Straits Echo, 9 October 1917

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1152 1 Si "Mil 1 a l; i, :Oj, I i ft n B (BANKS. > The Georgetown i j Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China. (Incorporated in England by Royal Charter.) Paid up Capital i Reserve Fund northam road AND 1,200,0 JO farquhar street. Telegraphic address: Hokimteik. ’Phone No. 694
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    • 9 1 rw mm K 5 if k l Ilia w3M
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  • 2177 2 Following are further iasUltn n‘s from Mr. Gerard’s rcemoiis Chancellor v.'U Betbm&uc-Hollwe g while at Caarleville always desired to m»ko Any settlement of the submarine question toitingcrit up?n onr doing something against. Ecglacd, but I again and again icsisted that we could not agree to do anything
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 88 2 New Models in Stylish Ladies’ Footwear. W E can give you the best possi ble value for money. We are constantly adding new styles of Ladies' Footwear but we trust that the specimens shown below will interest you. V-- t. A fii vr. s.v. K 1 v mr P* r
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    • 599 2 FOR. SALE. ONE FIVE BEATER EMPIRE CAR almost new. Very little used. I n excellent condition. Apply to Mrs. Toby, Ipoh. SALE. ONE 26 foot Mrtor Liunch 5 feet 6” b am, draught 1 ft 8” Brooke Eopine amidships with reverse pear; in excellent ruining order: speed 7f M.P.H, Steers
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  • 332 3 CANTONESE THEATRICAL PERFORMANCE Nbaklt $4,000 Nuttbd. In aid of the Red Cross Fund a Cantonese theatrical performance organised by Messrs. A. M. Goodman and Chung Thye Chong was held on October 6, at 8 p m. in the" Ban Kheng Theatre in Campbell Street. Special plays were
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  • 116 3 RED CROSS FUND. List of Subscription. Amount previously acknowledged $91,800.41 Social Improvement Union 30,00 3jed Mahther- -Idid collecting card No. 58 200 00 Koninklijke Paketvaart Maats* cbappij 500 00 PenaDg Recreation Club 50.00 Capt. Macintyre collecting card No, 13 195.00 S. H. Langston lM 100.00 Sootoo
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  • 291 3 [To the Editor of thb Strait» Echo.] Dear Sir, I shall be obliged if you will kindly publish the following acknowledgment of funds to this account:— “We have the honour to acknowledge receipt of your letter of the 2nd of June as well as of the
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  • 326 3 [To Thu Editoh of thu Strait t Echo B lr —As yesterday was a Sabbath-day, I happened—as I often do—to have a day eff from servile works therefore, I took the opportunity of having a glance over some local papers which I purchase daily. The glance over was
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  • 112 3 Subscritpion to 30th September, 1917. No. of Applications. Amount. November 1916 237 $427 760 December 144 283,040 January 1917 192 243,870 February 205 332,630 March 323 246,900 April 142 314,560 May 115 265 220 Judo 74 159 440 July 11l *****0 August 117 133,340
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  • 84 3 At the Eastern Produce Exchange 174th Auction Sale the following prices were J u&JjMw P er pi cu lDiamond Smoked Good from $ll6 to $ll7 Diamond Smoked Fair 104 to 115 Plain Smoked 101 Diamond Unsmoked 98 to 105 Plain Unsmoked 94 to 102 B own Crepe
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  • 43 3 Stdnby Cup Competition. Ti e final between Messrs, Duxbury and Goatly was played last Saturday and resulted iu a win for the former by 4 and 3 Mixed Foursomes. Entries for this competition will close on Saturday, the 13th October.
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  • 254 3 The output and profits from the Kramat Pulai, Limited for the month of September, were From the Mine —Output Dressed Ore 200 piculs Estimated Profit $5,400. From Tributors —Output Dressed Ore 618 piculs Estimated Profit $13,800; The war has been brought home to the small boy, for owing
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  • 56 3 Tuesday, October 9. Municipal Commission. Wednesday, October 10. Town Biod, Esplanade. E. &O. Dinner, Dane 0 Pink Pom Pomp, etc., 8 p.m. Friday, October 12 Town Band, Esplanade. Saturday, October 13. T)wn Band, Esplanade. Football—Penang vs Kedah, Esplanade 5 p.m Sunday, October 14 19 ;b a#ar Trinity.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
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    • 778 3 mm: I I l n I it I I I 3 I I i I it 1 -\,iLc WM i 1= v iroVnia g* c ICar.ETT£S^i 8! 2 2 g I 2 2 2 2 I 3 QUALITY is the point which is necessary in an enjoyable Cigarette. 'STOL t.
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  • 98 4 PIUiM daily (except Sundays and public V holiday*) at m CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. Re. 59, Reach Street, Penang. Paion' Daily Local M 194 per annum. Ovtatatkm... Postage Extra. Rail Edition (Post Free) 917.50 CAB LI ADDBBSS ECHO—PENANG.” Telephone Nos. (Echo) 586 Printing Department 343 A. B. —All
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  • 1378 4 Mr. Churchill appears to have been saying the wrong thing again. He has a gift for it. With all his ability and energy he appears to be wanting somewhat in ballast. He seems to forget that no mam can be an expert in all branches
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  • 944 4 Dr. A. L. Hoops, State Surgeon, Kedah, was in Penang yesterday. i Mr. R. G. Van Someren, who has been on a visit to Penang, returns to Singapore by steamer to-day. 1 Mr. G. Hardman, of the Borneo Coy. Ltd., Singapore, who came here on a business
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  • 1025 4 The Korniloff Affair. 80 much haogs upon the eituatio» i Russia end such great events enDiriJ* r ere impending that we shall ell the rumour be true that the Govern does not intend to proceed with thn into the Korniloff aff *ir, According 7 8avinkoff Generel Korniloff was
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 186 4 We are the largest Purveyors o f Drugs incorporated in the Straits Settlements. Our stook is always Fresh and up-to-date and each E ta'e article carries with it our guarantee of excellence. and Hosp’tal Orders Prcmplly executed by Qualified British Lymphs, 4 Faccines, The Beorse Town DISPENSARY LIMITED, the Leading
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    • 33 4 “OUft DAY DINNER. SEE THEM IN ALI THEIR GLORY who THE PINK POM POMS heir one and only appearance. Have you reserved your tables for To-morrow at the E. 0. DO IT NOW.
