Straits Echo, 2 November 1917

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1255 1 mM V« r r St:-': «m^asaw d I The Georgetown Motor tael NORTHAM ROAD AND FARQUHAR STREET, Telegraphic address: Hokimteik. ’Phone No. 694 I IS ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE. CARS FOR HIRE A fl-et of B -ind n-w C*rs for hire day and at moiei-ta cha'gos. Motor Car Importers Motor
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    • 15 1 %e MILK •toVtkmt, WHica b IrtC 3t j Ml *«*e Ct *On« use Ss *WiC
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  • 2148 2 Lord B yce's artiole on Great Men and Greatnett in the Fortnightly Review ha* naturally led to a Rood deal of discussion. The subject, a* he says, is one of ‘‘mexhausted freshness.” To talk about great men ia in a measure, to bask in the light of
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 309 2 i > f/J Indian Regd Design a6u. English Regd. Design 646,599* English Patent 0,033. Swiss Patent 84 328. Australian Patent 17.607. YOU THAT K/STY LEATHER STRAP GO N E I Again.' PRACTICE ECONOMY WHEN YOV ADOPT THE “NOVELTY” Wrist watch land. The life of tha leather wrist strap is of
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    • 104 2 Diphtheria—How It Nay Be Avoided. Diphtheria is usually contracted when the child has a cold. The cold prepares the child’s system for tbereoeption and development of the diphtheria germs. When there are c«s a s of diphtheria in the neigh* bourbood children that have colds should be kept at borne
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    • 646 2 Neurlagia Soothed Away bj Little's Oriental Balm To all ho suffer the desperate twist* ing a onies and spasms of Neuralja i To all who ars acquainted with anj of the sufferers i To all who have never suffered jet who wish to be on the safe side: Here’s newsi
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  • 1514 3 “Our Da y” Football. CLEAN AND WELL-CONTESTED GAME. An Undecided Finish. The final in the “Oar Diy Football Tournament b-tween the P.O-C. and the CEC which was played on the Esplanade yesterday evening w*s witnessed by a record crowd of enthusiastic spectators, including the Hon. Mr.W.C Michell, Resident Councillor, who
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  • 191 3 RED CROSS FUND. Liat of Subscriptions, Amount previously Lim Soon K«e s'oo 5 00 Collecting Card 43 Hongkong B.ok IPO 00 J. r. N col wo w L. M Evans 50 00 Max m Company entrance fee to Spor‘B L C jllected by Captaio Naubrooner 1.72
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  • 61 3 At the Eastern Produoe Exchange 181st Auction Sale the following prices were obtained per picul. Diamond Smoked Fair from $93 to 113 Diamond Unsmoked Plain Unsmoked t 0 Brown Crepe >i Bcrap C epe VirgiD, Loose A Pressed Untreated Scrap 23 to 82,204 lb. of rubber were
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 369 3 To-night! get this To-night!! AT THE To-night!! SOME ATTRACTION j EMPIRE iani THEATRE! Program for the 1,2,3 ar.d 4th November, 1911, FIRST SHOW AT 8 P.M. “MYSTERIES OF MYRA” 4 parts SECOND SHOW AT 15 P.M. Animated Weekly Gazette AT 9 50:—Quality Pictures Corporation presents FRANCIS X BAVERLEY BUSHMAM AND
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    • 615 3 For Sale by Auction OR PREVIOUS PRIVATE SALE ON WEDNESDAY, 7TH NOVEMBER, 1917 at 3 p.m, sharp. In Logan s Courtyard A 5 Seater, 38 A, H, P. “Briscoe” Motor Car N w on View at 7a, Union Street, Penang. Can be inspected and tried by arrangement. The following are
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  • 122 4 MUri deity (exoept Sundays end piblie V WMays) GUTBUON PRESS, Ltd. 59, Beach Street, Penang. Pnion* Daily Lwel I*4 pv annum. m OuftefeatiouM, Postage Extra. Mail Edsttea (Poet Free) 117.50 CABLE A9DBISS ECHO—PENANG.” Telephone Nos. (Echo) 586 Printing Department 343 A. fl.-A.ll buaioea* communication» should b» addressed
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  • 1439 4 In opening the Empire Dock at Singa pore the other day His Excellency the G vernor paid a high tribute to the men of the merchant navy which, we should h >pe, has been generally studied. It may seem almost unnecessary, at this time of day, to
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  • 1002 4 A Link o! the Entente. There is a foreign field that is forever England” within easy reach of Pat is. Yesterday was Li Toussaint,” the day on which France congregates in her cemeteries and lays wreaths on the graves of her dead. Yesterday France paid homage to her
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  • 498 4 fRuUTBR’g T*LBOR A |c 8 grevt loss of LIFE A»d Extcmive Damage. Durban, Got. 31 The four months of abnormally bad weather culminated io a rainstorm in which eight and a half inches of rain fell in twentrfour hours. Vary extensive dam« ga j. reported. The Umgeni
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  • 37 4 Latest Quotations. Tin (unrefined) is quoted here to-day it $117 50 business done, in Sine»pore(r'fia< > d) at $118 50. business d ne, (100 tons *o'd) and in London at £158 spot and at £F& three months.
