Straits Echo, 13 November 1917

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1126 1 r* try MU iss a H li V it.! r>i rv (BANKS. GOOD CHANCE ’Phone No 694. OR STOP ON YOUR WAY HOME Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China. FOE MICHELIN TYRES AT MODERATE PRICES At Georgetown 1 i (Incorporated in England by Royal Charter.) Paid up Capital Reserve
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    • 10 1 9Ĕ man ml m 3J A m r 1 o
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  • 1241 2 Satisfactory Positions. The fourth annual general meeting of the members of the Renong Tin Dredging Co., Ltd., was held at the registered office, 5, Whittington Avenue, Le»denball Street, London E.C ,on Friday, September 28,1917 M*jor Francis Bernard Liwson (Chairman of the Company) presided. Mr J.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 279 2 WHITEAWAY’S PENANG. LARGE REIS STOCK COTTON VOILES. In white with fancy check in black and small rose deiign in colors. Width 39 inches in four colorings. Price $1.65 per yard. M rjtojr »'-s THE HOUSE OF VALUE. PATTERNS FREE ON REQUEST. COTTON DRESS GOODS COTTON MUSLIN. Soft white muslin with
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    • 207 2 JOHN BAZLEV WHITE BROTHERS' PORTLAND CEMENT., “LION BRAND” Sandilands, Buttery 80., AGENTS. Penang F.M.S Keep the Blood Pure." 1 For the Bleed I: the Life. ,r if you suffer* from any such disease as mentioned below, don't waste time and money on lotions or ointments which cannot get below the
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    • 301 2 GOVERNMENT NOTICE, Notice is hereby given n subscripting tor the Stun, i meats War Loan will not be ricem* .1. Wtdacfcday, tbe 14 h November, 1917 h. Marriott, Acting Treasurer fig Oo'obcr 1917. Government Notice. STRAITS SETTLEMENTS 6% WAR LOAN INTEREST for the second half. year of the above loan
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  • 395 3 [Reuter’s Telegrams] Amsterdam, Nov. 11. A telegram from Gorizia relates the very narrow escape of the Austrian Emperor. While crossing a torrent bis motor oar broke down. A footman and a soldier who were carrying the monarch to the bank fell and all ware swept over
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  • 207 3 The half-yearly meeting of the District Grand Lodge of the Eastern Archipelago under the banners of the Victoria Jubilee Chapter and Lidge Rcyal Prince of Wales was he'd in the Freemasons’ Hall, Northam Road, on Friday night, the 9th intant, presided over by the District Grand Master,
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  • 116 3 A. C. S, Uiioi'i First Effort. Our readers are reminded of the first iffortof tha above Union to gira a variety entertainment based on western lines at the Town Hall on Monday, the 17th instant, in aid of "Our Day” Red Cross Fund, The entertainment, wa are
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  • 350 3 D’A BANJO —Capel. A quiet but pretty welding was solem* nised at the Church of the Assumption by the Rev. L. M. Duvelle on Saturday morning, the contracting parties being Mr Hector Vivian D’Aranjo, Clerk, R;gist'y, Supreme Court, and fourth son of Mr B, E D Aran jo,
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  • 669 3 When the War Loans Investment Trust Eaactment was discussed in the Federal Council a year ago, tbe Legal Adviser brought forward a proposition to delete a portion of Clause 9 which gave the Trust power to purchase its own shares in tbe open market at
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 297 3 iSfSff&SfSifS GRAND CHANCE if if if if if if if Don t miss seeing f'AB iRI A The World's greatest film ever produced. 20 UOl were engaged in thia photo plaj. here's our tip-top program IF YOU WANT THE BEST IT 18 HEBE AT THE LEG BIG FIRST SHOW 8
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    • 12 3 For Children’s Hacking Cough at Night. Wood’ Great Peppermint Cure Is, 6d
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    • 958 3 A Program of Distinction and Merit For Tues., and Wed., 13th 14th. y j EMPIRE secret Chapter 9 Cupid’s Puzzle Chapter 10 The Womin and the Game At 9-15 p m., Striking Scenes from— The Universal Animated Weekly No. 38. 8,000 Car strikers’ parade at New York. Pole Vault, A.
