Straits Echo, 20 November 1917

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1151 1 >rs£i.£^ &TJ-~. Uk'\ ll* *57 jj; t \y J> t, <..>■ /bar il *s >.:■ ■■foi' <'••■* or. g»i MO. VP? 3F«5 .>4., SSi N ATt/bSs COOP CHANGE ’Phone No 694, OR STOP ON YOUR WAY HOME (BANKS Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China. Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation.
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    • 16 1 t'l £te MILS, s* Sb '**ae *BCt UIC 'ON* FO* *ast r—g JSi *■•s '■‘'m a
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  • 1973 2 SUFFERING IN PRISON CAMPS. ADMINISTRATION AT RUHLEBEN. How TM Ibishmix Chased Casement. The following are further instalments of Mr. J. W. Gerard’s memoirs: At Ruhleben there was a hospital which, I spite of many representations, was never in proper shape In addition, there was in the camp a
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 203 2 noun!. LAIDLAW CO., LIS., (Incorporated in England,) House Furnishers.JMT 5 Try us with your next furnishing !order, we will achieve at moderate cost, results which speak of welcome, comfort and refinement. -1- ftFil mmmtm fl W ,7^ OLD OAK REPRODUCTIONS. These pieces are reproduced in Chenghai Pasir and finished dull
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    • 690 2 Enife-like Paiaa The sharp, .hooriDg p a j ni (.u. agon? of Sciatica, often make death Dr «f DW able to life. Tde fiery dart» that rof#*”’ hip to heel, the sleepless night., the cbee!* less day—why not stop all thia back to health and oomfort aoain 9 Little's Oriental
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  • 300 3 Our Taiping correspondent writes Inspector Limerton prosecut'd in the following cases which were b -fore Mr. Forrest, be at Taiping. Rimnn, on the alleged charge of abscond •eg from the Hillrise E-tato. was sent to the B tu Q. j -b Court for trial, while Maria Suseh and
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  • 172 3 [To thi Editor cf the Straitt Ech Sir, —I have read with interest the various publications, iu your paper, of Physical Entertainments in aid of the Our Day” and Red Cross Funds and am glad to note the improvements and progresses of the “yc.ung Asiatics” towards Physical Culture.
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  • 147 3 Of unusual interest is the announcement of the showing at Electric Polyscope for a week’s engagement of the Lois Weber seven part masterpiece, “Even as You and I,” a gripping emotional drama of souls at bay. Its absorbing script depicts life in Bohemea as lived by a couple
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  • 251 3 At the Eastern Produce Exchange 186th Auction Sale the following prices were obtained per picul. Diamond Smoked Fair from $7O to 95 Diamond Unsmoked 55 to 69 Plain Uosmoked 50 to 61 Brown Crepe 44 Scrap Crepe 32 to 36 Loose Scrap Fair 15 to 17 98,127
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  • 625 3 The war has changed many things, and among them the economic dependence of Asiatic countries upon Europe is undergoing a gradual but profound readjustment. J*pan is rtpidly bfcommga creditor, instead of a debtor, tation. While repaying her own debt cutsUndiog from the RussoJapinese war, she is financing
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  • 358 3 British Foreign Sailors’ Society Centenary Fund. [To the Editor of the Straits Echo.'} Sir. —At the invitation of the Directors cf the British and Foreign Siilors’ Society I have undertaken to issue a special appeal on behalf of the great National work carried on by the Society for our Sailors
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 714 3 SE0H m ®r* an CJc—--3H Sr* Sfr(Sr* Sr- Sr* Sr* SH •>- SStt- *r(Sr* Stic 0H SH SrW* SH SrSr- >r* I* vr* i* st- 8H SH BS--9r fcCOMLNG MONDAY N:GHT Another special attractive programme-better than the last. CMPIRETHEATRE Business Manager Thomas Shafto. Bb lOR THRKL NIGH I S ONLY
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    • 425 3 *gf J FOLLOW WHO CAN the Premier Picture House Where every lover of Pictures joes Electric polyscopE ~r Business Manager Khoo Keng Chccw. )9* Commencing at 8 p m., and showing nightly till Thursday, 22nd Nov., 1917, UNIVERSAL SPECIAL EVEN AS YOU AND I Lois Weber’s Latest Cinemasterpiece. The Gre
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  • 95 4 fßUbktl daily (exoept Sunday» and public Wbdayi) AT TUB OBMBOW PRESS, Ln>. ffr 59, Beech Street, Penang. Vttoi D»Dt Leal -«M per annum. OaMetMU. M Poctage Extra. nßdMea (Poefc Free) 917.50 OilLl IDDMH a ECHO—PENANG Telephone Nos. (Echo) 586 Printing Department 343 —All business communications should
