Straits Echo, 12 October 1917

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1137 1 irK i* V V' X) m llBßtiĔ[L Wm U >- i NATUsS !i The Georgetown j Motor to NORTHAM ROAD AND FARQUHAR STREET. (BANKS Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China. (Incorporated in England by Royal Charter.) £1,200,00» £1,*****0 M Telegraphic address: Hokimteik. 'Phone No. 694 IS ALWAYS AT YOUR
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    • 16 1 m t "V&S MILK, i 0f *H«B IS TM£ Uit 6. ?'*e ctione use is. s
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  • 3242 2 Latino All Cards on Table. Following Are father instilments from the Memoirs of M Gerard: N t only bad I c»b ed the information collected by Commander Gh rardi as to the orders given to submarines long before toe dite of the President** speech, but a.go on the
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 235 2 XW Models in Stvlish Ladies Footwear. I rim Uoc4- k WE can give you the best possible value tor money. We are constantly adding new styles ot Ladies’Footwear but we trust that the specimens shown below will interest you. <T Tr\ PER P*IR. PRICE L4D1ES’ BLACK PATENT SHO LEATHER court
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  • 400 3 [To the Editor op the Straits Echo.] Dear Sir, i Can you or any of your able readers approach or draw the attention of the Committee or the Management B'jdy of the English Schools of Penang about the numerous holidays given by the schools. It !is very
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  • 289 3 [To the Edit r <f the Strait» Echo.] Sir, I fiad iu your “M,A.P.” column, on the 9th inst that —according to the TOM- j —a new 41 Probationer” has ju-t •*rriv-d from Home and is being attached to the De;ot ia Kuala Lumpur. I r would appear from
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  • 163 3 I [To the Editor of the Straits Echo J Sir, In one of your Random Notes yesferI day you have exposed the prevailing sys'em Inf constables having their fixed Coffee Moneys from poor coolies, What would you say if I mentioned to you that there arp many
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  • 74 3 At the Eastern Produce Exchange 175th Auction Sale the following prices were obtained ner picul. Diamond Snu ked Fair from $lO7 to slls plain Smoked 96 Diamond Unsmokad 94 to 102 Plain Unsmoi.ed 89 to 104 Pale Brown Crepe 77f to 01 Scrap Crepe 55 to 66
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  • 587 3 The funeral of tbe hon’ble Dr, W. Gilmore Ellis, p. c m 0., took place at Singapore on Tuesday amid universal manifestations cf sorrow and respect for the deceased. The first pare of the ceremony took place at St. Andrew’s Cathedral at 4 p.m where there
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  • 399 3 TWO NEW LINES OPENED. The Time Table. O i and after Oct. 15, the line between l’t mbelicg and Kuala Lipis wili be opened for trffi\ and the train service between Gitoas, Bahau, Kuala Pilab, Kuala Krau, Tom baling and Kuala L pis will be as follows A
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 431 3 ■“s Ei: c* r0 .i>/lGHT PROGRAM FOR TO-NIGHT I FRI., SATUR. and SUNDAY, 12th, 13th and 14th. —i ‘EMPIRE test THEATRE QUALITY PICTURES CORPORATION p r(s eMs FRANCIS X EVSHMAN and BEVERLY BAYNE IN the great secret \V1 'In The Secret Seven, composed of a brilliant band of criminals, is
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    • 246 3 *****. W/Z/y///////////, *****777?, I i i i QUALITY is the point which is necessary in an enjoyable Cigarette. i 'A A. I I I t. xi I I 1 I in is c> 1 I I i 1 1 i That’s why EMBASSY »> r VIRGINIA No. 77 een justly
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    • 215 3 For Sale Immediately Oao 7 H.P. Indian” Mot >r Cycle Model Combination 1914. With one “Indian” Side Car. Frei engine c’u*cb, 2 speed countershaft geir, n*wly painted engine rec utly ovarh*nl j d all in good order carry 4 persons cl mb any hill price $460 cr a a e>t
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  • 99 4 riMisksfl daily (except Sunday and pnblio k bobdaya) ax xn CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. Bn, 59. Beach Street, Penanf. Pnioß' Dnfly Lead $94 per annum. Oakatatxm... Postage Extra. wli Filitiir (Post Free) $17.50 CABLE ADDBBSS ECHO —PENANG.” Telephone Nos. (Echo) 586 Printing Department 343 jV. B. —All business
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  • 1363 4 Of course no man can tell where the finishing stroke may fall or the game be finally played out, but for us the decisive front is the western. Here tbe heaviest strokes fall, here are massed the best of the German troops, and here the assaults follow
