Straits Echo, 21 November 1917

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1225 1 ?t**' "iji h»v hi\« \J ja r-l *L& /JSK ■< U. K/O g&D NATO #*************** XI u 4 /V K s HOOD UiANiEi Chartered Bank f lndia Hongkong and Shanghai UUUI/ I Australia and China. 1 Banking Corporation. ’Phone No 694, OR STOP ON YOUR WAY HOME •Incorporatedin England by
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    • 14 1 IvN K i*« •'^ec tion. OJS J5f f x F?g 4**n*«4 Esl **-•< n >—«wii
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 59 2 08 )&s«s #?s C^=<)^=>o^=>o^=>o^=>o^=>o^=<><j3>o^=>o^^o<j=»o<j=>o^j=> 'jW S? -;>'«' 'J-iJT ~y*.v 'v? 4 1 \y •-V-. 'i l t—- > w:*i t-y.ttf I i -ft. A i »< r, r rw* %>-:-v i ->.;|“>-'' •,f.V.. 'j';'; v f /j:m.;v--u Uj f t- i*r<^. 8’ -~*v V J. rte.-*' '-T,- I )l&-; li
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  • 1889 3 The following are farther instalments of Mr J. W. Gerard memoirs •u* ioon as the war was declared and millions of men marched forward intent upon killing, hundreds of men and women immediately took up the problem of helping the soldiers, the wounded and the prisoners, and of
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 776 3 DUCDnc BE PREPARED TO FIGHT. tre n< t eipelW entirely but they are kept harmless. 11 J Some indiscretion in diet and the digestion i 8 upset; orcrw rk Dysentery and Fever Dr. Cassell’s Tablets Make You Strong and Able to Resist Disease. O A DOnir iuuiwiowvm V..WW mm uic
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    • 89 3 Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. When you have a bad cold you want a remedy that will not only give relief, but effpct a prompt and permanent cure, a remedy that ia pleasant to take, a remedy that containa nothing injurious. Chamberlain’» Cough Remedy meets all these requirements It acts on nature’s
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    • 746 3 Anaemia or Poorness of Blood, is far more prevalent than is generally supposed. Men, Women and Children are all liable to suffer. If neglected, serious consequences may result. If taken when the symptoms are first noticed, it is a very simple matter to enrich the blood and so effectually check
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  • 1683 4 Vucount Chisda on Gbbman Plots. Vi'Couot Cbinda, Japvmsi Ambassador in Loador, was the pucpal gu st of the American Lincheon Club at tha S*Yoy Hotal on ltffc i mat. Ia tbe absence of Mr. Page, the United States Ambiseado~, cn account of illness, tbe chair was
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 193 4 WEIIIAWAY, IAHLAW ft 00., LlD(lncorporated in England.) House Furnishers.^ r Try us with your next furnishing-order, we will achieve at moderate cost, results which speak of welcome, comfort and refinement. <1 rr m &L 4 OLD OAK REPRODUCTIONS, These pieces are reproduced in CheDghai Pasir and finished dull dark oak
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    • 271 4 3XT OTICE THE USUAL MONTHLY SALE of forfeited pledges for same exceeding $10 will be held punctually at 11 o’clock am, on W dnesday, Thuiaday and Fr day, the 5tb, 6>b and 7th proximo respectively at N°. 42, Batch Street. The above forfeited pledges msy be viewed at the Sale
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    • 701 4 ivtoticb. I, undersigned T-oh Psik R*,t faeraU notice tb*t I retirpd from the of Ti*og L ?4 On P-mang and K ai L'lmpar »9 from the I*t d»y of J Mtttr 1917, and tbat my interest and reipon„bilit, iq that fi m bsa Ceast* as from that date. (Bd.) Y*oh
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  • 138 5 PENANG “OUR DAY.” List of Subscriptions ck 0Wlid “;,,21,293.63 C dlrcting box No. 39 F.M.S. Railway Station 4.70 Piocreds Football Cup Final P.C.C. C.R C. 266.25 N s 6 section A” Company o/a Sports tickets taken 12.00 Nestles Aoglo Swiss Condensed Milk Co. "0 W.E/O.
