Straits Echo, 22 October 1917

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

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  • 2242 3 CFrom Oicr (hen Correspondent^) Hindenburg and Uis Strategy. London, September 20. The most enthusiastic admirer of Hindenburg mast admit that up till the present his strategy has not been a pronounced success, nor has he taken advantage to the full of the many fortuitous happenings which
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 162 3 0 0 0 0 TYRE The only Tyres holding the R. A. C. certificate for 5,000 miles without cuts or punctures* BRITISH AND MADE IN BRITAIN0 AGENTS FOR PENANGl: o The Eastern 8 Pacific Trading Go, Ltd. (INCORPORATED IN STRAITS SETTLEMENTS) X BALLANTINE’S "5 Ring" Pilsener Beer "3 Ring” Stout
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    • 12 3 For Children'* Hacking Cough at Night. Wood*' Great Peppermint Cure Ip. 6(3,
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    • 313 3 SUNGEI PATANI OUR DAY-” 9th, 10th ft Uth NOVEMBER. Tnere are still pome lottery ticket* available boy a few and help tb? Red Cross Fond. LOTTERY $50,000 1st Frizs 910,000 2nd 9 4,000 3rd •> 9 2,000 &cd 76 other p:iz's none loss than $50. TICKETS $100 EACH. W. E.
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  • 1926 4 Republic Saved bt Monarchists. V The Peking correspondent of The Timee j has sent to that journal a very interesting L despatch concerning the events in China I immediately prior to Chang Hsun s recent coup d'etat. It throws a good deal of daylight on Chinese politics,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 308 4 >/• r 0 4 a. \§i» wj Wr Indian Regd. Design 3611. English Regd. Design 646,199« English Patent 13,033. Swiss Patent 84,338. Australian Patent (7>6o7. 2 as\ m in n that nasty leather STRAP J GONE I Again,' 'Saviimnez ii* YOU PRACTICE ECONOMY WHEN YOU ADOPT THE u NOVELTY Wrist
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    • 57 4 How did you feel this morning Washed-out, Liverish, Sick headache, If ao, you require a small does of Tired, no appetite, coated Tongue, PINKETTEB bid taste ic the mouth. to make you fit and keep you ee teats hi 1 »Usl at rear dnalifiN direct by mail on receipt ol
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    • 725 4 3XT OTICE AN application haring been made for the issue of a duplicate certificate of the undermentioned share» in the Criterion Pre«* Ltd., the original of which is declared to hare been lost, notice is herebj given that one month from this date a new certificate, in lieu of that
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  • 1663 5 Butterworth Our Day." Successful Celebration. Butterworth was lively and astir on Siturday afternoon when this part of the Province celebrated Oar Day in aid of the Red Cross Fund, Almost every one seemed toentrr into the spirit of the celebrations the even the ricsba ooclies wore some sort of badge
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  • 116 5 OVoki Chur Own Correspondent!) Tpob, October 22. The Kiota Our Day celebration proved a very great rucc.w. Ths suo] of $30,000 was the cash in hand on 3a f ard«y morning. It is expected that the great fancy fair and Bsziar at the Ipoh Town Hall will
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  • 344 5 T he Saltan’s Gilt. (From Our Oum Correspondent), Singapore, Oct. 22. At the Singapore races the horse presentee by H. H, The Sultan of Johore for tht benefit of the Blue Cross Fund was auctioned. It was sold and re-sold a number of times realising a total
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 263 5 (EMPIRE jH:iijTHEATREj 1 TtT T j Last night a. great success» Many thanks to our Patrons. To-night we present another Grand Change of Programme. AT 8 P.M. the great secret 915 The Castle of Despair A Gold* Seal Feature in three reels. AT 10 P M. Charlie Cfhaplin In Charlie
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    • 326 5 Public Auction Sale Of a 5 seater ROADSTER, 4, Cylinder, 20, H, P. “STUDEBAKSR” Motor Car (oa virw in cur spacious show oims) On Wednesday, the 24th October, 1917. at 11 a m,, sharp. In Lagan’s Courtyard. A really first class car and io first class tunning order. Electric lights
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    • 495 5 WANTED I NURSE (EUROPEAN OR EURA3 years. SIAN) for two children aged 2 and Apply to. No 2, Sepoy Lines, WANTED. A JUNIOR FIELD CONDUCTOR, with some knowledge of Dresser's duties. Apply with copies of testimonials and stating salary expected to P. R.” e/o Straits Echo. WANTED. BY THE (GOVERNMENT
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  • 94 6 taiij (except Sunday* tad pvblio hoMdaya) wm CEITIRION PRESS, Ltd. 59, Bench Street, Penang. Feicb Daily Leenl t*4 per annum. m Qrtrtatio» Portage Extra. |fi~i H&km (Poet Free) 117.50 OAILI ADDBBSS ECHO—PENANG.” Telephone Nos. (Echo) 586 Printing Department 343 A B.— All business communication* should be addressed
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  • 553 6 The first round of the fight for the I command of the Baltic has undoubtedly I gone against the Russians. Clearly they I were outmatched and had to retire before I the superior forces of the enemy, with the loss only of one vessel of any
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  • 804 6 The committee appointed to report on the planting of rice and of food-products in the Colony and the Federated Malay States has recommended the establishment of government rice mills in Kedah, in Krian and in Province Wellesley. This 1 is a step, which has for many years