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  • 709 4 Lieutenant T. W. Clayton, R.F.A., of the F.M.S. Civil Service, is on active service in Mesopotamia. Mr. R. M. Richards, Mycologist M. P. A. A who went to Teluk Anson on a visit, returned yesterday. Mr. H. J. Gillespie, Manager, Began Datoh Estate, arrived here yesterday with
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  • 106 4 [Reuter's Telegrams.] Washington, October 11, As a result of the conference of British representatives with the officials of the Standard Oil and the Shipping Board, an maple supply of fueloil for the British Navy is assured. Peru’s Attitude. London, October 11, Reuter is informed that
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  • 923 4 Germany To-day. Whether tbe mutiny in the German v will hasten tbe end of tbe war we <jo pretend to know, but it is already the least discerning tbat ominous cracks 5 fissures are at last beginning to the colossal edifioe of the German mini ot system. The
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  • 58 4 {.From Our Own Correspondent') London, October 10* The prices in the London Rubber Market to-dav were: Pale Crepe 2/7J Diamond Smoked Sheet 2, o Messrs. Boustead A Co. inform ci the following were the quotations for rub cn spot in London on the 10 b ID,< received
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 193 4 f EASTERN TRADING Co Engineering Department. Steelwork, Reinforced Concrete Work, Electric Light Installation, Engine Installation and other contracts Undertaken. Free advice on Ordering Mining Accessories and Engineering Goods, Estimates Free of Charge. All work will be carried out under capable supervision. the EASTERN TRADINC CO PENANG and IPOH. There is
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    • 28 4 OUR DAY 1917. lawn tennis J. H. SPOWERS, (Perak) VS. W. H. THRELFALL, (Penang) PENANG CRICKET GROUND. 4-30 p m t Friday. Oct., 19th. ADMISSION $l. LADIES FREE.
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  • 1333 5 [Reuter's Telegram.] THE NEW POSITION. Or|ui«ii| Ike Gain, London, October 11, flir Douglas Haig reports During the oonrie of the daj hostile attacks on the new positions in the oeigbbonrbood of the Tpres-Staden railway led to local fighting not effecting ary material change in the situation. The enemy
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  • 677 5 [Reuter's Telegrams.] 8 f GEN. MAURICE’S REVIEW, Tke Figktiag ia Flaaders* London, October 11. 9 General Maurice, Director of Military Operations, in his weekly review of the j situation to Reuter, said that we have every 0 reason to be pleased with Tuesday’s advance. Since September 20
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  • 1325 5 [Reuter's Telegrams] Astounding Disclosure*. London, October 10, Reuter’s correspondent had an interview with a high naval authority who said that the German Naval mutiny was one of the most astounding incidents of the war. Ir threw new light on the German peace kites 1 which are manifestly
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  • 570 5 [R euter's Telegrams.] d ADMIRALTY RETURNS. A Slight Rite, it Loudon, October 9. The Admiialty reports that arrive at British ports during the wee numbered 2,519 and sailings 2^632 f 5,151 Total Fourteen vessels over 1 600 tons we« > sunk and two under that tonnage, m
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  • 59 5 The following articles will bs found on our outside pages Page. 2, Gerard’s Memoirs, 3. —English Schools’ Holidays, Wbj Not Constables Only. Eastern Produce Exchange. Late Dr, Gilmore Ellis. F.M 8. Railways, 6. Our Day 1917. Heart Murmurs. Singapore Rubber Auction. Police Court News. Penang Chamber of Commerce. The
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  • 895 6 The E. 0. Dinner and Dance. We give below the accounts of the E O Dinner and Dance on Wednesday night from which it will be seen that the total proceeds amounted to «4,141. sum has been forwarded by Mr. Sarkies to the Treasurer, “Our Day.” Dinners
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  • 529 6 Not Always A Symptom of Disease, Why a man who ban been rejected by one doctor might properly be parsed by another wa* explained by Sir James M icker zine at the Rc-examinationa Irqu ry in mail week 1 As a youn? man, he said, I told people
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  • 83 6 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, October 12. At the Singapore Rubber Auction the following prices were obtained Smoked fine ribbed $ll7 to $l2l per picul Good ribbed 103 116 do Plain smoked 110 111 do Crepe fioepele 121 125 do Good pale 110 120 do Finn brown
