Straits Echo, 16 November 1917

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 2005 2 The following are further instalments of Mr. J. W. Gerard’s memoir In Ruhleben the educated prisoners volunteer2d to teach the ignorant: two hundred and ninety-seven different educational courses were offered to those who desired to improve their minds. A splendid orchestra was organized, a drama'ic society which gave
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 265 2 WHITE A.W AY’S PENANG. LARGE NEW STOCK COTTON VOILES. In white with fancy check in black and small rose design in colors. Width 39 inches in four colorings. Price $1.65 per yard. THE HOUSE OF VALUE. COTTON DRESS GOODS PATTERNS FREE ON REQUEST. COTTON MUSLIN. Soft white muslin with colored
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    • 48 2 Most People Victims to constipation. Dispel the trouble by taking an occasional dose o! PINKETTES. the little laxatives which ently assist nature to establish retular habits ol health •0 •sets s«r shlal at roar drmuist'n u direct by esil on receist ol eriee ,r WILLIAM»* MEDICINE COMPANY. SINQAPOM.
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    • 369 2 ANTED ONE between 16 to 20 or N. P, Crude Oil Eogine tunning order. Apply to higher in good TEIK 8WEE A CO. 27A 28, Station Bond, Bukit hertajcm, WANTED. BY THE GOVERNMENT of the Federated Malay 8tates a competent translator from Dutob into Eoglisb, male or female, preferably a
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  • 2266 3 HIGH COMMISSIONER’S REVIEW. TRADE AND CUSTOMS. Encouraging Position Disclosed. In the course cf bis aunual address to the Federal Council on Tuesday H. E the High Commissioner said The aggregate volume of trade for the first sir months of this year is valued at $175,872,549, an
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1043 3 r X* 3F* Sfr* S' Sr* I» Sr* r 0r* Sr* GH 6fr* r fc If SH star* 0f 8H Sr- h, 6t8H I* 0H 3H a* Sa* a* a* a* a* a* a* a* a* a* a* a* a* SK yc. nr.? Come and join those enjoying themselves—BUT COME
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    • 405 3 ABI Hear what “Review said of tHis most stupendous masterpiece. r-y-X, «V >s 0 H >;y 0 N V.- 5 W 0* •0* I i a* :V i M G V» r* f B* N m B&4 H G Hi r B* sStSi' 5 r* mm 4 Parts 4 Parts
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  • 96 4 PIMM daily (exoept Sundays aid pmblie hrtMays) a* m CKITIRION PRESS, Ltd. I B* 59, Beach Street, Penang. Fnion Daily Leaal 9*4 par annum. Postage Extra. M«1 E4Mea (Port Free) 917.50 Qilll iODMH ECHO—PENANG.” Telephone Nos. (Echo) 586 Printing Department 343 A. P. All buiineaa communications should
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  • 1322 4 More and more, as the days pass by, does the bearing of the economic queation on the war and after the war persistently come to the front At a recent meeting of the Chamber of Shipping of the United Kingdom the presidential address put before the members
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  • 72 4 latest Quotations *i K refined) i8 3 aotpd hf>re to-day at imSO buyer* D0 stllir-, in Singapore (rtfiaed) st $130. buyers no sellers and in London at .£278 spot and ar £2 77 10s. three months. Messrs. Boustead A Co. inform us Hut* the followmg wPie tb«
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  • 977 4 L The e 1 °f lhe 1»‘« Mr. Tech Chong Hoo will take place on the 3rd proximo I E Mor,ilon Political Adviser to the Chinese Government, has left Peking I I for Australia. He will return in Mar I 3 L OTernor h appointed tbs bon
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  • 993 4 Oxford As It le. Oxford to-day is practically gi T en Dn oidets in training for the front p 10 British Empirt in wonders what would be thought of present aspect by the pious founder. *5 Lmooln or Exeter, or by Dr John. 01,1 ia 1784 jeered at
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 127 4 Avoid colds and chills. Our waterproof cea's will ward both off. They arc cheaper than doctor's bills. W V\ Made of best waterproof material, well cut, perfect fitting, all sizes in stock, Lighter quality $14-50. Heavier quality $22-50. KENC CO., PENANG IPOH. :2CDc: THE WELL-KNOWN Akiha Kickshaws. A ride in
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  • 592 5 [Reuter’s Telegrams] ADMIRALTY returns. Marked Fall. London, November 14. The Admiralty reports that the arrivals t British ports during the week numbered 1185 and the Ssi’ings 2307 Total 4432 One vessel over 1,600 tons was sunk snd Ire under that tonnage, making a total of six. Bight
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  • 618 5 [Reuter's Telegrams]. ANGLO-FRENCH AID. Premier’» Tribute, Rome, Nov. 15. A.t the opening of the Chamber of Deputies, Signor Orlando, the Premier, paid a handsome tribute to the spontaneous help of the French and British. Subsequently, a resolution by 8ignor Boselli, father of the Chamber, re-affirming the Chamber’s faith
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  • 531 5 [Reuter's Telegrams]. FURTHFR CAPTURES O» ike Heel of tkc E»es»y. London, Nov. 14, 8.25 pm. General Allenby reports “We have driven the enemy seven miles to the north of Eedron which covers the Jsffa-Ramileh-Jerusalem Railway, taking eleven hundred prisoners and several guns,” FURTHER ONWARDS. CaataaaAar-ia-Ckiefa Report. London, Nov.
