Straits Echo, 15 November 1917

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1076 1 ■JB7. 'MIS ximj hL x. w% _i\ t' '%Y:J ’•iWim > u 3* ufe 1,,,, NAtUI > ".t*, BANKS good chance Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China. •Phone No 694. (Incorporated in England by Royal Charter.) OR STOP ON YOUR WAY HOME FOX MICHELIN TYRES AT MODERATE PRICES At
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    • 9 1 1 a mm Si 7 7 i rtff I//
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  • 1542 3 WHAT WE COULD DO-IN RE r LY. 1 The Rhine Foe The Thames, Britibh airmen flying a typo cf machine that baa been used in our bombing raids for many months past, and which was actual.y available twenty months ago, could by night bomb the vast cluster of
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 610 3 Be Fat Not any r. m f 4m v j I j ;wvn [u on Firm. Uerlthy Flesh Wnere Every Ounce Will C ount. If women an.T mon only knew 11m pity (he gibes an1 (ho ridicule, that pinch, d che.ka r rawnv chest» and sear «row figures make, they
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    • 316 3 NOTICE I, the undersigned Y6oh Paik Keat hereby give notice that I retired from the firm of of Tiang Lee Co. Penang and Kuala Lumpur aa from the Ist day of January, 1917, and that my interest and responsibility iu that firm has ceased as from that date. (Bd.) Yeoh
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    • 403 3 If you want the best Emulsion tbe one that not only give. the 6est rrsaiti, bat that is really pleasam to take, that agrees perfectly with delicate stomachs h.nd that greatly improves appetite and digestion—then be sure to get Edgier s Emulsion No other Emulsion vs so strongly recommended and
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  • 1868 4 Thk Hand or the Bolshevik, When Prikaz No, I destroyed discipline and brought the committee sys'em into the Army, it was fondly bopsd by M. Gutcbkoff, then Minister of War, that things wou d gradually right themselves. But the Soviet intended otherwise. A "D.claratioa of Soldiers’ B'ghts was
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 295 4 WHITEA WAY’S PENANG. —OQ?»W IIW r sr nwril LARGE HEW STOCK COTTON VOILES. In white with fancy check in black and Email rose design in colors. Width 39 inches in four colorings. Price $1.65 per yard. K»' «V7W» X urm k IE* THE HOUSE OF VALUE. COTTON DRESS GOODS PATTERNS
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    • 43 4 Earl Colds. Be careful of the colds you take at th s time of the year. They are particularly dan* gerous. A neglected cold may mean a win. ter-long cold. Take Chamberlain's Cough Remedy at once, For salt by all dispensaries and dealers.
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    • 357 4 Government Notice STRAITS SETTLEMENTS 6% WAR LOAN INTEREST for the second ha If- year of the above loan will be paid on the Isth November. Coupons not cashed through Banks may be presented for payment at the General Post Offices in Singapore, Penang Malacca and at any Money Order Office
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  • 306 5 OUR DAY 1917. CHQ Clarke 4000 Amount Collected by Kboo Teow Hooi 70.00 GcobEweKhooi 5 00 Low Heong Ewe 500 Wong Hrng Kee 100 F A Peter ton f l 00 Mohamed AH 1.00 Lim Ewe 5.00 G W Angus 5,00 H Mehta 500 Chinese Staff, LumutHospital 2.00 C
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  • 230 5 (From Our Own Correspondent Buk t Mertajam, Nov. 15. At the Bokit Mert,j*m Police Court, before Mr. G. A. Hereford, yesterday, a Hokien named Ng Ah Fo pleaded guilty to a charge of trespass upon the railway line by riding a bicycle along tbe edge. The accused
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  • 89 5 The undermentioned prioes were realised for rubber sold by Messrs. Allen Dennys A Co. at their 333 rd Auction Sale held t> day i Smoked Diamond Sheet No. 1 $lO3 to $ll2 per picul Smoked Diamond Sheet No. 2 85 102 do Unsmoked Sheet No, 1 76
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  • 829 5 In more senses than one Mr. Montagu mutt be at sea. The confining reports that have been sent from India as to the state of public opinion are confusing enough and he probably wishes that the task of setting up a new era in India had fallen
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  • 34 5 Thursday Novbmbbr 15. New Moon. Friday, Novbmbbr 16 Town Band, Esplanade Saturday, Novbmbbr 17. Johore War Loan Lottery Drawing. Sunday, Novbmbbr 18. 24th after Trinity. Monday, Novbmbbr 19 Town Band, Esplanade.
