Straits Echo, 31 October 1917

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1166 1 p m VT **iH '.f,% 1 i in ■A XI The Georgetown (BANKS. northam road AND farquhar street. Telegraphic address: Hokimteik. ’Phone No. 694 IS ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE. CARS FOR HIRE A fl et of B 4B>l n w Ctr* for hire cay und at m.idei.te chages. he Motor
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    • 16 1 3T3 SZ ■> He h mm VI it* lit ■.‘t m illllPiH t r- r. t> 4
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  • 1108 2 Germany ii well aware that the ''status quo antebellum” can no longer be admitted. She is beginning to see that it will be impossible for her to reooTer her African colonies, the islands of the Pacific and Kiaocbau, wbiob, says Dr. K. von Mangold, are in
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 310 2 m <^o<=^oc=|>=|>^<^>=^oc^o if If StyS* □ODDDDD >• < 6 C6 D 0 □DDDDDD i?4 E*)K* < l V S V r s o o .oL x ir' i 11 $«st -nnoncJD 3 I a r <}=>^$=> 0^}= ,c dHHBB 3 n a a I n a jnaijnD Our Day, Nov.
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    • 764 2 Ratrut Basin Tin Dredging NOTICE OF DIVIDEND THE DIRECTORS bare declared laterim Dividend of f o no .kt 10 per «bare payable at the Comply’* o«P in Sydney on tbe 7th November, 1917 G.M YETTS, General Manage Ranong, 29ih October, 1917. NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby given that we th. undesigned,
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  • 1669 3 (Bt Harold Brighouse Author or Hobson’s Choice etc.) Like some fifty per cent of the British Army, Lutyens was the last man whom one ever expected to see in khaki. For one thing, he was in his forties when war broke our, and if anyone bad asked
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  • 285 3 Penang, 81st October 1917. Beet— I Soup per catty 16 Roast 261 Pteaks 99 26 Stew or Curry Meat Rump Steak Ox Tail each i» Tongue MS ft' j Feet it I Heart Liver per catty 45 Fillet of Beef 60 Pobk— Pork per catty 50 with fat
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 380 3 HEADACHES. The Cause and Remedy. Sick and Nervous Headaches are but the symptoms of other ailnicnts to which the> are merely sympathetic, such as Indigestion, L r Biliousness, Oonstipation, or some other irrcgu* larity of the system. Many women habitually suffer from Headaches, which make life a daily purgatory. Indeed
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    • 432 3 Anaemia or Poorness of Blood, is far more prevalent than is generally supposed. Men, Women and I Children are all liable to suffer. If neglected, serious consequences may result. If taken when the symptoms are first noticed, it is a very simple matter to enrich the blood and so effectually
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  • 1123 4 I The Bound Table." Sept-, 1917. No. 28. (Macmillan. 2s. 6d We can always look with confidence to the Bound Table for a well informed, a sane and thoughtful interpretation of I current events- In the present number as I usual, not the least valuable part is
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 315 4 MEZSE2B# 'u-t*» WZfr m z/ V 1 WJ. &//M tU'li Indian Regd. Design 2611. English Regd. Design 646,599* English Patent 12,033Swiss Patent 84 228. Australian Patent 17,607. YOU THAT K/ STY LEATHER STRAP GONEI Again' PRACTICE ECONOMY WHEN YOU ADOPT THE «NOVELTY” Wrist watch band. The life of the leather
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    • 58 4 Sunshine and Common SenseDon’t doctor jour blood for rheumatism. Use an external application of Chamberlain’s Pain Balm. In a few days it will get you up and out into the sunshine, then nature will restore the rich red blood to jour reins and soon rid the system of this troublesome
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    • 494 4 JWOTXO£. LABOUR COOi. 1312, f. M s lodias Imtnijraibn Funi 3;diia 5 :t. 19|; Employers ok Indian r xPr r &;o hereby reuris-iwl thsit reiuiLß for (b« piw»din K «unrW .«to the Office the dS.," b of Labour, Pu„. Wfr dune/,hi T" 1 1 Apn!. July, October end j/nu.., b
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  • 1550 5 Draft Budget (1918) Passed. Tbs meeting of the Municipal Com* misaionars which was held yesterday was j fully attended by the Commissioners, the main business on the agenda being the consideration of the draft estimates for 1918 There were present Messrs. W. Peel (President), A. M. Goodman, Cbee
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  • 374 5 A Successful Function, The Penang Volunteer subscription dance in aid of Our Day Red Cross 1 Fund which was held at the Drill Hall last 1 night wig quite a successful function. Messrs. B. E. Mitchell.and J. J. L, Haiv y, the masters of ceremonies,
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 356 5 If arc fn doubt read this programme Grand Change T EMPIRE gsilKAlM} To-night! To-night!! FIRST SHOW AT 8 P.M. POOR REELS OF THE FASCINATING AND BXCITINO SERIAL The Mysteries of Myra AT 91»: NESTOR COMEDY: —The famous comedian Eddie Lyons and Lee Moran in U AT 9 30 BLUE BIRD
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    • 368 5 EmpText Public Auction Sale OF A 2 SKATER, 4 CYLINDER “Belsize” Motor Car (on vibw in our spacious showrooms) The ui.d ieigr>< d are instructed to tell the above On Wednesday, the 7th November, 1917, AT 11 AM. SHARP In Logan’s Courtyard 10-12 BH.P, Everything complete and in excellent condition.
