Straits Echo, 12 November 1917

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1208 1 < n i! *t! 3' H tDNATU GOOD CHANGE ’Phone No. 694, OR STOP ON YOUR WAY HOME FOB MICHELIN TYRES AT MODERATE PRICES At Georgetown (BANKS. Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China. (Incorporated in England by Royal Charter.) Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Paid up Capital Reserve Fuad
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    • 5 1 mils > ?|<ecTioNB roi osß Eis
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  • 997 2 Its PmospiCT» Anas th* Wak. ▲(ter three years of laborious growth it begins to be possible, says a correspondent ofthe Manchester Guardian, to form some idea of how, when peace eomes, our home production of dyestuffs will compare in stature and effectiveness with its giant German competitor.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 174 2 WEITEAWAY. LAIDLAW CO., LTD.. (Incorporated in England,) Complete House Furnishersrry us with your nex furnishing order, we will achieve at moderate cost, results which speak of welcome, comfort and refinement. r >»>' m m OLD OAK REPRODUCTIONS. These pieces are reproduced in Chengha, Pasir and finished dull dark oak colour
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    • 477 2 annnnnnnnnatiunnnnaEm*4*44 I JACOB WALTER Co., i 7 n 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 BILLITER SQUARE BUILDINGS, LONDON, E,C. Export and Commission Merchants. Indents for Merchandise of every description may be forwarded through R. F. BRADFORD, 8, King iStreet PenAng. ♦OOllOOOOOOO **********004*4$ n a a n
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  • 1244 3 REUTER'S TELEGRAMS.] THE SITUATION. Lord Curzoo'a Speech. LondoD, November 9, 11 pm. At the Guildhall banquet to-night there were four hundred guests. The banquet was of very modest proportions as regards food, Eicept turtle soup the same meal could be bad anywhere at 3/6d. The wine was in
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  • 272 3 The Times obituary notice of the late effioer of the F, M. 8. and Borneo, reads The death is announced of Mr. Charles Vandeleur Creagh, C. M. G., late Governor of British North Borneo and Labuan. It occurred at his residence in Charlton road, Blackbeatb.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 306 3 •S' i GRAND CHANCE Don’t miss seeing M CABIRIA The World’s ereateat film jroduced. 20,000 performers were engaged in g thig photoplay here's our tip-top program if vnrr w i kit tui. l •5 I* YOU WANT THK BBBT IT IB HBRK AT THE PATHE PRESENTS pom T 0 THE
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    • 727 3 Tbs Best Advi-e 1 To give to a person suffering from Heid* ache or Neuralgia is to use a remedy that will give instant relief a touch of tbe wizird’s wand Little 8 Oriental Balm ret ■> 3 on these painful disorders. Toe eff-cts aro simply marvellous. One application and
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  • 97 4 fIUM daily (axoept Sundays aid public v boUftya) as m OUTBUON PRESS, Ltd. )fc. 59, Baaoh Street, Penang. Phoi PlPy Leal «m 9M per unm m Oartbrtw«~. Portage Extra. Mrtl SdMa (Port Free) 917.50 OABXiI ADDIIU ECHO—PENANG” Telephone Nos. (Echo) 586 Printing Department 343 M.B.— All business
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  • 1300 4 There are si t ns of war wearineai discernible in al' the belligerent countries The cry from the Russian Provisional Parliament, now, alas, deposed, however it is looked at, is a pitiful cry. It is the cry of a country worn out by attacks from without and seared
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  • 943 4 Mr. G. R. K. Stuckey, of Ipob, is now a captaio and is in Cairo. The leave of Mr. Peacock is extended for two months from September 9, 1917. Mr. and Mrs. J. A Angood have returned to Ipoh after a holiday on the Taiping Hills. Lady
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  • 833 4 THE LOTTERY. The lottery was drawn for last n.ghtat the Bangsawan where there was a large a flt danoeto witness this event. MeSr. r Boon Hor, Cbessareau and Syrd Aljafri drew the numbers, which were 2 m a large revolving box, while Dr A? Hoops drew
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 231 4 WHY JEOPARDIZE LIFE AND LIMB? V Übo a Kerry Free Engine Disc Clutch and you can start your Engine while riding astride. Illustration shows Clutch with portion of aluminium face cover cut away to show interior. ttjiu It is indisper sable for Side Car use. Operated from Handle-bar by Bowen
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    • 39 4 IN AID OF THE RED CROSS FUND. The date of the FINAL CUP TIE has been altered P' C. C. vs. C R C will play on Thursday next. THE MERRYMAKERS will appear on Friday next in TOWN HALL.
