Straits Echo, 5 October 1917

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 1115 2 One of thi iaevit .bin r su ts of the great war, wnbitsBwitt succ ssion of dramatic -urpise-, it s k*leidu8cop:o change-, it r -tupendons happenings, ih that we h>Ve not nme to g asp tbe significance of tbe dram* Ulat in being pliyed out before
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  • 713 2 All About It, Although tbb* rule is not strict’y adhered to in war time, King's Regulations lay d wn that naval court*-martial should bi held aboard a ship of War. Usually the flagship is tbe one chosen. But whatever be tbe vessel seleotrd she always anDounces hv
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 222 2 New Models in Stylish Ladies’ Footwear. yy can give you the best possible value -For money- We are constantly adding new styles of Lad ies' Footwear but we trust that the specimens shown below will interest you. XhP t/ LADIES’ BLACK DERBY LaCINC SHOE. Fitted with high Cuban heel, ne*t
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    • 63 2 You Clean Outside but w K a t «bout your Inside n To b* healthy, i in»po,t»*t to e'caas your *tomaeh of i m puriil*',.. it to kerp your body PINKEYES thus keep ng tbc system dee* a»d healthy. stimulate the bowels. SO cent, per phial at your druggiafa.r direct
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    • 729 2 3 Kill Pain Before Pain Kills you A'tacki of neuralgia, constant pain or tbe dreed of tbe sadden shootiog pains, are a 3 c intiuuil wear and strain on tha Tital fo'csa 3 of the suff -rer, Uuless relief is obtained a breakdown is sme to follow, LITTLE'S ORIENTAL BALK
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  • 1814 3 Very Successful Fxhibitiea. The Penang Impressionists Sketching j Club held their annual exhibition in the; Chinfgj Merchants’ Club, which was kindly j p'aced at tbeir disposal by the Committee. It was as fully representative of the members’ work as in previous years, though the attendance was not so
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  • 28 3 Fcottish Bbanch. Amount previously acknowledged $3,910 Kinloss” J. Rutherford “0| P. G. Stirling A. A. Anthony Coy. 250 N. D. Macdonald To’al 14,845
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  • 84 3 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, October 5A f the Singapore Rubber Auction the fol'owiog prices were obtained Smoked fine ribbed $118 to $122 per picul Good 105 117 do Uofinokod 92 106 do fine pale 121 124 do Good pale 112 120 do Fine brown 95 107
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  • 75 3 Afc tie Eastern Produce Exchange 173rd Auction Sals tie following prices were obtained per picul. Diamond Smoked Good (without case) from $116 to $118 Diamond Smoked Far 105 to 115 Diamond Unsmckcd 96 to 105 Plain TJas-moked 91 to J9 Scrup Virgin Crr-po 50 to 80 Buk
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 390 3 B—P E N A N C FOR the FIRST 7 IME in PENANG THE FINEST FILM IN THE WORLD SECURED AT ENORMOUS EXPENSE 12,000 “TRIANGLES, "PEGSY.” 1» Feet 6 Reels TRI&NGLE COMEDY-DBAMA Featuring Miss Billie Burke, Queen of Filmdom C I N E M A ■-w -w Triangle-Keystone Comedy "FiTTY
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    • 452 3 u If 0 o AND A < u V,%. a ronter 5^N£D FRON MIXTURE. Ik uc r\ rc Dnoa Is Your Child Pale? When a child formerly l right and a tivo loses colour, s flora from hraoLthe. bleeding at the ncs finis play n tt'ort and prefers to sit
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  • 98 4 Ptbliaiftd daily (except Sundays and pablic holidays) at ni CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. Jo. -j Beach Street, Penang. Paica* Daily Local $24 per annum. Quotation... Postage Extra. Ifaii Edition (Poet Free) $17.50 CABLI ADDRBSS ECHO—PENANG.” Telephone Nos. (Echo) 583 Printing Department 343 N.B. —A’l business commun cations should
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  • 1333 4 In his 8p ech at the Aldwych Club Mr. Winston Churchill, referring to the submarine menace, explained that in February and March last the most elaborate surveys were ma e over the whole field of our economic and military life with a view to ascertaining what would
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  • 868 4 The Subordinate Civil Service. Perhaps because they are inarticulate, certainly because they are one of the least influential sections cf the community, the members of the Subordinate Government Service have hitherto come in for more kicks than ha’pence. 'They must be a little embarrassed, therefore, when hard upon
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  • 76 4 Latest Quotations ini :„r ed hfre t0 d *7 M-,,.». B o„» tfed 4 Co itlf th„ .„re tb 3 quotation, fo- rubber n spot in London on the received yesterday b 3fd mst Plantation 1st latex crepe 2/8 Smoked Sheet 2/6 1 L eut. G.
