Straits Echo, 4 October 1917

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1037 1 I* I V 1; wm A m +^2Fd II iSsSr: ;Miiga: NATOs *T~S WE» NOTICE. The Georgetown Motor' Garage beg to j notify the; public th a t they have re- moved to No. j 37, Farquhar J Street andi Northam Rd. j opposite (Old Protestant] Cemetery.) BANKS t Chartered
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    • 11 1 MfijS, f WHICaiSTH£BOHO^ /«r c^° w f»» use &SL, •S?S?K £s.*3
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  • 2360 3 IMPORIAN T LECTURE IN IPOH, Experiments in Sumatra. An interesting lecture was delivered on Sunday by Mr. Q. E Coombs, Economic Botanist of the F-M.S. Agricultural Department, at the Central Perak Planters’ Association R .oms in Ipob, and the views •-xpressed should form a most important addition to
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 449 3 *9 Pi FKESH !STOCKS m "1 s =4 i 1 i 0 g 9 AGENTS: {R.T. REID Co., Penang I BRINKMANN Co, Singapore. THE WATERHOUSE Co., Ltd. I e (INCORPORATED JIL THE U.S A Muar, Malacci and Kuala Lumpur. a S i 9 r B BY OEDBR OF THE CUSTODUN
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    • 616 3 The Nellm&y Rubber Co. Ltd. IncOEPoKATBD IK PIKANO. Notice is hereby given that app! cttion has been made to the D r*ct)re of thi* Company for the issue of D'ip i ate C fi a te n place of No. 268 for oOJ shares No*. 35,551 —36,050 rsgisterfd r the
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  • 768 4  -  A NEW SLiUAilON. By Miles. The reoent discussion in the of nearly all the belligerent c >untries regarding tbe possibilities of the C»ntral Powers bamg able at tbe conc'u-im of the w*r to form a great Midile-European Sate has not attracted nearly sufficient attention
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  • 225 4 Thi Cook’s Head As Test 0» Truth. If the British Courts in Hongkong re cognise the Chinese customs of bigamy and tbe keeping of slaves," there is no reason why they should not recognise other Chinese oustoms. Mr. Justice Gompertz sees no reason whv they should not, provided
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  • 693 4 (By Lieut r. r w. Rees If you should happen to meet in tbe pur. lieuti of your metropolitan hamlet, a Painful Pessimist who would have you believe that the spi its of our Uds at the frout ara at a low ebb, that tbeir one desire in life
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  • 257 4 The Amsterd im Telegraaf, recently contained in its financial columns the following reference to an outspoken criticism of certain movements in the Dutch E«st Indies which are C'trtain'y worth watching: In the Soerabija Handehblad has appeared an article about the ways in which the
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 127 4 New Models in Stylish Ladies’ Footwear. yyE can give you the best possible value for money* We are constantly adding: new styles of Ladies Footwear but wo trust that the specimens shown below will interest you. m y r i 1 H. St SS8 p ri t. LADIES’ BLACK DERBY
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    • 54 4 It Never Fails. Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea R medy is all its name implies It cures diarrhoea and dysentery in either chil dren or adults, and the moat violent cases of cramp colic or pain in the stomach give way to a few doses of this medicine. Safe, sure,
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    • 570 4 BAXTER B 9 Co.'s BEST NAVY CANVAS. SANDILANDS, BUTTERY 8 Co. ttr /s**. •*3r j rm2F+~ar DAYID CORSAR SON’S WELL-KNOWN EXTRA NAVY CANVAS, NO. 0. SANDILANDS, BUTTERY 8 Co. FOR SALE. (An attractive Investment ftr small capital) A RUBBER ESTATE situate about 3/4 of a mile from Topah Road (Perak)
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  • 561 5 Meeting with Local Men. We (T.O M received by the last mail from Hume quite an interesting and chatty letter from Mr, Conway C. Sarre, late of Ipob, who eays:— It is extraordinary hew one meets Straits and F.MS. pe pie, aud I seem pait cularly fortunate.