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  • 59 5 Pbbano Wombn Workbrs. Amount previously acknowledged $6,070 38 No. 42 2 00 $6,072 38 Hospital garments for soldiers ready cut out for workers will be given out every Friday at the Town Hall at 9,15 till 10.30 a.m. Workers are urgently needed. Also donations should be
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  • 137 5 Exbmplaby Punishmhnt, A Chinaman chuged with selling fish utfit for human consumption, though well known to many in Court, pleads guilty, saying that he was a sinkeh”. A rikisha peon had on a previous occasion b:ught fish f om the man and on returning home found the
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  • 126 5 The packed bouses at the Empire Theatre nightly go a long way to show the popularity end high standard of this show, which is second to none in this Settlement. The programme to be presented to*night is said to be the strongest yet shown. There will be two
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 737 5 change######;#### fi* Y *2» m *> Don’t mias seeing C ABIRIA The World’s greatest film ever produced 20 000 performers were engaged in this photoplay. HERE’S OUR TIP-TOP PROGRAM IF YOU WANT THB BEST IT IS HIES AT TDE LECfBIC POLYSCOPE Jfc FIRST SHOW 8 PM. T O ADVENTURES OF
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    • 351 5 »(.'5 nr. a•H Sh» tt* Bh* GSa-* e S--BS-* ■H as 02“° a-» a-* aa- ai aCome and join those enjoying themselves—BUT COME EARLY. Packed nightly and drawing greater crowds than c??r at fhe Empire theatre Business Manager Thomas Shafto. Hgg We present one of our absolutely strongest programmes for
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    • 251 5 ANTED ONE bptween 16 to 20 or higher H. P, Crude Oil Engine in good running order. Apply to TEIK SWEE <k CO. 27& 28, Station Hoad, Bukit Mertajam, ,w mar—r—~i i!■ 111 hi n —agjij. WANTED. BY THE GOVERNMENT of the Federated M+lay Btates a competent translator from Du'cbinto
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  • 97 6 daily («xoept Sunday» and pnfclie i Widny») at m CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. 53, Baaoh Street, Penang. Fnion: jlfly Laaal mm P® r annum. o«kg|ataon. M Poataga Extra. ifflii BdMan (Poet Fraa) 117.50 OABLI iOSIIII ECHO —PENANG" Telephone Nos. (Echo) 586 I Printing Department 343 ,B. —All busineM
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  • 1299 6 The British armies in Palestine and Mesopotamia, though operating under widely different conditions, depend to a considerable extent on one another, and are each pursuing the same object. The Turks must regulate their strength in one theatre by their prospect in the I other. The communications
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  • 943 6 Mr. R. D. Acton, District Judge, left tbia morning for Bukit Mertajam on duty and will return to-morrow. c t Mr. F. W. Stones, of the F.M.S. Railways, who has been on a business visit in Penang, 1 returns to Headquarters to-day. t The Russian Artist Count
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  • 1007 6 The Firat Lady Ruaaell, It is 102 years to-day since, to quote the contemporary announcement, was born te the Earl and Countess of Minto, at Minto House, Hawick, a daughter —Lady Fanny Elliot—who was destined to beoome one of those ladies who have done so much to essiat
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 269 6 Gillette Blades NEW STOCKS JUST RECEIVED $2 25 per packet. $2.28 post free. m I» I GILLETTE RAZORS. De Luxe Pocket Pattern. In beautiful Gilt Case lined with plush. $12.00. TWINPLEX DE LUXE STROPPERS. FOR GILLETTE BLADES, 100 SHAVES FROM ONE BLADE. It, strops both edges at once and puts
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  • 616 7 [Reuter's Telegrams.] Ihe INVADING armies. Ntw Liae ef D«f«*e*. LondoD, Not. 13. B uter’s correspondent at the Italian H ?0 D “*th ”e'«ing of NoTOmber IS the troopo oocopy’Ofl f* lo r ®6‘ ODS l “j* XL .ucoeedod in ret.nng with .mall ,„d rejoined tbo .rmj who.o
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  • 623 7 [Reuter's Telegrams.] Fi*e Woik ky Losdo* Yeomanry. London, Not, 13, General Allenby, describing the operations up to Thursday, says that tbe Turks sn October 27, nude a strong rccornaissanoe with two regiments of oavalry and three thousand infantry to the south-west of Tel-el-Sheria. The London Yeomamy Brigade holding
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  • 40 7 Owing to unforeseen ciroumstanoes and military duty in ««““«‘j 00 T^r^maSr”'' 1 nulsorv Camp tome of the Merry makers could not obtain, .0 the fix«d to tak. piece at the Town H.ll to-morrow night has been oanoelled.