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  • 925 6 Mr. N. D Mudie is appointed to act as Official Assignee of Debtors Estates for Malacca. Dr. J. S. Bose returned from leave at Home this morning by the s.s. Klang via Singapore. Dr. F. M. Croucber is appointed to act as P. 0. M, 0., Straits
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  • 696 6 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] r AN UNEQUAL COMBAT. Admiralty Report. t AJ London, Oct. 20. i I The Admiralty reports Two British destroyers, the Mary R-. and the Strongbow fought two fast heavii* armed Germ*** raiders until they 8ank an unequal engagement in the North Sea Wednesday. D 1
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 154 6 YOU CAN’T AFFORD TO PASS PRICES LIKE THESE. A substantial bed, iron through* out. size 3ft bj 6£ft, patent spring wire mattress, by Messrs Fitter Bros, Birmingham, Price $16-50 only. Cotton Mattress to match, Price 19.25 Mosquito Curtain $8-50 Sheeting $1-75 Pillow $1-00 KENC A CO., PENANG A IPOH. The
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  • 1810 7 [Reuter’s Telegrams] description of the fight. Superior Enemy Squadrons Rucsiu Accou.tPetrograd, October 20. Tbe following are the details bf the Gulf of Big» battle as communicated by the flavsl Staff I "ii enemy rquadron of twenty ships, including two battleships of the Koenig class, which
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  • 61 7 Latest Quotations Tin (unrefined) is quoted here to-day at $ll3 25, business done, in Singapore (refined) at $ll4, business done, (175 tons sold). Messrs. Bouetead A Co inform us that the following were the quotations for Rubber on spot in London on the 19th instant reoeived on
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  • 1300 7 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] Off eial At.ouiecmeal. i* London, October 20, 3.35 a m. 9 An official announcement states e S' l or seven airships attacked the eastern and north-western counties in the evening. Thpy proceeded some distance inland, but there was no very definite I a itack. Bombs
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  • 70 7 The following articles will be found or our outside pages Page. 3. —War News and Gossip. 4. —A Chinese Paradox. 5. —Butterworth “Our Diy.” Kinta Our Day.” Blue Cross Fund. 8. —Telegrams. Singapore Raoes. Penang Library. London Rubber Market The Bicyc’e Case. Comforts f< r Merchant Ssamen. Death of
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  • 643 7 [Reuter's Telegrams] Atrial Activity. i Locdo»*, Octi bar 20, I Sir Djuglis Haig r- ports I “Yesterday we dropped five an 1 a half tons of bombs 03 a gua position near Douai, on the raiwiy a dings near Ghent acd on various billets and hutments. One ton
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  • 703 8 [Reuter's Telegrams] IMPORTANT DEBATE. M* PaiaWve'a Statemeat*. Paris, October 20. An important debate is proceeding in the i French Chamber on an interpellation/moved i by the Republican and supported by the Socialist Party, criticising the Government’s general policy at home and abroad. M. Painleve, the Premier, replying,
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  • 723 8 [Reuter's Telegrams] Admiralty Record. London, October 19. The following stirring incidents taken from Admiralty records give a farther L glimpse of the methods and daring employed in tackling submarinism. A pitrolliog air vessel sighted a steamer I which had been torpedoed but was capable of being towed
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  • 771 8 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] Clear U, S, A. Statemeat. London, October 20. In. the coarse of a lucid and convincing statement the Untited States Government I has explained its attitude towards the North t European neutrals as regards their exports On July 24 Holland and the Sc&udina-1 viau countries
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  • 532 8 Third Day’s Results. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, October 20. The following were the results of the third day’s racing:— 1,—THR STRWARR3 STAKB8. Value $400 and $100 to the second pony. A handicap for all ponies 14.2 and under that have been entered in races Nos. 1 j
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  • 136 8 The following new books have been received at the Library:— An Introduction to Indonesian Linguistics, by Dr. R. Brandstetter. Sons Le Ciel De France, by Beni Benjamin. The Four Million, by 0/Henry. The Gentle Grafter, by do Heart of the West, by do Options, by do Roads of
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  • 695 8 (From Our Own Correspondent). Singapore, Oct. 22. The death took place suddenly this morning from diabetes of Mr. Tan Jiak Kim, o.m.g. The funeral will take place on Sun day next. The deceased gentleman who was 59 years of age had been unwell during
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  • 75 8 Monday. October 22 Town Band. Espiarad* Lecture by Mr. B, J, Eaton, Caledonia Club, 5 p.ra. Naval baud, Golf Club. 5 p.m. to 7.30 p.m. Wednesday, October 24 Town Bind, Esplanade. Thursday, October 25. Lodge Scotia Meeting, 6 pmSt. Crispin. Friday. Ootober 26 Town Band, Esplanade P.C
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  • 81 8 The following are the alterations in Messrs. A. A. Anthony A Co.’s, share list to-day: Bukit Katil Rubber Estates $0 92$ buyers; Jeram Kuantan Rubber Estates $1.75 buyers and $1.85 sellers; Lunas Rubber Estates $8 40 buyers and $8 60 sellers; Mergui Rubber Estates $5 50 buyers and $5
