Straits Echo, 24 October 1917

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1140 1 jL yvfli SL.'ft 1 [hit K t e I &9S-K&*?? ri m The Georgetown BANKS r Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China. Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation. (Incorporated in England by Royal Charter.) NORTHAM ROAD AND FARQUHAR STREET. Telegraphic address: Hokimteik. ’Phone No. 694 IS ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE.
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    • 3 1 w 1 SJ
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  • 1395 3 BERLIN’S COURT SEASON. AN AMBASSADOR’S REMINISCENCES. Lifb in thi Capital, We give below further instalment of Mr. J. W. Gerard’s Memoirs Some days after my presentation to the Empeior, I was taken to Potsdam, which ij situated about half an hour’s train j jurney from Berlin, and from
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  • 586 3 In his annual report on tbe administration of Borneo for the year 1916, under the head of General Mr. A. C. Pearson says The couatry was undoubtedly fortunate in that the effects of the war were practically unfelt until the latter months of the year, when shortage
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 234 3 TRY IT IN YOUR BATH BY APPOINTMENT TO H.M. THE KING. f MARVELLOUS PREPARATION Jlnvaluable for Toilet and Domestic Purposes. Softens Hard Water. Splendid Cleansing Preparation for the Hair. A,| ays the Irritation caused by Mosquito Bites. Cleans Plate, Jewellery, and Carpets. For Sale by all Grocers and Chemists. I
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    • 12 3 For Children’* Hacking Cough at Night. Wood’ Great Peppermint Care 1«, 6d
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    • 754 3 Debility When you feel limp and washed out, weary and fatigued with no inclination for exertion—your body is in a run-down condition—you are debilitated. You need something to put fresh “go” into you —you need a fortnight’s Iron 'Jelloids' treatment English price 1/1 Unequalled as a tonic restorative. Iron 'Jelloids'
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  • 830 4 Gift cf V lcme to L.nd n Library. Early in January, 1914, the London Library was able, through the kindnees of i Mr Wilfred Merton, to exhibit for a few i weeks two volumes or sections of the most extensive book in the world—the famous Chineee E jcycl
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 315 4 J2S BBO IS A /W 7/? vlr IVf(»SV ry L' *®w/ 7.>X Li Indian Regd. Design 3611. English Regd. Design 646, 599English Patent 13,033. Swiss Patent 84.338. Australian Patent 17,607 YOU nasty leather that STRAP E O N G g A a n ,y wag» PRACTICE ECONOMY WHEN YOU ADOPT
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    • 42 4 BAXTER Co.’s BEST NAVY CANVAS. SAfiDILANDS, BUTTERY fa. MAITHOID ROOFING. For Dams, reservoirs, filter beds, factories, bungalows, b nks, business blocks, coolie lirie.s etc., etc. PABCC PAINT For the preservation of Iron and Steel. ENQUIRIES TO Sandilands, Buttery Go., Penang, Sols Agents,
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    • 824 4 MUNICIPAL NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby given that the books containing the Annual Viluationof and rates imposed on all buildings and lands equated within the Municipality of George Town. Penang, for the year 1918, are open to the inep-ction of Ritepayers at the Municipal Office daily on week days between the
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  • 145 5 RED CROSS FUND. Lilt of Subscription. Amount previously acknowledged ...$104,574.63 Seena Mutbia, Toddy Farmer, Penang and P. WelPsley 420 00 W.'B. Woolnongb 50,00 1 Hon. W.G. Michel! 100.00 Proceed* of football match Cbm-, eaa Recreation Club vs Hutton Lane 103.38 Rica Milling Co. 300.00 j Estate
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  • 523 5 Enthusiastic Crlbbkation. CFrcm. Oar Own Correspondent,’) Eukit Mertajam, October 24. There was great enthusiasm shown in the celebration ot Our Day in Bukit Mertajtro, on Saturday,-tie 20lb instant. It was indeed a triumphant occasior. The Bukit Mertajim Recreation ground was well decorI ated With banners. Sports
