Straits Echo, 18 October 1917

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1110 1 i tr at w* f j s iwe graf; (Jift. KS The Georgetown 1 FARQUHAR STREET tor tin t NORTHAM ROAD AND j* Telegraphic address: Hokimteik. ’Phone No. *94 IS ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE. CARS FOR HIRE A fl et of BanT new Car? for hire day and night at
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    • 23 1 M ll£. Kb Nf A. •vu 0f Vfmca ■a CC"BIHE |&> .'<t r ?'*s Ct ION3 use o* A —it J W»t«f S 3
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  • 1793 3 What is beginning very seriously to trouble the statesmen of every country, neutrals no less than belligerents, and to add to their more pressing perplexities, is the practical certainty of there being, for some time after the war, the gravest worldshortage, not only in the principal foodstuffs, but
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 247 3 I 0 I I i i I i I I 1 J» Ij-g Just Unpacked New Shipment of MAXWELL, BUICK, RECAL AND CHEVROLET MOTOR CARS. All of the latest models equipped with High Tension Magneto JgnitioD, Electric Lights and Straters and built to meet the Economy and Comfort of the
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    • 66 3 SINGAPORE AND STRAITS DIRECTORY, 1918. AH papers in the bands of the pubic referring tj the Directory should bo returned to the publishers at once. Firms, Planting Companies or indiriduals whose nitnes were omitted from the Directory for this year, and who desire tbei«' names to appear ia the 1918
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    • 340 3 SELANGOR TURF CURL WAR LOANLOTTERY. VALUE $500,000 Or such lesser or pr ater amount as may be subscribed. Tickets $5 each. The amoua 1 subscribed will be distributed as follows 30 per cent, in 1 prize. 12 per cent, in 1 prize. 5 per cent, in 1 prize. 5 per
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  • 508 4 The Censorship Difficulties, M«Dy persons feel that Renter’s service covering the war is not what it should be because it gives only one side of the question and so differs from the impartiality which has always characterized R uttrV said M S. Casey Clements, London Manager
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  • 471 4 Everybody is agreed, who knows anything about the matter, that China wants roads, and wants them badly. It is as certain as anything can be humanly, also, that the motor vehicle in some form or other will be largely employed in every part of China as soon
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 179 4 LIMITED (Incorporated in England.) Complete House Furnishers 34F N E I, E C T E D T 1 n B E K [Hi %J I w E 8 T 1 n A t E F R E E THE ‘CHORLTON” BEDROOM SUITE IN CHENCHAI PaSIR POLISHED WALNUT, MAHOGANY OR NATURAL
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    • 14 4 For Children’s Haeking Cough at Night Wood' Great Pepper m nt Cure Is. 6d
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    • 296 4 /TW a MANUFACTURED BY The Malkin Tile Works Co., Ltd., BURSLEM, ENGLAND. WHITE GLAZED TILES. 6 inches by 6 inches bj 3/1 inches FO2 ALL PURPO $£S Extensively used throughout the Stra ts and F M-S. GROOVED WHITE GLAZED TILES. 9 inches by 3-'/4 inches 3/4 inches Specially suitable for
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  • 788 5 C. R. C. beat H L. F. C. Ah Overwhelming Victory. The first of a series of football fixtures between the Chinese Recreation Club and the Hutton Lane Football Club in aid of Oar Day” Fund, which was played on the Esplanade yesterday evening, ended in an
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  • 33 5 The Electric Polyscope promises patrons a fine evening’s entertainment to-night in aid of the Our Day Red Cross Fund. A strong programme will be backed by a special orchestra. < v ifiSl
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  • 80 5 In aid of "Our Diy”R?d Cross Fund tbe Empi*e Theatre on Bunday night will J not only present their best programme of all I new pictures, but will also include some J excellent vaudeville and concert turns. On this occasion Charlie Chaplin will be shown in hip best
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  • 648 5 Wanted in Malacca. It may be remembered that some days ago we reported that a Siamese woman was convicted and fined (100 in the second court for cheating a young Malay woman tf her jewellery, valued at 183, on the pretence of patting medicine on them so
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  • 160 5 [To the Editor or the Straits EcAo.]| Dear Sib, j I shall feel obliged by your kindly allowing me a little space in your valuable paper. Oa reading the Malay Mail of the 10th instant I find that due fines of $lO and upwards hiva bsan. in each
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  • 104 5 Pbeang Women Workers. Amount previously acknowledged $5,972 38 Mrs. D. C, Macintyre 10.00 Mrs. Powell 5 00 Mrs. C. D- D. Hogan 2.00 j Mrs. Bamnel $5,991.38 Hospital garments for soldiers xvady cut out for workers will be given out at the Town Hall every Friday
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 382 5 On October the 21st next Sunday Night at the Empire we promise the best show for the Money Peoang has ever seen. It's in aid of O UR DAY” 6r*ss receipts to the Red Cross, Excellent viu»s, Eireueni Vaudeville Concert and a particularly fine and all new picture programme including
