Straits Echo, 15 October 1917

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1160 1 K‘ sA r. S^!fcfe*L*§ i&ED NATUE^ a «I ■i BANKS The Georgetown Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China. Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation. (Incorporated in England by Royal Charter.) I,200,000 £1,900,000 northam road AND FARQUHAIR street. Paid up Capital R»«erve Fund Reserve Liability of Proprietors Head Office: No. 33.
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    • 11 1 9& TZ7 i is ?^3 ift nun it SĔk Pl> 6
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  • 1113 3  -  Minister Tereshchenko, (By Dr. Harold Williams.) The following character sketch of M Tereshchenko, the Minister for Foreign A ffairs, in the reorg&r.iz id Russian Cabin-1, was wrnten by Dr. Harold Williams, the Ketrograd Correspondent of tue London Chronicle, before the reconstiuction, when M. Tereshchenko was Minister
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  • 843 3 I Development of the New Arm. I From tbe manner in which the Army Order r I announcing the formation of a Tank Corps I has been worded in the general Press, one j would imagine, says Mr. H. Massac Buist in the Morning Post that the
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
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    • 60 3 Sunshine and Common SenseDon’t d ctor your blood for rheumatism. TJse an exteranal application of Chamberlain 8 Pain Balm. In a few days it will get you up and out into the sunshine, then nature will lestore the rich red blood to your veins and soon rid the system of
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    • 495 3 18, [)t »g ,1 J 3, ;r B, rt 8 li f 4 h 5 a a r 8 0 t J t I uc DncDnc Dels Your Child Pale 50 n When a child formorlv tright and active loses colour, suffers from headache, bleeding at the nose, finds play
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  • 1885 4 HERR HAASE’S SPEECH, A Black Outlook. A copy of tie Swiss Socialist pap°r Burner Tagwaeht contains a long report of the speech made bv Herr Haase, the leader of the Independent S cialist party in the R-ichstag, after the speech of the new German Cbanoellor (Dr. Michael's).
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 212 4 New Models in Stylish Ladies Footwear. uic can give you the best possible value for money. We are constantly adding new styles ot Ladies Footwear but w© trust that tHe specimens shown below will interest you. LADIES’ BLACK DERBY LaCINC SHOE. PRICE Fitted with high Cuban heel, neat tee cap,
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    • 119 4 Never too late to cure Neuralgia If you are suffering now from the grip, pint', twitcbiDg pains of neuralgia—if you suffered yesterday and exp°ct to suffer tomorrow—yes if you’re sufferad all your Ufa from the agonies of n*mralgi«, rheuma» fism, sciatica, backache, toothache, earache sprains, attains, or swellings now is
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    • 564 4 OLD-*G£ COUGHS WHEEZING, and Difficult Breathing Cured by VENO’S LIGHTNING COUGH CURE. There is real relief for the bronchi, l troubles of old folks in Veno’s St?:* 1 Cough Cure. Quickly it frees the choked S! tubes and air passages, loosens the ton? phlegm and soothes the trying cough OM
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  • 1164 5 PENANG Y 3. KEDAH. Easy Home Victoky. The inclement weather was responsible for the poor attendance at the football match between Kedah and Penang which was played on the Esplanade on Saturday evening in aid of “Our Day’’ Fund. Those who braved the weather undoubtedly witnessed a
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  • 148 5 (.From Over Own Correspondent Ipoh, October 14. Tho Our Dty Rig Gymkhana was held loa Saturday afternoon iu a heavy downpour of rain which almost vetoed everything. Only one event, however, was abandoned. The going natur&l’y wis heavy. The results were as under Distance Handicap. Mr.