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  • 182 7 [Reuter's Telegrams.] Eat ay Artillery Activity• London, November 14, 12.40 a.m. Bir Douglas Haig reports increased enemy artillery activity all day long at' a number of points on the Ypres battle front, especially in the neighbourhood of Passchendaele Aerial Activity. London, November 14. Sir Douglas Haig reports Our
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  • 425 7 War Graat to Peaaioaed Officer*. C From Our Own Correspondent} Kuala Lumpur, Nov. 14. At the meeting of the Federal Council, the Chief Secretary, io answer to question?, said that the Gorernment was unable to make any war grant to pensioned effloer?, but cases of distress were being
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  • 26 7 (From Our Own Correspondents London, November 13. The prioes in the London Rubber Market to-day were: Pale Crepe f/' Diamond Smoked Sheet t>
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  • 831 7 [Reuter's Telegrams.] Paris, November 14, 5.40 p.m. The Government has resigned. The Chamber’s Vote. Paris, Not- 14, 1 30 a.m. The Chamber has passed a rote of confidence :n the Government by 250 rotes to 192, after a speech by M Pain!£vp, explaining the purpose of the
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  • 1461 7 [Rbutbr’s Telegrams] SENSATION Atii'ude of the Crmmoas. London, Ncv. 14. Mr. Llojd George’s speech at the Paris luDoheon bad caused a tremendous sersati n in the House of Commons which was taker by surprise and is disposed to be critic It is interpreted in some quarters
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  • 70 7 The following articles will be found on our outside pages Page. 3. Air Raids. Selling Unwholesome Fish, Empire Theatre. The Wetk’e Events. 4. —Russia To-D iy. Schoolboy Humour, 5. Dindings. Bukit Mertajam Cases. Penang Rubber Auction. Mr, Montagu’s Task. Queen Mary’s Needlework Guild. 8. Battle Sto*ies. Municipal Commission. High
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  • 3010 8 FINANCIAL POSITION. Malaya’* Relation to the Wae. In hia address, at the metiiig of the Federal Council H.E. tbe High Commissioner said: At my laat annual address it was my sad duty to refer to tbe death of His Highness tbe late Sultan of Perak. This year
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  • 1073 8 i Eton Headmaster's Story. Under the title of Some Humours of Boyhood,” the Rev. the Hon. Edward Lyttelton, the late Headmaster of Eton, gives some amusing stories and reminiscences cf schoolboy life in the current issue of the Nineteenth Century, and After. Dr. Lyttelton begins with a number
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  • 1355 8  -  Thl Ha.KA.RD9 or thh Front Linr. 1 1 (By z.) "We had made a bit of an advance. Pilkem way”, said a Midland soldier of one of the Ejglish country regiments, exceedingly cheerful despite a badly smashed femur; “and we had got our position fahly well consolidated. But
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  • 619 8 MINTJTHB ot Mrrtino, Minutes of a Special Meeting 0 f the Municipal Commissioners held on Tueida, the 30th October, 1917. '■‘“‘May, Preterit W. Perl, Esq. Pretident. A. M. Goodman, Esq F. Duxburt, Esq. Hon A F, Goodrich. Quah Peng Krr, Esq Cher Wor Lor, Esq. Absent Yroh Guan
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  • Page 8 Advertisements

  • 1119 9 “Thk Battalion Op Diath.” The woman that saved France wai Joan of •A- rc peasant girl, Marie Bochkareva, a poor emigrant from the wilds of S beria, ia her modern parallel. The greatest manifestation that has been witnessed in Russia since the first days of tharevolution
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 169 9 JEFFREY’S BE S 3 S 'JSEt m* m J*&r--m 5« h VJ ■v b; v? <<s S 3 2. -T; i 9 <3^ R ft G> o if CHOP KOTA n E SOLE AGENTS: ADAMSON, GILFILLAN S CO., LTD. IN ENGLAND) tPENANG, SINGAPORE MALACCA. Si H Si s* St 1
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    • 48 9 Accidents Will HappenIt may be impossible to prevent an accident, but it is not impossible to be prepared for it. Chamberlain’s Pain Balm is not beyond anyone’s purse, and with a bottle of this liniment you are prepared for most anything. For sale by all dispensaries aud dealara.