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  • 38 5 (J*Voi» Our Own Correspondetd^ London, November 14. The prioes in the London Rubber Market to-day were: Pale Crepe Diamond Smoked Sheet 2/6 Singapore, November 15. Pale Orepe $lO5 to slls. Bibbed Smoked $9O to SIIQ.
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  • 584 5 [Reuter's Telegrams]. Successful Raids. London, November 15. Field-Marshal Sir Douglas Haig reports i—- We drove off raiders near Polderhoek Wood to the north of Menin Road. To the north of Bixschoote the Belgians entered the German lines last night. To the north of Dixmude we blew up oonorete
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  • 1852 5 CLEAN AND FAST GAME. P. C. C.’e Creditable Win. The replay of the final tie in the Oar Day” Football Tournament between the P 0. C. and the C. R. 0 took place on the Esplanade yesterday evening and was witnessed by a large concourse of spectators.
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  • 50 5 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, November 16. The annual report of the Chinese Commercial Bank states that the net profit for the year was $297,729. The directors recommend a dividend of ten per cant. The sum of $125,000 will be transferred to General Reserve, making it $350,000.
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  • 62 5 The following articles will be found 00 our outside pages Page. 2. —Gerard’s Memoirs. 3. —F.M S. Affairs. 6.—Rent Assessment Board. Alleged Theft, To-morrow’s Band Programme, Mr, Montagu’s Prestige.” A. C. 8. U. Variety Entertainment, Tin Ou'puts, The Orang Dusau of BN.B Medical Research and the War. Shyness.” The
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  • 1777 6 POSSIBLE COO IN FIXING ANNUAL VALUES. Resolution bt Me. Tomlinson A suggestion ast> co-op: tuion b iwafcn the Rent Assessment Board and the Municipal Commissioners was made by M 8. Tomlinson at the weekly meeting of the former body at Singapore on Tuesday. M Tomlinson proposed the
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  • 157 6 1 Three Hindub—aundrum, Supaya and J, Yahad^m—w?re brought before Mr. B.H. 9 Langston, this mo ning, on the charge of t theft of gold jewellery from the Hindu t Temple in Queen Street, belonging to the I god Subramaniayer. 5 J It is alleged that the trio, one
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  • 68 6 The following programme of music will be played at the Golf Club to morrow evening at 5-45 p m. Overture To the Ballet Joke Lindpaintner I 2 Song It’s A Long, long, way to Tipperary William 3 S°lection Bocaccio Suppe 4 Waltz W.dding of the Winds Hall
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  • 57 6 l ho outputs from the following companiec for the first ha f of Nov< mbsr f undar 1\ munting Tin Dredging Ltd.—Piculs 400 Hours run 290 P C, er T n Dr d ic Ltd DredgePu u 150 Hours run 303. Tributo.-s—Picu s 50. Lnut Tin Dredging Ltd.-Piculs
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  • 602 6 APPEAL TO THE PREMIER, Hint of Social Boycott. Madras, November 1. Sir S. Subrsmania Iyer has sent the following cable to Mr. Lloyd Gcorgf, Premier: “As Honorary President of Home Rule League, Madras, and on behalf of the Indian-public, I wish to convey to tbe Premier our
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  • 173 6 There was a crowded house at the Dress Rehearsal of the A.C.S. Union Variety entertainment last night. Over six hundred school children were admitted. Over a hundred of them had to stand up throughout the whole play. The programme was an excellent one. Nearly
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  • 132 6 Patrons and the public wishing to spend sn enjoyable evening tc-night cannot do better than call at the Electric Polyscope. The films to be screened include The Rscuer” four parts, “Latest Patbe G. zetln showing present events. Luke Wind Ye Lady Faire featuring the world’s greatert comtd'aa next
