Straits Echo, 3 October 1917

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1332 1 m fM ir-SBv V-f Tv, few y <# i ft! i v *.-:?!C t*'W -■—j-rscaK M Hkl A K* The George-- town Motor! Garage beg to notify the public th-a t they have removed to No. j 37, Farquhar! Street and) Northam Rd opposite (Old Protest ant Cemetery.) <BANKS >
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    • 20 1 5* s “*'««a»'s l inou‘> i HTnllM «w W c\ 4^*f* T IONS fdi U*o •Csf*' u *c V5 BS
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  • 1426 3 Thus Mr. J. A. Spender, Editor of tbt Westminster Oaeette in his "Letters to the I Antipodes.”:— It was long ago proposed by tbe Utopians I that when war broke out diplomatic relaI tiona should not be broken, but the more I carefully maintained —possibly in some
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  • 471 3 Says Truth of August IS An officer commanding a battalion ~in India, dug out from retirement, a survivor of a eohool of British officers whioh is fast j passing away, objects to my tentative advocacy of of youog Indian gentlemen to be given the King’s commission. In
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  • 145 3 The chief strengthening,factor in tin.last week waa the steady rise in tbe Eastern markets whore good sales were effected at comparatively high prices, largely tor direct shipment to Amerioa, lajay home paper in mail week. This induced^buying on this side at a few pounds a ton
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 422 3 THE EASTERN PRODUCE EXCHANGE. IJ. bach Street, *1 the corner of Beech Street and Church Street Cheat. CAPITAL $120,000. Auctioneers Brokers. The 173rd Auctioi Sale of Rubber WILL BE HELD Oit Thursday, the 4th October. 1917.»' Auction Sales of Rubber held twice a week, on every Monday and Ihursday. S
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    • 55 3 Son* bins aid Common Seise. Don’t doctor jour blood for rheumatism. Use an exteranal application of Chamberlain’s Pain Balm. In a few dajs it will get jou up and out into the sunshine, then nature will restore the rich red blood to jour reins and soon rid the sjstem of
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    • 566 3 Straits Settlements War Loan Bonds. »1 Bearing Interest from the date »of purchase iam at 6 per cent per annum, payable Half-yearly on the 15th May and the 15ih November. REPAYABLE AT PAR ON THE 15™ NOVEMBER.*' I9IO»» PRICK OF ISSUE-100 PER CENT. Al] proceeds of this issue will be
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  • 666 4 The following is the Directors’ report to the abßrebnlders for the jeer ended 30ih Jane, 1917 Tour Director* have pleasure in submitting herewith a duly audited Statement of the Acoonnts of the Company for the year ended 30tb June. 1917. Ago unts.—The net profit for the
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  • 1092 4 The illogical practicality of the British character find» a peculiarly happy illustration in the early history of our foreign trade. Nothing could be less like the orderly development imagined by the theoretical publicist than the haphazard way in which individual traders gradually coalesced into an organized
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 80 4 Good articles recommend themselves, their value causes the public to ask for them aod not be statisfied with a substitute That is wby WOODS’ GREAT PEPPERMINT CURE has so increased in favour during the 20 years aod more it has been sold. It is a medicine put forward as a
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    • 217 4 New Models in Stylish Ladies’ Footwear. y UE can give you the best possible value for money* We are constantly adding: new styles of Ladies' Footwear, but we trust that the specimens shown below will interest you. mJ f LADIES’ BLACK DERBY LaCINC SHOE. PRICK Fitted with high Cuban heel,
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    • 575 4 The Eastern United Assurance Corporation Ltd. Head Office: BTNGAPORE. The undersigned has been appointed agents for the above Corporation, and is now pr«. pared and accept MARINE FIRE RISKS at eurrent rates. QUaH BENG KEE, 43. Betuh Street, Peuams. Lam Kam Thong, deceased, NOTICE. Pursuant to Section 26 of the
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  • 1023 5 A Suspicions Character. About 2 o’clock this morning while PC. 249 and another were on their rounds in Jelutong Road, they came upon a China' man, who, immediately on seeing them, ran into a small temple on th 9 way side. They followed him up and found
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  • 1005 5 Field Operations Toe following was the general idea of the Field Operations, yesterday The general idea was that information had been received that lcoal rioting had arisen among coolies who had raided Magazine Police Station and had taken possession of the arms and ammunition stored therein, Ths Inspector
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  • 46 5 Sangei Gettah 5,142, K. M S- 20,041, Pr'rdk River Valley 18.650, Semanggol 9 300, Juru 13.600, Kong L»e (Parak) 1,000, Gula Kilumpong 104,000, New Columbia 38.538, Sa magaga 16,324, Padang 28,500, Karan 10,580, Rautau 6,500, Cons jiid at id 49,524, Nellmiy 6,176 lb.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 382 5 WHAT you WANT WE HAVE TO-NIGHT AT Penang’s Popular Play Mouse Wber e Everybody Goes. [empire S^tESe! •«««I 1 t B a Jm FILMS OF THE HIGHEST ORDER FOR TO-NIGHT TO-NIGHT TO-NIGHT cC^J8^3(Ca8S^>cC2g8^cx-C3S88^J)-a^8J^3)cC3«8^JcC^8 MAItY FULLER IN “A HUNTRESS OF MEN” A most perfect Dramatic Masterpiece Feature JOS GIRARD *ND SYDNEY
