Straits Echo, 26 October 1917

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1050 1 J. to f a. i I ?r i'c.’ji s.: ->••■ The Georgetown NORTHAM ROAD AND farquhar street Telegraphic address: Hokimteik. ’Phone No. 694 IS ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE. CARS FOR HIRE A fLet of n-w C*rs for hire day and at ui derate charges. Motor Car Importers Motor repairing by
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    • 12 1 S*s urrftK ,cj BtiVfO»BIHC IV *'«S U*£ ction* *ssr IS ess •s
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  • 1910 2 Von Jagow Po.b i peak kb, We give below farther instalments of > Mr. J. W. Gerard’s Memii s IVod Jsgow was not a good speaker and the agitation against him was started by those I who asserted that in answering questions in I the Reichstag, be did
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 302 2 SE35' Indian Regd Design 3611. English Regd. Design 646,599. English Patent 13,033. Swiss Patent 84 328. Australian Patent I7> 6 <>7 fe£>/ -Mi Aivjs u 5 YOU PRACTICE ECONOMY WHEN YOU ADOPT THE “NOVELTY” Wrist watch band. The life of the leather wrist strap is of short duration It ia
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    • 26 2 BURRELL CO.’S BOILED RAW LINSEED OILS. SNOW WHITE ZINC, PAINTS TURPENTINE. To be had Retail Irom all the Leading Stores. SAN Co. Sole Agents, Straits Settlements.
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    • 760 2 ESTABLISHED 1874 THE ORIENTAL Government Security Life, Assurance Company Ltd UcorporateU ia la4ia, BRANCH OFFICE, SINGAPORE J. E. MaCTHEBSON, Secretary 8.8. ani F.M.B. Fonda exceed 130,500,000 00 Claim. Paid *26,000,***** LOW BATES LIBERAL CONDITIONS Apply for Prospectus etc. to Lim Eu Toh, Merchant, 158, Beach or 86, Beach Sheet. Penang
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  • 760 3 Our Day Football. P R. C. vs. C. R. C. Great interest was evinced in the cap-tie competition, on the Esplanade yesterday afternoon, between the P.R.C, and C R O. in the semi-final. The latter was considerably strengthened by a few members from the F.M S., and no better team
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  • 214 3 Saturday, Oct. 27 —’‘Our Day” Penanv, Sale of Badges 9ara to 1 pm Football, PeDang v (Malays) Esplanade 5 pm, Town Band, Runnymede Hotel Dinner, Dance, Fancy Fair, etc 8 p m. T wo Band. Saturday, October 27th.—Krian "Our Day,” Sports arid Drill for children of all
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  • 345 3 [To th* Edito* of th* Strait$ Echo Sir, Among the subjects discussed at the last meeting of the L giBlative Council held on the 22ad inst., there are two items which are more than of passing interest to the permanent popnlation of the Colony. The Hon. Mr.
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  • 267 3 [To thb Editor of thb Siraiis Echo.] Sir, Kindly allow me to say a few words with regard to the recently approved War Bonu~ ro Gove-nmcnt Servants. The clerks iD Government service work six hours a day, get free medictl attendance for themselves, wives and children and free
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  • 79 3 At the Eastern Produce Exchange 179th Auction Sale the following prices were obtained per picul. Diamond Smoked Good from 9112 to Diamond Smoked Fair 95 to 110 Plain Smoked 88 to Diamond Unsmoked 85 to 88 Plain Uosmoked 79 to 93 B own Crepe 68 to 78
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  • 90 3 Quarter Mils Club Championship and Sealbd Handicaf Racb. The above rice will be held at 11 a.m. on Sunday, the 28th instant. Altogether four prizes will be awarded: first and second priz°s on the scratch result of the race, and first and second prizes on the handicap
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  • 56 3 Football Our Day.” The following programme of music will be plated at the Esplanade to-morrow evening. 1 Selection The Emerald Isle Sullivan 2 Two Step Dixieland Hares 3 Selection The Toreador Moncktou 4 Waltz Lao D’Araour Hartmann 5 One Step I'm afraid to come Home in ♦he
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 316 3 EMPIRE THEATRE j i IN THE FIRST SHOW The Mysteries of Myra 5 Reels Reels 5 IN THE SECOND SHOW IRON CLflW Chapters 13 and 14 CHARLIE CHAPLIN 2 Reels UNIVERSAL GAZETTE 1 Reel ■w METRO Quality Pictures Coroporation presents FRANCIS X BUSHMAN and BEVERLEY BAYNE IN “The Great Secret
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    • 653 3 i I 1 1 I QUALITY is the point which is necessary in an enjoyable Cigarette. gs* v l R.GIN IA g C 1CaR.ETT£S-^^^ ®R>i>TCi. 10^0°?^' I y I 2 I 2 2 2 3 2 2 $S 3 2 2 2 55 3 3 2 2 2 3 2
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  • 100 4 NOaM daily (except Sundays aad paUie t holidays) 1 ax rmm CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. gt, 59, Beech Street, Penang. Fftiou 1 Daily Leeal 9*4 see per annum. Untetsti" Postage Extra. Ediftka (Pool Free) $17.50 oaJSLa addkuss ECHO— PENANG.” Telephone Nos. (Echo) 586 Printing Department 343 N.B. —All
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  • 1218 4 The decision of the United States Government to impose a complete system of rationing on all neutrals suspected of supplying food to Germany will be re ceived with great satisfaction in the Allied countries. The neutrals have offered the strongest opposition to any embargo since the American interrention.
