Straits Echo, 22 November 1917

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 304 2 Pbmako, 21st Notimm* 1917. Biif ctt Soup per catty 16 Rosst >i 26 flcaks m 26 Stew or Curry Meat 20—22 Runop Steak 26 Ox Tail each 30—35 Tongue 50 Feet 30 Heart n 35 —40 Liver par eatty 40 Fillet of Beef 60 Pom— Pork per catty
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 324 2 r 9 v/ Safety 'V N.*f an lvazor. v BRITISH MADE The 7 o’clock is a really dependable razor at a popular price, and the ideal razor for the sold er or sailor. It is so constructed that it can be stropped and cleaned without removing the bla e, anJ
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    • 109 2 BURRELL CO.'S BOILED RAW LINSEED OILS. SNOW WHITE ZINC. PAINTS TURPENTINE. To be had Retail from all the Leading Stores. SANDILANDS, BUTTERY k Co. Sole Agents, Straits Settlements J OSSKEENA (SWEET.) Jn consequence of the bitter taste of this preparation, the Proprietor, Mr. Y. Tan, has much pleasure in announcing
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    • 117 2 LARGE QUANTITIES OF Estate Requisites Supplies FOR PRICKS PLEASE APPLY TO' HAN TON 6 k Co ESTATE SUPPLIERS A COMMISSION AGENTS. 243, Beach Street, Penang. Telephone 743. I PATRONISED BY ROYALTY YOU CAN GET THE BEST SELECTION OF 1 L Gentleman’s Gold signets at all Prices Gold Seals and Pendants
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  • 1357 3 (From Our Orm Correspond# i.) Gallant Old Contemptible* London, October 11. The great fight of last Thursday was the most important one yet fought by Sir Douglas Haig’s troops in the new offensive in Flanders. The capture of Patschendaele Ridge marked an era in the war.
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  • 647 3 The War Congress, as the 65th Congress will be known in history, was adjourned on October 6, six months after President Wilson signed the joint resolution declaring that a state of war existed between the American people and the Imperial German Government. No legislative body,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
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    • 49 3 Accidents Will Happei It may be impossible to prevent an acoident, but it ia not impossible to be prepared for it. Chamberlain’s Pain Balm is not beyond anyone’s purse, and with a bottle of thia liniment you are prepared fer moat anything. For sale by all dispensaries and daalara.
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    • 513 3 n Miillliilillijliilliiliiilil! Illlillip V' m •V s' 7, m =C5%^ A speedy return to Health and Strenoth for all who are Weak. Anaemic, “Nervy," Run-down. a < mforl to you who are Weak, o, Anaemic, or Nervy."or Run-down that you can obtain new healih and new life, surely and speedilv
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  • 537 4 General Smuts has occe again made an important Bpeech on the w*r situation. He repeated a conviction previously expressed to a French newspaper that the Germans are already beaten and that their rulers know it, and, speaking of the moonlight air-raids on London, he said that while we
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  • 409 4 No war measure adopted by the United States Government has secured such universal approval as the refusal of coal to steamers which might carry abroad supplies which are likely ultimately to reach Germany, The coal embargo and the policy of licensing cargoes together will, it is believed,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 186 4 WHHEAWAY. LAISLAW 6 CO.. LID-. (Incorporated iri England.) House Furnishers. Try us with your next furnishing order, we will achieve at moderate cost, results which speak of welcome, comfort and refinement. r3 L 2** i I OLD OAK REPRODUCTIONS. These pieces in Chenghai Pasir and finished dull dark originals, thej
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    • 41 4 Early Colds. Be careful of the colds you take at thii time of the year. They are particularly dan* geroui. A neglected cold may mean a win-ter-long oold. Take Cbamberlain’i Cough Remedy at once, For aale by all diapensariea and dealer*.
