Straits Echo, 6 October 1917

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1163 1 -r -r r 2 V* A r V .A; > (T; <* ti A- <?#, ,1! >! iS®l -~t il'.tiTfe'g Hr, WK, •a. K’:X Vt U <** NOTICE. The Georgetown Motor! Garage beg to notify the public that i they have reI moved to No. j 137, Farquharl St re
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    • 16 1 milk, ■w 0f WHica IS the Siit w*>SP«tm C TION use sS SUSSES! ssSS' "'•sS? 8
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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  • 1088 3 Delightful Recollections. I suppose, writes Mr. Hamilton Fjfe in a Home paper, most people think that tveryooe who goes to the war has to rough it either in the trenches or in huts; possibly, if they are lucky, in a deserted cottage or farm. All who
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 492 3 SKIN DISEASES Overcome by the Wonderful Blood Purifying Properties of Dr. MORSE’S INDIAN ROOT PILLS. A person suffering from eruptions of the skin has much to endure. It is not merely the discomfiture and irritation and painful sensation, hut life is made miserable by depression of spirits. The liver is
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    • 289 3 Kill Pain Before Pain Kills you Attacks of neuralgia, constant pain or the dread of the sadden shooting pains, are a continual wear and strain on the vital forces of the sufferer. Unless relief is obtained a breakdown is sure to follow, LITTLE’S ORIENTAL BALM brings certain and speedy relief
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    • 216 3 THE EASTERN PRODUCE EXCHANGE. 27, Beach Street, at the corner of Beach Street and Church Street Ghaut. CAPITAL $120,000. Auctioneers Brokers. The 174th Auction Sale of Rubber WILL BE HELD On Monday, the 8th October, 1917. Auction Sales of Rubber held twice a week, on every Monday and Thursday. Sale
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  • 1015 4 Toe other d*v. Mr. Bmar Law, io reply to an indicant m> mber who waLfced to kn>v j whether he r> quued s mebcdy to read the newspapers for him, inddly npied that bf did read a great many but hud not hap pencd to see
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 235 4 New Models in Stylish Ladies’ Footwear. lAi e can give you the best possible value for money. We are constantly adding new styles of Ladies' Footwear lout we trust that the specimens shown below wi 11 interest you. Ns V 1 V; LADIES BLACK DERBY LaCINC SHOE. PRICE Fitted with
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    • 12 4 For Children’s Hacking Cough at Night, Woods’ Great Peppermint Cure Is. 6d.
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    • 769 4 Sr *1 A B The Perak River Valley Rubber COMPANY, LIMITED, Declaration of Interim Dividend and Notice of Closing Transfer Books. "VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a xM Third Interim Dividend of 5 per cent free of War Tax has been declared by the Directors, on account of the year
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  • 810 5  -  (By Tom Wright.) I The executors of the estate of Jack London have published this year another M'dogry” look by that lamented yarn spinner. ’‘Jerry of the Islands” is the title. ‘Jerry” being a red Irish terrier. It appears to have been ready for publication before London
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  • 77 5 Province Wellesley Our Day Fund. Amount previously acknowledged $771 12 The Straps Trading Co L’d, 500 00 Mr. E p e Teb Kwec 300 Od Mr. A, C. Hardouin 200 00 M-. F. D. Hicdley 125 00 Mr. H. Lupton 100 00 Mr. John L*mb 50 00 Box No. 4
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  • 64 5 The following are the alterations in Meesis. A A. Anthony Co.’p, share li't to-d*y:— P*j«m $2l splla r s; Perak R var Valley Rubber Co. $2.80 buverg *nd $3 pellers Temerlob C corat and Rubber Estate $1 50 buvers ard $1.60 setters; De?book Dredging, N.L. 14s. selkrs Tongkah Compound
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  • 19 5 On Scmday, at Dato Kramat Gardenr, in the League, Jamatbol Moslem meet Stia Tan jong Tokong.
