Straits Echo, 11 October 1917

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1137 1 t -rnL mi 7 t U ml u NAT BANKS. I The Georgetown r Garagei NORTHAM ROAD j Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China. (Incorporated in England by Royal Charter.) AND FARQUHAR STREET. Telegraphic address: Hokimteik. ’Phone No. 694 IS ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE. CARS FOR HIRE A fLet
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    • 13 1 ESI EE; (A is ata v** .4 N "idi 3WI fl -"v«rfc, *osw.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 43 2 w, i >*- r;> v ti* 3 '<£ =4 SfesAdKwM i m ij. 5 Er' y ¥~*9 tmd m a 06 LEAD NS BEANE BY SOLE AGENTS: bUNNOIS '•v. iW MARKET. lie W 1 I a r-v mm r Hi (INCORPORATED IN THE STRAITS SETTLEMENTS.)
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  • 2442 3  -  BY DR. V. K. WELLINGTON KOO. Chiebs* Minuter to the United States. The subject for my piper ii *'The New China and Her Relation to the World.” Iq the pretence of this distinguished assemblage, composed as it is of special students on the ▼arioas problems of
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 113 3 I 1 1 A Ml THE BEST LAMP FOR EVERY PURPOSE HALF-WATT LAMPS ARE STOCKED! >v ■SStSffiSSTSS Special New Types JUST RECEIVED “ARCA" HALF-WATT TYPE LAMPS. 230 Volts, 5010.F110 Volts, 25 O.PThese lamps are of the same type as the larger sizes and while consnming more than watt per c
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    • 398 3 Never too late to cure Neuralgia If you Are suffering now from the gripping, twitching puns of neuralgia—-if you suffered yesterday and expect to suffer torn >r row—yes if you’ve Buffered all your life from the agonies of neuralgia, rheumatism, sciatica, backaobe, toothache, earache sprains, strains, or swellings now is
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  • 1151 4 I had been down the Palestine Egvpt line to Cairo in the hospital train writes •‘N, B in the Manchester Buardian, that lovely thin of hite and red which by its luxurv gives vou almost a thrill after months of’biwies’ and du .-outs. You travel in a
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 262 4 Models in Stylish Ladies’ Footwear. New am \v ay «4t/ V s. V v V 4L > Ukf E can give you the best possible value for money» We are constantly adding ne w styles ot Ladies Footwear but we trust that the specimens shown below will interest youi LADIES’
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    • 109 4 Diphtheria—How It .May Be Avoided. Diphtheria is usually contracted when the child Las a cold. The cold prepares the child s gystem for the re eption and devel opment of the diphtheria germs. When there are cases of diphtheria in the neighborhood children that have colds should be kept at
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    • 567 4 NOTICE IN THE ESTATE OF NG SEAH WONG, Deceased. Pursuant to Section 26 of the Trus’ee Ordinance 1914. NOTICE is hereby given that all Creditors and persons having aDy debts claims or demands upon or agaiast tbe Estate of Ng Seah W mg, deceased, late of No- 26. Coma Street,
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  • 543 5 la connection with tbe death of the HonDr. Gilmore Ellis, tbe following Gazette Extraordinary was issued on Monday afternoon It is with the deepest regret that His Excellency the Governor has to announce the death of the Hon. William Gilmore Ellis, M.D., M.R.C.S, L.S.A., Principal Civil
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  • 168 5 The following are the alterations in Messrs. A. A. Anthony Co.’s, share list to-day Ayer Kuning Rubber Estate $1 45 buyers and $l5O sellers; Changbat Sending Estates $9 50 buyers and $9 75 sellers; Haytnr Rubber Estates $lO buyers and $10.75 sellers; Jeram Kaantan Rubber Estates $175 buyers and
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  • 78 5 Penang Women Workers. Amount previously acknowledged $5,936.88 Mrs. Penny 15 001 Mrs. Pritchard 10 00 J Mrs. Hyme 5.00 Mrs. Saye 2.001 Mrs. J. A. Brown 1.001 No. 36 2 50 $5,972 38 Hospital garments for soldiers ready cut I out for workers will be given
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  • 27 5 Tbe output of the Ulupiah Co., Ltd. for I the month of Sf pt a mber, wete Mine output 280 piculs; Approximate I value $14,000.