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  • 322 5 Wtd r ?sd»T, O-t. 24— Concsit Town Hill, 5 3) p ir; K a”d Bom*», Frea School id, 7-80 p m; F* tb.U I Cap Ti?, E-pUnad», 5 p m, P O C v. Central Union. I WVdn?td%y, 0:t?b»r 24 b,- —Krian “OnD*y.” Crick it M«tcb. LidDs
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  • 555 5 Since the resumption of Eoglish racing meetings have been mostly at Newmarket. Apart from that great racing centre Brighton, Windsor, Stockton, Manchester where a half value Summer Cup was taken by a six year old hurdler Blue Danube, Brighton also was given a meeting. We have had
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  • 171 5 The later-DcpaHmeotal Conference which w s presided ever by L'’-rd Islington, Parlia- J mentarv Uader-S?cretarv for Indi«. and at which Sir Arthur Strel-MaitLnd, M.P., wa« the priocipil representative cf the Oolonia j Office, his drawn uo a scheme of assisted colonisation for Indians in British Guiana,! Trinidid, Jamaica,
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 316 5 m j EMPIRE •%> *«>V tas c rt*% rHH: a succes«< Muiiv, ui-'tik*• ito ou** PytrwiS; l To-oigh wrt pi »ain.tker Grand Change ot P i ograrnme. 8 ,!\M.. THE GPEAT SECRI 9f5 The Gastlc of Despair A Gold Seal Feature in three reels, a iso- jo ;^*ss2?oc AT 0
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    • 653 5 T/srrj?sr? QUALITY is the po'it which is necessary in an enjoyable Cigaretts *r>i p g BRISTOL LONOO^; I 1 2 1 0 0 2 0 0 g 2 0 2 0 0 2 'AX 'A 'A V, 'A 'A 'A 'A 'A 'A 'A A 'A A '/A A A
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  • 98 6 FhMiahafl duly (axoept Sundays and pnblio v bohdays) ax ni CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. B*. 69, Beach Street, Penang. PfelOß’ Daily Leaal M $24 per annum. Quiets tinn Postage Extra. Mail Edita (Poet Free) $17.50 OAJBLU ADDERSS ECHO—PENANG.” Telephone Nos. (Echo) 586 Printing Department 343 H.B.— All business
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  • 1343 6 The most disquieting feature about the events in the Gulf of Riga is not that I the Germans have scored a considerable I success and that Petrograd has been I brought within the war zone but that the I powerful Baltic Fleet has shown such I inactivity.
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  • 983 6 To H. and Ti Oh, yes. We saw the bovine joke. It is bovine. But there is a moke version of it which is a great deal more amusing. Every 1 correspondent of the Old Kent Road 3 Advertiser can tell you that story. r b Another Greek
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  • 620 6 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] Russia* Report. t London, October 23. i A Russian naval communique states:-! 1 Enemy submarines have been discovered in the Gulf of Finland, “In the recent operations among the 3 Baltic isles the enemy got through the r mines. Submarine attacks and gun-fire had two
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 115 6 YOU CAN’T AFFORD TO PASS PRICES LIKE THESE. ire 1 msms A substantial bed, iron throughout. size 3ft bj patent spring wire mattress, by Messrs Fitter Bros, Birmingham, Price $l6-50 only. Cotton Mattress to match, Prices9.2s Mosquito Curtain $B-50 Sheeting $l-75 Pillow $l-00 KE v CO.. penano 4 ,poh 0
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  • 1326 7 [Reuter's Telegrams] SUCCESSFUL OPERA'* lONS. Sir Douglas Haig’a Report. London, Oct. 23, 1.25 s.m. Sir Douglas Haig reportß Highly successful minor operations wer e carried out by us this morning in tbe neighbourhood of Poelcapelle and in coc- ctioo with the French to the south of Hontbulst Forest.
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  • 548 7 [Reuter's Telegrams] Trial of Ex-Miaiatera. Athene, October 23, The Chamber had an all-night sitting which did not conclude till noon. It was agreed that the following ex-premiers and ex-ministers be tried by the High Court individually :—M. Skouloudis, M. Dragoumis, M. Rallis, M. Gounaris, M. Miohailedekis, M.