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    • 283 5 *W ANTED. A CHINESE CASHIER BOOKKEEPER for a Rubber Eatate. $2,000/« security. Apply personally to QOH TAIK CHEE A SON, WANTED. To purchase rubber estate near Taiping, 30*50 acres, partly in bearing preferable. Full paiticularß to LOONG FATT, 37, Birth Village, Taiping WMWMMMW !>■■ —U—————W————— WANTED. ONE between 16 to
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  • 93 6 Mribhti daily (except Sundays end public i v ax vn CEITBRION PRESS, Ltd. Bt 59, Beach Street, Penan*. PUW m ss4 per annum. Poetafe Extra. IM BdUfeM (Poet Free) $17.50 Cfw.i isDiua: ECHO—PEN ANG.” Telephone Nos. (Echo) 586 Printing Department 343 A.R.—All buiineM communication* should b* *ddre**ed
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  • 24 6 On 30th Oatober, at No. 1*a, Leitb Sreet, Penang, the wif-» of Mr. Leoog Teb Khe&n of ft son. F.M.3- papers please aopy.
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  • 1282 6 The auggeation that the French and I Britiah Governments ahould render the I prompteat and fulleat aupport to Italy in I her great trial recalla an alternative that I as present to all the Allied leaders in the I opening stages of the war, and has
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  • 407 6 Mr. Justice Earnsbaw proceeds to Bentong to-day to take the Assises which commence to-morrow. The fallowing passengers arrived here by he s.e. Krian to-day :—from Singapore Mr. J. C. Ijrea and Mr. M. Tsnchiya from Port Swettenbam Mr. R. C. Russell. Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Tomlin
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  • 74 6 [Reuter's Telegrams] Ceram ltd ladiaa Foo-4 Gu>l jr. Chicago, October 30. Three Germans have been sentenced to two years’ imprisonment and fiaed £2,000 and the Hindu, LUonpta, to eighteen months’ imprisonment and a fine of £4O for fomenting a rebellion in ladia. Pacifist Meeting Wrecked. L ndon,
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  • 142 6 Maadai Ickoag. CFrom Our Own Correspondent Singapore, October 31. At the annual general meeting of tbe Mandai Tekong Rubber Company yesterday the Chairman said that the all-in cost of 52 cents was still vary high. There was no likelihood of reducing this, in view of the difficulty
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  • 150 6 Latest Quotations Tin (unrefined) is qnoted here to-day at $ll5, business done. We are ask»d to state that the drawing of the J ihore Our D»y War Loan Lottery will take place on l7. The following wnl represent the contesting teams in the final of Oir D.y” football tournament
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  • 1065 6 To-morrow’s Match. Thosi lute e urn in football have ever reason io anticipate a well contested gam t i he h*-st of its kind—to-morrow evening 0 n the E planade wben tbe P.G C. and th C R.C. will mtet in tbe final, Both t BMn 8 «re
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 179 6 Cold at Night? Why not try one of our “Excelsior'' Blankets. r-.. *.s IB L Just the kind for tropical use. A large range to choose from, tight spongy. White with Fancy Stripe borders. s ize 78 insx 60 ins. Price only $3-50. KENC CO./ tN <0 aj HENDERSON “FOUR”
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    • 35 6 IN All> OF 1 H£ RED CROSS FC'ND TO-MORROW At 5 p m, FINAL cut* TIE C.R.C. vs. P.C C ON THE PADANO. Send for yonr ticket ia the PENANG LOTTERY. THERE ARE 888 PRIZES.