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    • 1192 4 IMPORTANT NOTICE. WANTED, The sale of ‘pundut estate” DINDINGS adverti ed ‘o be «old at Auction by Messrs POWELL ACo Ltd. 17 Raffles Place, Singapore, on Thursday 15th November, 1917, has been postponed to the Bth December, 1917, with completion one month later. By order of the Custodian of Enemy
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  • 822 5 Alleoud Double Murdm, In the Goronpr’s Court, befo;e Mr. S H. Langston, and a jury consisting of Mess» a. W. H. Scully, G. B Biptist and Ung Coeng Ban, an inquest Was held into the ciicunsstacces attending the death of two Kheh Chinese—Lee Ah Kong anJ Kong
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  • 59 5 PAEAN* WOMEN WOEKERS. Amount previously acknowledged $6,072 38 Mrs. Penny 10.00 No. 13 5.00 Mrs. Liing 2.00 $6,089.38 Hospital garments for soldiers ready cut out for workers will be given out at the Town Hall every Friday at 9.15 till 10.30 a,m. All donations should be
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  • 52 5 The following programme of musio will be played at the Esplanade to-morrow’s evening at 5 p.m. 1 Selection Ist, Sambo’s Holiday Tcboakoff 2 Bal Costume Toreador et Andalouse Rubinstein 3 Selection The Mill in the Valley Baner 4 Waltz In the Moonlight Crowe 5 March Tb« Ueotrie
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  • 517 5 Gold Hammer Sells For $5,000 A bo*t cf beautiful things had been given for the Our Day Auction, held under the husp:ces of the E. Ho Bean and Garden Club?, which was begun this morning in the latter organisation’s rooms and at the time of writing,
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  • 179 5 The packed house at the Empire Theatre are signal evidences of the growing popularity of this show which is unrivalled both in the quantity and quality of the entertainment it provides. To-night’s change of programme which outshines all previous ones coataiUs an appropriate blend of thrilling and laughable
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  • 147 5 A loCr 1 gentleman has just received the following from a fair fiiend who asks Is it true?” Where Women are Scarce. [To The Editor or the Daily Mail.] Sir, —In Singapore there is a great scarcity of ladies, and any average girl would be no
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  • 73 5 The undermentioned prices were realised for rubber sold by Messrs. Allen Dennys A Co. at their 335th Auction Sale held today Smoked Diamond Sheet No. 1 $lO2 to $lO5 per picul Smoked Diamond Sheet No. 2 64 85 do Crepe Fine pale thin 105 do .Good 100
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 1052 5 p p P ®r* P P P ®rSF* r AT TO-N,GHT 1 Penang PopHHn* Pl«y House TO-NIGHT a Where everybody goes EMPIRE THEATRE Business Manager Thomas Shay ro. -s HI HI HI H! Gfr* (Srse HP P HP HP HP HP LOA.tIJ a Still another Monster Program for Thur., Fri.,
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    • 681 5 wnmnr ccce ■yyyy vm rm TO-MORROW NIGHT THE POPULAR BRITANNIA OPERA Coy. (An up-to-date Malay Opera of) STRAITS SETTLEMENTS WILL PERFORM AT THE KUALA KAHGBAR ROAD BALL, FENAN9 FOR A SHORT SEASON ONLY. I»k iii Show and costumes from Bombay’ 111 Actors and Actresses well versed in ■L Histrionics, quick
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  • 94 6 MUbhli daily (*xoept Sud»ji tad publio boMayi) AT T» ffIMTHBION PRESS, Ltd. 59, Beach Street, PenAiif. Pbioi* Daily Leeel «9U per aE&un. Portage Extra, i*L\ TTlitir (Poet Free) 917.50 M CABLE ADDBBSS ECHO —PENANG.” Telephone Nos. (Echo) 586 Printing Department 343 N.B.—A 11 buiineM communication* should b*
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  • 1296 6 There are many who, considering that peace must one day come, begin to reflect upon the possibility of keeping it when it does come. Some of them permit their minds free play in planning political machinery for a co-operative society of nations, which shall establish peace upon a
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  • 792 6 Mr. Lim Cheng Ean is indisposed and unable to attend cffice. Mr. R. B. Murray, of Chersonese Estate, Etian, was in Penang this morning. Mr. R. D. Acton, Distriot Judge, left for Pangkor yesterday to take up the Distriot Court cases there. Mr. Cochran, of Malacca, who