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  • 43 7 C From Our Own. Correspondent j London, October 22. j The prices in the London Rubber Market I to-day were: Pale Crepe 2/8 Diamond Smoked Sheet 2 1~% London, October 23, j Pale Crepe 2/8$ j I Diamond Smoked 2/6$
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  • 37 7 Latest Quotations. j Tin (unrefined) is quoted here to-day at $111.50, buyers no sellers, in Singapore (refined) at $113 2«, (business done.), (100 (tons sold), and in London at 4247.5s spot land at 4246.15s three months.'
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  • 2052 7 [Reuter's Telegrams] CAMPAIGN OPENS. Diatiuguitked Galkeriag at Albert Htll. London, October 22, 5.45 p.m. The Piemier and Mr. Bonar Law this afternoon launched a great autumn campaign for national economy by addressing a representative gathering at the Albert Hall, The audience included the Primate, the Lord Chancellor, General
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  • 97 7 The Borea performances are now in full swing and those who desire to see what they are like this year should not miss going to the Free School ground to witness them. The gate money goes to the Our Day Red Cross Fund. So far, we think, Hutton
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  • 63 7 The following articles will be found ot our outside pages Page. 3—Gerard’s Memoirs. British North Borneo. 4. —Chinese Encyclopaedia. 5. Penang "Our Day” 1917. The English Turf, Indian Emigration. 8. —Telegrams. The Qaeen Scholarship. M.F.A. Alleged Cheating. P.A.M. German Coal Shortage. Aerial Warfare. The Week’s Events. To-day’s Band Programme.
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  • 1033 8 [Reuter's Telegrams] Wi?bing >r >n. October 2&, Mr. Baker (TJ.L «ee.i.ary for War), ir bia weekly statement, savs It is not expected that uiu xiiiieil truyps j will enter winter quart. 1U or that the offensive in Flanders bas been abandoned through the weather. Preparations have b proceeding
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  • 468 8 13 seras g a. KuDxm. f ifteen names of players are being com* municated to to-day, according to the j contract. H. IL Tunku Kassim and Sec. ji Li ut. Hamid Zh&n will manage sDuirs 3 during the Kedah visit. A neutral Malay referee has not yet
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  • 945 8 The casa of alleged cheating brought against Mohamed KassimLr a cook on an Indian sjeamer, partly reported.ia aujrsyesterday’s issue, was resumed in the S9cqnd Court this morning. Cross-izamiaed by Mr. G. N. Save, vrho has been retained by the defence, tbe first witness a rur. r ol an
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  • 686 8 What Ambbicais doing In the campaign against Mexico the Onited States aeroplane squadrons had no opportunity cf testing their machnes under modern war conditions owing to.-the entire lack of aircraft and anti-a :craft gun# by the Mexicans. Consequently no chance was o'rered to improving oa the type of
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  • 55 8 Wedhssdat, CcroBUE 24 Town Band, Esplanade. TewESdai, Cctobje 25. 7 edge Scotia Meeting, 6 p m. St. Crispin. Feidat, OexoiiA gG Town Baud, E.planada P.CC. Annual General Meeting,o.SO p.m, Ootobee 27, Town Band, Golf Club. StHTDAT, CL-32XE 2o Slst after Trinity. St Simon and St. Jude. Monday,
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  • 57 8 Th§ fallowing programme of music will be played at the Esplanade this erening (Football) frrm 4.30 p m, to 5 p.m, 1 Sel a ction Strolling Bound the Town Williams 2 T«vo Stfp Dream of Ragtime Tburban 3 Wa!‘z Luna Bella Aigrette 4 Coon Band Contest p,y
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  • 1537 8 PLANT DISEASES CONTROL. i Toddy Qjbstion. A general meeting of the P.A M. was held at 10.30 oa Saturday morning. at the Johore Hotel, Johore Babru, being p-e 9 @nt: The Hon. M", R. C- M. Kinderslev (Chairmm). Mesare. F. P. Marshal, A P. Buyers, J. ,S.
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  • 288 8 3 Great anxiety ia being expressed in many about the coal supply for the cobiij 9 winter, a he Government, although it u admitted that exact information will only ba available as the re-suit of a census, u r a deliberately gloomy attitade*in order to promote
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 51 8 N'e?«? Fails. Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and rhtea f.emedr is all its name !®P' 10 ki i B either TioJent I^* cure* diarrhoea and djaenterj in < (i;en or adults, and the moat tiv.»of cramp, colic or pain in the waj to a few doses of this medicine sure, alwaj* cure».
