Straits Echo, 27 October 1917

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1179 1 mu •■«wT r>' -l- V RaE ssMd NATU The Georgetown northam road AND farquhar street. Telegraphic address: Hokimteik. ’Phone No. 694 IS ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE. CARS FOR HIRE A fl et of Binud mw C*r$ for hire day and eight at moderate eba ges Motor Car Importers Motor repairing
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    • 12 1 a s m MiLjS MSj^QSIW-A, IS* vtions use JX css Urnmmi s
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  • 1727 3 sults of recent elections in Kikenny and Clare were declared, the Redmondite Freemans Journal, long the chara- pion of popular government, could i find no comment save a hint that the voters had gone mad The battle cry i of Ireland is to be Sinn Fein
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 893 3 Penang Auction Mart. The Estate of Lim Leng Gheak, Deceased TO BE SOLD BY public Auction BY Mr. LEAN CHONG HIM, At Logan’s Buildings, Beach Street, Penang, On Thurs., 15th day of Nov., 1917, and following days, until sold or withdrawn, at 11 o’clock a.m. each day. PARTICULARS LOT i.
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    • 43 3 Chamberlain’s Pain Balm. There is nothing so good for muscular rheumatism,sprains, lameness, cramps of the muscles, bruises and like injuries as Chamberlain’s Pain Balm. It will effect a cure in less time than any other treatment, For sale by all dispensaries and dealers,
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    • 53 3 SUNGE PATANI u 99 9th, lOth 11th NOVEMBER. There are still gome lottery tickets arailable buy a few acd help the Red Cross Fond. LOTTERY $50,000 Ist Prize $lO,OOO 2nd 4.000 3rd 2,000 and 76 other prizes none less than $5O. TICKETS $l.OO EACH. W. E. SPEER 3, Hon. Sec.
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    • 247 3 A Bouquet of India’s Choicest Flowers, An fragrant and powerful scent, yet, not cloying, Phul Nana blends all the choicest scent's of an Indian Garden into an unique perfume. Try it and enjoy this luxury in sweet smells. Phul-Nana can also be obtained in i conjunction with a most complete
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  • 921 4 “Firestone ISjme idea of the vast scale upoc which the rubber industry is conducted in Akron, Ohio. U. S. A can ba gained from a deseription of the lubber tire works of the I Firestone Tire Rubber Company. Seventeen years ago the Firestone Company occupied a small building of a
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 306 4 EO] ;BEEE23O ip m m \ITTt Indian Regd. Design 3611. English Regd. Design 646,599. English Patent 13,033. Swiss Patent 84 338 Australian Patent 17,607 YOU PRACTICE ECONOMY WHEN YOU ADOPT THE NOVELTY Wrist watch band. The life of the leather wrist strap is of short duration It is New to-day—cracked
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    • 54 4 With theinress most heat of this eutid tropical climate one is apt to *et a body chill, always most dangerous because the liver or kidney’s are affected, and with be h set rd3r a diBBaB3d condition may WOOD'S GREAT PEPPERMINT CORE °ol sorts speedily corrects the trouble. Sold and Stores
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    • 616 4 DAVID CORSAR SON’S WELL-KNOWN EXTRA mi CANVAS, NO. 0. SANDIUNDS, BUTTERY 8 Co. GOOD RETURNS 8 U Y£ WEEDING. TWO CRQPSJN A YEAR Get your Rubber iaterplanted with coffee 6 feet by 6 feet. Robust* Coffee Nurseries. After 18 months each tree gives bearing cf thousands of s^ds. Liberian Coffee
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    • 781 4 ESTABLISHED 187* the oriental Government Security Life. Assurance Company, i,d larerperated j* BRANCH OFFICE, SINGAPORE J* K. Macphbbson, Secretary S.S. and F M.8 Finds exrood »30,500 000 00 ,26,000 '°woo “wroopocti. !ST Lim Eu Toh, Merchant, 158, Beach or 86, Beach Street. p enan Ti;k Branch Sbcrbtabt, *23 25, The