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  • 1228 5 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] SIR DOUGLAS HAIG’S REPORT. Stormy Weather, London, October 8, Sir Douglas Haig reports: weather was stormy and there was heavy raiu all day long. An attempted tnemy advance south of Rentel was broken by our fire. The enemy at dnsk this r veiling put down a
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  • 183 5 Amopla-nus’ Noyul Fuat. Simla, September 22,—The following telegram dated 21st September 1917 has been received from Eye witness in Mesopotamia A novel use for areoplanes was found the other day when two of our machines were the cause of surrender of a small enemy detachment at Diwaniyah on
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  • 622 5 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] RAIDS ON RHINE VALLEY. Ezpert'a Views, London, October 8. The military correspondent of the Timtt, discussing the possibilities of an aerial offensive against Germany, predicts that all night raids on the densely populated Rhine Valley could be carried out with mathematical precision and in accordance with
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  • 543 5 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] FURTHER DEVELOPMENTS. Attitude of Germaa Proa. Amsterdam, Oct. 8. Dr. Helfferich’s attitude in the Reichstag, cabled on October 6, evoked bitter press attacks on the Government, the papers accusing it of evading tbe real issue. Decisive happenings are generally expected on the resumption of the
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  • 72 5 Latest Quotations. Tin (unrefined) is quoted here to-day at $llO 50, business done, in Singapore (refined) at $111.75, business done, (100 tons sold) and in London at £244 15s. and at £242 15s three months. Messrs. Boustead A Co. inform us that the following were the quotations
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  • 486 5 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] CONFIRMATION OF REPORTS, Etcmjr Naval Force» Ready, London, October 8. A. telegram from Stockholm reported that strong German naval forces were observed off Bornholm and Stockholm Archipelago, confirming the rumours of a German offensive against Helsingfors and Petrograd, It is believed that an attack on
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  • 57 5 The following articles will be found on our outside pages Page. 2. —Ambassador Gerard’s Memoirs. 3. —Comment’s Comment. War Loan Investment Trust of Mahya. Eastern Produce Exchange. Tin Outputs. Red Cross Fund. Penang Our Day 1917. Belgian Red Cross Fund, The Week’s Events 6. Food-Stuffs in Malaya. Prye Rubber
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  • 1008 5 Victory for Penang Cbinesi. Tbe at tbe match on the *p anadp, yesterday, evening between the Penang C.R.C. and the Perak C.R.C. was not so large as one usually sees at a match of this D&ture wh°n no gate money is collected. The Penang C R.C which
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  • 4341 6 [Bt F. G. Spring, in th* Agricultural Bulletin.'] This paper i* written with one object and that is to endeavour to stimulate interest generally in connection with the growing of food-Btuffs in Malaya. There are very large areas in cultivation, here, but the part devoted to food
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  • 2183 6 REPORTS ON THE CONDITION AND PROSPECTS. Shortage in the Rubber Crop. The eighth annual ordinary general meeting of the Prye Rubber and Coconut Plantations, Limited, was held at tbe offices of the Company, 59, Eastchaap, E.C Mr. W. P. de Bois Maclaren (ChaUman of tha compiny)
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  • 733 7 A Singapore Interview. Interviewed by a Malaya Tribune repre- I tentative Mr. Lim| Tye Keng, wbo 1 has just returned to the Colony after eight 1 months '‘somewhere” in Mesopotamia, wbera be whs attached to a Chinese Porter 1 Corps, vary kindly consented to give us some particulars which
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  • 285 7 It has been decided to create an Arabic Academy in Egypt for the purpose of purifying the Arabic language and providing it with proper Arabic terms to meet tbe modern requirement of arts, sciencp, eto.. The new Academy, which has already set to work, is a purely
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 227 7 There is no true saving where quality is not considered 2 It is not chance or magic but quality alone that makes Bate's Tyres so famous They are made of British material and like the British soldier, simply cannot be beaten. Motor Cycle Tyres. cIZES. COVERS. TUBES. 26 by 2\
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    • 447 7 Never too Ute to cure Neuralgia If you are suffering now from the grippes', twitching pains of neuralgia—if you suffered yesterday and eipect to suffer tomorrow—yes if you’ve suffered all your life from the agonies of neuralgia, rheumatism, sciatica, backache, toothache, earache sprains, stiains, or swellings now is the time
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    • 264 7 The Condensed Milk you buy is Borden’s Eagle Brand name is stamped en Wrapper 8 tin o 0 0 HAS BEEN EXTENSIVELY ‘•'•"ssa&Mr—ad £a;lbCrde 5 USED FOR OYER SIXTY YEARS I^fibsassSaB**^, ***r?T\ A RICH SAFE MILK FOR EYERY PURPOSE tf StCO«6*M5ED MIL* york. U S PREPARED AND TINNED CNLY iN
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1635 8 P. 0. —BRITISH INDIA AND APGAB LINE. MAIL (Companies Incorporated in England AND PASSENGER SERVICES. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS(Under Contract with His Majesty’s Government.) The Company’s MAIL SERVICES EAST OF BOMBAY are at present suspended. Passengers for Europe are booked via Bombay as opportunity offers and as far as accommodation
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