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  • 39 5 (Front Cir Own Cm respondent Ipoh, Oot. 14. The Perak Scots gave an entertainment on Saturday evenirg when there was a crowded hous“. Over $3,000 were realised on behalf of the Scottish Red Cioss Fund,
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  • 275 5 The following are the alterations in Messrs. A. A. Anthony Cj.’s, share list to-day Ayer Kuning Rubber Estate $1 45 buyers and $l-52| sellers; Balgownie Rubber Estate $6.40 buyers acd $6.70 sellers Bitaog B?Joar 10 p.c Debentures convertible $155 sellers Bukif Jelotong Rubber Estates $O-75 buyers acd $0 80
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  • 32 5 Sept 6 By balance 278.60 Oct. 2 Teoh Cheow Cheang (monthly) 2.00 8 "H. da Z Lancaster (monthly) 25.00 Oct. 8 By balance 305.60 Amount previously acknowledged 32,429.23 ...$32,734.83
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  • 50 5 The following was the output of K-mpon* Kamunting 'iio Dredging, Ltd for October Hours run both Dredges 552; Cubic Yards treated 83,0"0 Total Piculs 567 84 Realised on sale $36,600.01. The output of the Tongkab Harbour Tio Dredging Company for ibe week ended October 15 was twenty-one tons,
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
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    • 634 5 QUALI FY is the point which is necessary in an enjoyable Ciga rette. i rAWi t I A V. V, A A A A 2 2 2 3 v roTn I a sS C, CaR.ETT£S^5:^^ p f ®&ISToi. tONCMC; That's why EMBASSY VIRGINIA No. 77 has been justly described as
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  • 93 6 daily («xoept Sundays *nd public holiday at swn CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. jfo Beach Street, Pen*nf. Pwoi My Leeal P® r Oaletatkm... Postage Extra, riitinn (Poe 4 Free) $17.50 h CA.BLR ADDBBS9 ECHO—PENANG.” Telephone Nos. (Echo) 586 Printing Department 343 A. B. All business communications should be addressed
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  • 1300 6 It is to be hoped that the public will not too readily leap to the conclusion, because of the four recent victories, that the end is near. We have in the course of the war had too much of the all over in a month” kind of speech
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  • 591 6 Mr. C. B. Mills, Revenue Auditor, Perak, who has baen in indifforett health of latP, is going on a few months’ leave shortly. i Mr Alfred J. D’Conceicao, special class clerk of the Chief Police Office, Singapore. has been appointed Financial Assistant of Police, Singapore. I Mr.
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  • 386 6 FUNEBAL THIB ArTEBNOON, We regret to announce the sadden and unexpected death of Mr. K. Patchea H«j Mohamad Noor, which took place at his residence iu Burmab Road at about two o’clock this morning. Deceased, who was about 55 years of age, was a large
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  • 1007 6 rsar Ferdinand. It has been said that the little Ttar who is entertaining the great Kaiser at Sofia was invented by his mother Princess Clementine. Certain it is that fiom his cradle he was trained as a Prince, taught many languages, and impressed with a gipsy's prophecy that
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 215 6 the best in quality for the LEAST MONEY. W C> f r V'y? .&%.<■* t V V... fir yK V t Just received a large stock ol underwear by Messrs I R. Morley, well-known manufacturers in Great Britain. Gent's Best Lisle Thread Singlest, long b. dy, or full sleeves. Sizo
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    • 36 6 MUSIC HA LL, Friday, 19 h Oct CHEERY HO W£’LL AL’j BE THERE That’s all right: Bat you had b tt r book at once AT THE ROBI'SOV PHNO Coy IN MD OF THE RED FUND.
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  • 19 6 DEATH. Hagbnziekbr —Oj llth October, 1917. it Locarno (Switzarlsud) M r a Caroline «rife of B F. Hager zisrker.