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  • 949 4 Mr. W. A. Millner, of Batu Caves, is off Home to join up. •as Dr, F. R* Bayers will spend the week end at Belle Vue Bungalow, Government Hills. Mr. and Mrs, J. R. Murray sod infant returned from home via Singapore this morning by the s.s.
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  • 593 4 [Ravm’a T«L»a*Aiu] Rttui*» Fleet Reerfy, Helsingfors, Oct. jr The Eassiao fliet is in complete readina* guarding the entrance of the Gulf 0 f R land. The orews of the ships who a”, ashore here are unanimous in praising the skill of the Admiral in eraouatin* link Sound.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 156 4 X EASTERN TRADING Co. Engineering Department. Steelwork, Reinforced Concrete Work, Electric Light Installation, Engine Installation and other contracts Undertaken. Free advice on Ordering Mining Accessories and Engineering Goods, Estimates Free of Charge. All work will be carried out under capable supervision. the EASTERN TRADING CO., PSNANG and IPOH. YOU CAN’T
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  • 553 5 [Reuter’s Telegrams] Sir 0o«gl»s H»is* Rrport. London, October 24, 11 25 p m. 8ir Douglas Haig reports m We captured a few prisoners last night M the result of patrol enoounter. to the ,outh*west of Havrioourt. .•Enemy artillery is active against the Hosthulst forest positions. We carried out
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  • 652 5 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] Norik of tke Aisae. London, Oot. 25, 4 25 p.m. A Frenoh communiqud statee: The situation north of the Aisne in the sector of Braye-en-Laonnois—Chavignon is unchanged. In the night time we readvanoed in the Chavignon—Mont des Singes front and reached Ncgay Farm. We oaptured over
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  • 566 5 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] Sir Edward Ctrl»» »t Liverpool, London, Oct. 26. Sir Edward Carson, speaking at a War Aims meeting at Portsmouth, said that we had entered on a phase of the war which j none could contemplate without grave j anxiety. Although trained since the commencement of
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  • 75 5 The following artioles will be found on our outside pages 1 Page. j 2. —Gerard’s Memoirs. 3. “Our Day” Football. Legislative Council Meeting. Eastern Produce Exchange. Mercantile Clerks. To-morrow’s Band Programme. Penang Swimming Club. 6. Children’s Aid Society. Council Representation. The Econo mica of Empire. Alleged Cheating. Singapore Rubber
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  • 2175 5 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] DISCUSSION IN THE LORDS. Lori Sylcakia’i Views, Loudon, October 24. In the House of Lords, Lord Sydenham reviewed Mrs. Besant’s case and moved for the following papers the admirable reply of the Viceroy to the press deputation, the March speech of Lord Pentland, the note
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  • 59 5 Latest Quotations. Tin (unrefined) is quoted here to-day at $118.50, business done, in Singapore, (refined) at $ll4 buyers no sellers, and in London at £247, 10s. spot and at £247 ss. three months. One thousand two hundred and thirty-one coolies arrived to-day; 495 go to Pulau Jerejak for quarantine
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  • 1015 6 Govbbnok's Spbbch at tbb Annual Mbbting. At tbe annual general meeting of the Children’s Aid Society held on Wednesday at bingapore in the Municipal Board Room, the chair was tsk*-n by His Excellency the Governor (Sir Arthur YonDg, G C.M G who is tbe Society’s president, and
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  • 1044 6 The debate on the Budget did net ri8e —and seldom does nowad «y- —to any great heights ef her of interest or diction, but tbe hon’b’e Dr. Lim Boon Ken certainly brought one element of comparative novelty into it by his rele ences to a possible extension of
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  • 1034 6 It has been announced in mail week that a Committee ©f Ministers is to concern itself with M the best methods and machinery for providing specially favourable treatment and facilities” for Imperial produce within the circuit of the Empire. If it would in any way help
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  • 600 6 The esse Mobsmed Kassim, a cook on an Indian stiamer, wfco was charged with charting in respect of $95.25, being money belonging to seven coo.lea and a minor for tickets to India, was continued m ibe Second Court to-day. Mr. G. N. Saye, wto appealed for tbe,