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  • 95 5 List or Subscription. Amount previously acknowledged $21,149 64 The Straits Trading Co.’s oooiies 123.76 P L. S. P. R. M. A S. Cbetty firms, Butterworth 200 00 Mr. A Johnson, sale of Butterworth sports tickets 15.00 Mr. Mohamed Hassar, proceeds of Birea at Butterwo tb 110.00
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  • 488 5 IPOE “OUR DAY The Ipjb Cfy’on T»mils m y well be cop. gratu'ated on *th* bad they 8» e giving in s< veral matters to tbbir compatriots in other arts of the State in regard to Our Day tuDCtions. Tbeir call for an Our Day meeting wis immediately followed by
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  • 288 5 Montmdt Subscription Raised. A special general meeting of the members of the Penang Coamber of Commerce was held at the Chamber of Commerce yesterday afternoon for tbe purpose of amending Rule 3 and substitute $10” for “$8” in the last lice. There were prestnt the Hon.
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  • 233 5 The Winning Numbers. The total subscribed was $92,000 of which $27,600 goes to Our Day” Fund. Toe following ara the namts of tbe winners of tbe first three prizes The firs*, ticket No. *****, Ong Sun Ling, keeper of a Hyi*m chandu shop in Jobore Bbaru, Value $23
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  • 267 5 Ia the S-coud Court, Penang, to-day, before Mr. S H. Langston, Mr. L E. Slowe appeared on a summons at the instance of Court Inspector C. H. Niool, for driving motor car No. 653 without possessing a driver’s licence and for allowing more than one person
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  • 26 5 Nov. 2 By balance 307.60 13 H. deZ Lancaster (monthly) 25.00 Nov. 13 By balance 832 60 Amount previously acknowledged 32,429.23 Total ...$32,761,88
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 751 5 egSr* eg* geg®gegeg egCOMING l MONDAY N'GHT Another special attractive programme-better than the last. Empire theatre Business Manager Thomas Siiafto. |hl FOR THREE NIGHTS ONLY —Monday. Tuetday and Wednesday November, 19th, 20th and 21st 1917. COMMENCING AT 8 P.M. SHARP -29 -2) •I -29 °-?9 -2) -2 —2B -29 -23
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    • 572 5 V sb sksb sbsbfb fbsfcsbsb sbsfcsbsb sk sfc <fe sb c£> c£> c£> £i£> <fc cfesb sbsh sbsb. •fii FOLLOW WHO CAN )0At the Premier Picture House Where every lover ot Picture* goes Electric polyscopE ♦Sj Business Manager Khoo Keng Checw. )9* Commencing at 8 p-m., and showing nightly till
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  • 96 6 faSkj («xoept Sunday* and pubUe > holiday*) at m CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. Bn, 59, Beach Street, Penang. Prior DnOy Leeai H 4 per annua. m OrtrtatM*». Portage Extra. **«■l MMften (Port Free) $17.50 N eaniiß iodbiii ECHO— PENANG.” Telephone Nos. (Echo) 586 Printing Department 343 SB. —All
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  • 18 6 Kikkbdt At GuU on the 20 h inst, to Mr. and Mr-i. J. W. Kbwnidt, a eon.
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  • 1238 6 The news from the Italian front is much more hopeful than it was a week or so ago. The danger is not removed, it is true—is far from being removed indeed— but at least it is less menacing than during the first crashing onslaught by the enemy.