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  • 637 4 [Reuter’s Telegrams] AN IMPORTANT FEATURE. Tikiif tad Holdiif, LondoD, Oct. 3, 10.20 p m Reuter’s correspondent at the British Headquarters emphasises the importance of the fact that we retain all the gains 0 f recent pushes. This is a true test of military strength, for in this war
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 224 4 X EASTERN TRADING Co. Engineering Department. Steelwork, Reinforced Concrete Work, Electric Light Installation, Engine Installation and other contracts Undertaken. Free advice cn Urdering Mining Accessories and Engineering Goods, Estimates Free of Charge. All work will he carried out under capable supervision. o THE EASTERN TRADINC CO., 3fae: PENANG and IPOH.
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    • 40 4 OUR DAY, 1917. GRAND FO >TBALL MATCH IN AID OF RED CROSS C. R. C. C. R. C. PENANG. PERAK. At (he Esplanade, Monday. Oct, 8. Entrance £l, 50 cts. 10 cts. Drill cancelled to enable Volunteers to be present.
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  • 546 5 [Reuter's Telegrams] SUMMARY OF THE SITUATION. Official Aaaouaecmeat. London, October 4. Tbe Russian Press Bureau at tbe main Headquarters, summarising the military situation, declares that the doubt expressed by tbe Allied press regarding the possibility of Russia accomplishing her duty as an Ally is unjustifiable, and quotes figures
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  • 625 5 [Reuter's Telegrams] COUNT CZERNIN'S SPEECH. Not Morikuad Yet. Amsterdam. October 4. Count Czernio, speakiDg at a banquet at Budapest, said. "Now that we have dispelled the idea that Austria-Hungary is a moribund state aud have shown that we are thoroughly sound, we can rely on the recognition
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  • 736 5 [Reuter's Telegrams.] CO-ORDINATION SCHEME. Sir Eric Grddes at Ediakurgk. LondoD, October 3. Sir Eric Geddes, First Lord of tbe Admiralty, speaking at Edinburgh iegardiug man-power, said that the demands of tbe Ministry of Agiiculture and the Army would henceforth be dealt with in exactly tbe same way in
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  • 27 5 (From Our Own Cbr respondent.') London, October 3, Tbe prioes in the London Rubber Market to-day were: Pale Crepe 2/8 Diamond Smoked ewe 2/4
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  • 497 5 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] Govcrtmeat Decision. Loudon, October 4. Reuter 'earns on the highest authority that Government has decided to adopt air reprisals. Comment of tke Times.' London, Oct. 4. The Time* says that tbe Cabinet’s decision regarding reprisals presumably means thatconstruction is now reaching a point at which an
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  • 75 5 The following articles will be found on our outside pages Page. 2. —The Germans in America. The Dinner Hour. 3. —Penang Imprassioniats. Our Day Bed Gross Fund. Eastern Produce Exchange. Singapore Rubber Auction. 6.—Telegrams. Selangor Hirer Tin. British Army's Superiority. Penang Our Day 1917. An Improred Rubber Package. September
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  • 1478 5 [Reuter's Telegrams] A REVIEW OF THE SITUATION. Important Pronouncement. LondoD, Oct. 4. General Smuts, speaking at a luncheon at Connaught Rooms, given by the Presidents of the Chambers of Commerce of the United Kingdom, at which he was enthusiastically received, intheeourse of an important pronouncement, said that
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  • 1046 6 [Reuter's Telegrams] NO TIME FOR PEACE. Tke Stereeat Pkaae of tke Wer. London, October 3. Mr. Winston Churchill, Minister of Munitions, speskiDg at a luncheon given by tbe Aldwych Club, said We at this moment are in the sternest phase of the war. We are actually ect-ir->ng
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  • 229 6 If we keep our eves fix don trench liars and accept the Gorman formula that evpry engagement is a G-rman victory which does not result in the piercing of the German lines and the rupture of the German front, which dees not result in a general retreat,
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  • 123 6 The following is the Directors’ report to the sb.treho»d a rs to be presented at the meetine on Oat. 9 at Derrick A Co. The Directors bag to submit herewith the Compavy’s accounts for the year end-d ?oth Junp, 1917, The accounts after providing for directors’, secretaiies’
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  • 95 6 The above show will be screening subj-cts of intprse interest and high gripping power to-nighf The earlier show commences with the 9 h A 10th episodes of Pearl cf the Army Mystery" whch has been said to biffli even the keenest observer nnd thi audience seemed to appreciate
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  • 84 6 Tiis shows bus at last been able to announce the arriva 1 of Triangles which unfortunately came too late to be shown at-t week. Tr-night they are screening Miao Billie Burke who will be rememb°rrd by lovers of Musical Comefy as a charming actress. She takes the ti»|
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  • 413 6 RED CROSS FUND. List of Subscriptions. Am unt previously acknowledged $87,377 41 T h Ge< k Ghee 30 00 Mrs R. Weber 100 00 A. A. Anthony Co. 250 00 Hutt“nb*ch Bros. A Co. 500 00 Ambrosoli Stoppani Co. 100 00 Angelo Boehm 25 00 Whiteaway
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  • 165 6 In accordance with the P.cvisions of section 12 of tbo Inventions Ordinance 1871 The Governor in Council has, under the Pu‘ lie seal of the Colony granted to Mr A.J. Plumb. Traffic Superintendent, Penang Harbour Board, at present residing at 38 Larut Ko,, d» Petaog, his
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  • 71 6 Suugei B\tu (Malava) 23.500, VH D’O 21,700, Kurau 22,000, Malak ff 44 500 Straits settlements 92 000, Wad s r r (F M S 36,300. Mayfield 25,500 12,880, Foothills (Maliya) 13 000, Muda Syndicate 8 000, Kuala Sidi 24,500. Sumatra C msclidated 62,500, Bukit Mertaj«m 64.076, Taipiag 45
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  • 993 6 PAY AND FOOD PRICES. Labour Questions. A general m ttmg of the Kiaog D strict Planters’ A locution was hell at the Klang Club on 25, there being pre-ent M-'-srs. E. B. Prior E. G Wakefield, R D GreeDhili, R. N. H-udrb, C. R Hariison, R Battiscomb HR.
