Straits Echo, 9 November 1917

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1040 1 yUV7A*!)m I **</*! ”5 P, Lfei jlft %M M **?■.< ii|::fl -SIBBSTP» '%&> NAffij The GeorgetowA rb NORTHAM ROAD AND farquhar street. Teleg-aphic address: Hokimteik. ’Phone No 694 IS ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE. CARS FOR HIRE A fl f-.r of Brand n w C-rs for bire ray and cifcht at
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    • 6 1 i 'd m 4 O s
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  • 2084 2 CFrom Cur Own. Correspondent Air Raid Reprisals London, Oat. 5. Again the ory for reprisals against the Germans is heard throughout the land. Even the chicken-hearfed Daily News feebly exclaims that if women and children have to be slain in German open tewos to save our
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 172 2 WEITEAWAY, LAIDLAW CO., LID., (Incorporated in England,) Complete Mouse Furnishers. Try us with your nex furnishing order, we will achieve at moderate cost, results ’'which speak of welcome, comfort5;and refinement. cr-—w i s OLD OAK REPRODUCTIONS. These pieces are reproduced in Chenghai Pasir and finished du’l dark oak originals, they
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    • 31 2 wmm p PINKETTES Will Keep You Fit ZZfJZZ:. k ,M 5° P« Phi., at your dfoMilt or dlrect k? maU eo rece Bt oI Bf|cB (8tB WILU A*» > MEDICINE COMPANY. SINGAPORE.
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    • 426 2 Tlio Best Advice To giv« to a person suffering from He»d. ache or N,ur.l K ,a is to use a remedy a will give lostant rp]i e f-L-be a touch of tf w ,Zird i wand Little 8 Oriental Baltna 0t on these painful disorder. Toe < Sects s fl
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  • 594 3 [Reuter's Telegrams.] London, Not. 8. Farther stirring stories of heroism are told in the London Qaxette announcing nine new recipient! of Victoria Crosaes including three Canadians, and one Australian. Perhaps the most remarkable is that of Captain O’Kill Learmouth, Military Cross, late of Canadian Infantry, for most
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  • 77 3 The large and enthusiastic audience at the Empire Theatre last night enjoyed e splendid evening’s entertainment, for that was tbe general pronounce* ment of the varied programme presented. Further instalments of the “Mysteries of Myra” and “The Great Secret were very much appreciated, but You Want Something is
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  • 234 3 Messrs. Jacob Walter Co t ’s London quotations of Penang and Singapore Produce, under date September 27,1917. Gum Dinar— Good clean No I£s p:-r cwt ex store London. Good cleaa N-* 2 72, 6d. cwt ex store Londoo. B ack Ptpper—Class A Penang Is per lb c.\f. London.
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  • 74 3 (From Our Own Correspondent Singapore, November 9. Fine tibbed smoked... $ll6 to $l2O per picu Ordinary 10 do Good 108 115 do Plain smoked 88 90 do Sheet Cupwaahicgs... 72 75 do Crepe fine pale 117 120 do Good 103 116 do Fine brown 90 104 do
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  • 82 3 The undermentioned prices were realised for rubber sold by Messrs. Allen Dennys Co at their 331st Auction Sale yesterday Smoked Diamond Sheet No. 1 sl’3 to $llB per picul fimnlrn,] Diamond Sheet No. 2 93 110 do Plain Smoked Sheet 85 Unsmoked Sheet No, 1 91 95
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  • 72 3 At the Eastern Produce Exchange 183rd Auction Sale the following prices were obtained per picul. Diamond Smoked Fair from 395 to 115 Diamond Unsmoked 83 to 86 Piaia Uosmoked 79 to 89 B own Crepe 48 to 80 Sirsp C*ep9 ,1 45 to 48 Untreated Loose, Pies*ed
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  • 80 3 The following is the health statement of the Penang Municipality for the week ended November 3,1917 f Male 44} Total Deaths 4 >69 Female 25 j Death rate 83.94 per mitle per annum compared with 35-42 in the precoding week and with 31.80 in the corresponding week of
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  • 76 3 The output of the Belong Tin Dredging Company’s tin ore for the second half of October were:— No. 1 Dredge 227.05 pikuls; No. 2 Dredge 188 91 pikuls No. 3 Dredge 405.39 pikuls. The output of tin ore from the Ngow property of tbe Siamese Tin Syndicate Limited
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  • 25 3 Sumatra Consolidated 65,231, Bukifc Mertajam 78,122, Taiping 5 1 1 67, 8 n g e Siput 16,100, Sungei Eeyla (F.M.S.) 14,116 lb.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 436 3 nriaiDiA s T 0 N 1 C H T Pon’t miss «eeint; ‘‘GABIRIA The World’s greatest film erer yj )on t nuoo vwu o gieawm hthi btbt roduced. 20,000 performers were engaged in this photo piny. here's our tip+top program IF TOO WANT THE B»ST IT IS HERE AT THE
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    • 928 3 AN INSTANT SUCCESS—METRO FILMS AT THE f. FMPIRF -iTuriTfiF LmriiiL inminc* We have the demand for M«tfo-Pkoto-plnys because Every pi >t is novel-photography uneorpassed, Technique, perfect Bettings Beautiful, Acting excellent and REAL STARS For Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday at 9.30 we present the popular Francis X. Bushman and Beverley
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  • 16 3 Obituary. Mr. W. H. Kendal. The death is announced of Mr. William Hunter Kendal, the actor.