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  • 346 5 CFrom Our Oven Correspondent The Eoglish School at Alor Scar is making good progress under the guidance cf the Head Master, Mr. E. A. G. Stuart. There «re over 200 boys on the roll, the m>- j jrity of whom are Malays There are 20 per ceDt. free
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  • 56 5 A Chinese peifommce will bs held at the Ban Kbeng Theatre Tek Soon Theatre Hall at Campbell Street at 8 pm, on Saturday, the 6 h October, 1917Special plajs will be staged and tickets of admission are as follows 1st Class $2-C0 2ad
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  • 155 5 The following were the results of the ties played off yesterday:— Mixed Doubles—Mr and Mrs R E Prentis belt Miss Gold and G N Saye by 6—4, 7—9, 6—4. Championship—H E Mason w.o. E H Everest. Ladies Doubles—Mrs Evans and Mrs Clarke w.o. Miss Jones and Miss
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  • 75 5 Penaeg Women Woeeers. Amount previously acknowledged $5,864.63 Mrs. Jamieson 10.00 Mrs. Cleaver 15.00 Mrs. Winfield 1000 Mis. Watson 10 00 Mrs. Sclanders 10.00 Mrs. Hyme 5.00 Ladies’ Bridge board Golf Club for August 12.35 $5,936.88 Hospital garments for soldiers ready cut out for workers will be
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  • 84 5 A General Meeting of this Association will te held at 10.30 a.m., on Saturday, the 20th iust., at the Johore Hotel, Johore Bharu. Agenda. 1. Minutes of Meetings of August 29. 2. War Relief, 8 Labour, a. Indian, b, Javanese, 4. Toddy, 5. Railway Liability. 6.
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  • 66 5 The drawing for the above competition which took place at the Straits Echo" office yesterday resulted as follows First Round. October 17 :—C R C. vs H.L F.C, Semi Final, October 24:—P.C.C. vs C U.A C. 25:—P.R Ovs Winner of C.R.C. vs H.L.F.C. Final. November I:—Winner
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  • 125 5 According to the Board of Trade returns for July the import, of raw rubber for the month was 15 360,700 lb. and 73 300 lb. of waste and reclaimed, a total of 15,934,000 lb. agaicst 12,124.600 lb. in 1916. The total for the seven months is 128,340,900 lb.,
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  • 33 5 Mr Khaw Joo Tok advises us that the output from Tin Bentong No Liability for the month of September was 403 picnls, representing 68,600 cubic yards dredged and 600 hours’ work.
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  • 94 5 The undermentioned prices were realised for rubber sold by Messrs. Allen Dennys and Co at their 321st Auction Sale to-day Smoked Diamond Sheet No. 1 »115 to »118 per picul Smoked Diamond Sheet No. 2 109 114 do Unsmoked Sheet No. 1 102 do Uosmoked Sheet No.
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  • 207 5 Arrangements in Taiping. The eatbususm with which tb« General Committee of the Toping Oar Day celebration has set about their t -sk is indicative that the coll-ction there this ypar will be a d'cidtd increase on that cf 1916 1 The main function this year will he arranged
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
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    • 409 5 f o AND < J i'TT rONTIERb* 0 T i FROM MIXTURE. P. P. c. I l u Mr. H, D. Sharpin. i J *3S3S Mr. Mrs. L. P. Ebden P.P.C. 1 OnaDDQ||||||g DD g DO j DINNER AT THE VC. XoM ON WfDNESDAY. 10th OCTOBER, IN AID OF THE
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  • 97 6 Foliated daily (except Sunday» and pablio holiday») at nn CRITEBION PRESS, Ltd. g c 69, Beach Street, Penang. Fwc*' My Local P® r “mumm Oatstation Postage Extra. Editio»i (Poet Free) $17.50 CABLE iDDEMI h ECHO— PENANG.” Telephone Nos. (Echo) 58S Printing Department 343 N. B.— All business
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  • 1219 6 Speaking in the Reichstag scarcely a week ago Dr. Michaelis declined to specify i Germany s war aims »o as not to bind 1 the hand of our negotiators. His reply to the Papal Note was a string of pious platitudes when a couple of honest, straightforward >entences might
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  • 31 6 Latest Quotations Tin (unrefined) 13 quoted here to-day at $110.75 buyers n sellers, in Singapore (refill d) at $111.25, buyers no sellers, and iu L mdon at .£242 thrpe months.