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  • 210 5 [To th* Editor or th* Strait t Echo,'] Bear Sir, After reading your criticism of yesterday’s Exhibition, may I point out that an ‘Exhibition’ of pictures is entirely different to a Sale of pictures. We are greatly indebted to the F.M.S. and local artists who sent their pictures
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  • 112 5 Oct. 7, 18th Sunday after Trinity, 8-00 a.m. Matins 8-30 a.m. Holy Communion I 5-00 p.m. Children’s Service 6-00 p-m. Evensong Hymn 282 Responses Roberts Psalms XXXVII Goss Magnificat Maunder Nunc Dimittis in C Hymns 291, 370 and 191 On Friday, 6 00 p.m. Intercession Seivice
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  • 73 5 OUR DAY” WATER CARNIVAL 3rd November 1917, la connection with this Carnival there will ba a mixed team handicap race at 4-10 pm. E*ch team will consist of two ladies and two gentlemen. Will teams kindly send in their names, to one of the following as soon
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  • 74 5 The following ties have baen fixed for Wedn-sday, 10th October: A Class Final—A Wde W Harries v$ F N Byar (4). Tr.e following ties have been fixed for Thursday, 11th October:— A Class Doubles Final—M K Whitlock and E H Everest vs W H Threlfall and C
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  • 48 5 FIELD OPERATIONS. Tuesday, October 9. D Company will fall in at Free School 5,15 p.m sharp. “D” Company have been detailed to represent the enemy who have seized and are holding the Free School. The O. C. “D Co. hopes there will be a full attendance.
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  • 93 5 The output cf the Menglembu Lode Syndicate, Limited, for the month of September, were Mine—B9 Piculs value $1,925. Tribute—l2s Piculs value $1,130. The total output of the Tronoh Mines, Ltd., from all sources for the month of September is Piculs 1,585. The following are the particulars of output
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  • 17 5 Batu Matang 15,248, Bakap 17,000, Jong Landor 52,746, Kedah 40,033, Park Perak 900 lb.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 338 5 p E N A N C FOR the FIRST 1IME in PENANG the finest film in the world SECURED AT ENORMOUS EXPENSE 12,000 "TRIANGLES." 6 F r«is "PEGGY.” TRIA.K’GLE COMEDY-DRAMA Featuring Miss Billie Burke, Queen of Filmdom TfT I N E M A ’ST Triangle-Keystone Comedy ii "FITTY AND AflABEL
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    • 798 5 o AND A < s.% ?|nq) FROM <f|\ ER MIXTURE. NOTICE OF SALE BY ORDER OF THE MORTGAGEE Tha undersigned is instructed to put up for Sale By PUBLIC AUCTION On Tuesday the 9th day cf October, 1917, at 11 am At Datoh Kramat Police Station in Penang The undermentioned
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  • 96 6 pdkfisatA daily (fxcepfc Sunday» and pubiio x bobdaya) ii m CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. Rt 59, Beach Street, Penang. Pnion' Daily Leeal P« Postage Extra. i/Li riitlw (Port Free) $17.50 OllLl iddum echo— pen ANO.” Telephone Ncs. (Echo) 586 Printing Department 343 Jf.B.— All business communications should be
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  • 1219 6 What are the teal German intentions with regard to Belgium If she were to win the war Belgium would become a German province But losing the war as she is, and knowing that she is losing, what does she still hope for The recent Peace Resolution of
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  • 932 6 Mr. M. H. Whitley is making a stay on Taiping Hill. Mrs. T. H. Stone will be leasing in the near future for Japan. Mr. C E. Prentice, late of Kota Bihroe Estate, Perak, is now in an O. T. C. Mr. H. L. Phillips, agent, Straits
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  • 1027 6 Count Czernin’s Proposals. Count Cs-rmn’s peace proposals are delightful. When he says that Austria. Hungary has dispelled the idea that she ii in a moribund state, the obvious retort is that in making that expiring effort the ramshackle empire” came nearer to beiop dead than she ever was
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 242 6 E ta‘e and Hospital We are the largest Purvoyors o *F Drugs incorporated in the Straits Settlements. Ourstook is always fresh and c i up-to-date and each j article carries witK j it our guarantee /V of excellence. £5, The CtoRSE Town executed I DISPENSARY LIMITED. by j 1 he
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    • 42 6 OUR DAY, 1917. GRAND FOOTBALL MATCH IN AID OF RED CROSS C. R. C. «g C. R. C. PENANG. *3* PERAK. At the EsphoaJe, Mondiy, Oct, S. Pntrance £l, 60 cts. S’ 10 cts. Drill cancelled to enable Volunteers to be present.