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  • 29 4 (_From Out Own Correspondent 0 L >ndon, November 1. The prices in the London Rubber Market :o-day were: Pale Crepe Ml 2/8* Diamond Smoked Sheet tjfy
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 174 4 a? THE WELL-KNOWN Akiha Rickshaws. A ride in one of these ia a treat. For Smooth Running and durable wear we recommend an“ Akiha “SEEING IS BELIEVING. I INSPECTION CORDIALLY INVITED. PRICE EXCEPTION ABLY LOW FOR THE QUALITY WHICH IS SIMPLY Al. Sole Agents: Messrs: THE EASTERN TRADING Coy. Obtainable
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  • 1145 5 [Reuter’s Telegrams] mackennen s advance. Waitoa Dcalrucfioa. London, Not. 1. erA i ton Meckensen’s troopa are «ntonlywd brutally deßtroying Italian ropor »j in the invaded areas. This h»s ojui d the Socialist newspaper Popolo d lt'dia p demand tbelconfiecation of Austrian and (Hman property in Italy; also an
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  • 263 5 BIG SCHEME OBGANISED. Special Tbuh ox Saturday. The Hun. Secretary of the Koala Kangsar Onr Day Committee telegraphs to-dav i A special train will run for all classes od Saturdav, leaving Ipoh at 12 10 p.m. for Kuala Kangsar. Ic will return from Kuala Kangsar at
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  • 610 5 [Reuter's Telegrams] 3 Sir Douglas Haig's Report. i London, November 1, 8.80 s-m. Sir Douglas Haig reports "We took 191 prisoners on Tuesday to the north of the Tpres-Bonlers railway, ioolndiog three officers. There was looal fighting to-day in the neighbourhood of the Tpres-Staden railway. We have slightly
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  • 640 5 [Reuter's Telegrams] Successful Raid». London, Nov, 1. A French communique states i—- We raided the German lines in the direction of south-east cf the St. Qaentin sector, in the Souaic—. Champagne region,Bolinde, Argonne, North Flirey and the Woevre. We took forty prisoners and inflicted serious loeses on the
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  • 957 5 [Reuter's Telegrams] SIR ERIC GEDDES’ SPEECH. laporfait Sltlea»! i* the Conaou, London, November 1. Sir Eric Geddes’ maiden speech in tbe House of Commons, this afternoon, was tb* occasion of a long and important statemett >n which he reviewed the Naval situation He said that tbe present Board
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  • 263 5 Influence tr Salonika and thu East. S ver»l cases of malaria have been reported among troops and naval ratings in North-East K~nt, and the Looal Government Board, without issuing any formal orde*, have nqaested local authorities to ootify the Dcpar’ment when any additional oases occur. "Toere need
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  • 370 5 The following articles will be found on our outside pages Page. 2. —The Great Man. 3. Our D*y Football. Penang “Our D*y 1917. Eastern Produoe E tchange, 6, Peak’s Finances. Italy at War R nt Assessment B'&rd. Battle S ories from the West j<Vont. W»nted—Mycologists. M. F. A. Muar
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  • 962 6 Ia continuing consideration of the F.M S. Budget for 1918 with revised estimates for tbe present year closing on December 31, the separate statement of revenue and expenditure for Perak reveals a few da*avis 1 which serve to thn.w some additional light on the Federal Estimate* as well
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  • 1404 6 NATIONAL IDEALS. Tbe Industrial Situation. Smoe my return from Italy 1 have been frequently asked, bo«h here and in France, wh-t is the geueral Italian attitude towards the war. Do the rauk aud file of the people manifest any signs of wearinessP Do they ne d the
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  • 730 6 Decision in Favour op Sub-Tenants. Tee weekly meeting of the Rent Assessment Board was held at Singapore on Tuts day afternoon, the President (the Hon, Mr. C J. Saunders) being in the chair. The Board further considered the application of tbe Chinese newspaper publisher of 128, CrosStreet,
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  • 571 6 The Statutory Meeting. Tba statutory meeting in connection with Muar Rubber Limited, <vas held yesterday it the registered iffices, French Bank Building, Singapore. Toere ware present Messrs, A. H* Fair (Chairman) J. M. Sime, P. M Rrbvnson, Tan Kbeam Hock (directors) f. J. B. Wearne, E. S. Adler,
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  • 125 6 The ou'pnts from the following oompauies for the month of October are as under K&munting Tin Dredging Ltd. —Piouls 700 Hours run 654; Yards treated 87,000 Value of output $45,000; Cost of miring $10,500. Cheoderiang Tin Dredging Ltd., Dredge— Piculs 495; Hours run 586; Yards treated 84,000; Value
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  • 70 6 The General Meeting, held to discuss the challenges from Su:gei Patani and Singapore, !unanimously decided that a letter should be sent to tbe Malaya Football Association offering to play in Singapore during the Christmas holidays, and that circumstances rendered it in advisable to accept the challenge from
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  • 12 6 Sungei Gettah 5,712, Stiawan 11,718, Sungci Patani 18.000 lb.