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  • 1609 5  -  [by Tom Wrjuht.] In the always interesting Random Notes” of the > traits Echo, during the earlier months of this year, I came across an item which revived in my mind memories of some long ago studies. It mentioned the languages t-poken in Eden by G-od by
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  • 170 5 [To the Editob or the Straits Echo Sir, j In bis lettsr published in your daily yesterday a correspondent of yourF, “Y. D.”, stated that the Scholarship was abolished in 1908. I don’t know whether he meant to s*y that in 1908 tbeGovern*, meet suddenly abolished ons
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  • 261 5 Sij* the H K. Telegraph of Oat. 15 While we have no d iubt tba% in features, the speeches of the Uorffiaial Members of the L°gi*lative Council wil', ontbe second reading of the Bndeet, be of a congratulatory rather than a condpmnstory character, wt °P 9 ion
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 325 5 EMPiR i Business Manager. t 4 Thomas Sbafo. k —M— IN THE FIRST SHOW The Mysteries of Myra 5 Reels Reels 5 IN TELft SECOND SHOW IRON CLAW Chapters 13 and 14 CHARLIE CHAPLIN 2 Reels UNIVERSAL GAZETTE 1 Reel caeaKi'-ccafisaPo-METRO Quality Pictures Coroporaticn presents FRANCIS X BUSHMAN and BEVERLEY
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    • 680 5 i 1 W/AW//////m^^ I 1 4 I 2 i QUALITY is the point which is necessary in an enjoyable Cigarette. m v IR.gVn I A -ST SfTj C ICAR.ETTES-^^gr| r istol lond 0?c 55 That’s why “EMBASSY VIRGINIA No. 77 has been justly described as THE CIGARETTE DE LUXE. fflmmMMMMzmzzzzsw
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  • 95 6 Tritfatet duly (noept Bmd*y* »»d p»kiio > hrtafeya) AX TD CBITBRION PRESS, Ltd. B* 59, Beach Street, Penang. Tm iom: D^ay Lmal W per umum. QrtrtstieM.». Portage Extra. I et»ii S4afeka (Port Free) 817.50 ntn.i ADDBMS ECHO—PENANG.” Telephone Nos. (Echo) 586 Printing Department 343 fl.B. All buiineaa
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  • 803 6 Is the military party, which still rules Germany, gradually preparing the nation for a fall It would almost appear so from the circumstance that the censorship of newspapers, which is in its hands, is sufficiently relaxed at times to let the truth be spoken. Take the Vor
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  • 370 6 At the meeting of the Legislative Council on Monday the Hon. Dr. Lim Boon Keng brought forward the question of increasing representation on the Council by at least one or two members to represent the Asiatio residents. The present time seems opportune therefore to repeat briefly
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  • 891 6 Mr. G. H Gartside, of Ipob, is on a ▼isit to Penang. Mr. H. Mi Watson, of Johora Bbaru r Estate, leave for Singapore this afternoon. a Mr. and Mrs. 0. M. Henderson prooaed j to Koala Lumpur this afternoon on a short visit. i Mr. and
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  • 1029 6 “Our Day." To-day is Our Day in Penang Mth publio nerd scaroely be reminded at this stage. There has been a remarkable rally and last year's financial results have been parsed weeks before. The balance at tho bank to-day is 8122,572 and with m Mv more functions still
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 229 6 Veterinary Medicines. We are specialists in the supply of Veterinary MEDICINES and supply the leading and most successful trainers in G.T.D. Dog Tonic j This is a rca’ly good alterative streDg tLenin tonic $1-00 a bo'll-’, Dog fills. Worm Distemper and Ape ient. 40 cti. a bottle. Mange Ointment Malaya.
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  • 665 7 [Reuter's Telegrams] strong enemy attack. Sito.tioa Okaeurc. London, October 26» The situation of the Italian front is at obscure. The Italian Minister for P eS to-day electrified tbe Italian Chamber .trong speech reassuring the Chamber b ‘be Italians we-e fully prepared and l the enemy would never tread
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  • 30 7 (.From Out Own Correspondent) London, Ootober 25, The prices in the London Rubber Market to-day were Pale Crepe 2/9 Diamond Smoked Sheet 2/7 London, October 26. (Unchanged).
