Straits Echo, 8 October 1917

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1249 1 f :UT l i i rj *im a if IW 1 r»:-~ W, »*>«91 «21 tf tiia K *3 15 -vJsfKfrJS*’ «V^aHtfWPIBw v EaSnSp^S<^ (gOTI The Georgetown b northam road' AND farquhar street. BANKS ft Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China. (Incorporated in England by Royal Charter.) ft 41,200,000
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    • 19 1 mxus, °f WHiea IS TH£ P* V^T Ss, *4^*? Ct <On« r*K uifl 35f twin! W ■H EiH ■Si
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  • 1086 3  -  COMFORT IN PLACE OF THE •'BLACK HOLE” By J. C. Bristow-Noble. Sir J saph Maolay sound* the knell of the foo’ele. Toe disgraceful old place is to go, aud in its stead there’s to be something real grand cabins and cubicles and smokerooms and no end baeidas. Friend
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  • 1200 3 Among The Dinhum Anzacs. (Bt On* Ot Them.) To be in Palestine, actually in the Holy Land, in the wonderful old Bible land of childhood days, and to receive theee news of the Australian Homeland in a paper from Singapore—well that is one of the minor marvels that this war
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 37 3 Children’s Colds Why let the children rack their little bodiea in such a distressing manner when Tou can so easily cure their colds with a bottle of Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. 7or sale by all dispensaries and dealers,
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    • 321 3 MUNICIPAL NOTICE An ORDINARY MEETING o£ the Municipal Commissioners will be held at the Municipal Office at 4 p.m. on Tuesday, the 9th instant. (By Ojrdct) L. A. COUTIER BIGIGS. Secretary to the, Municipal Commiteionere SELANGOR TURF CLUB. WAR L0»« LOTTERY. VALUE $500,000 Or such lesser or greater amount as
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    • 21 3 Wong Kim Mun, 77 a, Bishop Street, Penang, Manufacturer of. Rubber Stamps, Brass Seal Copper Plates, Engraver, Embossing Press, etc., ete. •>
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  • 435 4 NEW CHURCH IN KUiU LUMPUR. Foundation stone Laid. The foundation stone of the new Presbyterian C h nrch (St. Andrew’?, Selangor), whs laid oa Welnesday evening hy the Rev W. Cross, M A., on tin site of the church in Weld Road, Kuala Lumpur, there being a good
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  • 540 4 Tii Qbut Enbkoy or thb Wilson Gotbenmbnt. A leading firm in Singapore has received a letter from its American export agents in which tbe following very interesting passages occur: At tbe present time export business is becoming more difficult every day owing to the tremendous
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  • 998 4 On noauy occasions the press bas urged he necessity for great'f publicity by govern mg authorities where their wo k affects the welfare of the people—a greater taking ot fbe people into c.nfifence th-iu is generally done There has been some rea nation of he need
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 227 4 New Models in Stylish Ladies’ Footwear. can give you ±§10 best possible value for money. We are constantly adding new styles of Ladies Footwear but we trust that the specimens shown below will interest you. 6 •>>* k > s,- m LADIES’ BLACK DERBY LaCINC SHOE. PRICE ~'N Fitted with
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    • 780 4 KTOTICB. AN application having boon mad* for the i'sue of a duplicate certificate of the undermentioned shares in the Criterion Press Ltd., the original of which is declared to have been lost notice is hereby given that one month from this date a new certificate, in lieu of that declared
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  • 802 5 [Reuter's Telegrams.] DOCUMENTARY PROOFS. Fretck Joorttlitl'i Peace Plot*. Washington, October 26. Documentary proof of the activities of a journalist named Bolo and the machinations of German diplomacy are furniihed by cables between Count Bernstorff and Herr von Jagow in February, March and May, 1916, which have now been
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  • 469 5 Importaat Questions Discussed. (From Our Own Correspondent.') Ipoh, October 8. At the quarterly meeting of the Taiping Planters’ Association it was intimated, regarding the Government claims to recover the cost of the removal of silt from estates on public roads, that three test case* had been filed
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  • 85 5 (From Qur Own Correspondent?) j 8 Dgapore, October 8. At the annual general meeting of the shareho’dars of the Mergui Rubber Estates, L‘d., held on Saturday, the Chairman said that aa the gross profit had increased to! $ll,OOO some shareholders might think that the dividend might have
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  • 105 5 J. H Spowers vs. W. H. Threlfall. (From Owr Own Correspondent^ Ipob, Oct. 8. I The Our Day” Tennis match between I J. H. Spowers of Ipoh and W. H Threlfall I of Penang resulted in the defeat of the latter by 3—6, 7— 5, 6-4 It
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 382 5 the smashing serial success of the season Coming Thursday, October llth the great secret A delightful companion picture to the Love’s Battlefield. i EMPIRE |hh|THEATRE Programma for Mon., Tues. Wed,, Oct, 8,9 10th CAN YOU BEAT THESE FOB VARIETY At 8 p.m. Universal Gazette, at 8-15 a Fascinating Model at