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  • 1209 9 Det Luno, if you prefer it in its native Frisian Heligoland, to call it by its present official name. A mere speck on the map, Heligoland will turn out, on inspection, to be two islands and not one. Even the Gorman public would know little abjut the p ace
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 391 9 Styr ifcljnhiBi (Eljurrh (Corner of Burmah Anson Roads.) K *ir ■Y IFE'" B E C N N C NOV. 4TH Special vangelistic Meetings. *1*4; B E C N N N C NOV. 4TH i H THE CHURCH OF THE OPEN HAND. 93 JOHN BAZLEY WHITE LARGE QUANTITIES OF Estate Requisites
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    • 346 9 SUNGEI PATANI “OUR DAY.” 9th, 10th llth NOVEMBER. There Are still some lottery t’ckets available buy a few atd help the Red Cross Fund. LOTTERY $50,000 1st Prize $10,000 2nd -4.000 3rd 2 000 and 76 other prizes none less than $50 TICKETS $1 00 EACH. W. E. SPEER3, Hon,
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    • 692 9 WANTED f JUNIOR FIELD CONDUCTOR. 7 XJL with soma knowledge cf Diesser’e f dntie®. Appj with copies of testimonials and stating sa'a-y expected to P. R.” e/o Straits Echo. WANTED. BY THE GOVERNMENT of the Federated Malay States a competent translator from Dutch into English, male or female, preferably a
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  • 1614 10 Nothing is new under the 6un, and the oldest master of the science concluded his Politics” with a dissertation on revolutions. But the waters of Lethe and the fountains of ignorance can turn the veriest truism into paradox and the capacity of being surprised at the
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  • 329 10 A long article in the Frankfurter Zeitung shows bow keenly the German commercial world realises the possible consequences of China’s declaration of war on Germany. The article is half angry and half defiant. It says that the reported confiscation of German ships is a trifling matter,
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 130 10 A. IT D UPSON LONDOF, ENGLAND. CONTRACTORS TO H.M. GOVERNMENT. MANUFACTURERS OF Hemp and Wire Rope, Lines, Twines, Sail cloth, etc. SUPERIOR NAVY CANVAS No. 0 A No. 1. The well-known and QLiOBS Prand of Manila Rope TO BE OBTAINED FROM ALL FIRST-CLASS DEALERS. Wholesale only from QUAH BENG KEE
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    • 102 10 Diphtheria—How It May Be Avoided. Diphtheria is usually contracted when the child has a cold. The cold prepares the child’s system for the reception and development of the diphtheria germs. When there are cases of diphtheria in the neighbourhood children that have colds should be kept at home and off
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    • 415 10 uc X 3EICD0C oc Is Your Child Pale? "When a child formerly bright and active loses colour hetuluc’he bleeding at tho noso, finds play an effort and prefers'.* ri bo* mr>pe, there is every reason to suspect that the blood ia tho child is anaemic. ln 8 It is a
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  • 2187 11 were interested to see the newspapers giving space the other day to a cas9 in the oolic i-couit in which a man was charged with crulelty to a donkey. That the world should be able to withdraw its thoughts from the infinite horrors of the European war and spend
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 110 11 First-class Beverage for Tired Nerves. I3IA8TA0 BfFWWT -Ar* a brewery CoOU U “Tl ER *5'ry and see tor yourselves if not, Come and consult us. D D SOLE AGENTS: Trading 9 n COMPANY, PENANG IPOH. t «J r\ I f'• f r* Sst /V TWO MflLAYflM &READ!1QU6hTS FRASER NEAVE LTD.,
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    • 383 11 Swellings Disappear when you rub in Little’s Oriental Balm The pain goes right away and the swelling itself disappears with a few applications. It is utterly useless to suffer. It is useless to pay big doctor’s bills and then to find yourself no batter. For 1 Be. you can bay
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1636 12 P. O,—BRITISH INDIA AND APCAR LINE. (Companies Incorporated in England mail and passenger services. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS (Under Contract with His Majesty’s Government.) The Company’s MAIL SERVICES EAST OF BOMBAY are at present suspended. Passengers for Europe are booked via Bombay as opportunity offers and as far as aeoommodation
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