Straits Echo, 29 October 1917

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1180 1 m UXZ ■jp i 1 ft r f 4 *fS-3IS Swßi natoM!^ ♦ooooooooooooooo# The Georgetown northam road AND farquhar street Telegraphic address: Hokimteik. 'Phone No. 694 IS ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE. CARS FOR HIRE A fl et f Brand n* w C*rs for hire day and at moderate cha’ges. Motor
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    • 8 1 mm IfSi sa W'i mm s K lliiliiH:
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  • 1099 3 It is possible to arrive at the Kaiser’s idea of agentleman within a few places of decimals. He bolds that a gentleman must Dot be willirg to kill “so man; women and children as were on beard the Lusitania On the other band, be believes that a gentleman
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 566 3 LIFE WITHOUT HEALTH IS LIVING DEATH lf»ETiV R7A BRA,N AND Vfci M r\ JLt VInerve food This remarkable compound, the latest discovery of modem h™.. i. of defective nerve and brain power, whether induced by worry nw! 1* M? th Ut equal ,n a11 casef Sleeplessness, palpitation, defective rk dlssl
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    • 333 3 NOW OPEN CAFE SHAFTESBURY Excellent Dollar Tiffin, Afternoon Teas, &c. Manager R, H. CHARLES. Public Auction Sale. Of a 5 stater, 38 American H.P. “BRISCOE” Motor Car, (Painted dark green) The undersigned are instructed to «ell the above On Wednesday, October 3lst, 1917, AT 11 am Sharp. In Lagan’s Courtyard.
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    • 532 3 oc A DEICZDnC DC PALE WOMEN o KJ uc Wonsan who had a good colour at Home grow* rale and sallow when living in the Tropics. fading colour in oheeks and lips is accompanied by a loss of brightness in the eyes and an increasing heaviness in the step, the
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  • 2148 4 Directors’ Report to Shareholders. The following report will be submitted to the shareholders at the meeting to be held at Singapore on November 3. Your Directors Bubmit herewith a duly audited Statement of the Accounts of the Company for the year ended 30th June, 1917. Finance.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 318 4 .-L-i 4.^ w M r tt>. st&mi 1 o t~ri tuotc^uni Indian Regd. Design 2611. English Regd. Design 646,599English Patent 12,033. Swiss Patent 84 228. Australian Patent 17,607. YOU THAT PRACTICE ECONOMY WHEN YOU ADOPT THE “NOVELTY” Wrist watch band. The life of the leather wrist strap is of short
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    • 183 4 GOVERNMENT NOTICE. Notice is hereby given tbit subscript,ions for the Straits Settle* trents War Loan will not be received after Wednesday, the 14:h November, 1917, H. MARRIOTT, Acting Treasurer. 8-8. October 1917. GROSS HERMANOS, MALAGA, SPAIN. SHIPPERS Or HIGH CLASS PRODUOI AND GROCERY LINES, INCLUDING: BUSINS. DRIED FIGS. ALMONDS, NUTS
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  • 787 5 Much Regretted Loss. I The sudden and unexpected death of Mr. I Horace Btrong, Accountant, Mercantile ißtukof India, Ltd., which took place at the I General Hospital on Saturday night following an operation for appendicitis, will be received with Doignant sorrow by a large circle
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  • 120 5 Thu Empire Theatre presents an unequal* led programme commencing from to-night Io the first show four reels of “The Mysteries of Myra will be screen» d and in tb6 8?cord show will be included a Bluebird Phi toplay entitled “8aving the Family name”, a drama of family pride,
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  • 132 5 An experiment is b ing made in tbe Economic Gardens, Singapore, at present of some interest. The daily yield of latex is divided into halves, one cf which is cosguLt ’d by means of acetioacid, while the other is coagulated by Meesrs. Ucken and Down with their own
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  • 355 5 First Penang Prosecution, o first prosecution node? the new i Subsidiary Com Ordinance in Ponang took 1 ce Q the S cond Court, this merning, when Neo Gan Kiew, a Chinese- NodU of StangT«k Road, pleaded “not guilty” to the charge of being in possession of a quantity
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  • 635 5 The case in which C. H. Kraal, a clerk m the employment of the K nta Sanitary Beard, was charged with dishonest appropriation of $3, was concluded at Ipoh on Friday afternoon, when the Magistrate discharged the eccused. Mr. M. B. Lynch appeared for the dt-ffr nee.