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    • 669 5 V////A I i i 28 QUALITY is the point which is necessary in an enjoyable Ui Cigarette. 1 1 1 I i 2 v. I 2 I 2 2 1 A y, i I 2 i i hat’s why “EMBASSY 2 1 I 5j 2 I 2 1 3 it"7~
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  • 94 6 I Ntfiakad daily (except Sundays and public koUiTi) at ni CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. ■a. 59, Baaoh Street, Penang. Pmioa* Daily Lml «W4 per annum. Ortetetion.- Poetage Extra. Mail EMa (Port Free) «17.50 CABADDBBSS ECHO—PENANG.” Telephone Nos. (Echo) 586 Printing Department 343 A. B.—All buaineaa communications should be
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  • 1345 6 His Majesty’s tribute to the work of the i Red Cross and his hope that that work I will not be curtailed through lack of funds ought to be read here as a message I to Malaya, There is often a disposition, I when a general appeal comes
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  • 752 6 HIS MAJESTY'S APPEAL. Text of Telegram. His Excellency the Governor has received, through the Secretary of State for the Colonies, the following message from His Majesty The King, which we are asked to publisL: Buckingham Palace. —During the last 12 months I have had constant opportunities of
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  • 27 6 ii'rom Our Own Correspondent London, October 16, The prices in the London Robber Market to-day were: Pale Crepe ttt 2/8 Diamond Smoked Sheet 2/6
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  • 918 6 Mr. J. Crabb Watt leaves for this afternoon for the week end K pore Mr. Tye Shook Yuen, Consul f or and Mrs. Tye Shook Yuen leave f or Sin pore this afternoon on a short holiday Mr, B M. Montgomerie, brother late Mr. Love Montgomerie, 0
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 244 6 GTD ItrtSINB > TABLETS. GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICE. Quinine Blsulphate Tabs. 5 grs. $2.50 per 100 Bihydrochlorate $125 25 $300 loo >> M Q T.D. Quinine Tablets are very soluble and dissolve instantly in the stomach thus starting the curative action immediatley after taking. EYESIGHT CHATS a—tff A LADY REMARKS:—
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  • 589 7 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] artillery activity. Successful Raida* London, October 17, 12.25 ».tn. Sir DougUs Haig reports •I Oar patrols were active on the battle front and brought in a few prisoners. i. There was considerable reciprocal artillery activity and more clear weather. We carried out muoh effective counter-battery work.
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  • 654 7 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] echo IN PARLIAMENT. Questions and Answers. London, October 16. In the House of Commons, The Hon. E* 8. Montagu, Secretary of State for Indi% made a statement regarding the 6 aBf Mrs. Annie Besaut and her associates, declaring that the course followed in nowise constituted
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  • 637 7 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] DEVELOPMENTS EXPECTED SOON. Bulgaria May Attack. Amsterdam, Oct. 16. Aq article from a well-informed souroe lin the Weuer Zeitung indicates that one of I the obj sets of the Kaiser’s visit to Sofia was I to iaduoe Bulgaria to attaok General Barrail, I with Salonika aa
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  • 578 7 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] OFFICIAL ACCOUNT. Russian Admission* London, October 17. A wireless Russian offioial announcement states The enemy pressed us back over the I mole in the direction of Mohn Island interLuptiDg the land communication between OeBel Island and Mohn Island. We have J completely lost touoh with
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  • 356 7 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] ADMIRALTY RETURNS, A Sligkt Rite. London, October 17. t The Admiralty reports that arrivals al British ports daring the week numbered 2124 e and sailings 2094 Total 4218 3 s Twelve vessels over 1600 tons were sank and six ander that tonnage, making a total
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  • 223 7 Lcturs ud Parcels, Owing to abnormal conditions it is not possible this year to foretell with any degree of accuracy on what date any particular mail |R. T. REID J n a Post Early should be the motto for every one It should be borne in mind that
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  • 104 7 The following articles will be found on our outside pages Page. 3. —A World-Famine. 4. —Reuter and the War. Roads for China. 5. Our Day Football. Police Court News. Queen Mary’s Needlework Guild. Cave Canem, 8. —Subsidiary Current Cein Regulations, Legislative Council. General Booth and a Railway Passenger, A
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  • 895 7 Small ChangeA correspondent writes At present here there is very great difficulty in getting change fj>r a dollar-note in small silver let alone «5 or JlOnote Therto is even a difficulty in getting change J coppers To change a dolkr-note into coppets, 2 cts. are deducted Is this
