Straits Echo, 23 October 1917

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 1540 2 (Br Harold Briohouse, Author or Hobson’s Choice etc Seth Morlej was a notable meddler, and it is a habit more likely to lead to kicks than ha’pence. But Seth bad tact and bat* ter sense than, for example, to try to interfere between man and wife when they
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 295 2 rm V i Sits m m ■S:' r Imm ,A .<fv\ a» Indian Regd. Design 3611. English Regd. Design 646,599. English Patent 13,033. Swiss Patent 84 228 Australian Patent 17,607. YOU THAT NS STY LEATHER STRAP G O N E A g a n PRACTICE ECONOMY WHEN YOU ADOPT THE
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    • 411 2 Swellings Disappear wb?n you rub in Little’s Oriental Balm t The pain goes right away and the swelling itself disappears with a few applications. It >9 utterly useless to suffer. It is useless to pay big doctor’s bills and then to find yourself no batter. For 1 Be, you can
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    • 444 2 I Penang Sales By order of the liquidator of HERM JEBSEN Co Under the alien (Winding m Ordinance 1914. TO BE SOLD BT PUBLIC AUCTIO N At China. Street Qhiut Store, On Thnrsday, 25th October At 11 A..M. THB FOLLOWIITO 1 large iron safe 6| bv 4 by 2 by
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  • 223 3 The ‘‘Our Day” Football Tournament between the P.C.C. and the Central Union will ba plsyed on tbe Esplansde to-morrow. Kick off at 5 p m. sharp. Admission will be 50 cents and 10 cents. The following will represent the contesting teams C- U A. C .—Goal, Khoo
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  • 570 3 (Contributed). Uader the management of Messrs, Tay Ah Choo (Hon. Secretary) Yeoh Kim Seng (Hon. Treasurer), H. H. Pearce, O A- J. Wylde, S. T. Manuel and H. K. Yahaya (Sports’ Committee) the Nibong Tebal Our Day” Sports and Entertainments held on Saturday, October 20,
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  • 323 3 Tuesday, Oct 23—Go’f Club Bogie and Bridge Compttiiion, 4 30 pm. Bukit I Merujim Rubber fcxh bition and Sa'e. Wednesday, Oct. 24—Convent Concert:! Town Hall, 5-30 p m; R'ngeen* and Borias, Free School Playgrcund, 7-30 p m; Football Coo Tie, Esplanade, 5 p m, P C C
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  • 300 3 Kinta Our Day.” A great triumph of organisition and method must have been the general verdict on the Fancy Fair held in the Ipoh Town Hall on S*tuday in aid of the Kinta “Our Dry Fund, says the T O.M. To gve an adequate idea of the unusually extensive scheme
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  • 181 3 Normal Examination Results. Our Taiping correspondent writes The following cindidates from Taiping have satis fid the examiners in the Normal Examination which was held at Taiping on September 6,1917. Five candidates appeared for the Senior and all passed while of the eleven who appeared for the Junior
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  • 26 3 The following tie has brea fix id for Wednesday, the 31st inst.:— Championship (Runner-Up). A. W. de W. Harries vs. H, E. Mason.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 727 3 0* i Penang Cinema DRURY LANE. vAy or > *v 0 ct GRAND CHAKOS OF FILM Penarg Town Band in Attendance Reserved Seats tl.OO other priees 10 ets., 20 cts. and 40 cts., No Auction. Prog ams only on sale GROSS RECEIPTS TO RED C ROSS FUND See a first
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    • 490 3 u. I 7/. 1 I I QUALITY is the point p which is necessaryin an enjoyable Cigarette. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I i I s:5 I ft I 7//3 I I 4 2 3 3 3 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 'A 'A
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  • 98 4 flMiaM daily (except Sundays and public i bobdays) as ran CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. R*. 59, Beach Street, Penang. Ybion 1 Daily Leaal SS4 per annum. OeAelataon... Postage Extra. Mml riitisa (Post Free) 917.50 OABLB ADDBRSS ECHO— PENANG.” Telephone Nos. (Echo) 586 Printing Department 343 A.All business communications
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  • 1399 4 For the first time within the his tory of the State, we gather from the ▼ery interesting Administration Report for 1916, British North Borneo has passed the two-million dollar mark. And this despite the war which has curtailed its revenue from several sources. To be exact, the
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  • 893 4 Mr. A. S’rinacb, of toe S‘r*its Trading Co., Ltd., Tongkab, arrived hare to-day. Miss D. B C. Henderson, of the General Hospital, will be leaving for India Btaoitly. Mr. H. Berkeley, who has lately been serving in Mesopotamia, is shortly returning to lha F.M.B. Mr. H. A.
