it will not oome aa a surprise to most people to learn that the United Statea
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  • 150 11 Moths» Discharged Calcutta, Nov 8, Tbe chief presidency magistrate took nr the case in which Sbit-k Ismail and Mrs Tomich were charged in connection with the murder of the second accused’s son D jrrnond. The prosecution bavin? withdrawn tbe charge against Mrs. Tomioh tbe magistrate discharged her
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 183 11 “A breath of Blighty” ■v ■> i. s' V. DRIVER Ere, yon blighter, you're lettin’ my tyre down THE RECUMBENT ONE: “Doctor’s orders, matey! The M.O. said I was pinin’ for me native air, an’ wen I spotted these 'ere Avons I reckoned they prob’ly ’adn't bin pumped up since
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    • 71 11 When a child develops one of those nast y hacking eoughs which keep the family awake at night it is annoying for them, but far more serious for the child, because of the strain thrown on its undeveloped bodily organs Rupture is often caused by a strain* ing cough. WOODS’
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    • 306 11 MOO VOL 1 BRITISH MADE THE STAIN REMOVER It will remove IRON-MOULD, INK, CRASS. FRUIT, MILDEW, TEA. I other STAINS from LINEN, MLK, etc., WITHOU > INJURY EVEN TO THE i MOST DELICTIE Fa BR C, generally with one application. It will clean STRAW HATS, and make them look like
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1545 12 p. -BRITISH INDIA AND APCAR LINE. (Companies Incorporated-in Bncland MAIL AND PASSENGER SERVICES. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS. (Under Contract with Hia Majeety’s Government.) The Company’! MAIL SERVICES EAST OF BOMBAT arc at preeent euepended. Fuunfin for Europe are booked via Bombay aa opportunity offers and as far aa modatien ia
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