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  • 930 6 Mr. DR. Mayhew, of Kuala Lumpur, has left for home. Mr. E. H. Beck is appointed to sot as Registrar of Criminals for the Colony and the F.M S. Surgeon-General W.G.A. Bedford, C.B, C. M. 8., a former P M 0. of Hongkong, is now acting as
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  • 998 6 Air Raid Reprisals. P ro ,b Home p.per. to h.nd we a. Ih.t tbe Qerrn.o .utboritie. hate bn., thrown «"to fewer ot .pprehee.ioo brlrt convinced determiMtion of the Alb,,,' carry ont air raid,. Tbe, are nr, carrlnll, keeping tbe new, .ecret from civilian population and have forbidden
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 284 6 Fashionable Hats for Present Wear. LATEST SHAPES, NEW SHADES, ALL BRITISH. A LARGE SELECTION TO CHOOSE FROMPRICES THAT SPEAK OF WONDERFUL SAVINGS. Children’s Silk Bonnets, $1.50 Children’s White Pique Hats, with Coloured Bands, washable, Chip, silk and flowers, J 4.50 and $5.50 oQ |y Crinoline, lace and flower., $6-50 1
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    • 29 6 IN AID or THE RED CROSS FUND. If yon have not won a prize IN THE SELANGOR or JOHORE LOTTERY Try your luck in the PENANG LOTTERY 888 PRIZES.
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  • 638 7 [Reuter's Telegrams] The Difficulty overT be feeling in lb o Lobby ii unanimous Xke d.fficulf J is orer. Premier’» Personal Triumph. LoDdoo, Novtmber 20* Tbe pipers are practically unanimous that ,terday i debate was a personal triumph 'l Mr* Lloyd George, who bw rarely .town ■icb
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  • 548 7 [Reuter's Telegrams.] FIERCE FIGHFINGMass Attacks RepulsedLou dm, November 20. An Italian official message states "We drove back four maaa attacks against Monte Fenera spur and oaptured 3 0 prisoners on Sunday and Monday in the Melette regioD.” A Stand on the FiaveLrcd jd, Nov. 20. Tbe correspondent of
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  • 70 7 Latest Quotations. Tin (unrefined) is quoted .here to-day at $127.50. buyers no sellers, in Bin*apore frefined) at $129, business done. (150 ton•old) and in London at £276 spot and at £275.10s three month’s. Messrs. Boustead A Co. inform us that tbe following were the quotations for Robber
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  • 468 7 [Reuter's Telegrams.] Fighting Near Fassahendaele. Londoo, N vembar 19. Sit Douglas Haig says We improved our positions slightly at night time north an i westward of Passohendaele. We repulsed an attack on certain advanoed posts northeast of Polygon Wood. Machine-guns this morning caught other parties approaohiug, south-east of
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  • 102 7 No Tract{From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, Nov. 21. There is no trace of the Japanese Homeward Mail steamer bound for the Cape which left Singapore on September 15 and Colombo on September 24. It is assumed that she is a total loss. The passengers from
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  • 529 7 [Reuter’s Telegrams] Extremists in ControlLood n, November 19. In the House of Commons, Mr, A. J Balfour stated that the situation in Russia was still obscure although it appeared the Extremists completely controlled Petrograd and Moscow. Telegraphic communication with Sir George Buchanan had been resumed. Finland. An Appeal
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  • 26 7 CPYom Otar Own Correspondent,) London, November 19. The prioes in the London Rubber Market to-day were: Pale Orepe 2/6 Diamond Smoked Sheet S/6f
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  • 1155 7 [Reuter’s Telegrams] SOME STIFF FIGHTINGTurks’ Precipitate Flight Ljccljd, November 19. Renter’s correspondent at the Egyptian Headquarters wiring on November 18 and describing the capture of Jaffa and Ramleb says The former was occupied by the mounted troops who made three hundred prisoners at Lydda Ramleh is the
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  • 98 7 C From Our Own Correspondent.') Singapore, Nov, 21. The Our Day auction was opened yesterday by the Colonial Secretary under the auspices of the E. Ho Hean and Garden C übs. The bidding was brisk for the 200 lots. The gold hammer went to Mr Ong