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    • 366 5 o v AND A < RO SIGNED FRONTIER MIXTURE. for salr. G.A V. Lighting Set and Self starter. Apply Box 55; C/o Straits Echo. FOR SALES. ONE FIVE 8EATER EMPIRE CAR almost new Very little uted. In excellent condition. Apply to Mrs. Toby, Ipoh. OR SALE. ONE 26 foot Motor
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    • 478 5 SPECIAL IT IS PROPOSED TO HOLD evening classes for those who take the L r.doo Matriculation Examination. Com* petent instructors have already offered their services, Those who desire to take up this work Btaould communicate in person with Number 74. Maxwell Road, Penang. NOTICE. MEMBERS of the Chinese Benevolent Association
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  • 94 6 TlMikri daily (except Sundays and public holidays) AT TMW CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. He. oJ, Beach Street, Penang. Puck Daily Local $B4 per annum. Oshetatioc... Postage Extra. Mail EdHaosi (Poet Free) $17.50 OUtl ADDRESS ECHO—PENANG.” Telephone Ncs. (Echo) 586 Printing Department 343 N.B. —All business communication* should be
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  • 1206 6 J h® J ear 19 7 will ba historic as th( one in which opium the curse of China for 3eventj-five years, will te officially and finally bauished from the country, foi in this year the ten-year agreement made between Great Britain and China regarding its importation
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  • 829 6 Mr. Lam Looking has left Ipoh for Hongkong on a short holiday. Messrs. J. Davidson and A. J, M. Lee have left on a trip to Shanghai. Miss S. B. Smith, Matron of the General Hospital, has left for home on long furlough. r Dr. R. M.
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  • 1029 6 The Fort Moac. A corresponded writes "Athough much has been spoke» several occasions about the demolition rL° u Cornwallis nothing has yet been don<? ort matter. lam not mentioning this S D I for one desire to see the fort far from it. What. I intend to point
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 205 6 There is no true saving where quality is r ot considered It is not chance or magic but quality alone that makes Bate’s Tyres so famous They are made of British material and like the British soldier, simply cannot be beaten. Kotor Cycle Tyres. k as VvW FIZES. 26 by
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    • 34 6 “OU& DAY DLNiNER. SEE THEM IN ALL THEIR GLORY WHO THE PINK POM POMS Their one and only appearance. Have you reserved your tables for Wednesday next at the E. 0. DO IT MOW.
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  • 85 6 z Death. Cheah Loon Chee—At J->sseltor t B <ti h N >rth B ro o, < n Stu day September 30. 1917, Ctrcab Lion Ctea. Obituary, Sir G. H. Radford. London, October 7, The death is announced cf Sir George Heynes Radford, [Sir Radford, was Liberal M.P. for East Islington
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  • 1878 7 [Reuter’s Telegrams] NO INFANTRY FIGHTING. The PrisonersLondon, October 5, 11,10 p m. Sir Dougins Haig reports ••There was no infantry fighting of im portance. We consolidated the positions, We took 4,446 prisoners, including 114 officers, since yesterday morning.” Hosourl.f Haig. London, October 6. The bells of York Minster
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  • 515 7 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] COMPARATIVE TABLE. 11 Observer’*" Pertiaeat Comment*. London, October 7. Much attention is bestowed on the figures published by Reuter, showing the proportions of the British troops engaged in the fighting sinci July 31, namely, English 70 percent, Overseas traopi 16 per cant. Scottish 8 par
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  • 38 7 C From Our Oivn Coi respondent.") London, October 5, The prices in the London Rubber Market to-day were: Pale Crepe 2/9 Diamond Smoked Sheet 2/7} London, October 7, Pale Crepe 2/8} Diamond Smoked Bbeet 2/7
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  • 57 7 Latest Quotations Tin (unrefined) is quoted here to-day at $111.70, business done, and in Singapore (refined) at $112.50, business done, (125 tons sold). Messrs. Boustead Co. inform us that the following were the quotations for rubber on spot in London on the sth inst. received to-day Plantation
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  • 530 7 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] Coalition Cabinet Decided. Petrograd, October 7. The members of the Government, the Moscow industiiil leaders, the delegates of the Democratic Conference and the Cadet* conferred from five o’clock on Friday afternoon till three on Saturday morning and reached an agreement as to the constitution of a Coalition
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  • 531 7 [Reuter’s Telegrams] President Message to Cosgreis, Wasbi-cgtor, October 6. President Wilson, in a message at the closing of the session of Congress acncuncing the needs of the Army and Nevy, said that they baci been met in a manner assuring the eff setiveness of
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  • 67 7 The following articles will be found on our outaide pages Page. Good-Bye Foc’sle. Among the Dinkum Anzacs. 4—The Principle of Publicity. The Presbyterians. s.—Telegrams. Taiping Planters’ Aasociation. Mergui Rubber Estates Our Day Tennis. 8. —Malayan Collieries. Shortage of Subsidiary Coinage. Muoici pal Commission. The Week’s Eranta. Shares. Singapore Races.