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  • 1319 4 Ca»e-hardened as we are, the news of the death of Sir Stanley Maude, the victor of Bagdad and only a month a o of Ramadie, leaves us aghast. Since he took over command of the British forces in Mesopotamia, where we made the great initial mistake of
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  • 849 4 Mr. J. S aton, of Malacca, is on his way back from leave, Mr. R. S Wood has left for home on long furlough. Mr. J. G. Rees, who is proceeding home to join up, has left, Mr. G. Fernando, of the Police Office, 3elangor, returned from
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  • 589 4 [Reuter’s Telegrams] STIFFENING RESISTANCE Austro-German Concentrio Movement. Peris, November It. A semi official announcement states t- The most noteworthy event of the day was the more resolute Italian resistance which even entered a phase of the oountcrattack, assisted by reinforcements whioh are now participating in a determined reeistanoe
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 263 4 r ik'i Just Received Vest Pocket Kodak $18-70 to. 1a. Kodak $35-00 to. 3 Kodak £51-75 to. 3a Kcdak i62-<0 m i m m BROWNIES Happy with your I.0.52. Folding Brownie R _R. j Koddk Lens 0.40 j A Kodak will give you charming No. 2a. Folding B ownie R.
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    • 29 4 IN AID OF THE RED CROSS FUND. If yon have not woo a prize IN THE SELANGOR or J0H0RĔ LOTTERY Try your luck in the PENANG LOTTERY 888 PRIZES.
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  • 584 5 [Reuter's Telegrams.] 1 maximalist split. Smral Resignation* London, November 18. jeuter’n correspondent at Petrograd, wiring on November 18, report! that a Uni®iliit split ha! oocurreL Four memtar( 0 f the Maximalist Adminiitration, ,tjled Commiiiioneri of the Interior, Commerce, Agriculture, and Supplie! respectively, bare resigned on the ground that
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  • 2133 5 [Reuter's Telegrams.] DEBATE IK THE COMMONS. A CROWDED HOUSE. Prtmier’s ExplanationLondon, November 19. Immense interest was taken in this afternoon’s debate in the Hoase of Commons, initiated by Mr. A?quith on the premier’s speech in Paris. The house and galleries were orowded, M. Veniulos was seated in
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  • 1420 5 Sensitive Sportsmen. “Tuan Tatabu Kera” who writes to us from Ipoh regardiag foi tbiil league matters ii informed that he should address bis letter to the Timet of Malaya It was that journal wbiob made the alleged mistake in calculating the league points we took no part in
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  • 227 5 [Reuter’s Telegrams] “Daily Telegraph’s” Views. London, Nov. 19. The Daily Telegraph military correspond, eat denies that Mr. Lloyd George attempt* d during last winter to place the British army under the ommand of General Nivelle. He says that General Nivelle in January proposed that the British and
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  • 212 5 The following artiolea will be found on our outside pages Page. 2. —Glerard’s Memoirs. 3. Taiping Cases. Physical Culture. J Gistero Fnduce Eaohauge. F*r Eastern Finance. British Foreign Sailors' Sooiety Centenary Fund. 6. —More About Rants. Age of Rubber Trees. German-Americans and the War. Malayan Foo l Supply, C
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  • 15 5 Obituary. Sir Charles Holroyd. London, November 19. The death is announoed of Sir Charles Holroyd,
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  • 1032 6 The deleterious tff ct of grass on the growth and fruiting of fruit trees has been definitely proved in England by the researches of the Duke of Bedford and H. U. Pickering whose conclusions on the of 16 y«ars’ wo k is tumaunzxl in tbs
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  • 984 6 From time to time we have had occasion to comment on the food of Malaya acd the necessity of an attempt being made to promjte the cultivation of food stuff* 1 wbicb ctn be locally grown, eap cialljr nee. Hi* Excellency the H gh Commissioner iu hi*
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  • 1416 6 Municipal Commissioners and Assessment Question. A meeting of the Singapore Municipal Commissioners was held in the Board room on Fiiday, thero being present, the President (Mr. F J Hallifax), Dr. Vaerasamy and M -6srp. Roland Bnddell, D. se=>t TioDg Wab, J. A. Elia.*, Tan Kbe-*m Hock, W.