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  • 609 7 [Reuter's Telegrams] A Geim»» Rus«. Now Toik, Oc*, 29. The correspondent of the Associated Press t tbe Italian fiont teiegrapbs "On Octo- r 27 German masses were advancing and carrjing huge banners bearing the word Tbu was evidently an appeal to tfce Italian soldiers, though it w«.« goccmpanied
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  • 1191 7 [Reuter's Telegrams] SUCCESSFUL RAIDS. Sir Dovglaa Haig'» Report. London, October 30. 12,45 a m. Bir Douglas Haig rep rts: The Inniskillings, raiding to the northeast of Oroisilles, made a few prisoners, The Belgians, successfully raiding, made a number of prisoners to tbe north and south of Dizmnde. Our
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  • 2025 7 [Reuter's Telegrams] TO THE FORCES. Prtmier’s Statement lathe Commons. London, October 29. In the House of Commons Mr. Lloyd George, in moving tbe resolution thanking the forces as cabled on October 24, said that even had he the leisure in these terrible times, especially in tbe anxiety
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  • 84 7 The following articles will be found on our outside pages Page. 2. —LituanU and the War, 3. —The German Way. 4. The Round Table," 5. —Municipal C immiseion. P. V, Our Day Dance. 8. —Telegrams. The Late Mr. Tan Jiak Kim. Ceylon Uader Martial Law, Singapore Family Benefit Society,
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  • 791 8 [Reuter's Telegrams] CHANCELLOR'S SPEECH J liereiiii| Cost. London, Oct. 30. In the House Common?, Mr. Bonar L»w. in introducing a Vote of Credit for £4OO 000,000 aaid that the rote was to supply the necessary funds until the first week of January, The average daily expenditure
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  • 1072 8 Large Attendance at the Funeral. Tee of the late Mr. Tan Jiak Kirn, C M G., took place at tiiogapore on Sunday morning, the cortege leaving the deceased’s residence, Pauglima Praog, River Valley R >a*l, at elevtn o’clock, aDd proceed* ing to the private
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  • 2430 8 About two years ago 7he Ntw Statesman i published an article upon the riots in i Ceylon and the methods adopted under > martial law for putting down! the disturr t ances. We pointed out the inconsistency between the severity of those methods and i the
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  • 221 8 Tin annual report and balance of the Singapore Family Benefit Society is to hficd. It shows satisfactory progress Toe total tumber of omdidates set-king i Imission to the Society numbered 269 of whom 24 were rejected as against 361 *Dd 15 r; m the preceeding year»
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  • 156 8 Thk Repobt fob 1916, In the FM.S. Gazette M. L. H.. Clay to® Honorary Treasurer, reports as follow» on the working of the Hare Memorial Fund during 1916, At tbeginning of the year the trustees owned sixty-five shares in the Straits Trading Company, These were sold and
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  • 52 8 The following programme of music will be played at the Esplanade this evening at 6 p m. to 7 p m. 1 Selection English Hartmann 2 One Step The Policeman’s 3 Selection The Gaiety H llday g"*"* 4 Waltz Sons of The Sea QueStfn o March Jolly
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  • 34 8 Widiibdat, Octobie 31. Town Band, Esplanade. Feidat. Novbmbee 2 Town Band, Esplanade Satttbday, Notbmbee 3. Town Band, Golf Club. Bundat, Notbmbbe 4 22nd after Trinltj. Monday, Notbmbie 5. Town Band Esplanade.
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  • 566 8 Planters' War Relief Fu nd. The following letter wag read :at our last meeting in Johore a \L o,lt concise account of what the ExecutL 7 1 Planters’ War Relief Fund is actually Da 7 fr- 1 h B i 0 2* mgs of bhe various Planters’ Assort that the
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  • 211 8 Pwruro, Octobib 31. 8. P. Tapioca $l2 aalei. M. P. Tapioca 12,75 seller. Gold leaf 72 Pepper (W.Ooftet lb. 5 0i),516 1/2 bayeri Black Pepper 25.00 buyer. White Pepper 40 nominal Trang Pepper $32 season over $llO nom. Mace Pickings 48 sellers loveB 50 sellers. Nutmegs 110 s 35
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 12 8 For Children’s Hacking Cough tt Night. Wood’ Gr*»t Peppermint Cure Is, 6d.