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  • 719 6 The mdl has brought welcome news from seve-al former Straus men now on active servic 3 C. M. Rogerson, former’y with Messrs. Adamson Gi Allan and Co_ is a 2nd L tut. in taj Micmae Gun Corps and has seen so mi exciting tim-s. “I h.vo
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  • 279 6 Captain Kinder, the news of whose death m action was reported on Tnesdav, started planting in Kuala Selangor. He moved year or two later to Bat.u Caves andAe™ainfca there-acting 1Q 1915 and 1916 as Manager during Col, Fox’s absent on eave-nntM he left for Home in F
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  • 1036 6 A Further Plea. Two references to the nun-power qufi r which came to Land yesterday indu C o 8 n mnke a further plea for a definite f, U8 to to be made to reconcile the honest d ff ces of opinion which exist between»?' commercial and military
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  • 62 6 Friday. October 5. Town Band. Esplanade Impressionsists Exhibition in St. Dunstan’s Institute for «J 0 soldiers and sailors, Chineto Me-chant’s Olub. 1. Leith Street, pening of Cafd Shaftesbury, 50 percent. to’‘Our Day "Fund. q;„ Saturday, October 6. FnnfK P n re iCe Entries Close, Noon, football—Kedah vt.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements

  • 927 7  -  By Hal. There can be no parley with the fanatics and faddists who try to take a mean advan'age of tbe bnquestioning attitude of the public t(w<rds any excroacbmect of personal liberty deemed necessary for the period of the war to slip their f«t schemes permanert’y on
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  • 1001 7 The German Spy In America- By John Price Jones. With a Foreword by Theodore Koasevelt and an Introduction by Roger BWood (Hutchinson. ss. net.) In Mr. Pi ice Jones and his two “introducers ”we have a trio of Americans who bare always taken the ton# about
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 577 7 BAXTER B 9 Co best navy canvas. sodiums, BurniY e c<>. dayid corsar SON’S WELL-KNOWN EXTRA NAVY CANVAS, NO. 0. SANDILANDS, LOTTERY S Co. SPECIAL. IT 18 PROPOSED TO HOLD evening clauses 'or ibose who desire to take the Matr culation Examination. Competent instructors have already off-red their lerviors, Those
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    • 59 7 Sunshine and Common SenseDon’t d ctor your blood for rheumatism. Use an exteranal application of Chamberlain’s Pain Balm. In a few days it will pet you up and out into the sunshine» then nature will (restore the rich red blood to your veins and soon rid the system of this
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    • 451 7 iff/ WfU as w This is to give notice that the Trade Hark, consisting of the emblem of one or more Cocks is th? property of Hengmoh. Hongbee Co of 85 Beach >treet, Penang Merchants and Dyers and it is bein; U9ed by them a* a Trade Mark in connection
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    • 37 7 Children’s Colds* Why let the children rack their little bodies in such a distressing manner when you can so easily cure their colds with a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. For sale by all dispensaries and dealers.
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    • 355 7 Sf ar Sf A *r The Nellmay Rubber Co. Ltd. Incorporated in Fenano, Notice is hereby given that appl c*tion has been made to the Directors of thin Company for tfce issue of D* p irate Cert fioate in place of No. 268 for 50J shares No®. 35,551 —36,050 registered
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1314 8 p. 0.—British India AND &PGAR LINE ((JOMFASIBB J NCOXFOkATSD IN t«OU*II Mail and aervicei PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS. (UNDBR CONTRACT WITU HI8 MAJBSTT’s GOTBKNMENT) Th# Company*! If AIL 8ERVICES EAST OF BOMBAY are at present anspendt J P***engsrs for Europe a r e booked via Bombay as opportunity offer* and
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