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    • 534 9 BAXTER Co.'s BEST NAVY CANVAS. SANDILANDS, BUTTERY 8 Co. TRANSLATION. THE UNDERSIGNED undertakes tc translate any document from Englis’ into Chinese and vice versa, Also Chineu acconnts into English. Fees according to the following scale (1) For translation for insertion in the Straiti Echo or the Pinang Sin Poe or
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    • 694 9 r “MOO VOL”' 1 BRITISH MfIDE THE STAIN REMOVER 1 It will remove IRO¥-MODLD, INK, GR4SS, FRUIT, Mil DEW TEA other STAINS from LIsEN, .'ILK, etc., WITHOUT INJURY EVEN JOTHE n MOST DILICxIE FABR C, generally with one application. It will i clean STRAW HATS, and make them look like
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  • 918 10 The fourpenny bookstall has before now yielded golden fruit to the insistent searcher, more often it yields musty books on the relation between a certain city and the beast of the Apocalyse—a fusty, bygone topic for contentious theologian. Recently a volume in such abex caughta searcher’s eye.
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  • 1186 10 There is a particularly close link between 1 tobacco and literature. If there is no approval of smoking to be found in the Bible or Shakespere or the works of Mr. Shaw, a band of poets and prosewriters have celebtated ‘‘our holy herb Nicotian the blessed comforter
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 542 10 BY ORDER OF THE CUSTODIAN OF ENEMY IKOPER1Y TURSUANT TO AN ORDER OF HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR IN COUNCIL In the matter of the Trading with the Enemy Ordinances 19:4 to 1916 and of the Alien Enemies (Winding up) Ordinances 1914 to 917. IMPORTANT AOCTION SALE. Reserve Price £100,000 Of
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    • 89 10 Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. When yen have a bad cold you want a remedy that will not only give relief, but effect a prompt and permanent cure, a remedy that is pleasant to take, a remedy that contains nothing injurious. Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy meets all these requirements It acts on nature’s
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    • 219 10 MUNICIPAL NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby Riven tbit the books containing the Annual Valuation 0 f and rates imposed on all buildings and lands situated witbin the Municipality of George Town. Penang, for the year 1918, are o pe n to the inspection of Ratepayers at the Municipal Office daily on
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  • 1920 11 CONDITIONS IN PRISON CAMPS Wittaakarg ud Typku. Outbreak. Refused Pie mission to Visit Libeu. following are further instalments of Mr, J, W. Gerard’s memoirs Undoubtedly the worst prison camp whioh I Tisited in Germany was that of Wittenberg. Wittenberg is the ancient town where u th l r
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 148 11 W EW First-class Beverage for Tired NervesO# ®<P» rl^te r j ftlMTAO BtfWHW wl f I 1 t 7wr ABSOLUTELY PURE XAirfX own* »w«$sxi fc'te. •O] lOE= BEER and see ■For yourselves IF not, Come and consult us. SOLE AGENTS: THE EASTERN TRADING Go., Penang And Ipoh, Tjy/# 1 •SINfiTAQ
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    • 406 11 The Best Advice To givn to a person Buffering from He*d»che or Neuralgia jg to use a remedy that will give instant relief —L be a touch of tbe wizard’s wand Little 8 Oriental Balm acts on these painful Toe tffects are simply marvellous. One application and tbe pain
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1857 12 p. BRITISH INDIA AND APCAR LINE. (Companies Incorporated in England) MAIL AND PASSENGER SERVICES. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS(Under Contract with Hie Majwtj’s Government.) The Oomprn.,'. MAIL SERVICES EAST OF BOMBAY .r. .t prerant .nep.mded. ParaMifrere for Enrope ar. booked ri. Bomb.j ra opportunity o«.ra .nd as f«rra b INTERMEDIATE SERVICES
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