Straits Echo, 3 November 1917

Total Pages: 13
1 13 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1237 1 rri MU «maid 111,.' ■jjl lij A t l v .V II t Jf> <m£/ i >y V. &&gl) NATUi^ The Georgetown NORTHAM ROAD AND FARQUHAR STREET. Telegraphic address: Hokimteik. ’Phone No. 694 IS ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE. CARS FOR HIRE A fl et of Brand n hire day and
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    • 13 1 s w MIL# V. ISTHEBtiT IS r'*ee TlOn* use $3 S 3 CSS
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 26 2 f'' ez-yj y -C) so^ feifi; —o i-’;o^ t*V ft •SSI 3S M a*~*ir* i* v»i £.4,. J iitS» ''l^°-l^°-{^° ?ffv ?S J < =^O'=V>= s =^O<=^O<=^O<^O^oO==^o^^OC=(^O<=^C>«^^oO
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  • 2652 3 Mr. William Rotbenstein has lately published as a pamphlet a lecture, which he delivered ia Sbtffirld last year.* When artists write or speak on art they are apt to speak merely as artists, to tell us that there ia nothing but leather and that only the
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 142 3 Cold at Might Why notify or, «[of our ‘‘Excelsior’' Blankets. m WA Just ihe kind fur tropical use. A large range to choose from. I Light spongy. White with Fancy Stripe borders. f ize7B ins x 60 ins. Price only $3-50. KE PENANG IPOH, fr k nr b i\ 'iff
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    • 791 3 UJanc^kgHGS 7fce Fbrfume of Cej/Con r-*+ vx 1 w'< r V. 7 u on 7t* Wana- Ranee is the latest triumph of the perfumer’s art. A scent which recalls the spice-laden breezes of its native home, fragrant with the perfume of many flowers. > Sweet and lasting, its fascination will
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  • 1157 4 Among its other invaluable services to the Allies the United States Government is crUinly proving ..perl.tire P,«. .gent. It» iuoce»i« revelation, ot German perfidy I—first the Z mmrrman plot in Mexico, next the Willy-Nicky” correspondence, then the Luxburg villainy.'and now th« little matter of Herr von Eokbardt and
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  • 590 4 Evidences of its Effect. At this moment of political crisis in Germany, it is specially worth while, says I tae Morning Pott, to keep an eye upon the economic pressure from which the Central I Powers are increasingly suffering. The columns of their newspapers and the
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 298 4 :o: ,oi 5*1» lN 7J mute WWHHL* Indian Regd. Design adn. English Regd. Design 646,599* English Patent ia,o33* Swiss Patent 84 aa8. Australian Patent 17,607* YOU PRACTICE ECONOMY WHEN YOU ADOPT THE “NOVELTY” Wrist watch band. The life of the leather wrist strap is of short duration It is New
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    • 103 4 Diphtheria—How It May Be Avoided Diphtheria ia usually contracted when the child haa a cold. The cold prepares the child’s system for the reoeption and development of the diphtheria germs. When there are cases of diphtheria in the neighbourhood obildren that have colds should be kept at home and off
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    • 540 4 Public Auction Sale OF A 2 SKATER. 4 CYLINDER “Belsize" Motor Car (on virw in our spacious showrooms) The undersigned are instructed to sell tbe above On Wednesday, tbe 7th November, 1917, AT 11 AM. SHARP 111 Logan’s Courtyard 10-12 B H.P. Everything complete and in excellent condition. Very economical.