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  • 458 5 (From O'Mr Own Cm respondent?) London, October 27* The prices in the London Rubber Market to-day were: Pale Crepe 2/9 Diamond Smoked Sheet 2/7 m No travellers other than Russian subjects will in future be permitted to enter Russia unless their passports have been vifed, not only
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 424 5 If you are In doubt-read this programme Grand Change EMPIRE |sgj THEATRE I l ki I Sk 9m Programme for Oct. 29. 30. 31st. Kon„ Tuss Wed. FIRST SHOW AT 8 P.M. FOUR REELS OF THE FABCINATING AND EXCITING SERIAL The Mysteries of Myra AT 9 15:— NESTOR COMEDY -The
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    • 185 5 WANTED IMMEDIATELY, An experienced book-keeper for a Mercantile Office Apply with testimonials to S. A. cjo Straits Echo. TYPIST WANTED IMMEDIATELY reliable and competent Typist, Must have previous experience. Apply with copies of testimonials. stating salary required to Bjx 739. c!o Straits Echo. WANTED. ACHINEBE CASHIER BOOKKEEPER for a Rubber
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    • 473 5 OUR DAY” PENANG VOLUNTEERS t $2 Subscription Dance $2 TO BE HELD IN THE drill hall FORT CORNWALLIS ON TUESDAY, 30th OCTOBER, 1917, LADIES FREE DANCING 915 P. if. BEN MITCHELL J. J. L. HARVEY M Cs Tickets may be obtainable from the Robinson Piano Company. ASSISTANT MASTER. WANTED for
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  • 95 6 MtoM foOy (exoept Sundays and puttie kttttnya) a* yn OBTTHRION PRESS, Ltd. g*. 59, Beech Street, Penang. Paiom* DgQj Iml «I*4 P« tmm. m Pottage Extra. M«n NM« (Poet Free) $17.50 «it.! aosun ECHO—PENANG.” Telephone Nos. (Echo) 580 Printing Department 343 jsj ft —All business communication* »hould
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  • 1177 6 What ii the cost ot the present war P Any answer that is given to that ques* tion is purelj speculative because no one of the belligerent Governments makes entirely public the waste of men and of wealth. Lists of wounded, fer example, may be given,
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  • 947 6 Dr, C. L. Sansom arrived here thia morn* in® from Port Swettenham. Mr. Loke Chow Tbje end Min Loke Chow Thye are on a vis t to tbia place. 1 Mr. George Bedfern’a brother ia oomiug 1 op fro on Australia to start training, says the Malay
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  • 959 6 Thu •'Ceylonese.” Mr. Tom W.igbt, surf bathing Honolulu, will be interested to learn that the Ceylonete, the paper of whioh be wa. tl have been tbe first editor and for which h resigoed the editorship of the Echo. h» a B0B into voluntary liquidation. The D ih*A.j abort
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 122 6 Cold at flight t Why not try one of our “Fxcelsior” Blankets. 1 I M =5 V*.: T Just the kind for trop cal use. A large r nge to choose from. l ight spongy. White with Fancy Str’pe bor* I ders. ize 78 insx 60 ins. Price only $3-50.
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  • 1327 7 [Reuter's Telegrams] FURTHER advance. Sir Do'll 1 Halt*» Report. London, Ootober 27, 1 35 a.m. Sir Doogl»» Haig reports operation» with limited objectives were a y undertaken. A line day waa Thura- fine drying wind promiaed improved the flgbtirg conditions, but there was a andden change at night-time
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  • 688 7 [Reuter's Telegrams] FURTHER PROGRESS. Success*» Followf 4 Up. London, Ootober 27, 3.5 a.m. A French oommuniqud states There was no enemy counter attack ini Belgium, The prisoners we took this morn- ing exceed two hundfed. Following up our I successes on our right north of the Aisne I
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  • 692 7 [Reuter's Telegrams] THE AUSTRO-GERMAN THRUST. G«##ral v## Macke#»## Directi«g. London, October 27, 6 55 s.m. Mr, Ward Prior», wiriog from the Italian Front on October 24, fates that 300,000 Germans from Russia are oonoentrated on a frontof twenty miles, reinforoed by Austrians against the Italians. M ne reinforcements
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  • 995 7 [Reuter's Telegrams] THE MOSCOW CONGRESS. M. Roliiitks Prsiilsit. Moscow, Oot. 26. The congress of politicians has eleoted M. Rodziauko, the former President cf the Duma, as President Ia the coarse of a speech he declared that the Congress aimed at awakening the National Congress and the suppression of the
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  • 23 7 Latest Quotations Tin (unrefined) is quoted here to-day at 9118 50, buyer* no sellers, in Biogapore (refined) at 9114,25 no business done.