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    • 588 5 4. O v AND A < M FR MIXTUR The Nellmay Rubber Co. Ltd. Incobpobatbd ik Pbkano. Notice is hereby given that applcition has been made to the Dirfctirs of this Company for the issue of Dup i ;ate Certificate in place of No. 268 for 50u shares Nos. 35,551—36,050
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  • 94 6 duly (except Sundays and public holidays) AT TMM CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. Row 59, Beach Street, Penang. Fuel Daily Local 924 per annum. Oototatkm... Postage Extra. Rail Edition (Post Free) 917.50 OilLl ADDIIBS ECHO—PENANG.” Telephone Ncs. (Echo) 586 Printing Department 343 N. 3. —All business communications should be
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  • 824 6 “The Navy is all right, said Sir Edward Carson at Belfast on the day that he left the Admiralty. He was replying to petulant queries of What is the Navy doing It is not wholly surprising that here in Malaya the work of the Navy is better
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  • 348 6 It is not our purpose to deal at any length tc-day with the Annual Address of His Excellency, a full report of which appears on page 8 of this issue, Ooce again the Governor has been able to record that the Colony has well maintained its sound financial
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  • 937 6 Mr. Justice L. P. Ebden and Mrs. Ebden left yesterday for Singapore by the b.b. Klang. Mr. A. van de Sande-Bakhuyzeu. ConsulGeneral for the Netherlands, has returned to Singapore after a fortnight’s visit to Medan M. Francois Andre Gustave Abel Danjou has been appointed Vice-Consul of France
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  • 967 6 The Process of Wearing Down. The process of attrition has been the subject of much comment in the pa»t and some of the opinions which have been expressed in this connection have lost much of their weight as each succeeding week found tbe enemy’s defence apparently as strong
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 186 6 There is no true saving where quality is not considered r Vi i a V* 'J It is not chance or magic but quality alone that makes Batt’s Tyres so famous They are made of British material and like the British soldier, simply cannot be beaten. covers 26 by for
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    • 32 6 “OUR DAY” DINNER Have you Reserved YOUR TABLE AT THE E. flf OT Do it now or you’ll be frozen oat. YOU MUSTN’T MISS THE PINK POM POMS. HELP THE RED CROSS
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  • 668 7 [Reuter's Telegrams] ENEMY COUNTER-ATTACKS. H«»tj Germ»» LossesLondon, October 2. Sir Douglas Haig reports i The enemy launched a powerful attack on a mile of front north of the Ypres-Menin road and east of Polygon Wood. The infantry, advancing in three waves, were driven back in disorder. with heavy
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  • 627 7 [Reuter's Telegrams.] Lively Artillery Duels. London, Oct, 2, 10.15 a m. A Paris communique states There were somewhat lively artillery aotions on the Aisne front and on the right bank of the Meuse. After a violent bombardment the Germans attacked between Cbaume Wood and Bezonvaux. A desperate fight
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  • 592 7 [Reuter's Telegrams.] THE RAMADIE VICTORY. Tkc Kiag to Geacral Maude, London, October 2. King George has sent the following mest sage to General Sir Stanley Maude, Commander-in-Chief of the Mesopotamian i Forces*— I send my best congratulations to yon and all the troops conoerned on the capture of
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  • 531 7 [Reuter's Telegrams.] Tke Sixlk. London, October 2. London experienced the sixth aerial raid last night. The firing stopped shortly after ten o’clock. Generally the bombardment was not so continuous as that on Sunday and Saturday, the hill firing being more frequent, bat the barrage when started,
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  • 25 7 (From Our Own. Correspondent London, October 2, The prioes in the London Rubber Market to-day were: Pale Crepe 2/8$ Diamond Smoked 2/6£
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  • 68 7 Latest Quotations. Tin (unrefined) is quoted here to-day at 1110.25 business done, in Singapore (refined) is quoted at 9110.50, buyers no sellers, and in London at 4243,55. and at 4241 ss, three months,. Messrs, Bonstead A Co. inform us that the following were the quotations for rubber
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  • 818 7 [Reuter’s Telegrams] OPENING CEREMONY. Wtriiii to "Rtpuklieui," 1 Pretori#, October 2, 5.35 a.m. r At the opening of the South Africai t Party Congress, the Chairman the Hon. Mr I H.C. Van Heerdeo, Minister of Agriculture, dealing with the subject of industries, congratulated the country on
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  • 672 7 [Reuter’s Telegrams] Seeoad Liberty Loaa Campaiga, Washington, Ootober 2. A great Second Liberty Loan campaign began at noon to-day and will l aB t a month. It is planned to raise at least three billion dollars, while the Treasury expects the oversubscriptions to swell to five
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  • 78 7 The following articles will be found on our outiide pages Page. 3.—Approaches to Peace, India’s Claims. Course of Tin Prioes. 4-—Trade and the Empire. 5.—Penang Volunteers. Police Court News. September Rubber Crops. 8. —Legislative Council. French Interests in Enemy Counties. Military Service Bill. Kerala Mahajsra Hangham. Penang Golf Club.