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  • 97 4 daily (axoept Sundays and pnblic V hotodayl) w at rmm CETTMUON PRESS, Ltd. 59, Beach Street, Penang. Faxon Daflj Leeal IW per annum. Owlet» ti— Postage Extra. tf»;i Edsttea (Poet Free) $17.50 OABLB ADDBBIB ECHO —PENANG Telephone Nos. (Echo) 586 Printing Department 343 A. B. —All business
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  • 35 4 d’Aranjo—Capri, —At Rosimond Cottage,” 32 Larnt Read, on November 10, Hector Vivian, youngest Eon of Mr. Bennet E. d’Aranjo, to Eugenie, third daughter of the late Mr, J. Bernard Capel and Mrs. Mary Capel,
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  • 1206 4 The Greater Struggle is beginning now—we need not wait for that future which never comes, There arejsigns that the whole of our energies will be demanded for the building up of the noble edifice which ■hall take the place of the confused and muddle-headed state of to-day;
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  • 1855 4 A Long-Felt Want." J A correspondent write» M I do not think it will be amiss if I sug- gest that the Municipality place a pair of scales in the markets for the use of the pub- < lie so that they may know exactly whether they are
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  • 22 4 (.From Chur Own London, N°T* The prices in the London Rubber to-day were: ji Pale Crepe Diamond Smoked Sheet
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 295 4 lette Blades NEW STOCKS JUST RECEIVED 2 2 r per packet. $2.28 post free. 2% 2 V /1 wm 3 *MPl GILLETTE RAZORS. De Luxe Pocket Pattern. In beautiful Gilt Case lined with plush. $12.00. TWINPLEX DE LUXE STROPPERS. FOR GILLETTE BLADES, /OO SHAVES FROM ONE BLADE. If. strops both
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    • 39 4 IN AID OF THE RED CROSS FUND. The date of the FINAL CUP TIE has been altered P. C. C. vs C. R« C. will play on Thursday next. THE MERRYMAKERS will appear oa Friday next m TOWN HALL.
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  • 574 5 [Reuter’s Telegrams] Official Account. L">ndor, November 10. An Italian official announcement states: In the neighbourhood of Asiago the n M v captured the advanced posts of G*llio and Monte Perragh We subsequently expelled him taking a hundred prisoners. We captured the enemy vangnard at Tezze in the Bugana
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  • 645 5 [Reuter's Telegrams.] GROWING SUCCESS. Rousdisg ap tke Tarks. London, Nov. 12. Reuter’s correspondent at the Egyptian Headquarters, wiring on November 10, says i—- Each day adds to the magnitude of tke importance of our success at this front and each hour adds to the toll of our captures,
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  • 21 5 Latest Quotations. Tin (unrefined) is quoted here to-day at $123, business done, in Singapore (refined) at $123.50, buyers no sellers.