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  • 33 4 Latest Quotations. t1lo n cn aDr u fin^) i8 here to-day at done, in Singapore L^ Qed j at 13 50 ba8,nPM done, (100 tons •old) and in London at £247 spot,
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  • 1020 4 Mrs. Annie Besant. Here are two S.ugapore comiueuts on the B amt cise “That she is half genius and half maniac i 8 the conclusion of most thoughtful folk who have watched her career.— Straits Timet “There is an (‘n’) too many i n the order for «he
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 293 4 The only kind which t'-rive in Malaya. Yon can make you** compound a beautiful Blaze of Colour if you use Sutton’s Seeds. THE FOLLOWING OROW WELL OUT HERE. FLOWER SEEDS. Antirrhinum, Balsnm. Hollyhock, Lupinus. Alyssum, Candytuft, Honesty, Marigold, /ster, Coreopsis, Lavatera, Nasturtium. Salvia, 11 the > hove 40 cts. per
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    • 40 4 TO-MORROW Wednesday, Oct.. 21th at 7 p.?n. COME TO Rontteat and Bom perfomaace at the FREE SCHOOL AND HELP THE RED CROSS Entrance 20 cts. Chair 80 cts. Beach 50 c ts. Special seats V enclosure for ladies TOWN BAND.
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  • 554 5 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] SITUATION ON OCTOBER 19. Rakkia» Report. London, October 22. Rmsun naval communique states that the general situation in the Baltic isles on the 19*h inst. is as follows The islands of Oesel and Mobn are definitely in the hands of the enemy. The operations at
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  • 606 5 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] M KERENSKY’S SPEECH. A* Appeal to Ike People* Petrograd, October 21. M. Kerensky, in the course of his speech at the meeting of the Preliminary Parlia. ment, declared in the name of democracy that although loDging for peace, he would never capitulate to force. The difficulties of
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  • 686 5 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] FIVE CAPTURED IN FRANCE. A Costly Raid. London, October 22. Apparently the five Zeppelins captured and destroyed in Franoe, were part of the fljet of the eleven invaders of England They were lost in the fog there and drifted to France. Three seem to
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  • 652 5 [Reuter’s Telegrams] STATEMENT IN THE COMMONS. Te» Zcppelift» Participated. Loudon, October 22. Sir George Cave, Home Secretary, stated i ia the House of Commons that the air raid of Ootober 19 was apparently carried out by ten or more Zeppelins, of which five failed entirely to reach their
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  • 639 5 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] BOMBING AIR RAIDS. Sueee««ful Opemiota. London, Djt, 22, 12.55 a,m 3 Sir Docg’a9 Haig reports I Despite much mist our aeroplanes this f afternoon dropped a ton of bombs on the I foundry and railway junction ten miles to the north-west of Saarbrucken with very good
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  • 346 5 QUEEN’S SCHOLARSHIPS. PROBABLE RE-ESTABLISHMENT. C From Our Own Correspondent,') Singapore, October 23. At the meeting of the Legislative Counoil yesterday, the Hon. Mr. C, W. Darbiahirs Siid that there was a very general opinion now that the abolition of the Queen’i Scholarships was a mistake. Dr. Lim Boon
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  • 289 5 At the Fancy Fair held at the Ipoh Town Hall on Saturday in aid of the Kinta "Our Day" Fund. His Highness the Sultan came forward spontaneously and addressed the gathering in Malay in very enthusiastic terms, his speech being subsequently translated into English by Mr.
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  • 73 5 The following articles will be found oa oar outside pages Page. 2. Coconut Cultivation. The Children of Blinded Soldiers. 3. Our Day Football. Kinta Our Day.' Normal Class Examinations, P, C. C Tennis Tournament. 6. Alleged Gang Bobbery. Alleged Cheating. Borneo Timber Trade. What Is Happening in Bussia P
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  • 407 6 Preliminary Enquiry. The preliminary enquiry into the charge of gang robbery preferred against two Can* fconeae, Ho Pong and Oban Ah Peng, was held by Mr. S H. Ltngeton, at noon to-day. The first witness was Bose, om of the inmates, who said she lived in premises
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  • 299 6 In the Second Court this morning, Mobamed K*BBim, a coik employed on board an Indian steamer, was charged with cheating in respect of $95.55, being money from seven passengers who were leaving for India. Nadasa, a runner of an eating bouse in Bishop Street, ia reply to Inspector
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  • 297 6 The Annual Report for 1916 states: Prior to the war a very lucrative and promising timber trade was developing with the Uaitoi Kingdom, but war conditions have temporarily killed this Hongkong, for many years the mainstay of the industry, has been an unsatisfactory market during 1916, owing
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  • 1182 6 What Is Happening in Russia D.'. Charles Ssrole* who speaks with authority on matters Ru«san, says I published in the Scotsman of August 28 a diagnosis of the Bussiin situation. Both ia tLe article referred to and in a subsqueot aiticle which appeared in Everyman, I t>i c d to
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  • 693 6 RETORT FOR AU°UBT. Over 200 Patients. Sir William Taylor, in forwarding the Report for August; of Dr. Atkin, the Medcal Officer in charge of the F.M.B. Hospital, writes The numb?r of patients in the Hosp tal at the preset time is 214. You will s e from Dr.