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  • 416 8 Handicaps. 1. Thi Malata Purse Value $4OO and $lOO to the Second Pony. A handicap for all ponies 14.2 and unde* which have not won a race ther than a pony race since Ist January, 1917. Entrance fee, $2O. Distance, 7 furlongs. The Earl 1010 Ohlala 9 5
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  • 54 8 Alma 31,500, Bukit Tob Alang 15,548, Shanghai Klebang 12,041, Kota Bahro--36.471, Sungei Duri 21,525. Coemor United Shanghai MaUy 20 058, Ayer Tavab 29,779, Clunv 22 720, Kimuniing (in Kedah) 16,135. Kinta K dlas 47.534. Klian KeUas 7,900 Tanjoog Pau 19 971, Oid Kellas 28,560, Kuila Kaogsar 29,427,
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  • 331 8 The output of Rihman Hydraulic Tie, Limited, during the month of September Wi4B 275 pikule. The output of the Tongkah Harbour Tin Dredgiu? Company for the week ended October 6 was nineteen tons The R-rv. R V.H. Burno has been seconded from the 8 V.O. as H >n.
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  • 4581 8 development programme. t( lj The Annual Meeting. The fourth annual general meeting cf 1 sbatebolders in Malayan Colli p ries, L*d., 1 was held at the registered offices of the Company, 8 10, Luke Yew Buildings,! Kuala Limpur, on October 2, at 12 noon, Mr. J. A. Russell
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  • 167 8 Tbe following appeared in a Oauttt Extraordinary on Friday. Notice is hereby givea that in view of the present shortage of subsidiary silver and copper coius which is due to the fact tbit persons have not only bren illegally taking these coius from the Colony, but
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  • 94 8 The following are the agenda of the meeting of the Municipal Commissioners to be held on the 9th inst:— 1 Minutes of last meeting to be read and confirmed. 2 Any special buiiness the President may bring forward. 3 Questions. 4 Semi bills to be passed. 5 Proposed
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  • 69 8 Monday, Octobbr 8. Town Band. Esplanade. Football—PenaDg C. R- C, w, P erl C. R. C„ Eaplannde, 5 p.m. Tuesday, October 9. Municipal Commission. Wednesday, Ootobbb 10. Town Band, Esplanade. E. A O. Dinner, Dance, Pink Pom Pom*, etc., 8 p.m. Friday, Ootobbb 12 Town Band, Esplanade.