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  • 2254 6  -  By Ivor H. N. Etaits, B.A. With llate 17] 1 The following notes on the custom 9 and beliefs of the so called Orang Dusun” of British North Borneo were made during the i months of July and August, 1915. They are' supplementary to tome
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  • 412 6 Three years of war have yielded a vast array of facts which must eventually necessitate tho remodelling of present systems of medical education and research. Meantime, France has produced in the Horizon 1 1 series—so n?midfrom the uniform 1 of the French soldier—a library of
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  • 300 6 In a review of a book called Apologia Diffidentie,” by a Mr, Compton Leith, a writer in the Saturday thus discourses on shyness Shyness is a quality that may sometime! be engaging and pleasant hi tbs very young, amongst whom, in these days at any rate, it is seldom
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  • 49 6 Friday, Novumbbr 16. Town Band, Esplanade. Saturday, Noybmbbb 17. Johore War Loan Lottery Drawing. Sunday, Novimrbb 18. 24th after Trinity. Monbat, Novbmbir 19. Town Band, Esplanade. Tubsday, Novbjibbb 20. Chamber of Commeroe, Speoial General Meeting, 3 p.m. Rural Board Meeting. Wbdnbsdat, Novbmbir 21. Residency, At Home.”
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  • 970 7 German Legislation for the Occupied Territories of Belgium- Official Texts. Edited by Charles Henry Huberich, and Alexander Nieol-Speyer- First to Tenth Series- (The Hague; M&rtinus Nijhoff.) In these volumes the future historian of the war will find valuable materials, He will be struck by its extent
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  • 1003 7 The old Empire and the New. (Imperial Studies Series.) By Arthur Percival Newton. With an Introduction by Sir Charles Lucas. (Dent. 2s. 6d. net-) The Imperial Studies Series needs no justification just now, Most of us would admit quite frankly, and with a new sense of
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 531 7 THE STORM KING LANTERN. 250 Candle Rower. STORM AND RAIN PROOF COST OF LIGHTING—I CENT AN HOUR. Automatically cleaned, cannot clog. Suitable fcr indoor and outdoor use, for lighting bun. galows, cottages, public halls, shops, sheds, factories, theatres, op~n spaces, Roads, &C.J absolutely safe. Simple to operate. Also Table Lamps
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    • 41 7 Early Golds. Be careful of the colda you take at thii time of the year. They are particularly dan* geroua. A neglected cold may mean a win-ter-long cold. Take Cbamberlain’a Cough Remedy at onoe, For sale by all diapenaariea and dealera.
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    • 571 7 The Best Advice To give to a person Buffering from He%dacbe or Neuralgia is to use a remedy that will give instant relief.— Like a touch of the wizird’s wand Little's Oriental Balm acts on these painful disorders. Tbe tffects are simply marvellous. One application and the pain subsides as
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    • 89 7 Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. When yon have a bad cold you want a remedy that will not only give relief, but effect a prompt and permanent cure, a remedy that ii pleasant to take, a remedy that contains nothing injurious. Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy meets all these requirements It acts on nature’s
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    • 532 7 It'S Good to fee 1 tired i after healthy exercise, tut if that tired feeling does not disappear after a night’s c eep it s abnormal. It means lhat you are anaemic or debili ated that 3 ou need a tonic to build up your thin blood Dr- Williams' Pink
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1485 8 P. 0,-BRITISH INDIA AND APGAR LINE, (Companies Incorporated in England MAIL AND PASSENGER SERVICES, r. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS(Under Contract with His Majesty's Government.) The Company's MAIL SERVICES EAST OF BOMBAY are at present suspended Passengers for E a rope are booked via Bombay as opportunity offers and as far
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