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  • 2525 7 [Beuter’s Telegrams] HAIG’S SMASHING BLOW. OFFICIAL REPORT. Eitay Shelling, London, Ootober 5, 12.15 p m. Sir Douglas Haig reports i—- The enemy heavily shelled the new positions to the east of Ypres, whioh our troops were engaged in organising. "We drove off raiders to the north of Qooseauoourt
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  • 100 7 (From Our Own Correspondent,') Singapore, October 6. Notice is given in Oanette Extraordinary that Government has decided to issue tencent and twenty five cent notes. The tenoent notes will be ready for issue in a few days and may be changed at the Treasury for their value
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  • 25 7 {From Our Own Correspondent,') London, October 4, The prices in the London Rubber Market to-day were Pale Crepe 2/8£ Diamond Smoked 2/6}
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  • 173 7 Latest Quotations. Tin (unrefined) is quoted here to-day at $lll5O, business done and in Singapore (refined) at $112.25 business done (125 tons Bold). Messrs, Boustead Co. inform us that the following were the quotations for rubber on spot in London on the 4th inst. received to-day i
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  • 757 7 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] The Casualties. London, Oct. 4. The Admiralty reporta that the armoured cruiser Drake (Captain Radcliffe) was torpedoed on Tuesday off the north coast < f Ireland, She succeeded in reaching a harbour and sank in shallow water. The explosion killed one officer and eighteen men.
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  • 513 7 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] troubles of Cahiaet Making. Petrograd, October 5. In an intoiview with M. Kerensky, the Delegates of the Democratic Conference have abandoned the idea of an exclusively Socialistic Cabinet. M. Kerensky confirmed that the Government had approved of the formation of a Provisional Parliament. Subsequently M, Kerensky requested
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  • 119 7 The following articles will be found oo our outside pages Page. 3 —The Constrasts of War 4—Oa Reading the Paper, s.—Jack London, Redivivus. Province Wellesley “Our Djy Fund, i September Rubber Crops. Tin Outputs, Penang Impressionists.” Shares. M. F. A. Church Services, Penang Swimming Club. Penang Voluuteers, P. C.
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  • 1365 8 [Reuter's Telegrams.] IMPORTANT PRONOUNCEMENT. Air Raida Compared. London, October 4, General Smuts, continuing bis speech at the Aldwych Club, states:— “On the other hand our bombing is far hoarier and is oauaing the enemy far greater losses behind his lines. Last month naval military aeroplanes dropped two
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  • 955 8 The ignorance r aaiciig matters Colonial r f the average H >me publicist wis again illustrated rec ntly in t le House of Commons when on the report of the Colonial Office vote the S cretary of State, Mr. Long, found it nec ssary to stat that there
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  • 902 8 FOOD SCAROIIY IN VIENNA. Fkom a Hungarian Correspondent. The Petti Naplo in tha report of an int rview with tt*« general manager of the Hungarian btate R >ilways, an interesting r-volition of the aoarchical condition in which -he Hungarian, and no doubt thi Austrian, railways fiod themselves.
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  • 76 8 Saturday, October 6. S ngapore Rice Entries Close, Noon Green~’ Kedah U A Perak Club “Our Day Dance. Perfoimance at Chinese Theatre, 9 p.m. Sunday, October 7, 18th after Trinity. Monday, October 8. Town Baud Espiwnad» P a b S2.i,, s R P m o, Perak Tuesday,
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  • 1251 8 Full Text. The following is a translation of the P.'pe’s Pence Note: To the Heads of the PaopDs Sirce the beginning of our Pontificate, iioud the horrors of the teirib e war let loose on Europe, wa h-vo kept in mind three things, *b ivo all, to
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  • 610 8 Scipe-shooting is pre-eminently “sport that wi ink led care derides,” the fun at any good jhil ”is fast and furious, it sweeps the cob-webs from the over-worked brain in a way that slower forms of sport can never do (writes the Civil and Military Gazette). In the small way
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  • 61 8 Penan health statement of the Ssaj'sragi ,or k Totai, Deaths M 0 33 M V. Female 31 J comn»rArl r *AL of 132 P er milie per aanum with 27 aT- P r *°«<iing' week and «tb 27.83 m tb. corresponding wick of lut EX""* 7 P- Totab
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 74 8 I Siff rers from Indigestion will find epopdy and permanent relief by taking a course of J "e WOODS’ GREAT PEPFERHINT CORE. This medicine has been proved by genera- on, o( Eogh.h Colooi.t, throughout 4« world lo be the best for family USfi i t is true corrective and preventive.