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  • 49 8 The following programme of music will be played at the Esplanade this evening from 6 p m. to 7 p.ra.:— 1 Selection La Favoiita Donizetti 2 Two Step In The Night Gilbert 3 Walt* Lullaby Lonth 4 Cake Walk The Palm Estella 5 March Dorner Ziobrer
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  • 325 8 (From Our Own Correspondent.') London, October 19, The prices in the London Rubber Market to-day were: Pale Crepe 2/8 Diamond Smoked Sheet 2/6$ London, September 20. Unchanged, [The market report of Messrs, Aldeni, I Successors Ltd, Dated, London, September 1917 states: The market during the past week
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  • 369 8 Judgment Reserved. The case against the Chinese boy Goon Kbuan Leong who was charged ia tbe District Court with dishonestly receiving stolen property, a bicycle, was concluded to-day, when Mr. R. D. Acton reserved judgment until Thursday. The mother of accused gave evidence saying that her son
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  • 181 8 The Dowager Lidy Dimsda’e appeal* for woollen comforts, hussifs and cretonne ditty bags for our merebant seamen. Thera is a constant demand, she writes, for clothe* and comforts. Second-hand clothing i* needed for the crews of torpedoed vessel*. Twelve thousand torpedoed seamen Jrcm 463 ships paseed
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  • 1055 9  -  FIGURES OF THIS YEAR’S FIGHTING. 500,000 in Thru Months. (By Pkillippe Millet.) Paris, August 23. The last issue of the Revue det Deux Mendet contains an article on tbe present state of the German Army which deserves special attention. Although it is unsigned, there are excellent reasons (o
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 1003 9 Penang Auction Mart. The Estate of Lim Leng Cheak, Deceased TO BE SOLD BY by Mr. LEAN CHONG HIN, li Logan’8 Buildings, Beach Street, Penang, On Thurs., I5th day of Nov., 1917, and following days, until sold or withdrawn, at 11 o'clock a m. each day. PARTICULARSLOT I. All that
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    • 1691 9 Swellings Disappear when you rub in Little’s Oriental Balm The pain goes right away and the swelling itself disappears with a few applications. It is utterly useless to suffer. It is useless to pay big doctor's bills and then to find yourself no better. For 1 Be, you can buy
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  • 2027 10 KAISER FORCED GERMANS TO WAR j PROMISE OF fcPEEDY VICTORY. j Would Have Been Wceld Dictator. j We give below further instalments of Mr. J. W. Gerard's Memoir» Prince Lichnowsky, the German Ambas- sador in London, certainly reported to his government that England did not wish to enter
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 37 10 Children’s Colds. Why let the children rack their little bodies in such a distressing manner when you can so easily cure their colds with a bottle of Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. For salo by all dispensaries and dealers.
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    • 303 10 ince the War ejtan The Allied Governments Have Bought Over ROY To Equip heir New Armies Compare the work and you too will choose the ROYAL Typewriter—the machine that makes big organizations complete. STOCKED IN BRIEF, POLICY S FOOLSCAP SIZES BY THE SOLE IMPORTERS AND COMPANY. It's Good to fee*
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  • 1964 11 Portuzal Old and Young. An Hist rical Study. By George Young, formerly Secretary of Legation. Lisbon. (Oxford at the Clarendon Press. London; Milford. “The Postugu se Republic, by enlisting in our cause, has secured both our hearty recognition of its claim to represent a new Portugal,
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 428 11 IOTI- 1 id hereby gire:i thattbe Han<3el Maatschappij Deli-Atjeh” (TrudiDg Society Deli-Atjeh”) of No. 49 Beach Street, HeLaDg, e tho solo Proprietor* of the above Trade Mark for piece goods sold Any person who without the authority of the said Handel M techappij ‘‘Deli-Atjeh” uses such mark or auy colourable
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    • 102 11 Diphtheria—Ho* It May Be Avoided. Diphtheria is usu«lly contracted when the child has a cold. The cold prepares the child’s for the r caption and development of the diphtheria perms. When there are cases of diphtheria in the neighbourhood children that have colds should be kept at home and off
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    • 279 11 BAXTER Co 's BEST NAVY CANVAS. SAKDILANDS. BUTTERY 8 Co. The Eastern United Assurance Corporat on Ltd. Head Office: SINGAPORE. The undersigned has been appointed agents for the above Corporation, and is now prepared and accept MARINE FIRE RISKS at current rates. QUAH BENG KEE, 43, Beach Street, Penang. SINGAPORE
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1460 12 p. BRITISH INDIA AND APCAR LINE. MAIL (Companies Incorporated in Kn.laad) AND PASSENGER SERVICES. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS(Under Contract with His Majesty’s Government.) The Company’s MAIL SERVICES EAST OF BOMBAY are at present suspended Passengers for Europe are hooked via Bombey as opportunity offers and as far as aooomnaodation is
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