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  • 93 4 daily (except Sundays ud pvklio koMny») drmiON PRESS, Ltd. 59, Besseh Street, Pnuf. ftaoi' PtPy Lmal m 914 per MDW. m Postage Extra. Hml Btf« (Port Free) $17.50 N OABLB iSDBIII: ECHO—PENANG.” Telephone Nos. (Echo) 586 Printing Department 343 M.B.— All businet* communications should bs addressed to
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  • 1834 4 The Report of the Committee of the Privy Council for Scientific and Industrial Research for the year 1916—17, which has recently been published, is the Becond annual report issued by that body. It is a most interesting and valuable paper and costs the modest sum of
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  • 120 4 (From Chur Chon Correspondent London, November 7. The prices in the London Rubber Market to-dav were: Pale Crepe 2/8 Diamond Smoked Sheet 2/6| [The Market Repoit of Messrs. Alden’a Successors Ltd., dated London, 4th October. 1917 We have had a steady decline in the market since our
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  • 933 4 T T u E N Gree “how hopes tn 1 Ip°h on Monday next for a thrL* 6av tour in Sumatra. ree Mr. Justioa and Mrs. Farrer v. u gone up the Taipiog Hills and h 70 at The Cottage.” are 8ta J»ng The death has taken
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 153 4 oe: THE WELL-KNOWN Akiha Rickshaws. A ride in one of these is a treat. For Smooth. Running and durable wear we recommend an “Akiha (4 SEEING IS BELIEVING.” INSPECTION CORDIALLY INVITED. PRICE EXCEPTIONABLY LOW FOR THE QUALITY WHICH IS SIMPLY Al. Sole fluents: Messrs: THE EASTERN TRADING Coy. Obtainable also
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    • 40 4 IN AIU OK THE RED CROSS FUND. The data of the FIN KL CUP TIE has been altered P. C. C. vs, c. R, o. will play on Thursday next. THE MERRYMAKERS will appear on Friday next in TOWN HALL.
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  • 618 5 [Reuter's Telegrams.] enemy delayed. Thanks to the Rearguards. New York, Not. 8, The cot respondent of the Atsociated Preia *t the Italian Headquarters says t—ii Thanks are due to the Italian rear* guard?, aeroplanes and airships in harassing the enemy and delaying his advance thereby enabling the British
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  • 660 5 [Reuter’s Telegrams] further details. Turk* Feebly Resistisg. London, November 8. Reuter’g correspondent at the Egyptian Headquarters, telegraphing on November 4, says i—"Tbe fifth counter-attack on our new positions on the left flank was repulsed with loss yesterday evening. We are now bom* barding the strong points of the
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  • 1270 5 [Reuter's Telegrams.] FURTHER GAINS. Welsh Troops’ Success. London, November 8. Sir Douglas Haig reports i—- The Welsh troops made a successful raid last night south-east of Armentieres, captured fourteen and inflioted heavy losses on the enemy. Our casualties are light. "We repulsed two attempts to enter our lines
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  • 609 5 [Reuter's Telegrams] MAXIMALIST TROUBLE. State Banks Seized. Petrcgrad, Nov. 7, Armed naval men under Maximalist orders hare seized the cffices of tbe RussiaD Official News Agency and also the Central Telegraph Office, tbe State Bank and tbe Marie Palace where the Preliminary Parliament, which was suspended, had
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  • 571 5 [Riutkb’s Tbleobams THE MILITARY SITUATION. I A Fiiueitl Experiment, j I L; ndon, Nov. 8. I Mr Btnar Law, Chancellor of tbe ExI chequer, speaking at Manchester said that the experiment of obtaining I money weekly for war purposes was I deeded, after consultation with tbe bankers.