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  • 21 8 Obituary. Admiral Sir. F T. HamiKo*. London, October 5, The death is announced of Admiral Sir Frederic Tower Hamilton, Commander-in-Cbief, Rosyth.
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  • 1427 9  -  [By Horace Hutchinson. I went to Lord’s” and found the ground in sole occupation of a missel* thrush family strange birds to meet in London They must have nested in one of the trees around the ground. 1 went to the Oval and found it vacant,
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  • 736 9  -  [By H. W. Hows.] It is not only the men and women of Geat Britain who work for the war, the men who have gone and the women who made their going easy, and then turned to forge their weapons for them. The boys play
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 502 9 or. Ttabat»»» 5»® SR of an Chemiit» and If yon want the best Emulsion the one that not only give, the 6est resells, bnt that is really pleasam to take, that agrees perfectly with delicate stomachs bjtd that greatly improves appetite and digestion—then be sure to get A.igtar s Emulsion
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    • 12 9 For Children’s Haeking Cough at Night» Wood’ Great Peppermint Cure Is, 6d
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    • 56 9 Sunshine and Common Sense. Don’t doctor your blood for U«e an exteranal application of Chambe lain’. Pain Balm. In a few days it will get you up and out into the «whine, the nature will reatore the "oh your rein. and .oon nd the system of this troublesome diaease. For
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    • 610 9 i Dr. Cassell’s Tablets Build Up Splendid Strength and Vigour. Yon must become weak and worn out if the vital strength of your Jdy is SXd rapidly. Or. I! you cannot Ml your and get the nourishment cut il. 1 nooI i»h the will fail. Wnat you need is
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  • 1420 10 'Thousands Training as Soldiers. Petrograd, August 15. The men of Busaia. temporarily and for causes that leave them blameless, hare betrayed their country and disgraced the name of manhood. There remain the women of Russia. They have been moved by an e'emental impulse—vaguely defined imperfectly understood,
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 353 10 SPECIAL IT IS PROPOSED TO HOLD evening cl***** for those who desire to take the L)ndon Matriculation Examination. Com* petent instructors have already offered their services, Those who desire to take up this work should communicate in person with Number 74, Maxwell Road, Penang. ESTABLISHED 1874. THE ORIENTAL Government Security
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    • 281 10 A FURTHER SHIPMENT OF S£VENTY*FIVE MACHINES ARRIVING SHORTLY. k/ A Ti A m m w. h kQMI BT'ii •s si df a?* gw .33? >J? <«£* •>. n ii 2 Sr a [fr r* 3L> O TV Rit^c 1 ill IP nil OVER 10,000 MACHINES bought by the rfttied 'Sobernmentĕ
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  • 4082 11 Bt Major G. W. Redwat. Three years ago Dr. R. V. Dolbev arrived in London to attend the Congress of Surgeons of North America. Ha had journeyed from British Columbia to foregather with many distinguished colleagues, and on the first night of tha meeting (July 26)
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 448 11 i e FRESH STOCKS i 9 fl I s K I 8 8 I AGENTS: {R. T. REID Co., Penang. i BRINKMANN Co., Singapore. 2 THE WATERHOUSE Co., Ltd. I I I I I I (iNCORPvjKATED IN THE USA i i hmmmmrn hi Muar, Malacca and Kuala Lumpur. BT ORDER
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    • 28 11 A Regimental Surgeon in War and Prison.'’ By Captain Robert V- Dolbey. M. 8., M.S-(Lond.), F.R C.S. fEng.), Royal Army Medioal Corps, (John Murray, 1917 j 6s. net.)
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    • 33 11 DAVID CORSAR SON'S WELL-KNOWN EXTRA NAVY CANVAS, NO. 0. SANOILANIS, MTTIRT S C*. Wong Kim Mun, 77«, Bishop Street. Penang. Manufacturer of Rubber Stamps, Brass Seal Copper Plates, Engraver, Embossing Press, etc., etc.
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1344 12 P. 0.—British India AND &PCAB LINE Mail (C'OMPANIRS InCORPORATBB IN ENGLAND and PaMenger service! PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS. (USDIR CONTRACT WITH HIS MAJESTY'S GOVRRKMXNT) The Company's MAIL SERVICES EAST OF BOMBAY are at present suspended. Pa««enpers for Europe are booked via Bombay as opportunity offers and as far as acoomodalion
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