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  • 737 6 Influence on thb Quality. The subj ct of the influence of the age ot the trees on the quality of tbe rubber is treated by Dr, O. tie Vries ia a contemporary Direct experiments to ascertain the influence of the age of the trees on tbe
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  • 2051 6 Remarkable S beech by Mb. Otto H, Khan. R c c?ntly theca was held in N> w York a meeting of the Merchants’ Association, a body wbicb comprises the leading commercial men of that city. Its object was to further the succor of the Liberty Loan,
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 22 6 •IndianForesttr,Yo\. XLIII, No. 2,1917, p. 95 •Sohiemer and Heed, Bureau of Soil». U.S A Bt dUtin 40. Agri uliur 1 Journal •>/ India,
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    • 42 6 Early Colds. Ba ca eful of tfap colds you take at th'a liaie of the year. They are particularly dangerous. A neglected coll may mean a win-ter-long cold. Take Chambdrlain’s Cough Remedy at once. For Bale by all dispensaries and d -.tie's.
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  • 1030 7 PILL-BOXES. Th« German Quality. nnet birg we are beginning to notice” wounded English «oldier the ,S ltT in tbe men tbej put up egamet us i hi ficbtin’ one time against tome of Y U°? test an’ >ome of their beet are «till tbe
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  • 1287 7 CONCLAVE AT DELHI. SPEECH BY THE VICEROY. The Man-Powbk Qubstiob. Delhi, November 5. The Conference of Ruling Princes and Chiefs opened to-day before a Urge and distinguished gathering, about forty-nine Princes and Chiefs attending. The Vicbeot’s Addbess. His Excellency the Viceroy’s speech, in opening the proceedings of tbe
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 50 7 Accidents Will Happen It »»y be impoaaible to prevent an acoident, but it ia not impoaaible to be preparf <3 01 it. Chamberlain's Pain Balm ia not bej ’“d aayane’a parse, and with a bottle of tnu liniment yon are prepared for moat anjJj“*. For sale by all dispensaries and
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    • 441 7 EJ: Borden’s Eagle Brand Condensed Milk has no Equal. V "V Connell Brothers Coy., Sole Agents, ft K5S Kf 1 1 0: :0 LACTOGEN The Natural Milk Food for infants and invalids Obtainable at all Dispensaries IY ORDER OF TBE CUSTODIAN OF ENEMY IROPERTY PURSUANT TO AN ORDER OF HIS
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    • 430 7 NOTICE. DISPUTES bavinp arisen between me and my wife Cbesh Cbuan Kee I hereby give notice to the public that I will not be responsible for any debts now or hereafter to be contracted by her. (Signed) KHOO EAN 8EANG. NOTICE. lyrOTICE is hereby given that the busi« 1 v
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    • 393 7 WANTED ONE between 16 to 20 or higher H. P, Crude Oil Engine in good running order. Apply to TEIK 8WEE A CO. 27A 28, btation Road, Bukit Mertajam, FOR SA.LE. A COMPLETE PLANT OP RICE MILL with Accessories including one Plug Ignition Petroleum Motor of 2 H.P, Capacity 100
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1385 8 P. 0. —BRITISH INDIA AND APCAR LINE, (Companies Incorporated in Bneland MAIL AND PASSENGER SERVICES. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS(Under Contract with His Majesty's Government.) The Company’s MAIL SERVICES EAST OF BOMBAY are at present .«pended. Passengers for Europe are booked via Bombej as opportunity offer, sad as far as SERVICES
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