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  • 464 6 Directors’ Report to Shareholders The following is the report cf the Mandai Tekong (Singapore) Rubber Estates, Ltd to be submitted to the shareholders at the meeting at Singapore on October 30:— Your Directors be? to submit herewith a duly audited Statement cf Acrouots of the Co !>pany for
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  • 59 6 WbdNRSDAY, OCTOBIB 24 Town Bind, Esplanade. Thursday, Octobib S5. L >dge Scotia Meeting, 6 p m. St. Crispin. Friday, October 26 Town Band, Esplanade P.CC. Annual General Meeting, 6 30 p.m Saturday, Octobbr 27. T >wn Band, Golf Cinb. Sunday, Octobib 28 21st after Trinity. St Simon
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  • 63 6 The following programme of music will be played at the Golf Club this evening from 5,45 p.m, to 7.15— 1 Selection The Eirl and The Girl Caryll 2 Puppchen Two Step Gilbert 3 Selection Duchess of w Dantzic Caryll 4 Wal z Li Serenata Jaxoqb 5
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  • 62 6 At Ibe Eastern Produce Exchange 178th Auction Sale the following prices were obtained per picul. Diamond Smoked Fair from $9l to 112 Diamond Unsmoked 83 to 95 Plain Unsmoked 80 to 91 Press’d Sc sp 80 to Loofe Scrap 20 to 30 Virgin Scrap 52 to 65
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  • 1345 6 HIS FIRST DAYS IN GERMANY. THE VOYAGE ON THE IMPERATOR." The Cares or an Ambassador. We pive below fuither instalm nts of Mr. J- W. Gerard’s Memoirs Tne second day out on the Imperotor, beaded for a surane.’s vacation, a loud koockiug woke me at 7 a.m. The
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  • 288 6 The Bill entitled "an ordinance to make provision for the Ragistration and Medical Examination of cat tain residents in the Colony in connection with tbe present wai" is published in the Gazette. The Obj=cti aud Reasons state as follows t This Bill provides (a) that every male
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  • 170 6 Paris, Aug. 30,—The mysterious i* appearance of copper coinage from ok® B lation continues to engage the attention the authorities. It is now quite con®' be given postage stamps in change in while booking clerks and tramway c»r ductors sternly refuse to give chang*' though it is they
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 70 6 MA ?,l° E»*™" the d4n g or Of DPRIPCt. int; ci chi'l r* Chills laid to pneumonia and a Mjora of other dangerous disorders. Be prudent, and at the first sign of a chill a dose or two of WOOD S GREAT PEPPERMINT CORE the medicine that should never
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    • 52 6 Never Fails. Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diar* rhoea Remedj is all its name implies It cures diarrhoea and dysentery in either children or adults, and the most violent cases of cramp, colic or pain in the stomach tfive way to a few doses of this medicine. Safe, sure, always cures.
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    • 11 6 For Children’s Hacking Cough »t Wood’ Great Peppermint C« rt 1
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  • 952 7 [To the Editor of the Strait» Echo D?ar 8ir, —From the most distant parts of tbe Empire has come sympathy and support for tbe work of caring for tbe Soldiers aod Sailois blinded in the war. Toe work that is done at St. Dunstan’s Hostel,
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  • 1225 7 Suggested improvement fob Malata Mr. T. Colin Campbell, Liverpool, sends ths following letter to the Press I have noticed an article on the improve-!, meets and experiments to be made in Malaya j in coconut cultivation, and the statement I j that the coconut young palms there offer
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 344 7 PENANG CRICKET CLUB -aTOTICE i> hereby K iren that the Annual General Meeting of Members ■ii h« held in the Club house on Friday J&OtStar. 1917. .t 6.30 p.m. Evsinms. i To read and if approved confirm tb minute» ofth. Aon«l Oeneral Meeting tn t ke gth December. 19J 6.
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    • 102 7 Diphtheria—How It May Be Avoided. Diphtheria is usually contracted when the child has a cold. Th9 cold prepares the child’s system for tberception and development ot the diphtheria germs. When there are cases of diphtheria in the neighbourhood children that have colds should be kept at home and iff the
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    • 425 7 WAKTTB33. A NURSE (EUROPEAN OR EURASIAN) (or two cbildran aged 2 and 3 years. Apply to. No 2, Sepoy Lines, WANTED. A JUNIOR FIELD CONDUCTOR with some knowledge of D.-esser’e duties. Apply with copies of testimonials and stating salary expected to P. R c/o Straits Echo. WANTED. BY THE I
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    • 589 7 MUNICIPAL NOTICE. NOTICE ia hereby given that the book* containing the Annual Valuation of and rates imposed on all buildings and lands situated within the Municipality of George Town. Penang, for the year 1918, are open to the inspection of Ratepayers at the Municipal Offioe daily on week days between
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1516 8 P. 0. —BRITISH INDIA AND APCAR LINE, (Companies Incorporated in En?la*d MAIL AND PASSENGER SERVICES, M mM* .Mr koninklijke paketvaart maatschappij. (ROYAL PACKET S.N. COMPANY. (Incorporated in Holland For Intended to Sail PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINCS(Under Contract with His Majesty’s Government.) The Company’s MAIL SERVICES EAST OF BOMBAY are at
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