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    • 70 8 When a child develop* on» of those nasty backing coughe which keep the family awake t night it is annoying for them, but far more serious for the child, because of tba strain thrown on its undereliped bodily o g*ns. Rupture is often caused by a straining cough WOODS’ MEAT
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  • 1091 9  -  By Horace Hutchinson. where in Franca a chaffinch hatched S me »ndl brought up its brood despite the il< Jfhlt a British gunner bad planted a f hnre howitzer, for concealment’s sake, b th the apple-tree in which its nest was b T»nd from time to
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  • 905 9 Alsace Another Question. Berne, August 22. A striking leading article in the Frankfurter Zeitung of yesterday evening suggests that the Imperial authorities find increasing difficulty in maintaining the warlike spirit in the German people. The latter apparently cannot understand why "the triumphal march of the German armies
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 700 9 BAXTER 3> Co.'s best navy canvas. SANDILANDS, BUTTERY 8 Co. MUNICIPAL NOTICE. "VP > I ICE is hereby given that the bocks containing the Annual Valuation of \®P 0M 00 4,1 buildings and lands Tcwn p Wlthm i be MQnic 'P» li ty of George ,or tfa e year 1918,
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    • 103 9 Diphtheria —How It May Be Avoidel. Diphtheria is usually contracted when the child has a cold. The cold prepares the child’s system for the reception and development of the diphtheria germs. WbeD there are cases of diphtheria in the neighbourhood children that have colds should be kept at home and
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    • 771 9 Neurlagia Soothed Away by Littles Oriental Balm 04 110 »u£fer the desperate twist* »np ajojnes and spasms of Neuralgia sufferers 7 aC( l uaicted with ‘“7 of the To aJi who bare nerer suffer ye t who wish to be on the safe side: Here s news: LITTLE S ORIENTAL
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  • 1134 10 THE MYSTERY OF MICHAELIS. Bt A Nrutrax Corrrspondrnt. Germany is seething in a welter of confusion. This is the outstanding fact at tbe moment. The German journalists are clearly mystified, as they may well be, sirci it is plain that they have not been given any hints as
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  • 883 10 China Her History, Diplomacy, and Commarce, from the Earliest Times to the Present Day.” By E. H. Parker. (John Murray.) 10s. 6d. J I Tbe work under review is the second ediI tien of a bock on China which appeared at ■Jibe opening of the
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 1006 10 Penang Auction Mart. The Estate of Lim Leng Cheak, Deceased. TO BE SOLD BY Auction BY Mr*. LEAN CHONG BIN, At Logan’s Buildings, Beach Street, Penang, On Thurs., I5th day of Nov., 1917, and following days, until sold or withdrawn, at 11 o’clock a m. each day. PARTICULARS i LOT
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    • 327 10 r 3 I Mi Hit Jf < <ST vN V w. '.S'- =$2*; When you are Weak. M. "Kervy," giin-down. ‘Wincarnis* offers you new health, new strength, new blood, new nerve force and new life. New health and new life f Think what this means to you who are miserable
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  • 840 11 „T. h W r V* <•' Wit. Bj Profewor T. M. JS-ettle, Lieutenant, Dublin Fusiliers. With M 7 R Kettle Tnoinae M. Kettle, member of Parliament T7r De and ProfeBBor of National Economics m the National University of Ireland, was in Belgium when the war bu 1D
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 372 11 MALTHOID ROOFING. For Dams, reservoirs, filter beds, factories, bungalows, banks, business blocks, coolie lines etc., etc. PABCO PAINT For the preservation of Iron and Steel. ENQUIRIES TO Sandilands, Buttery Go, Penang, Sole Agents. NOBELS EXPLOSIVES? M GAZhES AT PENANG AND IPOH. Stocks always on hand of GELIGNITE. BLASTING GELATINE. SEXTUPLE
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    • 28 11 BURRELL CO.’S BOILED RAW LINSEED OILS. SNOW WHITE ZINC. PAINTS TURPENTINE. To be had Retail from all the Leading Stores. SANDILANDS, BUTTERY A Co. Sole Agents, Straits Settlements
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1493 12 p. BRITISH INDIA AND APCAR LINE. (Companies Incorporated is Eft. land MAIL AND PASSENGER SERVICES. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS (Under Contract with Hi§ Majesty’s Government.) The Company’! MAIL SERVICES EAST OF BOMBAY are at present suspended. wwss II KONINKLIJKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ. (ROYAL PACKET S.N.COMPANY.) (Incorporated in Holland Fob Inrzndid to
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