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  • 88 7 The following articles will be found on our outside pages Page. 3.—Gerard’s Memoirs. 4 —Outlcok For Rubber, s.—Penang Chamber of Commerce. Johore Lottery. Breach of Motor Regulations. Belgian Relief Fund. Our Day” Red Cross Fund. B—Federal Council. The Quality of Courage. What the United States is Doing. The Week’s
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  • 599 8 Tbe statement of the Japanese Ambassador in London on tbe occasion of the meeting of the American Luncheon Club constitute a farther condemnation of German methods tbroughont the worid, both pre-war and post-war. His speech is the complement of the utterances of Viscount Isbii in
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  • 349 8 Paris, Nov. 16, 6.20 p.m. The French Ministry has b6en formed as follows: —Premier and Minister of War, George Clemenceau; Justice, Nail; Foreign Affairs, Stephen PicboD; Interior, Pams; Finance?, Ktotx Navy, George L*»ygues Comme ce, Clemenrel; Public Works, Clavaille Arma ment, Loucheur; Education, L»ff me; Colonies, Bimon
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  • 441 8 Judgment in favour of the plaintiffs was delivered by the Chief Justice at Singapore in the Supreme C'*nrt action brought by Chop Tye Heng, preserved pineapple dealers, against Chop Kwong Jm Heng, dealers in tin plates, claiming damages for breach of contract. Mr, Boland Braddell
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  • 235 8 The Allies, according to the claims of German Headquarters, lost 42 machines, and the Germ-n aeroplanes and seaplanes which fell to British and French airmen ard gunners numbered 462. Tbe month’s air warfare was distinguished by several interesting features. British airmen set up a record m
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  • 292 8 There was another crowded house at the Kuala Kmgsar R tad Theatre Hall last night when the Britannia Op-ra Company staged the most interesting play, entitled Berma Sbadan.” The front seats were mostly occupied by Europeans who no doubt were attracted by the clever dancing and
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  • 944 8 The Federal Council resumed its sitting in Kuala Lumpur on Saturday. Supply Bill, The Supply Bill was passed, with addi- < tions totalling over a million and a half < dollars The various items in the Bill as i amended were as follow i Pensions, Jbetired Allowances, Gratuities,
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  • 615 8 Tbe Germans base their last hope of making a drawn fight of it on the ability of the U-boats to prevent the appearance of the Americans on their front. This fact brings out more clearly than ever what has always been true —that sea power is the
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  • 285 8 SMALL NOTES. Foemal Bill Passed bt Council. At the session of the Federal Council in Kuala Lumpur a Bill was introduced entitled The Legal Tender Enactment which makes formal provision for the sew notes for small values issued by the Straits Settlements being legal tender in
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  • 1623 8 [Victor Macclubb Wa did not realise it at? the time, but there was at least one prophet, one seer, who went out With that little army we call the First Expeditionary Force. He did not go into the market-places to preach nor into the mountains to
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  • 412 8 To the facta given in our last issue of wbat Congress has done, we may note tbat tha War Construction programme of the United States Navy comprises 787 vessels, including all types, from super-Dreadnoughts to sabmarine chasers. Some completed during the past few weeks
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  • 70 8 W BDNBBDAT, NOYBMBBR 21. Residency At Home,” 5 Thursday Notbmbbb 22. Lodge Scotia, Regular 6 p- m< Friday. Notbmbbb 23. Town Band, Esplanade Penang Boy Scoots— Presentation of Awards Aoglo-Cbines* School, 4 SOpn. Saturday, Notrmbbr 24. P, V. Field Operations. Sunday, Noybmbbb 25. 25th after Trinity.