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  • 536 6 Excerpt from tbe miuutes of a mreting of the committee of the Pdaarg Chamber of C mmerce held in the Cnamber on Tue-dsy, 9»h October, 1917. Present. Hon. A. F. Goodrich, in tbe Chair Messrs C, M. Henderson. J. C. Bmson, F. Duxbury, H. A- Low,
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  • 313 6 Friday. October 12 Town Baud, Esplana'e. Saturday, October 13, Tjwo Band, Esplawdr. Football— PeuaDg vs. Kedah, E-plan*de 5 p a, Ip h Gymkhana Club, Big Gymkhana. Peoapg Polo Club, Sydney Cup competion, entries close. Sunday, October 14. 19th after Trinity. Penar.g V. lunteers, Field Operations, Monday, October
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  • 992 6 A dictionary defines shrapnel as a shell j fill, d with ballets and hiving a bursting j charge to explode -it »t any time in its flight.” This definition is j credited to a British bn% while accurate, is somewhat misleading, according to Mr R gioild Traustschold M. E„
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  • 999 6 Some’ Tales of the Sea. It is Captain Wonham’s pride, says the Timet, in reviewing his Spuu Yarns of a Naval Officer” (London: P. S. King), to be one of tbosfa who get things doni* and to read bis yarns is to allow bis claim. Wdafc he gives
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  • 936 6 Alleged Murder Chin On who was arrested here by the detective authorities, for the murder of a compatriot named Aw Yeng Theng Tham in Bagan S-rai alleged to have beeu committed on Juaa 17 la&t, was brought before tbe Second Magistrate to-day and formally ordered to take
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 38 6 Children’s Colds Why let the children rack their little bodies in such a distressing manner when you can so easily cure their colds with a bottle of hamberlain s Cough Remedy. For sale by all dispensaries and dealers-
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    • 60 6 Sunshine and Common Sense Don't d ctor your blood for rheumatism. Use an exteranal application of Chamberlain's Pain Balm. In a few days it will #et you up and out into the sunshine, then nature will restore the rich red blood to your veins and soon rid the system of
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    • 52 6 It Never Fails Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrboea Remedy is all its name -implies It cures diarrhoea and dysentery in either children or adults, and the most violent cases of cramp, colic or pain in the stomach give way to a few doses of this medicine. Safe, sure, always cures.
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    • 11 6 For Hacking Cough at Night. Wood' Great Peppermint Cure Is, 6d.
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  • 1206 7 c- t I A Novel Sport. I lfe.ltly witnessed a cove! yet most eff.ct- ive method cf extracting snakes of all kinds from their hiding plac s in rat-holes and j ant-hills which ought to be more generally known. Many iu India have experienced the difficulty cf
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 342 7 •q'TICB' A havins? besn made for S »PP liclt '°f n a duplicate certificate of hel P Honed share, m the Criterion iaer® e t,0 nr i Li„alof which dec’ared notice is hereby Riven date a new tb« fl0 ?!rVhe oriR'O* 1 pre»* Lt h d en lost Vh at
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    • 575 7 Never toa hte to cure Neuralgia If you are suffering now from the grip- pins:, twitcbmg pains cf neuralgia—if you suffered yesterday and expect to suffer tomorrow —yes if you’ve suffered all your life from the agomes of neuralgia, rheumatism, sciatica, backache, toothache, earache sprains, stiains, or swellings now is
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    • 721 7 WANTED. sale;. TO purchase a Rubber Estate 500 seres or more in bearing or otherwise Full! 1 particulars at ccce to W. cjo Strait» Echo. WA.3MTEID. Weeding Cont a tors Cbimsa or Tamil, Good rates; long term; healthy estate. Apply personally, Manager, Kelubi Estate, Alor Star. ONE 26 foot Motor
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1504 8 P. 0,—BRITISH INDIA AND APGAR LINE. (Companies Incorporated in En land MAIL AND PASSENGER SERVICES. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS(Under Contract with His Majesty’s Government.) The Company’s MAIL SERVICES EAST OF BOMBAY are at present suspended Passengers for Europe are booked Tie Bombay as opportunity offers and as far as aeoomaodation
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