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  • 1993 5 Ir I 1 [BT foM WkIOHT g One of your most amiable contribiJ whose writings have an Elian charm,I 7 ii J 8 1,ke me a confessed loafer.* 1 tickled that nerve of mine which is susceptible to flattery, by referring tw, l sympathetically) as a superflu
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  • 490 5 [Reuter's Telegrams.] Aerial Activity. London, Not. 2, 1.40 Sir Douglas Haig report» i—- Taking advantage of the change in the weather on Wednesday our« and the enemy's aeroplanes were in the air all day long. The visibility was not very good, hindering artillery work. Many of th"
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  • 62 5 Protest Agaiast Seaor Maara. Madrid, November 2. The announcement that Senor Maura was forming a Cabinet has aroused a storm among the Republicans and Radicals whose newspapers declared that the country was confronted 'with a Germanc-Maura plot and forecasted a general strike as a protest Senor Maura,
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  • 54 5 Importaat Developments Probable. Beersheba, November 2. Beersheba was in severe loss of the Turks. It is the main base for attempts to invade Egypt through Sinai and its capture ends the position of stalemate at the front at Eazx and forestils the German designs in Palestine and Mesopotamia. Important
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  • 93 5 London, Nov. 1, Montagu’s report stales that the rise of 3d on October 30 is a record movement in one dsy. The immediate cause of the rise was the scarcity of supplies on a firm market and the absence of any supplies. It is specpUtively held that
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  • 275 5 [Reuter's Telegrams.] M. Skokeleff's Pesee Proposals. Petrograd, November 2. In the Preliminary Parliament during ft debate on foreign polioy M. Miliukotf criticised the oircamstanoes whereby M. SkobeUff’s introductions were issued. As regards the peaoe proposals to be presented to the Paris Oonferenoe they would b 3 antagonistic
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 361 5 To-night GET THIS iiMtelrffi] Program for the I 2 3 first™™ November. 1911 i'lKST SHOW AT xpu 9 ■MYSTERIES OF MYRA" 4 parts SECOND SHOW AT 9 IS p M 7 JZ nr~7~ Animated Weekly Gazette 950 Quality Pictures r FRANCIS X Corporation presents BU8HMAM AND BAYNE L^*Y IN “THE
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    • 172 5 Betriktki Cipt«r«4. London, November 9. >Ln official announcement regarding the «rations in E*ypt «ays:— hold the position to the north of r successfully raided another ii'A&'iiflLf large number.” j. t SALB Rubber stumps small or bi* nuantit. 006 r o!d .ttoDtlol 7 Apply teik: swee Co. <7 <6 28,
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  • 1109 6  -  [By Tom Wright] One of jour moat amiable contributors whose writing* have an Elian charm, and who is, like me, a confessed loafer, has tickled that nerve of mine which is most susceptible to flattery, bj referring to me (quite sympathetically) as a “superfluous intellectual.” In taking
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  • 729 6 [To th« Edito* of th* Straitt Echo.'] Dear Sir, The attached letter has just been received in connection with the Cnurch Army Huts appeal recently made in this Diocese. The coutents of the letter will no doubt be of interest to your readers and I hope you
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  • 684 6 [Reuter's Telegrams] 1 LondoD, Nov. 2. I The London Gazette announces “Honours for services in action with enemy submarines were awarded to tbe 1 following Victoria Crosses i Lt- Charles George Bonner, Petty officer Ernest Pitcher. The latter was selected by the guncrew cf the warship to
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 418 6 To-night! get this To-night!! I at the To-night!! SOME ATTRACTION EMPIRE jiiis'lTHFATIE Program for the 1,2,3 ard 4th November, 1911 FIRST SHOW AT 8 P M “MYSTERIES OF MYRA’ 4 parts SECOND SHOW AT 9 19 P.M, Animated Weekly Gazette AT 9 50 Quality Pictures Corporation presents X BAVERLEY BLSHMAM
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    • 345 6 VTAKTTE3D. < ONE between 16 to 20 or higher H. P, Crude Oil Engine in good running order. Apply to TEIK SWEE A CO. 27 28, Station Road. Bukit Mertajam, WANTED. To purchase rubb3r estate near Taiping, 30*50 acre*, partly in bearing preferable. Full patticulars to LOONG FATT, 37, Birth
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  • Supplement to the “Straits Echo.”