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  • 1593 7 [Reuter's Telegrams] Miaer Operatioaa. j London, Oot. 26,12. a.m. I i Sir Douglas Haig reports > L The enemy’s attempted raid last night to n tbe e* at of Loot was met by rifle and machine < gun fire and failed to reaoh our wire entanglements. Two raiding
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  • 1367 7 [Reuter's Telegrams.] SUCCESSFUL ADVANCE. Priaonera and Material Captured. London, Oot. 27, 1 a m. A French oommuniqul reports A general advance took place this morning beyond the positions reached yesterday evening bordering on the Oise-Aisne canal. T village of Forest Pinon and also the village of Pargny Filain
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  • 64 7 Latest Quotations Tin (unrefined) is quoted here to*day it $ll3 25, no business done, and in Singapore, (refiaed) at $ll4. no business done, and in London at JE247 10a. three months. Messrs. Boustrad Sc Co. inform ns »h»t the following the quotations for Rubber on spot in
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  • 165 7 [Reuter's Telegrams] CONGRESS AT MOSCOW. Rallyiaf to Country’s Hetp London, Oct. 26, A congress of politicians, chit fly of the Bourgeois elements, numbering a thousand been opened at Moscow. It is interesting as showing a tendency of the more stable forces to unite in view of the failure of
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  • 580 7 Quite recently a comprehensive return was issued from Berlin showing the intoriepundence of Germany and AustriaHungary. Stitistics of the trade and comparative tariff rates were shown with a view to facilitating closer economic union. Yet rha qurstion remains, how far oan Central Europe become self-conUined P There
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  • 74 7 The following articles will be found od our outside pages Page. 3—Sinn Fein and Parliamentarii r, 4. Firestone." 5. —A Few Words. The Queen’s 8 rbolarebip. Hongkong's Hi using Problem. 8. —Penang Cricket Club. Inter Scboi 1 Sports. Cburcb Set Tices. Shares, M. F. A. Government Pen doners. Vital
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  • 850 8 [To The Editor of the Malaya Tribune.'] Daar Sir, —I shall feel extremely grateful if you could help mo to bring to the Dotice of the Government, through the medium of your valuable column?, the hardships of those who are drawing Bmall pensions at the present time (all
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  • 76 8 The following is the health statement of the Penang Municipality for the week ended October 20,1917. {Male 51*) f 75 Female 24 J Death rate 36-90 per mille per annum compared with 42.31 in the preceding week and with 25.84 in the corresponding week of last year. Nationality.
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  • 34 8 The output cf the Rsnong Tin Dredgit g Co. L’d’s tin ore for the first half of the current month No. 1 Dredge Pis. 229 00 No. 2 88.00 No 3 234.00
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  • 836 8 Annual General Meeting. The annual general meeting of the members of the Penang Cricket Club was held in the pavilion yesterday evening, wbfn Mr. W. H. Threlfrll presided over an at’e d*nco of 40 members wtb Mr. E. R. H >rderson, Secretary, in attei'dacce. The minutes of
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  • 161 8 Penang v Kedah. The Kedah exp dit.on arrived yesterday and this morning, and hope by to-night to have reduced Penang to second p’aco in the North, Their team ia strong and fully represeutaHva. Penang (Green and BUck Goal, K, M. Noor (C-escant Stw); Bac\s, M H<sbim (C
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  • 1609 8 A PRONOUNCED SUCCESS. Free School, the Champions. The iuter-scbool athletic sports which were he’d on ih*> Esplanade yesterday aftertoon in aid of Our D«y R-d Cross Food wer6 a pronounced success and both the officials and competi ors are to ba congratulated on the entertainment provided and on
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  • 129 8 RED CRO?*S FUND. Li»t of Sttkteripriou. Amount previously acknowledged $107,749.46 P-rceeds of Cup Tie Central Union vs Pet»Dc C hk*r Club 134 60 J. H. Poipps aod,D.J.<E. Smith Collecting Card No, 6. 110 (0 K. A. Sclanders 50.00 Proceeds C’f Rouggeog afcd Burra performance 535 08
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  • 42 8 Scottish Beanch. Amount pn v ously acknowledged. $4,345.00 DC ?hi Iwall 5 00 J P Sou er 125.00 L C B-owu 25 00 J M Chalmers (C S) 50 00 B S Ross 50.00 WSGodie 500.00 Tutsi $5,100.03
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  • 300 8 Amount pn vkmsly ackaowledg -d $6,144.56 MrVHVlg* 3CM)O Mr Pan Kun Yew 3 00 Clerical and sub’ I’dineta 1 ’dineta shff, Distiict Office, Buiterwoith 72.00 Medio-il Offiot-r i-nd Hesp tal Sthff, Bu’teiworth 23 00 Stand*rd Oil Coy’s native employes 22 41 Mr G Sraith Sreiouje'z 50
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  • 109 8 Collection made on Saturday, the Oatobn 20, 1917. luu r Sale of Rosetta* by Mr Ycob Obco &9-00 Sale of Our Day flags under tbe supervision of Mr. T*h Cbeng Lee 322.60 BaJh of Button holes by Messrs o. Aj. Wylde and L. S. Ingram
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  • 223 8 Q Saturday. 0--t. 27—“ Oar Day” Penan,'. Sale of Badges 9am to 1 p m Football Penang vK dih (Malays) EspUnide spm,’ Town B«rd, Ruonymede Hotel Dinner, D*nce, Fmcy Fair, etc 8 p m. T wo B»nd. Situ day. October 27ib.—K ian “Our D»y, Sports and D<i’l