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  • 980 6 Mr. F. W. Howl, of the F. M. S. Railways. has been appointed Lieutenant in the Royal Engineers, and has gone to FranceOur Taiping correspondent writes Inspector Morgan is under orders of transfer to Bentong (Pahang). Inspector Devlin takes his place at Taiping.j x. Ferguson, of Jemima
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  • 1020 6 U. S. A. Food Controller. Mr. Theodore Jesse Hoover, the U. 8. A. Food Controller, who is now organising huge food conservation week, is a man of distinctly original views. Just forty and a leading mining engineer Mr. Hoover’s name will not be forgotten in Belgium to the
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 294 6 jGILLETTE jStropperS' jt uppm rnnr IN A FFVA/ SECONDS. A KEEN EDGE IN A FEW SECONDS. ORDER AT ONCE. These are made from best quality selected Horse II de. The blade is placed in a Metal Clamp nrd the h-nd e worked up and down a few times. The b
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    • 54 6 OUR DAY, 1917. SHAFTESBURY CAFE Official Opening to-morrow from' 10 a m. to 5 p. m. tlalf Gro-s rfr iit-» to bo himded over to Crosrt Foud An autograph telegram from the late Lord Kitchener to Sir John Anderson iDow on view at the Caf£ String band in attendance. Excellent
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  • 786 7 [Reuter's Telegrams.] INSISTENT demands. Tke Premier's Reply. London, October 3. rhe moonlight raids have intensified the demand for reprisals. The Coroner’s jury Ki ve a verdict to this effect yesterday. The Premier's Attitude, Mr. Lloyd George, while visiting a bombed djtrict yesterday morning, was greeted with cries
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  • 594 7 [Reuter's Telegrams.] OVERTURES t Note to Entente Power*. Rome, October 8. The Oiornale d'ltalia states that the Pope has issued a Note to the Entente Power* i intimating his reason for the belief that the replies of the Central Powers to bis Peace Note may be
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  • 702 7 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] ADMIRALTY REPORT. A Furtker Deeliae. London, October 3. The Admiralty returns show that the arrivals at British ports during the week were 2680 and the sailings 2742 Total 5,422 Eleven vessels over 1,600 tons were sunk and two under that tonnage, making a total of
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  • 552 7 [Reuter’s Telegrams] Sir Douglas Haig's Report. London, October 2. Sir Douglas Haig reporta We twice attacked Gontrode aerodrome on Monday. Several bombs burst on the sheds. We also bombed Caurieres aerodrome near Cambrai. We twice attacked a German long range gun. We brought down fire enemy maohines and
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  • 804 7 [Reuter's Telegrams.] SOLDEL’S PROTESTA Seen at the Coefereaee. Petrograd, October 2. At the Democratic 0-inference ths majority of the Workmen’s and Soldiers’ Delegates protested agaiast a coalitiou with the Bourgeoise. A deputation of two hundred, declaring that they represented half-i-million workers, accompanied by soldiers, attempted to force our entry
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  • 674 7 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] Bombs os Pola. London, Oct. 3 Au Italian official message announces "Am enemy attack on the western slopes of Monte San Gabriele completely failed. We captured eighty prisoners, Our air squadrons yesterday bombaided tbe railway station at Grahova and canied out two raids last night, dropping
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  • 104 7 The following articles will ba foaad on our outside pages Page. 3. Thinning Out.” 4. —Tne Allies and the Near East. Chinese Custom. Pyrotechnics. German Finance in Dutch East Indies, 5. 'Malaya at Home, Kedah Notes, In aid of the Rad .Cress Fund. P. C. C. Lawn Tennis, Queen
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  • 2274 8 THE DRAFT ESTIMATES FOR 1918, Speech By Colonial Secretary. A meeting of tbe Ligisiauve Cootic'd wax held on Monday afternoon. H. E th Governor (S r Arthur Young, Q C M.O preaided, and the others present were i H. E. the General Offiaer Camno mdicg (Major'General D. H.