    • 273 7 (Reuter's Service.) Russia and the War. Import».! US A. St.teme.t. Washington, November 2. Mr. R Lansing, U 8. Becretarj of State has authorised a statement to the effect that neither on the basis of Government s .d.ior. nor M. Keren.k, .c.bled rt.lcmenf, mil be tb E about to
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  • 96 7 MHhM daily (except Sundays sad public kotodays) AT TH CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. ■a. U, Reach Street, Penang. Ffeioi' Dafly Leaal I*4 per annum. OnyitksiH. Postage Extra. Mail Ei&m (Port Free) $17.60 carls ajddriss ECHO —PENANG.” Telephone Nos. (Echo) 586 Printing Department 343 M.B. —All businea* communications should
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  • 1247 7 Since her entry into the war America has been financing all the Allies and with her on our side we «hall certainly not lose the war for want of money The general idea is that America has made all this money out of the war. The facts are
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  • 982 7 Inspector H. Bmge prooerds to Singapore to-day on duty and will return next week, Mr. H. Bcvan, of the Straits Trading Co Butterworth, leaves by the Ipoh this afternoon with Mrs. Bevan for a snort visit to Singapore. The late Lieutenant-Colorel Robert Sandilands Frowd-Walker, C M G..
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  • 1021 7 Journalistic Military Experts. Tie three chief jou-n«ii**tio military exports, Mr, Belloc of Land and Water. Mr, Sidebothsm of the Manch*»ter Guardian and Mr D-no of tbe Westminster Gate te have somewhat mod fi d tbeir positions during the summer. M Dane, still using rather too many italic*-, baa
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 452 7 TOILET ARTICLES. FOR MY LADYS TOILET. We have just received New Stocks of the following: Mereolizod Wax* l tallax Chminite. Fheminol. Orlex Ccmscuni. Fure Colliandum* Flowers of Oxzain. Tammalite Caccentrats. Oatixn CrsamVinolia Cream. Albolene Cream. -Cm fii I fill wr MMpMi I! III!; Cuticle Cream. Fa e Massa,e Seta:—The value
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    • 45 7 IN AIu Of 1 Ht RED CkOSS FIND Don't fa t?ei Mo Udy Afternoon At 5-30 p m, BO X I MG 9 Bouts by the Navy NIKKO v*. BLUE ON THE PADANG. It it rains The performance will be given in the DRILL HALL
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  • 650 8 [Reuter's Telegrams.] GERMAN STROKE. M MHW' Di«"PP*»r. Paris, Nov. 2. tpari describe tbe wave of .'ffi which ia sweeping over Italy. h.te diiappeared ..if .Ute. tb.t th. Germ... bare lost the battle politically, while mrily they have only vou the first stage. A. Appeal to the People. Milan.
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  • 2619 8 [Reuter's Telegrams.] QUESTION OF BALTIC OPERATIONS. First Lord’s Statcoseot. London, November 1. Sir Eric Geddes oontinuing his speech part of whioh was published yesterday «id Sir Erio Geddes, First Lord of the Admiralty, replying to criticisms regarding the Navy not seeding a fleet into the Baltic to
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  • 644 8 [Reuter's Telegrams] Aerial Activity. London, Njv. 2, 1 40 a.m. Sir Douglas Haig reports t—- Taking advantage of the change in the weather on Wednesday ours and the enemy's aeroplanes were in the air all day long. The visibility was not very good, hindering artillery work. Many of
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  • 538 8 [Reuter's Telegrams] M. Skobeleff's Peace Proposals. Petrograd, November 2. In the Preliminary Parliament during a debate on foreign polioy M. Millukoff criticised the oircamstanoes whereby M. SkobeUff’s introductions were issued. As regards the peace proposals to be presented to the Paris Oonferenoe they would ba antagonistic to
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  • 164 8 The following articles will be found on our outside pages Page. 3, —The True Vox Populi. 4, At Rtndom Boonomic Pressure on Germany. 5, .Literary Fastidiousness Justified! Church Army Hute. Telegrams. 8, War News and Gossip. Sailors and the War. Singapore Rubber Auction. Ootober Rubber Grope. October Tin Outputs.