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  • 115 8 The following are tha alterations in Bo* A. A. Anthony A Co.’s, share list to-d»y Ayer Kuniog Rubber Estate $1.45 bnyo f and $1.55 sellers Balgownie Rubber $6.40 buyers and $6.70 sellers; Rubber Estates $2 20 buyars and V> sellers Kedah Rubber Co. $440 e Parit (Perak) Rubber Co.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 54 8 It Never Fail*. Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera a n j rhoea Remedy is all its name in jP j,j|. cures diarrhoea and dysentery m 81 -g dren or adults, and the most ▼iol«ia of cramp, colic or pain in the *f° roi way to a few doses of this medicine, sure,
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  • 472 9 KiDAH CENTRAL UNION. state of the weather D P ,tethe f t i v Urge number of spectre h football encounter between Ked h d heC<,ntl l e'.'fthe trim» lined up»» Ath -fh-tfr E A. Davie» as referees— I»' 1 Kidih C H. Mackay; Back., D. Hillary Rutlev Half-back»,
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  • 409 9 URGENTLY NEEDED. for Exchahor. The General Offioer Commanding asks us to publish the following notice which is issued with the authority of His Excellency the Governor. Military Headquarters, Fort Canning, Singapore, S.S 4th October, 1917. With reference to the urgent call for A” Clmi men for Military
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  • 1194 9 Features or tub Nbw Timb Table. From the viewpoint of the travelling public the F.M.S. Railway service has never been a satisfactory one. When the service was first arranged years ago, it may have suited the convenience of the then public, but Perak’s continual and well-founded
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 658 9 THE EASTERN PRODUCE EXCHANGE. 27, Beach Street, at the corner of Beach Street and Church Street Ghaut. CAPITAL $120,000. Auctioneers Brokers. The 175th Auction Sale of Rubber WILL BE HELD On Thursday, the 11th October, 1917. Auction Sales of Rubber held twice a week, on every Monday and Thursday* Sale
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    • 306 9 f 9 m j fp n& 9 t PENANG AUCTION MART. BY ORDER OF THE MORTGAGEE To b. 5 g >ld by Public Auc’ioa on Thursday, 18 r h Ostobi r 1917, at 12.30 p.ra. at the Archway cf Login’s Building», B ach Street, Penarg I All that piece of
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    • 463 9 Federated Malay States GOVERNMENT. CONVEYANCE OF MAILS. TENDERS are invited for conveyance of maila between either (a) Prai Railway'') Station and Klian Intan or (b) B. Mertajam (Upper Perak) Railway StationJ by motor vehiolea once daily in both directions on and from the lat January 1918. i If the person
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  • 654 10 DETAILS OF THE GOVERNMENT SCHEME. In view of the eager concern felt by Government officers all over tbe country in regard to the proposed temporary war allowances to subordinate officers of the Service, we (T. 0. M are indebted to a Kuala Lumpur correspondent for further details of
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  • 243 10 It (earns fays the Hongkong Daily Press, that a number of parsons do not understand the clause in (be Prospectus of the Drawing of War Bonds for Our Day reading “No ticket baring drawn a prize will be eligible to draw any other prize.” The explanation is that
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  • 533 10 Frank Discussion or Situatioh A representative of the Ta Kuna p obtained an interview with Mr. Liang (v Cbiao, while travelling from Tientsin t Peking last month. He discussed thr questions with the Minister of Finance. Th* conversation opened with a talk about th problem of dealing with
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  • 361 10 P*rii, Oct. 2, 6 p.m.—Th6 French 3 per cent borch are at francs 60.20 and the 5 per cent at 88,30. Artillery was very violent on the Aisne and Meuse. Enemy aeroplanes flaw over Dunkirk, causing many victims and doing important material damages as reprisals we bombarded
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 44 10 Chamberlain’s Pain Balm There is nothin/ so good for muscular rheumatism sprains lameness cramps of the muscles bru'ses and like injuries as Chamberlain Pain Balm. It will effect a cure in less time than any other treatment. For sale by all dispensaries and dealers.
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    • 347 10 SUPERIOR TO ALL. s>.« •A WSH ir j e. rtsgsgy-jg-Pork and Beans Ox Tongues Lunch Tongues Breakfast Tongues Boneless Chicken Tomato Catchup Large Asparagus Vienna Sausages Minced Collops Corned Beef Queen Olives Stuffed Olives Ham Loaf, Pork Loaf Beef Loaf, Veal Loaf Chicken Loaf Oxford Sausages FRESH STOCKS HAVE NOW
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  • 2041 11 WORK OF THE AMERICAN RELIEF MISSION. The Deportations of French Population Interview Witk Kaiser Os Submarise Warfare, Following are further instilments from Mr. Gerard’s Memoirs. Feeding of the French population, which waß carried on bj the American Relief Commission, was a very interesting thing to see and
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 515 11 there’s Purity and Vigour IN EVERY DROP OF READS a DOG'S HEAD” GUINNESS It retains through the entire brewing process and after maturing and bottling, the delicious fragrance of the hop with its sweet and soothing perfume. It has the sparkling force of a cleverly fermentsd beverara without the fiery
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1477 12 p. 0.—British India AND &PCAR LINE (Companies Jnco&poeatid in' £n«laNo Mail and Services. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS. (UHDBB CONTRACT WITH HIS MAJESTY'S OOTBRNMENT) The Company’* MAIL SERVICES EAST OF BOMBAY are at present suspended Pa«a«ngers fer Europe are booked via Bombay as opportunity offers and as far as aooomodalion ia
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