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  • 663 8 SIXTH ANNUAL MEETING. Mobb Chrbrfdl Rkport. At th« regietend offic-s of toe Company, No 1 E nbaakm-nt Kuala Lumpur, on da'u-dty last at a.m the Selangor Cocoi u r s, L d., srx'h annual general meeting w«s beid, tne chair oeiog tak-n by Mr J. A K,u---*il iu
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  • 366 8 Puis September 6 15 p.m.—Following the receD'i m of important information fiom the Uaitfd States concerning the origin of considerable funds detained bv Bolo P cba, this man was arrested iu the mo r ning. The artillery was intense on the right bank of the Meuse. A
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  • 1013 8 In an editorial oa tne Annual Address the Straits Times says:—There are two points to coorid-r in connection without finances. Toe fi st is the extent to which our surplus is tied up, the second is our basis uf revenue. Wth regard t the first, all rbat
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  • 72 8 The following are the alterations in Messrs. A A Anthony Co.’e, share list to-day T me'loh Coconut and Rubber Estate $145 buyers ar.d $155 sellers; Deebook D edging, N L 13«. 61. buyers and 14s. sale's; K*mpong K*mu*ing Tin D edeine 435. buyers and 44». 61. sellers; T-»ngk*h C
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  • 1258 8 New Suggestion. Hudson MaXitn asseiis tdat he can make a ship torpedo-proof by protective walls, not f bt-avy armour but of a combination of m-etaliio rods and cylinders filled wifh water. Toe rods are to impede and slow down the v-docry of the high pressure gases from tbe
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  • 439 8 MR. BEATSON BELL’S SPEECH. British Aku Comb to Stay. Calcutta, September 13. To-day the Hon’ble Mr. N. B. Beatson Bdl, senior member of the Bengal Executive Council, presided at the celebration of the eighty-second commemoration of Founders’ Day at Li Maitiniere College, Concluding a rather lengthy
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  • 108 8 Thursday, October 4. Penang Impressionists Exhibition in aid of St Dunstan’s lastitute for blinded soldiers and sailors, Chinese Merchants’ Club, 1, Leith Street. Friday. October 5. Town Band, Esplanade. Penang Impressionsists Exhibition in aid of St. Dunstan’s Institute for blinded soldiers and sailors, Chinese Merchant’s Club, 1,
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  • 51 8 Straits 225,000, Penang 218.000, Tali Ayer 77.500, Rubana 69,000, Batak Babit 35 500, B*g*n Serai 31,000, Ayer Kuniog (F.M.S 76.000. Bradwall (F.M.S.) 46.318, Chersonese (F.M.S.) 56,480, Dannistown (Krian F M 8 46,000, Highlands and Lowlands 128,046, Klabang 23,850, Krian 18,500, Sungei Krian 48,000, Sungei Way (Selangor) 50,028
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  • Page 8 Advertisements

  • 877 9  -  By Vladimir Nosek. The revelation in the Reicbsrat of the hopeless stile of d9cay prevailing in AustriaHungary is an effect of the Russian Revolution. If it was not for the Russian Revolution, the Austrian Emperor and Clam-Martinic would have continued their reign of absolutism by way of
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 331 9 ESTATE SUPPLIES NEW SH PMENTS JUST ARRIVED. w D n D ACETIC ACID 99 per cent. Glacial. MOMI CASES Size 19" by 19" by 24-' Porcelain Cups Flat Bottom GLASS CUPS Half l emon Shape Earthernware Cups Glazed, Flat Bottom Enamelled Latex Pans Sizes 18 ins by 9 ins. by