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  • 60 7 Latest Quotations. lin (unrefined) is quoted here to-day at $lll 75, buyers no sellors, in Sing*porB (refined) at $112.50, business done, (100 tons sold), Messrs, Boustead Co. inform cs that the following were the quotations for rubber cn spot ia London on the 16 h inst. received
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  • 784 8 In a Gazette Extraordinary issued on Monday are published the regulations made by H, E. the Governor for the control of subsidiary current coin. They are as follow s 1. These Regulations may be cited as the Subsidiary Current Coin Control Regulations 1917. u 2 Exoept
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  • 136 8 The following are the “Order* of the Day for the meeting next Monday. 1. Malacca Lands (Amendment,) Bill (Bill “To amend the Malacca Lands Ordinance, 1886 Ist reading. 2 Tamil Immigration Fund (Amend* ment) Bill (Bill ‘-'To amend the Tamil Immigration Fund Ordinance, 1911/’) Ist reading. 8. Municipal
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  • 722 8 The problem of economic recanstruction, or, as it is called in the Central Empires, transition economy TJbergangeyeirttchaft) t occupies a great deal of attention now in Germany, Austris, and Hungary, and the realisition of the difficulties with which those countries will be confronted during the
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  • 53 8 The following programme of music will be played at the Esplanade to-morrow evening from 6 p m. to 7 p.m.:— 1 Fantasia Li R-eve D’Amour Millars 2 Polka See Me Dance Salomon 3 Selection Crown Diamonds Auber 4 Waltz The First Violin Wittr 5 March The Absent
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  • 714 8 Mrs- Asquith’s Interview. Mrs. Asquith contributes to the August Cornhill Magazine, under the title of A Double Event,” an account of a chance interview she had with tbe late General Booth. She was on her way to Swindon, she says, to try hunters, and
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  • 311 8 Formkb Singafobb Resident In Mesopotamia, Mr. RP. Russell, formerly,of the firms of Messrs. Siemens Bros, in Singapore, and now in Mesopotamia, writes as follows to a friend in Bangkok 4 It was great news to hear that Siam had decided to come in with
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  • 385 8 What do the Germins mean by “the freedom of the seas As their statesmen, their publicists, acd th. ir Prtss systematically refrain from defining it, we cannot but conclude that the real virtue of the phrase lies in its intentional indtfiniteness and elasticity. In England
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  • 620 8 The reason why Germany can never be allowed to regain control of her Colonies in the Pacific or in Africa is, writes Mr. Sydney Brooks, that she cannot be trusted to govern them in a civilised manner. Wherever she has effected a lodgment she has nsedit
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  • 1264 8 FURTHER INTERESTING DETAILS. V Imfobtant Padi Pbopa.oa.itdv The following additional particulars of His Highness the Sultan’s tour down the river will be read with great interest, says the T.O.M. The propaganda work being done by His Highness is indicative of bis whole-hearted interest in the welfare
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  • 314 8 Naw Regulations. A wire from Batavia says: Three cew Ordinances have been passed which will revolutionise the elections for the local Councds. The first Ordinance asserts tbit the Governor, consider* that the time has arrived when non-Europeana should be eligible for election. The composition of the Councils
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  • 45 8 Scratch'!»!* CFrom Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, October 18. The scratchings were as follows Race I.— Ampang, Fallowland, Botuty Bob i 3 Race ll.—lhe Princes», Race 111, Limmeta. Race IV Krelis' Sister, Silent Fm»i Race Vl. —Black Watch, Tobique Race Vll.— Floradora, Field, Hadis,
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  • 79 8 The undermentioned prices werereii.i*for rubber sold by Messrs. Allen Deuoji and Go at their 325th Auction Sale to-d*yi-“ Smoked Diamond Sheet No. 1 $llO to $ll7 per picol Smoked Diamond Sheet No. 2 80 103 do Unsmoked Sheet No. 1. 98 do Uosmoked Sheet No. 2 80
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  • 99 8 Tho following are th 9 alterations in A A. Anthony Co.’s, share list today Alor Gijah Rubber Estate $4 30 b»7 or, j Ayer Kuniog Rubber Estate 31 40 bof and $1 47| sellers; K >dah Rubber Co. buyers and $4.05 sellers; Malika r'® Rubber Estates $3 buyers and
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  • 49 8 Mr. Khaw Joo Tok advises us tbatttj outputs from the following four coop*"* for theficst fortoigbt of Ootober, were Tin Bantong No Liability—2os p# o Deebook Dredging No Liability" piculs.--** Rangoon Valley No Liability—l2* P‘2 Katoo Deebook No Liability—*>.P. (stopped six days j engine under repa |rl
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 37 8 Children’s Colds. Why let the children rack their little bodiea in such a distressing manner when you can so easily cure their colds with a bottle of Chamberlain’s Ceugh Remedy. For sale by all dispensaries and dealers.