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  • 770 5 E. O. Hotel. Successful "Our Day” Function. The dinner at the E A O. Hotel last night given in aid of the Our Day Red Cross Fund by Mr. A. Sarkies was as successful m every way as that given in Ootober last year. Toere were not nearly so many
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  • 83 5 Cast. Pom Pom Wayang. I Pom Pom s I Pom Pom D®*Pom Pom Tiga. Pom Pom Ampat. Pom Pom Lima. I PomPom I Pom Pom Pombily. Songs and Choruses, j Sing up yevery one, I programme. 11, Opening Chorus The Piuk Pom 1 K Arranged by
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 455 5 w I TO-NIGHT PROGRAM FOR TO-NIGHT I I THURS. FRI-, SATUR. and SUNDAY, 11th, 12th, 13th and 14th. mm mm m— I Business Manager. W EMPIRE A Thomas Shafio. I THEATREj QUALITY PICTURES CORPORATION Presents FRANCIS X. BUSHMAN and BEVERLY BAYNE IN THE GREAT SECRET? ■While The Secret Seven,
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    • 607 5 7a i 5? QUALITY is the point which is necessary in an enjoyable Cigarette. ax: < That’s why EMBASSY >> VIRGINIA No. 77 V Y/ has been justly v/ \r. A is described as ''ir.ginia, C| CARETTES-r:^5: 6r istol loho°!E^ THE CIGARETTE DE LUXE. I ''77/*****77, ***** 7 2 2
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  • 97 6 Plkliihtd daily (except Sundays and pnblio holidays) AT Til CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. Vo, 59, Beach Street, Penang. Fuci' Doily Local m« 124 per annum. OaUtation... Postage Eitra. Mail Edition (Post Free) $17.50 CABL1 ADDK1S8 ECHO— PENANG." Telephone Kcs. (Echo) 586 Printing Department 343 A/. R.— All business
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  • 21 6 Lank —On Oc'ober 9 at Ipoh to Mi*, ard M p, E. D. Lana of P*rit Buatar, a dauk'bt r.
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  • 1276 6 Ju#t how deep is the dissension ir I Germany? If we are to believe the German official party, of course, there is no dissension at all. All is lovely in the garden. Germany has won the war, and all that remains for her to do —but official
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  • 921 6 Mr. F. H. Eaelish is shortly leaving Koala Lumpur for Home. Mr. S W. Moorhouse, the well known Ma'acca rubber planter, is going to Ceylon this month on a short holiday. We (if if.) understand that a Memorial Service for the late C*pt. R. C. Kinder will
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  • 1004 6 The Fiji Islands. To-day is iDb forty-third anniversary 0 f Fiji's entrance into the B iti*h Empire Sighted by Tasman in the seventeenth cen' tury and visi'ed by Captain Cook in the eighteenth, Fiji remained practically U n known until a hundred years ago, when its cannibalistic inhabitants
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 222 6 the largest Pur- Wo are veyors o ■P Drugs incor- porated in the Straits j Settlements. Our stock is always ■Fresh and up-to-date and each E ta e article carries with Lymphs, it our guarantee of excellence. and Hospital Orders Promptly executed by Qualified British Un mists The EOR'E DISPENSARY
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  • 2790 7 [Reuter's Telegrams.] splendid results. RENEWED OFFENSIVE. Gain Ail L e Loadoc. October 10, 2 15 a.m. fielJ M»r«h.l Sir Doogl.s H.ig rear.a be,., JMterd.y OOB »rd evening made the ground .odden 1 tr difficult for tbe passage of troops gotwilbatanding tbe stormy weather and «ter.logged grouDd
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  • 698 7 [REUTER'S TELEGRAMS] CHANCELLOR S STATEMENT. Free Economic Development. Amsterdam, Oct. 10. Dr. Michaelis, speaking in the Reichstag, declared that Germany was striving to attain a peace which will permit her the widest economic and cultural development. "So long as our enemies demand that we yield up a
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  • 512 7 [Reuter’s TELEGRAMS] Seasatioosl Stat«me*tCopenhagen, 0;t. 10. A sensational statment was made by Admiral von Capelle in the Reichstag, disclosing a plan to introduce Russian revoluliooary ideas in the German navy. Admiral v n Capelle asserted that the Independent Socialist members of the Reichstag, in the course of
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  • 59 7 Latest Quotations Tin (unrefined) is quoted here to-day at $llO 50, bayers no sellers, and in Singapore (refined) at $111.50, business dene, (200 tons sold), Mpbs's. Bou*tead Co. inform cs that the following were the quotations for rubber on spot ia London on the 9ih iast. received