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  • 740 5 [Reuter's Telegrams.] Raid Rfpulicd. London, November 12, 12-20 s.m. Sir Douglas Haig reports t We repulsed with loss.a raid to the west of the lines of organisation and tbe ground oaptnred on 8atnrday. Aviation was restricted on Saturday owing to the rain.” SATURDAY'S GAINS. Graatcr Portioa Retaiacd. London,
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  • 623 5 [Reuter's Telegrams.] Farther Progress. London, Novemher 12. An East African official report states "The British found in Ndanda HcspiUl sixty-four Europeans also at Massassi tbe last German 4.1 naval gun which was blown up and fifty seven Germsn Europeans in Hospital. We are near the main body
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  • 733 5 [Reuter's Telegrams.] S'altntit in ’K i Commons. L ndon, November 12, Id the Housi cf Commons Mr. Bonar Law, Chancellor of the Exchequer, stated that with a view to better the co-ordination of military action the War Council has been constituted. It was composed of the Prime
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  • 563 5 [Reuter's Telegrams.] SITUATION CHANGING Patriotic Rtiimeati. London, Number 12. A wireless Russian official announcement states “Regiments faithful to the government and the revolution in agreement with the Soviet and Cossack 9 of all democratic organisations have occupied Taarskoieselo town and the chief radio station. The rebels are
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  • 55 5 The following articles will be found on our outside pages Page. 2.—Renong Tin Dredging Co., Ltd. 6, —Latter* to the Antipodes. A Living Tomb. The French Ministry. Germans in Si»ro. To-daj’s Band Programme. Electric Polyscope. 7, Gerard’s Memoirs. 8, Losal Wedding. The War Loans Investment Trust. Telegrams. Free Masonry
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  • 1940 6 Mr. T. G. Spender, Editor of the 1 Westminster Gazette in his Letters to the 1 Antipodes, says s I should imagine that tbe real position of the Central Powers is one of hoping against hope tb&t something will come cut of tbe Russian chaos to
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  • 65 6 Tbe following programme of music will be played at the Goif C ub this evening from 5.45 pm. to 7 15 pm. 1 S lecfion Le B*rbier de 8 ville Rossini 2 Two Step Tbe of the Barbers Ball Cohan 3 Selection Dardv Dan Slaughter 4 Waltz
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  • 2051 6 The Ex-Tsar's Place Of Exile. In tbe absence of an authoritative ex- plauation, we can only conjecture, says the Petrograd correspondent of the Daily Telegraph,, as to the immediate reasons for the lemoval of the ex-T;ar and his family to Tobolsk. This step, however, will hardly come
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  • 1432 6 Having chosen a College President to be head of the State, the American people were 10 well satisfied with his service as to give him re-election, and cow France has accepted for her Premier a University Professor —and a Professor of Mathematics at that! And the elevation
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  • 476 6 How A Wbll Laid Schimi was Fbusteatkd. _Mr. E. B. Michell, late Adviser to the Siamese Government, writes to The Spectator As one of the few persons well acquainted with the great danger which Siam—now ranged on the side of the Allies—ran of passing practically under German
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  • 89 6 The above show is screening film* intense interest at their grand change or programme to-Dight. The earlier ah°w begins with further episodes of the “Adventures of Kathlyn and the second show starts with “The Billion Dollar Mvstery in 4 parts and London’s Enemies better known as Lieutenant Daring
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 92 6 Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. When you have a b»d cold you want a remedy that will not only give relief, but effect a prompt and permanent cure, a remedy that ie pleasant to take, a remedy that contains nothing injurious. Chamberlain’s Cough Rem dy meets all these requirements It acts on
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  • 3207 7 TBE FIRST WEEK OF WAR. As Lived In Berlin Aaktiudor Tried To Avert Conflict. Following are further instalments of Mr. J. W. Gerard’s memoirs After my return from Kiel to Berlin a period of calm ensued. No one seemed to think that the murders at Sarajevo would have
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
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    • 302 7 VITAMTED. ONE b°lween 16 to 20 or higher H. P, Crude Oil Engine n good i running order, 1 Apply to TEIK 8WEE A CO. 27& 28, station Road, Bukit Mertajam, WANTED. By THE GOVERNMENT of the Federated Malay States h competent translator from Dutch into Eughsb, male i Of
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1615 8 P. 0. —BRITISH INDIA AND APCAR LINE. (Companies Incorporated in England MAIL AND PASSENGER SERVICES. V. J R. P.M Z KONINKLIJKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ. (ROYAL PACKET S.N. COMPANY.) (Incobpobatsd ik Holland For Intbndbd to Sail Steamer Langsa, Telok Sensawe, Segli, Olehleh, Sabang, Padang, Benkoelen and Batavia PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS(TJndM Contract
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