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  • 960 6 A Dentist's Sign. No wonder people are afraid of the who swears by the tooth, the whole toot? and nothing but the tooth. tD| A Chinese shop in Chuli* Btreet fiinriih. the following sign s DgoHiNismiNT^ An Unsolicited Testimonial* Mr. A. Sarkies will be interested to that Mr
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 244 6 tmnnnnnntmntmnannn Just Received Vest Pocket Kodak $U-70 Ko. 1*. Kodak S35-CO No. 3 Kodak *51-75 No. 3* Kodak BROWNIES No. 2. Folding Brownie R R. Lens 52 0.40 No. 2a. Folding Bownie R. R. Lens $26-75 a ll tee above are absolutely HE LATEST MODELS. They have Autographic backs and
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    • 29 6 IN AID OF THE RED CROSS FUND. If yon have not won a prize IN THE SELANGOR or JOHORE LOTTERY Try your luck in the PENANG LOTTERY 888 PRIZES.
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  • 612 7 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] battle in the mountains. Great Struggle Raging. London, Nov 21. The progress of the great battle in the Italian mountains is watohed most anxiously since the enemy’s announcement of storming Qaero and Monte Oornatta, as, if the Austrc-German foroes oaptnre rlonte T mbs, on the northern
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  • 1250 7 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] THE TANKS IN ACTION. Thousands of Prisoners Captured London, November 21, 3 p.m, Sir Donglas Haig reports Between St. Quentin and the Scarpe our tanks broke through successive belts of wire of great depth and strength. The infantry followed and stormed the first defensive system on
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  • 2047 7 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] CONFEBENCE AT DOWNING STBEET* Two Urgent MattersLondon, November 20. The Erest Bureau announoes that a conference was held at Do wring Street of members of the War Cabinet, heads of the Government Departments and members o* the United States mission. Mr. Lloyd George, who
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  • 414 7 ADMIRALTY RETURNS. A Slight IncreaseLondon, Not. 21. The Admiralty reports that the arrirals at British ports daring the week numbered 2,531 and the sailings MS 2.463 Total 4,994 Ten vessels over 1,600 tons were sank and seven nnder that tonnage, making a total of seventeen. Two vessels
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  • 102 7 The following articles will be found odj our outside pages Page. 3.—War News and Gossip. How Con-* gress Went to War. 4 —Germany Beaten. The New Blockade, s,—The Coroner's Court. Queen Mary’s Needlework Guild. To-morrow's* Band Programme. Singapore «'Our! Day” Auotion. Singapore and the, Spinsters. Penang Rubber Auc4 tion,
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  • 25 7 Owr Chun Correspondent.} London, November 20. The prices in the London Rubber Markji to-day were: I Pale Crepe 2/6 Diamond Smoked Sheet
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  • 552 8 PrOPOSID Mil RIAL. It is very natural that a movement should have been started for a memorial to the late Sir Charles Brooke, E»j*h of Sarawak. He was not only the ruler but the warm-hearted generous friend of his people, and to the many who
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  • 177 8 Important Order. In connection with Joint Order requiring passports and certain information from aliens' who desire to enter the United States during the war, promulgated by the Departments of State and Labor of the United States Government on July 26, 1917, and published in fall
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  • 144 8 PlNANG, Novimbir 22. P. Tapioca $12.70 sales. P. Tapioca 12.40 sellers. >ld leaf 72 ipper (W.Coast 1 lb, 5oz).$16 1/2 buyers, eck Pepper 25.00 buyers bite Pepper 40 nominal eng Pepper ...$32 season over $110 nom. tee Pickings 48 sellers season over tmegfl 110s 40 sellers. (No. 1 112
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  • 385 8 Further Particulars of Appointments. We (T O M.) are able to give some particulars of (he appointments to which it has been decided to promote Malays whose qualifications entitle them to take a more prominent place in the administrative branch of the F. M. S. Government Service.