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  • 164 7 The following articles will be found ot our ontaide pages Page. B.—At Random. 4. —Pulau Bulang Rubber Ltd. 5. —Death of Mr. H. Strong. Rubber Coagulation. Hoarding Coins. Charge that Failed 8. —Empire Dook Penang Swimming Club. Inter-State Football. Toung Muslim Union. 9. —The Queen’s B)to'arsbipi. Tbt Week’s Events.
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  • 1976 8 PEN\NG vs. KEDAH. A Goaxbss Draw. A great deal cf interest wai centred id the inter-st&te football match between the Penang Mobamedan Football Association and a representative Mohamedan team from Kedah which was played on the Esplanade on Stturday evening in aid of the "Oar Day Red Cress
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  • 3755 8 FOURTH SECTION OF HARBOUR SCHEME COMPLETED. Namiug Ceremony by the Governor. Thursday’s function —the naming of the new wet dock—at Tanjong Pagar marked the completion of a big scheme. But it k did more than that; to express Mr. Nicbol- son’s thought in d fferent wo ds, it
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  • 241 8 Quabter Mile Championship and Sealed Handicap Race The above race was held at Tanjoog Buugah yesterday morning. Threlfall at the start went well ahead and maintained the leading position through the second and third laps. However baif-way through the last lap Stone overtook him and went ahead
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  • 51 8 PROGRAMME OF EVENTS. Tuesday, 3o—Volunteer Dance and RonggeDg, Drill Hall, 9 15 pm.; Golf Competition, Caledonia Estate, 430 p.O>. fo lowed by Bridge Drive Our Day*. Tburelay, Nov. I—Football Cup Final. Esplanade, 5 pm, Town Band. Friday, Nov. 2—P MIA Chineifl Dramatio Performance, Town Hall, 9 15
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  • 785 9 [To thb Editor of thb Strait» EchoJ] i Sir, j Please allow me to thank ircucz” who in jour last S turday’a issue kindly writes to say that tbe final abolition of the scholarship was in 1911 and not in 1908 a 6 I meant in my
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  • 40 9 Monday, October 29. Town Band, Esplanade. Tuesday, Octobbb 30. Muoicipal Commission. Wednesday, Octobbb 31. Town Band, Esplanade. Friday, November 2 Town Baud, E.-planade. Saturday, November 3. Town Band, Golf C üb. Sunday, November 4 22nd after Trinity.
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  • 236 9 Mr. H. B. Leicester, a cletk in the Sing*, pore Harbour B >ard, was on Thursday ex. amined by Mr. G. C. Valpy, Assistant Official Assignee, before Mr. Justice Ebden sitting in Bankruptcy at Singapore. The bankrupt stated he lived at 44 Gaylacg-rd, was 61 years of age, had
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  • 80 9 The following are the alterations in Messrs. A. A. Anthony Co ’e, share list to*day Alor Gaj»h Rubber Estate $4 40 buyers and $4.60 seller-; Glenealy Plantations $2 40 buyers and $2 55 sellers Jt ram Kuantan Rubber Estatrs $1.70 buyers and $l.BO sel'ers; Jim*h Rubber Estates $2 05
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  • 62 9 We are inform’d by Mr. Edgar Warwick that the Court Cards and th*riJoker will be c unmeEcing another tour of the East this mouth. They hope to be in Penang during tho course of the next few weeks. We are also assured by tbe management that the
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  • 49 9 Tbe following programme cf music will be played at the Esplanade this evening at 5 p.m. 1 Fantasia Bonnie Scotland Hare 2 Two Step The Teddy Picnic Bretten 3 Selection A Life on the Ocean Binding 4 Waltz Destiny Bay ness 5 March A Frangesa Costa
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  • 305 9 Following are ti>e agenda of the meeting cf tbe Municipal Commissioners to be held to morrow: 1 Minutes of last meeting to be read and confirmed. 2 To consider Draft Budget for 1918 (as framed). Business for Ordinary mbeting. 1 Any special business tbe President may bring forward.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 540 9 The Parit Perak Rubber COMPANY. LIMITED. (iNCOBPOBATED IN PENANG.) TOTICE 13 HEREBY GIVEN that l\ tbe Director* have declared an Ict m dividtnd of 10 per cent, free tf War Sot arc wt of the year ending 31st 14,1 i, or iqi7 nsvible to tin sbareto’ders 30 h OCoh-r. 1917.