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    • 82 9 Occasional spells of Fever may be said to be the inheritance of all who come to the Tropics. As an easement and to quickly break them down and restore the body temperature to normal, there is nothing better than WOODS’ GREAT PEPPERMINT GORE. A dose or two of this medicine
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    • 802 9 *1 a A l '-I--'>V y •v.ri s<WR“ .>• i A' i, i't £5\¥ -7,- V-’ A 9 -j'v'y'L.. ft-- 5 W. 9*A4 V i&i?m 1 his is to give notice that the Trade Mark, consisting of the emblem of one or more» Cocks, is tb- property of Hengmoh, Hongkee
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  • 1188 10 HERR FERNAU MXKE3 ANOTHER EXPOSURE OE TEUTONIC LYING. Amid the waiter and )n caused by the Stockholm embroglu i is perhaps more th»n ever essential ibat wo phon'd tr«te our attention On upon ttin fundamental principles which are at i-rsun b> tween the Allies aud G binary.
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 149 10 m Wa m m ji T*. 'mm *1 L b. *«5f i r> 1 I THE BEST LAMP FOR EVERY PURPOSE HALF-WATT LAMPS ARE STOCKED! From 100 to 2.000 C.P., for 230 volts. 60 to 1,000 C P., for 110 volts Special New Types sc CJM... iiiJL/ST RECEIVED “ARCA” HALF-WATT
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    • 107 10 Diphtheria—How It May Be Avoided Dip* theria is usually contracted when the child has a cold. The cold prepares the child s system for the re eption and devel opirent of the diphtheria germs. When there are cases of diphtheria in the neighborhood children that have colds should be kept
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    • 504 10 BURRELL CO.’S BOILED RAW LINSEED OILS. SNOW WHITE ZINC, PAINTS TURPENTINE. To be had Retail from ail the Leading Stores. SAN DILANDS, BUTTERY Co. Sole Agents, Straits Settlements The Perak River Valley Rubber COMPANY, LIMITED. Declaration of Interim Dividend and Notice of Closing Transfer Books. ■'VTOTK'E IS HEREBY GIVEN that
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  • 1976 11 Palestine t The Rebirth of an Ancient People. Bj Albert M. Hyamson. With Illustrations and Map. (Sidgwick and Jackson. 10s. 6d. net) In the minds of many people Jewish history comes to an end with the destruction of Jerusalem by Titus and the subsequent removal of the
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 314 11 SEE T M AT The Condensed Milk you buy is Borden’s Eagle Brand name is stamped tn Wrapper 8 th HAS BEEN extensively USED FOR OYER SIXTY YEARS tWOENS? i p BCSde rAJ^ sseawsg C sSl'VVpRK.U.S^*-, A RICH SAFE MILK FOR EYERY PURPOSE NOBEL'S EXPLOSIVES. M CAZ1NES AT PENANC AND
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    • 655 11 Kill Pain Before Pain Kills you Attacks of neuralgia, constant pain or thu dread of the sadden shooting pains, are a continual wear and strain on the vital forces of the sufferer, Uoless relief is obtained a breakdown is sure to follow, LITTLE S ORIENTAL BALM brings certain and speedy
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1305 12 p. o.—British India AND &PCAR LINE (COM FAN 118 iNCOBFOEATUD IN ENGLAND Mall and Pauenler Service». PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS. (VHDIK CONTRACT WITH HIS MAJK9TT'b GOVERNMENT) Tbs Company's MAIL SERVICES EAST OF BOMBAY are at present suspended. Ps*a*ngere for Europe are booked via Bombay as opp riuo.ty offers and ts
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