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  • 1257 9 There wat a large attendance at the Ohineae Amateur Dramatic performance under the auspices of the Penang Mu ual Improvement Association at the Town Hall last night, in aid of the Oar Day” and the Amoy Typhoon and Flood Funds, the audience lno'uding Mr. Justice
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  • 112 9 Lumut and Sitiawan Districts The following arrangements have been made. There will be a fete on the padang at. 8 ropang Ampat on Saturday, November 10th at 3, followed by a dance at the Lumat Rubber Estate at 9 p.m. Od Sunday 11th then will be
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  • 55 9 The following are the alterations in M Q esrs. A. A. Anthony Co.’s share list to«day Kampong Kmounting Tin Dredging 44?. 61. buyers and 465. 6d. sellers; Trong Dredging N L. 10*. buyers and 10s. 9d. sellers S puteh Tin Mines $0.50 buyers and $1 sellers; Malayan CoPieries $1125
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  • 106 9 The distribution and prizes won at the C R. C. Tennis Tournament will be held on Ta sday, 6th instant, at 5 p.m. when the President, Mr. Loke Cbow Tbye, will give away the trophies to the following successful competitors. Championship—Mr. Ti»ng Liat. Runn r
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  • 570 9 List of Subscriptions. Amount previously acknowledg- L ed »7.990.80 Proceeds cf But ter worth Sports. 107.95 Sale of tea tickets by Mrs, u 26.26 Mr A Johnson. Balance of I Sports prize money refunded. 15.00 I Mr N Weatborstone 60 00 Proceeds of Bran Pie Dip
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  • 99 9 Nov. 4. 22nd Sunday after Trinity. 8-00 Matins 830 a.m. Holy Communion 5- p m Children’s Service 6- p.m. Evensong Hymn 214 Responses Roberts Psalms XXII Camidge XXIII Lloyd Magnificat 49 Nunc Dimittis 258 Hymns 260, 167 and 428 During the week: On Wednesday. 10-00
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  • 2433 9 In Flanders. rom Our Own Correspondent.') 1 London, S-ptember 27. At last the long ridge between Mt nia and i Dxmude is cccupLd by our troops at > many points and ere long the entire ldge will be in their possession. The 3 of last week’s
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  • 263 9 is celebfathi"» it Dd F eigD S ilorB, Bo ciety is ceieoraticg its centenary shortlv unH in for W the 19 event ho P est 0 r »>ee L V®, f urther extension of it B Wor k witb D Ad d m, ,a i t
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  • 66 9 (Prom Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, November 2. (W, ,ibb< i? moked *HB to »121 par picul Good smoked 105 „m do Plain smoked u 2 do Crepe fine pale 122 124 do Fincfh 108 121 do Gon/| b 95 107 d 0 G°od 8 n 99 R*
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  • 79 9 ln P k R 7 or Valiev 19,657, Bemanggol 10 336, Juru 15,100, Kong Lee (Perak) 1 100, Gula Kalumpong 116.000, Samagaga 6,445. Krian 40,500, Padang Jawa 24 215. Padang 31 000, Karan 10,020, Rantau 6,350. New C lumbia 38.103, Suoeei Batu (Malaya) 24,700, Val D’or 21,000,
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  • 97 9 I K*®poni? Kamuntine Tin Dredging, Limited Hours run l,l97;Cubic Yard* treated 159,000; Total P, C ul B 1.280.55; Bwlifed on sale 582,972 36. w n b R *i^ Bn Tin Co Ltd «-544 pikuli: Mill P a. 401.73, Tribu'es Pis. 142 52. Mr. Khaw Joo Tok advises
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  • 964 10 Essence or Qikmik Defence, The value of the machine-gun in defence haß been recognised, writes the Timet correspondent, since the earliest days of the war. In my despatches describing the first day's fighting on the Somme, nearly 14 months ago, I suggested that the essential feature of the future
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 858 10 Penang Auction Mart. Tk<> Estate of Lim Leng Cheak, Deceased. TO BE SOLD BY Mr. LEAN CHONG HIN, t Logan’8 Buildings, Beach Street, Penang, On Thvrs., 15th day of Nov., 1917, tnd following day*, until sold or withdrawn, at 11 o’clock a m. aach day. PARTICULARSLOT I. All that piece
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    • 13 10 For Children’s Hacking Congh at High t. Woods’ Great Peppermint Cars Is 6d.