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  • 65 5 The following articles will be found on our outside pages Page. 2—War News and Gossip, 7.—Gerard’s Memoirs. 3.—Produoe Prices. Singapore Rubber Auction. Penang Rubber Auction. Eastern Produce Exchange. Vital Statistics. Tin Oatputs. October Rubber Crops. Telegrams, 6.—Advance in Bilver Adventures in Food. Tbe Week’s Events. The C colie Colony
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  • 36 5 Latest Quotations. Tin (unrefined) is quoted here today at $*****, busioess done, in Singapore (refined) at $122 50, business done, (105 tons sold) and in London at £266 spot and at £265 10s. three months.
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  • 999 6 Effect on Eastern Trade. The silver question has become one ot the most important financial problems that the 1 war has created. Supplies of the metal have 1 become exceedingly scarce, in consequence of an increased demand, combined with a i marked diminution in production, and the
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  • 1050 6 Writing in the Morning Poet, Miss Cicely Hamilton gives us an interesting glimpse of f the life of the Chioese coolies in France. Sbe says The town where we loaded up with the j cinematograph apparatus was the usual medley, half French, half British but
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  • 1020 6 The School of Oriental Studies, London Institution, has issued a Bulletin (price six shillings) which contains, in addition to several articles of Orientalist interest, a history of the various movements whioh ultimately I led to the foundation of the school, and a record of the opening
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  • 282 6 Grand National Steeple Chase. (Saturday, November 17.) The Hon. Secretary regrets he did not give early notice at the Cricket Club that the Drawing of the sweep had to be postponed to Wednesday, the 14th icst, immediately alter the tennie match arranged for that evening. Oar Day Scottish
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  • 318 6 European Committed for Trial at Assizes. The preliminary inquiry into the charge of causing death by a rash act brought against Mr. John Terndrop, of Mount Austin Estate, was concluded at Singapore on Tuesday afternoon, when accused was committed for trial. It is alleged that accused while
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  • 117 6 The following are the agenda for the meeting of the Municipal Commissioners to be held on the 13th instant 1. Minutes of last meeting to be read and confirmed. 2. To consider and if approved to pass Draft Budget for 1916. Business for Ordinary Meeting, 1, Any special
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  • 1874 6 Some Popular Prejudices. It is safe to assume, we think, that for the majority of the British people the food shortage has, after all, not meant any actual shortage» Appetite may have had cause of complaint, but hunger has been satisfied. It has not been so much
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  • 106 6 Friday, Novembm 9. Town Band, Esplanade. District Grand Lodge meeting. Saturday, Novembee 10. Town Band, Golf Club. Football—Penang C.R-C. vt. Perak C.8.C,. Ipoh. Government Holiday; Penang Golf Club, Columbrs Cup Competition. SuiVDAY, NOTEMBIE 11, 23rd after Trinity. Johore War Loan Lottery oloses. St. Martin. Penang Golf Club,
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  • Page 6 Advertisements

  • 1977 7 Friohtfulnbss Toward War Prisoners, Following are further instalments of M J. W. Gerard’s memoirs It was the policy of the Germans to put oome prisoners of etch nation in each cuup. This was probably so that no claim could be made that the prisoners from one nation among
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 402 7 t »mm Bii£«a£KMaaiii H ASK FOR GIRARD'S Well-known “One, Two and Three Orapes” Brandv, quality unsurpassed and price unrivalled Its merit recommends it-elf. and a trial will convince you ObtainS able irom all leading stores. TIANC i-KE «Sc GOJj Sole Asent*. Fenang and FM S|UUKU U 0 33 sLXO:2*a a
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    • 50 7 Why It Sells. Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy is tbe largest selling cough medicine in the world to-day because it does exactly what a cough remedy iB supposed to do. It stops tte cough by curing the cold, and does it speed* ily and effectually. For sale by all dispensaries and dealers.
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    • 488 7 oc DnCDDC jL OC >C Ducoac DC do BE PREPARED TO FIGHT. Nature is always fighting to kerp us well. Under normal cot. dilions tlie forces f health within our bodies keep the disease germs in subjection They are net expelled entirely but they are kept harmless. Some indiscretion in
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1369 8 P. O.—BRITISH INDIA AND APCAR LINE. (Companies Incorporated in England MAIL AND PASSENGER SERVICES. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS(Under Contract with Hie Majeaty’a Government.) The Company’e MAIL BER VICES EAST OF BOMBAY are at present impended. Passengers for Europe are booked via Bombay as opportunity offers and as far aa accommodation
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