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  • 223 8 Paris, October 2. Although the condition of 8010 Pasha is improving, the prison officials are very uneasy, because he is refusing to take any food and appears to be going on a hunger strike.” Captain Bonchardson has decided that if 8010 persists in his resolution be
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  • 149 8 The lottery at the Cricket Club on this R*oe will positively be drawn and sold at the Cricket Club on Monday 26th inst. immediately after drill at 6-30 p.m. The lottery at Penang Club on this Eace will be drawn and sold on Tuesday evening
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  • 66 8 Thursday, Novhmbir 22. Lodge Scotia, Regular Meeting, 6 p.m. Friday, November 23 Town Band, Esplanade. Penang Boy Scouts—Presentation of Awards,Anglo-Chlnese School, 4.30 p m. Saturday, November 24. P, V. Field Operations. Sunday, November 25. 25rh after Trinity. P- V. Church Parade, 5 30 p.m. Penang Swimming Club,
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  • 557 8  -  By General Botha. Pretoria, Sspt. 19. G eat public interest u being displayed in an action brought by General Botha against Senator Wolmarans, in which the Premier c aims £S,(jQQ damage* for alleged libel in speeches delivered by Mr. Wolmarans in connection with the Rebellion and the South
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  • 359 8 [To the Editoe of thh Malay Mail."] Su,-r-It is stated in a pamphlet just published on local administration that the political pulse of every nationality in the East is just now beating with extraordinary vehemence. 1 cannot say that I should be prepared to go quite so far
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  • 867 8 In oar role of local Hansard we have printed during the past week some thirty columns of the deliberating of our F.M-8. legislators. Chief interest naturally centred in the debates on financial questions. Few, we imagiop, will cavil at the contributions which we have made this year
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  • 125 8 The following are the alterations of Messrs. A. A. Anthony <& Co.’s Share List to-day Ayer, Panas Rubber Estates $11.75 buyers and $12.25 sellers Changkat Serdang Estates $9.50 buyers and $9.75 sellers, Kelem*k Rubber Estates $8 30 sellers MandaiTekong (Singapore) 0.90 buyers and $1 sellers Mergui Rubber Estates $5.65
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  • 1040 8 Annual Report The following report of the Malak* Pindt Rubber Estates (Ltd) will be submitted to tbe Shareholders at the General Meeting to be tbe held at Singapore on November 28: Gentlemen, Tour Directors beg to submit their Seventh Annual Report and a duly audited Statement of
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  • 249 8 What do out. soldiers sing, at the front F Most people would answer "Tipperary.” They would be wrong. Lieutenant F, T, Nettleinham assures us that Tirpsrary” was "never greatly sung." He is an authority on the subject, as he has oompiled a fascinating anthology of soldiers’ songs,
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  • 153 8 Paris, October 10. The Matin says that a great secret Council of the German Empire, presided over by the Kaiser, has been held at Main Headquarters, at which Hindenburg, Ludandorff, Michael is, Knhlmann, Prince B&low, and Bethmann» Hollweg were present. The Matin attaches considerable importance to this
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  • Page 8 Advertisements

  • 816 9 CRITICISM OF GOVERNMENT POLICY. Vigorous Unofficial Comment. At the concluding sitting of the Federal Council in Kuala Lumpur there were several interesting speeches bj the unofficial members on some leading questions of public concern at the present moment, and these observations served to elicit some important announcements on
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  • 1892 9 Rapid Prooress of Pafano. The Hou Mr. Nutt made observations on a variety of subjects. He began by saying that the present position of the Federated Malay States, as described by His Excellency in his address to the Council, was such as gave cause for much satisfaction
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  • 230 9 Mb. Kindbbslby's Viuws. The Hon. Mr. Kindersley, after referring to agriculture said that a matter which he felt ought to be urged before the Government was the present position of the Civil Guard. At present the officers of this body held tbe rank of officers and performed