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    • 938 10 Neurlagia Soothed Away by Little’s Oriental Balm To all who auffar the desperate twist* mjr a.onies and spasms of Neuralgia: To all who are acquainted with any of the sufferers: To all who bare newer suffered vet who wish to be on the safe side: Here’s news: LITTLE S ORIENTAL
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  • 854 11 Germany in all likelihood can hold out for a twelve month yet against the utmost force of any purely military attack that can be brought to bear. But the strain on German man-power is obvious and severe. The process of wastage though slower than we
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 752 11 JOHN BAZIEY WHITE BROTHERS' PORTLAND CEMENT., “LION BRAND” Sandilands, Buttery 6a., AGENTS. Penang NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby given that we, the undersigned, have on the 18th August 1917, corresponding to the Ist day of 7th Moon Teng 8u Tear sold our “Kwong Mow Sang Rubber Estate and Factory at
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    • 114 11 FOR SALE. An attractive investment for small capita A RUBBER ESTATE situate about 3/4, of a mile from T»pah Road (Perak) Railway Station —frontages on Railway Line, M«m Road to T»pata and Rirer. Acreage approximately 168—about 45 acres of 10 to 12 year* 01-1 rubber—about 30 acres of 2 y
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    • 220 11 e egan 9%. /-*> j' llied Governments ave Bought To Equip their New Armies Compare the work and you too will choose the ROYAL Typewriter,—the machine that makes big organizations complete. STOCKED m BRIEF, POLICY 8 FOOLtCAP SIZES BY THE SOLE IMPORTERS H TT S3? ua AND COMPANY. 1 m.
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  • 1769 12 The Revolution in Building. The first of the standard merchant steamers, built to the order of the Government, has successfully made her trials and has now been put into commission The keel was laid in February and the hull was launched in June, She will be
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 144 12 “TSINGTAO BEER” I First-class Beverage for Tirod Nerves Try and see for yourselves i-F not, Come and consult us. w D 0 SOLE AGENTS: THE EASTERN TRADIN6 Go., Penang and Ipoh, DISTRIBUTING AGENTS: m n Messrs. Martijn Ellerman Beao 'jji Street, Penang, ti if Pi oi tfc d( dt ye
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    • 61 12 MARTINS P ifor Ladies. A French Remedy for all Thousandse Ladies keep a box of Martin’s Pills in the house, so that on the nrs siioi of any Irregularity oi the System a t;mely dose may be administered. Th'jse who use them recommend them, her ce them enormous sale. At
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    • 426 12 IFOR MOTOR CAR INSURANCE you cannot do bi. iter than The Excess Insurance Co. AGENTS: ADAMSON, GILFILLAN CO., LTD. Incobpokatid in England^ Commercial Union Assurance COMPANY, LIMITED. (Incorporated in England.) Head Office: LONDON.' Eastern Branch: SINGAPORE. FIRE, LIFE, MARINE AND GUARANTEE DEPARTMENTS For particulars apply to A. A. ANTHONY Co.,
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 1103 13 fZ P. 0AND APCAB LINE., (Companies Incorporated in England) MAIL AND PASSENGER SERVICES. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS. (Under Contract with Hi» Majesty’s Government.) Th# Company’s MAIL 8ERVICE8 EAST OF BOMBAY ars at present suspended Passengers for Europe are booked via Bombay as opportunity offers and as far as accommodation is
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