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    • 44 9 Chamberlain’s Pain Balm There ia nothin? so good for muscular rheumatism sprains lameness cramps of the muscle», bruises and like injuries as Chamberlain's Pain Balm. It will effect a cure lin less time than any other treatment, For sale by all dispensaries and dealers,
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    • 715 9 Divorce Notice. DAISY PAK, wife Of Gan Teong Khiro, informs him that if within 14 day» from cow he does not return to her he mast consider himself divorced by her. He has disobeyed a maintenance Order of 15th: March, 1917, and deserted her and there is a warrant ont
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    • 50 9 Middle-aged people are oft>n afflicted with that distressing ailment, windy spasms they ssem to cut like a knife. Sufferers should get a bottle of WOODS’ GREAT PEPPERMINT CURE The very first dose will briog relief and prove its value. Sold by Dispensaries and Stores everywhere at 10 oents per bottle.
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    • 749 9 Neurlagia Scothod Away *7 I'fttle’s Oriental Balm 0 *“*bo suffer the desperate twist* t onies and spasms of Neuralgia o all who are acquainted with any of the sufferers To all who have never suffered yet who wish to be on the safe side; Here’s news: LITTLE'S ORIENTAL BALM RELIEVES
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  • 1157 10  -  8ELF-BVIDENT MADNESS. By G. K. Chesterton. One of the numerous disadvantages of having one’s head in the lion’s mouth is that one oannot see the lion. Could a man wake up suddenly from slumber in so improbable a posture, he might well suppose (for a short
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  • 938 10 •‘ALL PROSPECT OP GERMav VICTORY GONE*' AN Bx Admiral Sir Cyprian Bridgb, sq Taking the naval position in its’ br J!. asp ct, we can sae that every one 0 leBB powerful Stateß which has JVh interrupted relations with German n&s declared war against that EmL r
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 117 10 iftce the at gan The Allied Governments ave Bought Over L Y m t To Equip heir New Armies “Compare the work” and you too will choose the ROYAL Typewriter,—the machine that makes big organizations complete. STOCKED H BRIEF, POLICY 8 FOOL CAP SIZES BY THE SOLE IMPORTERS asr IT
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  • 1693 11 KAISER’S STARTLING DISCLOSURES Must Still Remain Secret. Germs» Socialists would k« Skoeked. fcive below further instalments of I Mr, J. W Gerard’s Memoirs Kiel, situated on the Baltic, on the east* ,°f the peninsula of Jutland near the Baltic entrance of the Kiel canal, is the Pngcipal naval
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  • 275 11 News bas been received of L''eut, Pierre Dnrnerin, who was manager of tbe local branch of Barque de l’lcdo-Cbine, at tbe beginning of tbe war, and bas eeeo much fighting in Argoane, Champagne and Artois. Writing to a friend here he says; AU daring June
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 332 11 BAXTER S’ Co.'s best navy canvas. SANDIUNDS, BUTTERY Co. JEYES’ PURIFIER. DAYID CORSAR SON’S WELL-KNOWN EXTRA NAVY CANVAS, NO. 0. SANDIL'NDS, BUTTERY S Co. THE SWASTHYA SAHAYA PILIS. jßyes’ Disinfectants For Stable S Outhouses. Sold in 1» 2 and 5 gallon drums and 40 gallon casks. Saudi lands, Buttery Go.,
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    • 105 11 Diphtheria—How It May Be Avoided. Diphtheria is usually contracted when the child has a cold. The cold prepares the child’s system for the reception and development of the diphtheria germs. Whpn there are cas's of diphtheria in the neighbourhood children that have cold) should be kept at home and off
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    • 721 11 ir FEDERATED MALAY STATES GOVERNMENT. CONVEYANCE OF MAILS. t TENDERS are invited for conveyance of maiii between either (a) Frai Railway] Station. I and Klian Intan or y (b) B. Mertajam (Upper Perak) Railway StationJ by motor vehicle» once daily in both directions on and from the let January 1918
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1292 12 P. O.—BRITISH INDIA AND APCAR LINE. (Companies Incorporated in MAIL AND PASSENGER SERVICES. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS (Under Contract with His Majestj’s Government.) The Company’s MAIL SERVICES EAST OF BOMBAY are at present suspended Passengers for Europe are booked via Bombay as opportunity offers and as far as aeoommodation
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