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  • 86 7 The following articles will be found on our outside pages Page. 3. —China and the World. 4—Summer-Time Outside G»z». 5.—E. &O. Hotel Late D\ Gilmore EU s Qae n Mary’s Needlework Guild. Sb-rea. Tin Outputs. 8. —Telegrams, N rth Buneo M» f ter§, Sum To-day. Cabl9 L vying Under
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  • 847 8 [R EUTER'S TELEGRAMS] Drputatioa wait* oa Lord RKoadda. London, October 10 The Preps Bureau announces that Bhocdda, F >od Controller. replji gto an Agricultural deputation, (bait w t.i the c impUint that fixed prices of meat were not remunerative to the fame*. He referred to the
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  • 1126 8 Siam T o- D ay. In an earlier article I have observed that most of the shops which line the New Road are owned by Chinese merchants, and in fact «loo*' the whole length of the road the number of St»m c Be shops can be counted I almost on
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  • 1052 8 Annual Meeting of Chamber of Commerce The following minutes of the seventh anLUil general meeting of the North Borneo Chamber of Commerce held on September 12 are communicated The Hod. M W. G- Darby in the ch-irand addressed the meeting as follows, viz: Our first business this
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  • 1051 8 The almost complete dependence of mcd«rn warfare on communication by t le graph and telephone hasoft»n been comment ed upon of late. Tne work of the men who make it possible, by laying cables under fire, is described ia the Popular Science Monthly bv Capt. A
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  • 438 8 Exciting Elephant Hunt. At 10 15 a m. on Sunday, at Bruas, H- H. the Sultan, accompanied by the R‘]* < Bandabara, Raj* Yusof (Penghulu Blarj i lam Abdul Aiunas (Assistant, PdDgbulu, Sen*gaog), and Syed Abdul Rahman wvnt into tbe jungle toward* a place cal
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  • 168 8 A gang robbery, is reported to have been committed early this morning in Cbulia Street, tbe victim being a Chinese photographer. It appears that atabnut half-past four seven Cantonese with their faces covered with v. h ts handkerchief removed an iron bar of a window at the
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  • 89 8 The undermentioned prices were realised for rubber sold by Messrs. Allen Dennys and Co at their 323 d Auction Sale to-day Smoked Diamond Sheet No. 1 $115 to $119 per picul Smoked Diamond Sheet No. 2 105 M3 do Unsmoked Sheet No. 1 166 do Uo8mobed Sheet
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  • 103 8 The management of the above show will present The Great Secret in its grand change of programme to-night This picture, a Bed-feather photo play, is one of the masterpieces of the Metro Film Company, and is a delightful companion picture to Love’s Bittlefield” depicting a story of lovu
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  • 38 8 The General Meeting adjourned after discussion until Friday night at the Malay Volunteer Club, in default of news from Kedab. The Election Committee are holding a match on Bunday at Dato Kramat to seleot teams.
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  • 26 8 CFrom Out Own Correspondent.') London, October 9, The prices in the London Rubber Market to-day were: Pale Crepe 2/8 Diamond Smoked Sheet 3/4
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  • 835 8 SALVAGE PROBLEMB. Some hundreds of merchant ships, to doed by German submarines during th three years war are now lying with th various cargoes at the bottom of tha Must they lie there for ever or can refloated as Germany is reported to h refloated, and taken
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  • 71 8 Futdat, o«tobk* 12 Town Band, Esplanade. Satuadat, Octobub 13. T)wn Band, EsplanadeFootball—Penang vt. Kedah, E'P' IDI 8 5 p.m. Ipah Gymkhana Club, Big Gymkb»n«. Penang Polo Club, Sydney Cup comp 6 lion, entries close. Btwdat, Octobbb 14. 19 th after Trinity. Penang Volunteers, Field Operation*. Monday, Octobbb
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  • Page 8 Advertisements

  • 1661 9 NEGLECT OF SEA POWER. BOLD PLAN NEEDED. 1 Offensive Use of Sea and Land 1 Forces. Tnose who wish to understand the meaning ot the 1 itest changes at the Admiralty wuuld ba well advised to give weight to the announcement teat Sir Cecil Burney will ba