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  • 83 6 (From Our Own Oovresponierd.) Singapore, O tober 26. At the Auctions tbe demand was fair and prices have improved Smoked fine ribbed... $ll6 to $l2l per picul Ordinary to good 108 114 do Plain smoked 95 105 do TJnsmoked 100 109 do Crepe fine pale 120 124
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  • 221 6 Penano vt. Kedah. The Hon. the Resident Couuoilltir, Mr. W. C. Michell, has kindly offered to sot tbe ball in motion to-morrow at 5 p m. A well-known neutral is being asked to referee. Combination, especially in the forward line, is wbat tbe Selection Committee lave put foremost in
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  • 1092 6 (Br H. B, C. POLLAB»). While the attention cf tba worid has been rivettad upon tbe progress of tbe actual figdiing in tba field, watching th9 ebb and fljwof month long phases, there has been p ocetdicg a sep* ate kind of war but ooa that U
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  • 741 6 In the Disc, mi Court, yesterday the hearing was resumed of the case against a Chinese woman named Lick Nya £i w h 0 j 8 accused of criminal breach of trust in resnect of /jewellery valued at 11,950. Mr, G. N. S*ye appeared for the
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  • 49 6 Friday, OeTOBBB 26 Town Band, Esplanade. 0 P.C.C, Annual General Meeting, 6W* Saturday, Octobbb 27. Town Band, Golf Club. Sunday, Ootobbb 28. 21st aftGr Trinity. St. Simon and St, Jude, Monday, October 29. Town Band, Esplanade. Tuesday, Octobbb 30 Municipal Commission. Wednesday, Octojb»» Town Band. Esplanade.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 11 6 ChiHr®n’s Hacking Cc.wgh at Nigi»f. Wc-db’ draat Peppaiiniot (J»ra la 6d.
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    • 38 6 Children’s Colds. Why let the children rack their little bodies in such a distressing manner when you can so easily cure their colds with a Lottie of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, 4or iaio b J all diapensarie* and dealors
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    • 60 6 Sunshine and Common Sens»Don’t d stor jour blood for rheumatism. Uae an external application of Chamberlain s Pain Balm. Jn a few days it will get jou up and out into the sunshine, then nature will restore the rictx red blood to jour veins and soon rid the sjstem of
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  • 1190 7 My attention waa first drawn to the above r subject, said tbe Antiquary, by the discovery, during blasting operations on the Italian front, of a Roman inscription. This was, unhappily, much mutilated, but it appeared tocong'Bt of a s-ot of rude hexameters which—according to my theory—had been
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  • 299 7 Interesting information has been received recently concerning Singapore Frenchmen at the front, says the ST. Mr Raymond D-llon Cornock, the Bleuet” of tbe class 1918, is now in full training at Fabaise, in Normandy, while his brother Roger, who has seen hard fighliog at Verduo,
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  • 265 7 Possibility or Establishing a Local Mint. In view of the possibility of the Colony’s coinage being minted here, Government < ffioials have recently visited Bangkok to ex mice tbe working of the Siam Mint. The Bangkok Times of October 18, says: Tbe Straits Settlements have no mint
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 648 7 COJP RETURNS 8 S*Vi WEEDING. jyHO CROPS IN A YEAROftJ nar Rubber in>e planted with c< ff»e 6 ''lohirnt* Coffee Nnreeri»» After 18 of thousands nioDtt* f Tiberlan Coffee Nurseries. After 24 jpootb* e *ob tree givas bearing of thousands of seede. Sold in lots or 100 on 1000. Apply
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    • 103 7 Diphtheria—How It May Be Avoidef. Diphtheria is usually contracted when the child has a cold. The cold prepares the child’s system for the reception and development of the diphtheria germs. When there are ctses of diphtheria in the neighbourhood children tbat have colds should be kept at home and off
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    • 1319 7 1 1 Swellings Disappear when you rub in Little’s Oriental Balm The pain goes right away and the swelling itself disappears with a few applications. It is utterij useless to suffs r It is useless to pay big doctor’s bills and then to fiod your* self no bitter. For 1
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1069 8 p. BRITISH INDIA AND APGAR LINE. MAIL (Companies Incorporated in England) AND PASSENGER SERVICES. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS. (Under Contract with His Majastj’s Government.) ThrCompany’s MAIL SERVICES EAST OF BOMBAY are at preeent suspended. Passengers fer Europe are booked via Bombay as opportunity offers and as f accommodation is available.
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