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  • 1219 9 There are admittedly a few—we will not ■ay many—pessimists corn-ct-d with tbe cultivation of rubber in M*l*y& and tbe Middle East generally, whose voices are beatd tvery now and again proclaiming the certainty in the very near tutute of overprod uc ion letd’Og down tbe prioe to.a
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 296 9 O. Hotel. SPECIAL TIFFIN E V2RY WEDNESDAY 6? SATURDAY FEDERAL LORRIES TELEPHONE Btll Masters of Transportation Throughout the world Fe'eral Lorries are satisfactorily handling all kinds of transporation problems They t re strong and sturdy and extreme y eaB j and economical to operate. Buyers of Federal* are assured of
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    • 12 9 For Children’! flacking Cough at Night Woods’ Great Peppermint Cmre Is Cd
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    • 425 9 FOR SALE. A COMPLETE PLANT OF EICE MILL with Accessories including one Plug Ignition Petroleum Motor of 2 H.P, Capacity 100 piculs per 24 hours. Apply Eastbrn Tbadino Co., Penang FOR SALE. Rubber stumps small or big quantity over one year old Prompt attention Apply TEIK SWEE Co., 27' 28,
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    • 492 9 Penang Auction Mart. Public Auction Sale Of a large 5 seater. 4 cylinder, 16 20 H P. NAPIEK Motor Car (oir TIRW Ilf OU* SHOWROOM*) Tbe undersigned are iostracted to eeli tbe above On Friday, the 23rd November, 1917, AT 11 AM. SHARP In Logan’s Courtyard. Acetylene lamps petrol consumption
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  • 2275 10 (From Our Own Correspondent Flanders’ Campaign London, October 18. j Again, the perverse weather in Flanders has proved Germany’s best friend. Haig’s last stroke had barely expended itself when the state of the ground became so awful that a further big advance was impossible As it
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 222 10 Q it there’s Purity and Vigour IN EVERY DROP OF READS DOG'S HEAD” GUINNESS It retains through the entire brewing process and after maturing and bottling, the delicious fragrance of the hop with its sweet and soothing perfume. It has the sparkling force of a cleverly fermented beverage without the
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    • 60 10 r e=a« How did you feel this morning Washed -eut, Liverish, Sick headache, Tired, no appetite, coated Tongue, bad taate in the mouth. If eo. you retuire a amall doee of, PINKETTES to make you fit and keep you So teat* par phial at roar dr«t*iat'a er direct by mail
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    • 538 10 ktotiob. Disputes having arisen bPt and my wife Cbeah Cbu.n i hereby give notice to the pnblic will not be response f or any debts n^ 1 hereaf'er to contracted by her. a W r (8 gned) KHOO EAN 8EANG notice. ATOTICE i> hereby given that the bu»i 11 ness
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  • 1888 11 Th« Pl»y Way* An Essay in Educational Method. By H. Caldwell (look, Mi. Oxon. Illustrated. William Hfinemann. Ba. 6d- net. The mistake is to judge boys by the stan dards of grownups, to forget that a child is quicksand mobile like a running stream and that in
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 406 11 CONSTIPATION. The Cause of much Suffering. When the Bowels are clogged the waste matter decays and ferments and enters the blood, and is carried to all parts of the body, producing Headaches, Biliousness, Sleeplessness, Heartburn, Loss of Appetite, Indigestion, Neuralgia, Rheumatism and various other ailments disturbing the Heart and Nervous
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    • 280 11 Knife-like Fains Tho «harp, «hooting pains, tbs interns agony of Sciatica, often make death prefer* able to life. The fiery darts that rsn from hip to heel, the sleepless nights, tbs cheeress day—why not stop all this and get back to health and comfort again F Little’s Oriental Balm ia
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1478 12 P. 0,—BRITISH INDIA AND APCAR LINE. v* t (Companies Incorporated in Enwlesad MAIL AND PASSENGER SERVICES. f K. P. H. KONINKLIJKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ. (ROYAL PACKET S.N. COMPANY.) (Incorporated in Holland For Intended to Bail Steamer PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS(Under Contract with His Majesty's Government.) The Company'* MAIL SERVICES EAST OF
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