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  • 1224 7 [Reuter’s Telegram s.] hampered by rain. Heavy Fighting Landau, October 13. 1 a.m. 9;r Douglas Haig reports Notwithstanding the night’s heavy rain the troops formed up for this morning’s attacks aid made progress along the entire* front from the Ypres Rou’ers railway to ou> junction with the French
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  • 63 7 Latest Quotations. Tio (unrefined) is quoted here to-day E $*****, business done, in Singapore, (refined) at $111.50, buyers no sellers. If ms f. Bouetef d Co inform us tba! the followi. g wore the quotations for ruhbei cn spot in London on the 12th ins: 1 received
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  • 438 7 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] ENEMY ASSAULTS. Heavy Hub Losses. London, October 13, 1 a.m. A French communique states ‘‘The artillery was very active in the sector of L-ffaux Mill and the region of Craocn°. “The enemy raids at Soaain aid Auterive mentioned this morning were carried out by strong effectives
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  • 179 7 {From Our Own Correspondent London, October 12, The prices in the London Robber Market to-day were: Pale Crepe 2/7} Diamond Smoked Sheet 2/6 London, October 13, Pale Crepe 2/7i Diamond Smoked Sheet 2/5} Messrs. Boustead A Co, are in receipt of cabled advices from the Secretaries of
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  • 669 7 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] ENEMY USE OF DUTCH WATERWAYS. Evidence of Statistics. Locdor, Oc obtr 13. Reuter is informed that the Government regards in a serious light tha passage of sand and gravel through Dutch waterways. Statistics show that these are going to occupied Belgium in quantities cut of
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  • 643 7 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] GERMAN OFFENSIVE. Landing at Ossel and Dago. Petrograo, Oct bar 13The Germans have landed on the islan U of Oasel and Dago at tbe month of t!» Gulf of Riga. RUSSIAN OFFICIAL ACCOUNT. London, October 13, 6.15 p.m. A Russian communique states The enemy landed
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  • 560 7 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] ECONOMIC DIFFICULTIES. I cfttii g Scare t», London, Oct. 14. Fresh information regarding the economic situation iu Germany indiosb s that tha position is getting wois’. The corn crops have f ;ilel and the outlook regarding oats and barley is bad. Investigations show that the 1917
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  • 88 7 The following articles will be found on our outside pages Page. 3—Russia and Foreign Affai’i Tta Tanks Corps. 4. -The Real Germany. 5. Our D.y Football. Our Day Rag Gymkhana, Scottish Red Cross Fund. Shares. Belgian R li f f Fund. Tin Outputs, 8. —T.legrams. Ma’ayan Matter*. Lxjal T
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  • 339 8 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] British Progress. 1 London, October 13. t An official report, regarding the operations t in East Africa, states a Our right column troops from EMwa occupied Rupcnda, an important junction f of tracks in the north-western end of Muera i Plateau and on the flank
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  • 498 8 Those who witnessed the serial, .entitled The Great Secret,pronounced with one voice that it is the best picture yet seen, for the sketch is quite of a different type from rise other social pictures that have bean shown, The main feature of the mttro-production is that one fails
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  • 1050 8 In Section 23 of Enactment No. 4of 1904 (Probate and Administration) there is mention of ruits for the distnbut.on of the < estate of an intestate. Ia the absence of any complete book containing all the laws of this country and the rules made uuder i such laws,
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  • 1064 8 In his address to the Legislative Council, His Excellency the Governor, oi the subject of education, mentioned the difficulty in obtaining additions to tbe st-ff of the European male teachers in the Colony and went on Toe supply of local teacherp, I regret to siy, is inadequate. Training
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  • 497 8 To THi Edito* of the Strait» Times Sir, —I wish to draw attention to the position of ex-British officers, N.G.O.’s and men, in the Straits Volunteers. There has boon from timBto time criticism of the Efficiency, cr otherwise, of tbe volunteer forces, aud to one who has not
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  • 314 8 Monday, October 15. i Town Band, Eapitned'. Ttjbsdat, October 16. Singapore Races. New Moon, Wednesday, October 17. Town Band, Esplanade. Football Cup Tie—C. R. C. vs. Hutton Lane, Esplanade, 5 p.m. Thuksdaj, October 18. The Electric Polyscope Co., 9.15 p,m. St. Luke. Mohammedan New Year commences, Singapore
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  • 729 8 Traders generally >n Shanghai bad, in 1 common parlance, “a ahock this watk I when the information ran like wildfire! through commercial circles that there had been a great d pression in the value of the t&el. For a time a mild par.ic existed among the Chinese,