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  • 187 9 Minutes of Meeting. Minuttsofa meeting of the Municipal Commissioners held on Tuesday, the 25th September, 1917. Present Hon. W., President. F. Duxburt. Esq A. M. Goodman, Esq Chee Wor Lok, Esq. A bsent Hon A F. Goodrich. Quah Beno Kee, Esq. Yeoh Guan Seok, Esq. 1. Tne
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 351 9 MAXWELL cars. TUESB popular cars have JUST ARRIVED. s Up-to-date Model, 4 Long Stroke Cylinders, 25 H. P., oj„h Tecsion Magneto Ignition, Electrio Lights, Electric SL-ter Colour-Suede Grey, Khaki Hood, Petrol Consump- 2b miles per gallon. QUALITIES: SUPERIOR, COMFORT AND ECONOMICAL. Inspections and Trial Runs cordially invited. i i CHIN
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    • 924 9 -fe, I 5% m This is to give notice that the Trade Mark, consisting of the emblem of one or more Cocks is tho property of Hengmoh, Hongkee& Co., of 85 Beach street, Pen ng Merchants and Dyers and it is bem* used by them as a Trade Mark in
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  • 1321 10 OFFICIAL REPORT OF SPRING OPERATIONS. Notable Evidence ot Prowess Following is a summary of thi official report on the Italian spring offensive: D riog the later months of the winter, the Italian General fc-taff became aware of a large concentration of Austro German forces on the Trentino Front;
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  • 496 10 The so-called hot spot in the petrol engine is exactly where one would expect to find it, says a writer in the Westmineter Gazette, and it has never changed its place, nor is it ever likely to Nor will the increasing use of lower-prade fuels help to
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 491 10 E aw 5« «525 Of in^ Bazaar» If you are Run Down from overwork, suspense, anxiety, iliness if appetite and digestion are impaired and the nervous system in need of a tonic there is no treatment so generally successful as a course of Angier’s Emulsion. It promotes appetite, soothes and
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    • 47 10 It Never Fail». hll berl in Cholera and l>iar. rhoea Remedy is all its name implies It cures diaijboea arid dysentery m either chil Of cramp colic or pain in the stomach give way to a few doses of this medieine. skfe sure, always cures. For sale
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    • 31 10 Children’s Colds Whjlet the children rack their little in .uck a distressing manner w rrrr'j «sr„7 th bottle of hamberlain's Couch i For .ale by all di.pen.arie. anddeafer^ 7 I
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    • 85 10 FISH a Kippers Fish Fillets Bloaters Lobsters SINGAPORE GOLD COMPANY, LIMITED, PENANG. Telegram» Stonge Telephone No. 602 The only motor cycle that possesses all the features of an-up-to-date MOTOR CAR ENDER FOUR S 9 THE IDEAL MACHINE FOB EITHER 80L0 OR SIDE CAB $BOO ™S2“ CATALOGUES AND FULL SPECIFICATION FROM
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  • 1692 11 Laying All Cards on Table Following are further instalments fr m the Memoirs of Mr, Gerard On my return from America to Berlin everyone in official life, the Chancellor, Z mmermann, von Stumm, who succeeded Z mmermann, von der Busche, formerly German Minister in the Argentine, who had
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 443 11 -rsis vf~i L, «r: LC £4 4\i\ L A <v> s 'N iXJ !J Don’t I>e thn fltaiitoi th« Feast. Lot Sirgo! m ;ke you Plump and IVpular HOW THIN PEOPLE CAN PUT ON FCEjH. A New Discovery. Thin men and women—that big, hearty, filling dinner you ate last night
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    • 121 11 BAXTER Co s BEST NAVY CANVAS. SANDILANDS, BUTTERY 8 Co. THE SWASTHYA SAHAYA PILLS. Are the surest and most efficacious remedy for Nervous Debility, Bodily Weakness, Sleeplessness, Wasting Diseases, Vital Exhaustion, etc. etc. Thev are unrivalled in restoring LOST HEALTH and are A BOON for the enjoyment of HAPPY LIFE
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    • 155 11 r*' "I PATRONISED 2 BY ROYALTY jet r4f •-V f *i£s/ UUU s^ IN HALL-MARKED •:;>Vn rm Latest Designs. SUITABLE FOR PRIZES FOR THB •‘OUR DAY FUND ENGRAVING NEATLY DONE. a 4 3 4 a a 9 I I 8 l I BISHOP STREET. m TYRES a n u tt
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1676 12 P. 0.—BRITISH INDIA AND APCAR LINE. (Companies Incorporated in MAIL AND PASSENGER SERVICES. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS. (Under Contract with His Majesty's Government.) The Company's MAIL SERVICES EAST OF BOMBAY are at present suspended Passengers for Emrope are booked ria Bombay as opportunity offers and as fares accommodation is
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