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  • 81 6 The following is the health statement of the Penang Municipality for the week ended October 27, 1917: fM ale 51 > 72 Female 21 J Death rate 35.42 per mille per annum compared with 36 90 in the preceding week and with 28.32 in the corresponding week of
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  • 1278 6 Mud larks The wounded soldier plucked at the cleao sheets on bis cot as if they fascinated him He was neat and trim himself, with a wellshaven chin and neatly parted bair. It was strange that be should have started bis s'ory With a
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  • 823 6 Wanted—Mycolog ists. As an offset to the grave mistake of the P.A.M. io postponing the suggested Conference on Rubber D,senses it is some conso. lation that the Rubber Growers’ Association has taken Mr. Shelton Agar’s warning unde at the Agricultural Conference re. krarding the control of dis-ate, and has app
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 59 6 Sunshine and Common Sense. Don't d ctor your blood for rheumatism. Use an external application of C bamberlain'B Pain Balm. In a few days it you up and out into the sunshine, then nature will restore the rich red blood to your veins and soon rid the system of this
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  • 1433 7  -  A COMPACT SEALED IN SACRIFICE. By Fullkbton L. Waldo, (Aatociate Editor of the Public Ledger Philadelphia Two years ago I came to Eagland and found her 6tsrn and ltd, bat lilted far above the commonpluce of sorrow by the glory and the beauty of her
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  • 382 7 Orders or Thu Dat for Nuxt Meeting Following are the orders of the day for the meeting of the Legislative Council on Monday next: Motion by the acting Treasurer—" That this Council approves an addition of $6,000 to the vote Government contribution to Hospital Board, $262,941, Item 1,
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 356 7 Is Your Child Pale li there is erory reason to luipcct that the blood £e ttin thin-that tbr ch» !d If ,J is anemic Id is anaemic. is a condition frauglt with danger, especially f or those in tl e trooic. lb* blood inevitably lead to many serious disease*. But
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    • 57 7 How did you feel this morning Washed-out, Liverish, Sick headache, If eo, you require small does of no appetite, coated Tongue, PINĔETTE8 bid taste in the mouth. to make you fit and keep you ee ■0 csati |tr phial at roar inalefi or dlroct hr osll mm rooolot ol orloa
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    • 907 7 GROSS HERMANOS. MALAGA, SPAIN. SHIPPERS OP HIGH CLASS PRODUCE AND GRSCSRT LIKES, INCLUDING RVISIN3 DRIED FIGS. ALMONDS NUTS, LEMONS. GRAPES, OLIVES. PURE OLIVE SALAD OIL WISES CHICKPEAS. ANISEED. CUMIN SEED, Ete. Reliable A|»ti wetted it ell Urge towee Higkeit refereeeet eed temples on epplieetioe Write for wr UluitratedCat&hitn 8 Pries
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1399 8 P. tt —BRITISH INDIA AND APCAR LINE. (Companies Incorporated in En land MAIL AND PASSENGER SERVICES. K A R. P. M. KONINKLIJKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ. (ROYAL PACKET S.N. COMPANY. (Incorporated in Holland Foa Intended to Bail Steamer PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS. (Under Contrast with Hia Majesty's Government.) The Company’s MAIL SERVICES
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