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  • 49 8 Tbe following programme of music will be played at the Esplanade this evening from 6 p m, to 7 p.m. 1 Selection Wekh Hare 2 P -ilka Irene Bidgood 8 Waltz Merry Night Wood 4 Mazurka Da Salon Suavita Roubier 5 March King Carnival R jsey
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  • 242 8 Bukit Kepong 7,218, Kamasan 14,200, Serendah 29,148, Utan Simpan 11,300 lb. Mr. Ginnell M. P. is net a man who commands the Topicisl’s admiration—not that that will harm him—but it has to be oonffised that on reading the remarks of Sir John Anderson on the commission of
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  • 803 8 What thi Phrase Mean». It isn’t the foe that we fear It isn’t the ballets that whine; It isn’t the business career Of a shell, or the burst of a mine; It isn’t the snipers who seek To nip our young hopes in the bud
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  • 148 8 Shortly after General Pershing’s arrivsl in Europe, the American Press hastened to state that his “home country,” that is, the part of Europe from which his forbears had emigrated to America, was the very country which he will now help to free from tbs Piussiaju yoke,
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  • Page 8 Advertisements

  • 1292 9 Hermoral and Material Force. A Chinese correspondent writes in the Observer: The internal crisis in China has not prevented her from joining the Allies, and the declaration of war against the Central PoweiB is a good omen tor the new Government. Marshal Feng Kuo Chang, the
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 270 9 4 4 Hi 4 4 Hi 4 4 4 4 4 4 Hi 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Hi Hi 4 Hi Hi Hi H4 Hi Hi Hi JEFFREY’S I iw xi ry w 'mm* 'm Mi v*v£ r<4z?4\ i' y J rF «IT'S <
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    • 471 9 NOTICE is hereby given that the above is the Trade Mark of The Asiatic Petroleum Company, Limited, of S'. Helen’s Court, Great St. Helens, LondoD, E.C., and is used by them in connection with manufactures from minerals and other substances for building and decorating, including protective and anti-corrosive pa nts
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    • 279 9 THF SWASIHY4 SAHAYA PILLS. Are the surest and most efficacious remedy for Nervous Debility, Bodily Weakness, Sleeplessness, Wasting Diseases, Vital Exhaustion, etc. etc. They are unrivalled in restoring LOBT HEALTH and are A BOON for the enjoyment of HAPPY LIFE (■'ole Agentt, Thh Fenang Rubber Stamp Co. 40 Church Street,
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  • 966 10 The American Ambassador's visit to j Buckland Abbey and bis inspection of I Drake’s Drum recall the curious little agitation at the beginning of the war for the taking of the drum from its seclusion and 1 solemnly sounding it as a national call to srms. Nothing came
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 555 10 The New Tambuiv Mines Ltd. (IN LIQUIDATION.) SALE BY PRIVATE TENDER. NOTICE is hereby given that the Mining Leases of The New Tambun Mines Ltd. in respect of Mining Land in the district of Kinta Perak F.M.S, are offered for sale by private tender. Particulars of Sale can be obtained
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    • 235 10 egan ar mce Governments llied Over Bought rI m •f m If ri fit H "4 To Equip Their New Armies “Compare the work” and you too will choose the ROYAL Typewriter,—the machine that makes big organizations complete. STOCKED EF, POLICY 8 FOOLS SIZES THE SOLE IMPORTERS 1 3 aggies
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  • 2047 11 GERMANY'S RAGE PROBLEM Alsace-Lorraine th 3 Greatest. Following are further instalments of Mr James W. Gerards Memoirs:— J here are three great race questions in Germany. First ot all. that of Alsace Ijorraine. It is unnecessary to go at len .tb into this so well-known question. In the
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 132 11 wzzmwMmm v/aw/w/. m m m m ¥a 1 x C m V A ~r Wmzm YMtt,.....US/i ,A m THE BEST LAMP FOR EVERY PURPOSE HALF-WATT LAMPS ARE STOCKED] F r *nt:lZ8f:&fSV!$t Special New Types JUST RECEIVED “ARCA” HALF-WATT TYPE LAMPS. 230 'Volts, EOIG.P. HO Vol*s, 26 C-F These lamps are
      132 words
    • 51 11 an 3DCL I iCSj Every Day yo t Vu% p YJ° d PINKETTES, the tiny laxatives that correct constipation, cure sick headaches, stimulate a sluggish liver and keep one lit alwaysSO scats per phial at roar druggist's or direct br mail on receipt of pries Irom DB. WILLIAMS' MEDICINE COMPANY.
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    • 608 11 The Eastern United Assurance Corporation Ltd. Head Office: SINGAPORE. The undersigned has been appointed agents for the above Corporation, and is now prepared and accept MARINE FIRE RISKS at current rates. QUAH BENG KEE, 43, Beach Street, Penang. KTOTICE. AN application having been made for the i»sue of a duplicate
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1675 12 P. 0. —BRITISH INDIA AND APCAR LINE. (Companies Incorporated in En laud MAIL AND PASSENGER SERVICES, PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS(Under Contract with His Majesty’s Government.) The Company*. MAIL SERVICES EAST OF BOMBAY are at present suspended Passengers for Europe are booked via Bombay as opportunity offers and as far as
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