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  • 1350 5 [Rzotbh’s Tzlbobams.] the outlook. u New Po*itioa*. London, Not, 9. A nirelfßß Italian official message lUtes. o or troops continue to arme and bii,h themselves in the positions chosen re ,i,t.i><*. reargu.rdi .till bold up the enemy. BritUk Mi**io*'* Visit. Borne, Nov. 8. Mr. Lloyd George. M. Painldve,
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  • 1328 5 [REUTER'S TELEGRAMS.] RESOUNDING SUCCESS. Hit Mtjctty'i Coagratvlatio*», London, November 9. An official message states His Majesty the King has telegraphed to General Allenby stating, I congratulate you aud your troops on the successful results of ably conceived plans which were crowned by the capture of Gaza. I admire
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  • 629 5 [REUTER'S TELEGRAMS.] ANOTHER ATTACK. Sveec&aful Raid. London, November 9, 12*50 p.m. Sir Douglas Haig reports 11 We carried out a successful raid last night to the east of Hargicourt." Sir Douglas Haig's Report. London, Not. 9, 11,80 p.m. Sir Doug'as Haig reports There was considerable activity of the
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  • 527 5 [REUTER'S TELEGRAMS.] Eaemy Att&ek Repulsed. London, November 9, 4-15 p.m. A French communique states After a violent bombardment the Germans attacked Chaume Wocd, also tbe region of Arracourt and Lorraine. Thry were repulsed with serious losses, We took prisoners. 11 A detachment raided the German trenches to the
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  • 1217 6 [REUTER'S TELEGRAMS.] Baltic Fleet's Attitude. Petrograd, November 9. A telegram from Helsiogfon states that the delegates from the Baltic Fleet and the Army Committees have adopted a resolution adhering to the Petrograd Workmen’s and Soldiers’ Council and the Revolutionary Committee wbioh they are ready to support to
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  • 341 6 [REUTER'S TELEGRAMS.] Prisoner* Captured, London, November 9. An official announcement regarding the operations in Mesopotamia states that we 319 prisoners since November 2, Floods in Bangkok. Rice Crops DamagedBangkok, Nov. 9. Unusually great floods seriously damaged the rice crop. The railways also suffered. New Air Council. London,
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  • 60 6 Monday, November 12. Town Band. Esplanade. Government Holiday. Penang Golf Clab, Columbia Cup Competition. Tuesday, November 13. Municipal Commission. Federal Council Meeting, Kuala Lumpur. Ipoh Gymkhana Club, Bag Gymkhana, Ipoh. Wednesday, November 14 Town Band, Esplanade. Ipoh Gymkhana Cl«b Annual General meeting. Straits War Loan closes. Thursday
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 925 6 Penang Auction Mart. The Estate of Lim Leng Gheak, Deceased. *0 BE SOLO BY BY Mr. LEAN CMONO Hl^, At Logan’s Buildings, Beach Street, Penang, On Thvrs., 15th day of Nov., 1917, and following days, until sold or withdrawn, at 11 o’clock a m. each day. PARTICULARS LOT I. All
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    • 122 6 GROSS HERMANOS. MALAGA, SPAIN. SHIPPERS OP HIOH CLASS PROD COB AH® OR#OBEY LINES, INCLUDING: RAISINS, DRIED FIGS, ALMONDS, NUTS, LEMONS, GRAPES, OLIVES, PURE OLIVE. SALAD OIL, WINES, CHICKPEAS, ANISEED, CUMIN SEED, Ete. Reliable Ageats wasted ia all large tewae Higkeet refereaees aai sample* on applieatioa Write for our Illustrated Catalogue
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    • 382 6 w ANTED. ONE between 16 to 20 or H. P, Crude Oil Engine tunning order. Apply to higher ,n good TEIK 8WEE A CO. 27& 28, Station Road. Bukit M&rtajam, WANTED. To purchase rubber estate near Ttirln» 30-50 aeree, partly in bearing preferable' Full particulars to P^erable, LOONG FATT, 37,
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  • 1059 7 CONSICRATION AT LaMBITK PaLAOI. The ceremony of the consecration of the Rey, Ernest Dsnny Logie Danson as Fifth Bishop of Labuan and Sarawak took place at Lambeth Palace Chapel on 21st inst. The Archbishop of Canterbury performed the oeremony, assisted by the Most Rot. Bishop
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 216 7 This ifl to give notice that the Trade Mark, consisting of the emblem 0 f one or more Cocks is the property of Hengmoh, Hongkee Co., of g 5 Beach Street, Penang, Merchants and Dyers and it is being used by them as a Trade Mark in connection with Dyed
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    • 41 7 Early Colds. Be cartful of the ooldi you take air this time of the year. They are particularly dan* geroui. A neglected cold may mean a win-ter-long oold. Take Obamberlain’i Cough Remedy at onoe, For salt by all diipsaeariei and dtalsra.
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    • 427 7 MALTHOID ROOFING. For Dams, reservoirs, filter beds, factories, bungalows, banks, business blocks, coolie lines etc., etc. PABCO PAINT For the preservation of Iron and Steel. ENQUIRIES TO Sandilands, Buttery Go., Penamg, Sole Agents. Government Notice. STRAITS SETTLEMENTS 6% WAR LOANINTEREST for the second halfyear of the above loan will be
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    • 997 7 NOBEL'S EXPLOSIVES. ITGAZINES AT PENANG AND IPOH. Stocks always on hand of GELIGNITE. BLASTING GELATINE. SEXTUPLE DETONATORS. ELECTRIC DETONATORS. SANDILANDS, BUTTERY Co., 8o!e Agents for PenaDg and Perak AYLESBURY NUTTER, Ltd., Snt •Agents, Perak Penang Harbour Board. Tenders will be received at the Harbour Board Office up to noon on
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1646 8 P. 0,—BRITISH INDIA AND APCAR LIME. (Companies Incorporated in England MAIL AND PASSENGER SERVICES. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS(Under Contract with Hia Majesty’s Government.) The Company’s MAIL SERVICES EAST OF BOMBAY are at present suspended. Passengers for Enrope are booked via Bombay as opportunity offers and as far as aooonunodation is
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