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  • 558 9 T*i Chib» Sbcbbtabt’s Rbplt. The Chief Secretary said that he would like to make a few remarks about what had been said. Mr. Kenion had suggested a scheme in regard to soldiers who had been through the war. That was a matter which bad engaged the attention
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  • 491 9 DuBATION 0» THH WAB. His Excellency the High Commissioner in his concluding remarks replied to some of tbe questions raised by the unofficial members. He was glad to hear the views of the first speaker (Mr. Kenion), who said that he agreed with the policy of the
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 645 9 dayid corsar SON’S WELL-KNOWN EXTRA NAVY CANVAS, NO. 0. SAKDIUNDS. BDTTERY 8 Co. CO D RETURNS 8 UU WEEDING. TWO CRQPSJN A YEAR Get jour Rubber into planfel with c- ff.t 6 f„et by feFt Robust* Coffee Nurseries. After 18 jjjcntbi ench tree gives bearing of thoimods of «pfdp. Liberian
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    • 50 9 Whj It S«ll«. Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy is th largest seJlirg cough medicine in the worl to-day because it does exaotly what a oong remedy is supposed to do. It stops tb oangh by curing the cold, and does it spee< ily and effectually. For sals by alldi psaseries and dealers,
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  • 1537 10 Tmu Kiti-Balloon ard its Wore. i To-day the praise of our flying-meo is c deservedly in every one’s mouth, as their achievements are in the forefront of »11 the fighting. They are in no danger of efcipmg their due meed of recognition, for the development of the aeroplane
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 50 10 Middle-aged people are often afflicted ith that diatreaaing ailment, windy apasma. ley aeem to cat like a knife. Sufferers lould get a bottle of 100K’ GREAT PEPPERMINT CURE 08 Tory firat dose will bring relief and e?e ita value. Bold by Diapenaariea and <orea everywhere at 80 oenta per bottle.
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    • 269 10 Notice by Rural Bsard Province Wellesley under Section 61 of the Municipal Ordinance 1913, 1, Notice is hereby given that the Land and House Aaaeasment Rate Rolls for the Northern, Ce tral and Southern Districts of Province Wellesley can now be inspected at the District Offices of Butterworth Bukit Mertajam,
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    • 118 10 ESTATE AND LOCAL AGENTS. I STELASTIC 0 fc 0 SEE THAI YOU TRY OUR LOIAL MAKE Meranti Cases. The value for your money. The thing for jour money. The thing for jour entire satisfaction. Tested and proved to be far better than Momi or other European make cases in point
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  • 3443 11 EVOLUTION OP GERMAN PEOPLE. SEEMS THE ONLY HOPE FOR PEACE Soldiers Determine Form of Government. The following are further instalments of Mr. J. W. Gerard’s memoirs I hivo already expressed a belief that Germany will not be forced to make peace because of a revolution and that sufficient
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 255 11 'A v. -1u a BACCHUS MARSH Co., STERILISED MILK CONDENSED MILK In cases of 48 tins. SINGAPORE COLD STORAGE COMPANY, LIMITED, PENANG. Q U there’s Purity and Vigour IN EVERY DROP OF READS DOG'S HEAD” GUINNESS It retains through the entire brewing process and after maturing and bottling, the delicious
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    • 173 11 Knife-like Pains Tbe sharp, shooting pains, the intense agonv of Sciatic*, often make death prefer* ablet) life. Tne fiery darts that ran from hip to heel, the sleepless nights, tbe cheerless day— why not stop all this and get birk health and comfort again Little’s Oriental Balm is the best
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1361 12 P. 0.—BRITISH INDIA AND APCAR LINE. (Companies Incorporated in England MAIL AND PASSENGER SERVICES. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS(Under Contract with His Majesty’s Government.) The Company’s MAIL 8ERVICES EAST OF BOMBAY are at present suspended. Passengers for Europe are booked vie Bombay as opportunity offers and as far as naodation is
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