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  • 500 9 Says the Times of Ceylon:— Doubt has often been cast on the mathematical calculations of Government officials. True, these worthy men have had to pass all manner of searching examinations and when they have become members of the Service it seems a reasonable supposition that one and
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  • 248 9 [The following verses have been received from a member of the Egyptian Expedi* tionary Force and. in view of the manifold uses to which kerosene tins are put in this country, may prove of iuteieit to oar readers.] O mighty Kerosine Tin, All hallowed be thy name,
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 141 9 E. O. Hotel. ■:o:« SPECIAL TIFFIN fcVERY WEDNESDAY 6? SATURDAY. f LARGE QUANTITIES OF Estate Requisites Supplies Always Stocked. FOR PRICES PLEASE APPLY TO HAN TONS k Co., I ESTATE SUPPLIERS COMMISSION AGENTS. 249, Itencli Street, Penang. Telephone 743. I saraura ’zssacßmßmMz^uaassssmasEUßd Australian Concentrated I I MILK H In quart,
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    • 51 9 GROSS HERMANOS. MALAGA, SPAIN. SHIPPERS OP HIGH CLASS PRODUCE AND GRECERT LINES, INCLUDING: RAISINS, DRIED FIGS. ALMONDS, NUTS. LEMONS. GRAPES, OLIVES. PURE OLIVE SALAD OIL. WINES, CHICKPEAS, ANISEED, CUMIN SEED, Ete. Reliable Agcata waited it all large towai Highest refereaeea aad aamplea on applieatioa Writ* for w UlustratodCatilo|«e 8 Prici
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    • 817 9 SUPPLY OF FIREWOODNOTICE. Tenders wanted for 12 months’ supply of Bakau firewood, length 2 feet; all pieces over 3 inches diameter to ba split. Qannhry to ba delivered daily, approximately 100 ricu s. The lowest or aDy tender not necessarily accepted. Price and fall details to Bci No. 636, ejo
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  • 1163 10 2nd Lieutenant S. has been selected to attend the 19th course in Signalling and Telephony at the Command School, P, which commences in October 9. This Officer will lake full camp kit and report to the Commandant before 3 o’clock on the day of assembly* S
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  • 917 10 2018 T Anniversary. It is just two hundred and one year a e that George I issued his Royal w»? rant for the erection of a small foundry f casing brass ordnance on a rabbit-warnT boside the Thames it Woolwich, and th* State first went into business as gun-found
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 12 10 For Children’s Hacking Cough at Night. Wrods' Great Peppermint Cma Is 6d
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    • 282 10 8 r a ron ruu nn A ?> i^' c il kk SUPERIOR TO ALL. 9 9 mjmKgpjalSr r V Pork and Boans Gx Tongues Lunch Tongues Breakfast Tongues Boneless Chicken Tomato Catchup Large Asparagus Vienna Sausages Bacon in Glass Boast Beef Cottage Beef Libby’s Soups in a&. mmn m
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    • 60 10 Sufferers f-om willl speedy and paruaanont relief by t< course of WOODS’ GREAT PEPPERMINT COM This medicine haa been proved by t'ons of English Colonists tbrougboo world to ba tbe best for family a J true corrective and preventive. Mi 1 people rely upon it to beep them ,n health.
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  • 1960 11 We giv>i the following further instilments of Mr. J, W. Gerard's M moits The report of the Zibern occurrences caused immense excitement throughout Germany. A great out-cry went up against militarism, even ia quitters where no socialistic tendencies existed. This feeling was not helped by the fact that
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 141 11 m m m m Wa m k W“ v 662 the best lamp for every purpose HALf-WATT LUMPS ARE STOCKED! From 100 to 2,000 C.P., for 230 volts. L U 5 60 to 1,000 C P., for 110 volts pec 9 ew Types u JUST RECEIVED ARGA” HALF-WATT TYPE LAMPS.
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    • 656 11 Never foa late to cure Neuralgia It you are uuff mug now from the crip, pint', twitching pains of neuralgia—if you suffered yesterday and expect to suffer tomorrow—yes if you’re suffered all your life from toe agonies of neuralgia, rbeumatism, sciatica, backache, toothache, earache sprains, attains, or swellings now is
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1816 12 P. O.—BRITISH INDIA AND APGAR LINE. (Companies Incorporated in England MAIL AND PASSENGER SERVICES. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS(Under Contract with His Majesty’s Government.) The Company’s MAIL SERVICES EAST OF BOMBAY are at present suspended Passengers for Europe are booked via Bombay as opportunity offers and as far as aeoommodation is
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