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  • 103 8 Oct 28th Sunday after T aiNITY 8. Senion and S, J UDk 8-00 a.m. Mrt ins 8 30 a.m. Holy Communion 10-30 am. M**ins (Cbineti-) 5-00 pm. Sunday Schcol 6 00 p.m. Ever song Hymn 376 Response Rob rta Peabns CXXXVI fSSS,]-» Magnificat j 74 Nunc
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  • 63 8 9 a.m. Children's Service. 6 pm. Public Worship Preacher: R v. DmalfiJ Ros*, u a Hymns 687, 363, 534, 479 ’and 516 Choir on TLursdny at 7 Buttbeworth Service Public worship will be conduced t*. mor.ow (Sued;, j) morning in tbe Strait* Trading
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  • 422 8 T«e following m™ I ha alterations in Menu. A. A An'hoc v&C > >, share li*t to-day Balgownia Rubber Ectato $6 40 buyers and $670 ex. sellers; Changfeat Serdane Estates $9 70 buyers and $lO.OO sellers; H*jtor Rubber Estates $10.50 buvers and $11.25 sellers Kaiegnk Rubber 'Estates $7 90
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 44 8 Chamberlain’s Pain Balm Thar® is nothin? so good for muscular rheumatism sprains, lameness cramps of the muscles bruises and like injuries as Chamberlain’s Pain B aim. It will effect sours in less time than any other treatment, For sale by all dispensaries and dealers,
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  • 1294 9 (The Expansion of Enrope. By Ramsay t Muir, Professor of Modern History in the l University of Manchester. Constable- Gs. net.) The writing of scientific” history, like f many other honoured and honourable pur- f suits, has suffered a good deal from the a war. Not
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 260 9 1 f FRESH i M STOCKS Hr, f r I ft: «5 y I C AGENTS > I I 1 a 1 I a a >R. T. REID Co., Penang. I BRINKMANN A Co Singapore. s THE WATERHOUSE Co., Ltd. I I I (INCORPORATED IN THK U.8 A Muar, Malacca
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    • 12 9 For Cuildren's Hackirg Cough at Night. Woods' Groat Peppermint Cure 1* 6d.
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    • 357 9 FOR SALE. (An attractive investment (or small capital) RUBBER ESTATE situate about 3/4, XX. ot a mile from Ttpah Road (Perak) Railway Station—frcttig< on R.ilway Line, Main Road to T*pah and Rire r Acreage l6B—ibout 45 acres of 10 to 12 /ears old rubber—about 30 acres of 2 years old
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  • 1462 10  - Three Year of War —as the Kaiser has Seen Them. (BY C. Vince.) It is not only in what the Allies have written that you can read the true history of these three years of war, and of the failure of Germany. You can follow its course though the speeches
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 469 10 m \\*m% p! 4 Ti '-t I Of ill Cucumts ggQ a-ui I- i/.nrs I >' Bowel Disorders Angler's Emulsion exercises soothing, lubricating, antifermentative effects throughout the entire digestive tract. That is why so valuable in affections of the stomach and intestines. It soothes and cleanses the mucous membrane,
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    • 426 10 b NOTICE. AN application having been made for the issue of a duplicate certificate of the undermentioned shares in the Criterion Press Ltd., the original of which is declared to have been lost, notice is hereby given that one month from this date a new certificate, in lieu of that
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    • 1280 10 Swellings Disappear w'n°n you rub in Little’s Oriental Balm The pain goes ngm away and Ibaeweilu g itself disappears with a few applications. If, is utterly useless to suffer It is useless to pav big doctor’s bills and then to find yourst if no batter. For 1 Be, you can
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  • 2191 11 We give below fnrthe- instalments of J. W. Gerard’s Memoirs In May, 1914, Colonel House and his beautiful wife arrived to p*y us a visit iu Berlin. He was, of coarse, anxioas to have a talk with the Emperor, and this was ar- ranged by the Emperor inviting
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 695 11 la^'^ESSBEBBSCl THE EASTEEH PRODUCE EXCHANGE 27. Buck Street, at the co.oer of Roach Street and Church Street Ghaut. *3 BAXTER V Co.’s CAPITAL $120,000. Auctioneers Brokers* The I80th Auction Sale of Rubber WILL BS HELD On Monday, the 29lh October, 1917. Auction Sola of Rubber held twice a week, on
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    • 511 11 GOVERNMENT NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that subscriptions tor tbe Straits Settlerrents Wat L»*n will not be received after W dnetchy, the 14th November, 1917, H. MARRIOTT, Acting Treasurer. S8. October 1917. ATTRACTIVE AGENCY WINES, SPIRITS AND LIQUEURS. AN important British House, controlling its own Whisky, Brandy and Gin Distilleries
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1240 12 P. 0. —BRITISH INDIA AND APCAR LINE. (Companies Incorporated in England MAIL AND PASSENGER 'SERVICES. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS(Under Contract with Hia Majesty's Government.) The Company's MAIL SERVICES EAST OF BOMBAY are at present suspended Passengers for Europe are booked ria Bombay as opportunity offers and as fares naodation is
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