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  • 4707 8 INTRODUCTION OF THE SUPPLY BILL !I. E- The Governor’s Speech. Following is tbe text of the speech of Hie Exoellency the Governor on the introduction of the Bupply Bill at the meeting of the Legislative Council on Monday Addressing you once more during the continuance of war, lam
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  • 133 8 The French Consul in Singapore has been informed by the Minister of Foreign Affairs in Paris that, following the steps already taken by Germany, and in order to safeguard French interrats, the French Government has established a decree, promulgated on September 10, obligiog French people
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  • 169 8 [To thi Editor of tmr Btraxt9 Echo.] Sir, I have read the 8. T’t reply to Mr, Darbishire, still, I see no reason why a word should not be said m favour of the latter’s contention. As "the polioy if His Majesty’s Government is not to encourage
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  • 239 8 At the general meeting of the Malayalees held at Singapore on Saturday a new Association by the name Kerala Mahajma Sangham was formed, when the followmg members were elected as officebearers Mr. Y. B. Menon. president Mr. R.P. Pereira, vice-president; Mr. Francis Neeiankavil, bon. secretary; Mr. G.
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  • 97 8 Monthly Mrdal-Compbtition-Ooto»»*, Winner. Mr. M. D. 39 *****—5cr =75 nett Mr. F. Duxbury 44 40=84 7=77 Mr. C. R. A. M Goatly 49 50=99 20=79 Mr. G. A. Carmichael 38+43=81 1= 80 Mr. W. S. Goldie 40 45=85- s=Bo Mr. J. Crabb Watt 38 +4l 79+ 5=84
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  • 65 8 Mr, Kbaw Joo Tok advises us that the outputs from the following four companies for the month of September, were i The Tongkah Harbour Tin Dredging Co. N. L. 80 tone. Deebook Dredging No Liability—Cubic yards 70,000; Hours 540; Piculs 450- k0 D,,e book No Liability—Cubio yards 40,000
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  • 264 8 A report was given in our columns of the judgment on an interesting point which arose in connection with the above case, after a lengthy argument by Messrs. B. G. Van Someren and Boland Braddel for the defendant, A. M. S- Angnlia, and Mr. T Dudley
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  • 961 9 AcTIVB PABTICIPAUIOK. There iea growing feeling that China ■hnuld bear an active part in the prosecufion of the War. The President ba* excreased himself in this sense, and in an interview published in our columns recently we were able to quote the opinion f a Cabinet
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  • 311 9 Eicon d and Final List of Buvlti of Applications. 1. E O. H Cbarlwood, shipping super▼isor, Adamson, Oilfillan and Co. Released lor military service. 2. A. Roberts», mercantile assistant, John Little and Co., Ltd. Can be spared, going on military service, 4- G, W. Lyon, oashier, John Little
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  • 343 9 The very large crowd of visitors whioh thronged tae grounds of the Dutch Club, Singapore, on Saturday evening were all of the opinion that the fe e organised in aid of the British and French Red Cross Societies was one of the best functions of the kind
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  • 100 9 WIDNFSDAT, OCTOIRR 3 Town Band, Esplanade. Nellmay Rubber Co. Ltd-, A. G. M,. Kennedy Co., 2.30 p.m. Thursday, Octobbr 4. Penang Impressionists Exhibition in aid of St. Dunstan’s Institute for blinded soldiers and sailors, Chinese Merchants’ Club, 1, Leith Street. Friday, October 5. Town Band, Esplanade. Penang
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 99 9 Diphtheria—H»w It May Be Avoided* Diphtheria is usually contracted when the cnild hae a cold. The cold prepare* the ohild'a ay a torn for the reception and development of the diphtheria germ*. When there are caaea of diphtheria in the neighborhood children that have coldi ahould be kept at home
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    • 882 9 try it in your bath BY APPOINTMENT TO H.M. THE KING. SCRUBS S AMMONIA MARVELLOUS PREPARATION Invaluable for Toilet and Domestic Purposes. Softens Hard Water Splendid Cleansing Preparation for the Hair. Allays the Irritation caused by Mosquito Bites. Cleans Plate, Jewellery, and Carpets. For Sale by all Grocers and Chemists.
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    • 481 9 j h’s Good to feel tired after healthy exercise, but if that tired feeling does not disappear after a night's free* lit s abnormal. It means that you are anmmic or debilitat* ed that >ou need a tonic to build up your thin blood. Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills for Pale
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  • 228 10 Puxajre, OaTosua 8. 8. F. Tapioca fl 2 50 sellers, M. P. Tapioca l 2 75 **lU>rs Gold leaf 72 Pepper (W.Coast 8 lb. 505).816 1/2 buvera Black Pepper 25 tX> buyer* White Pepper 40 nouitual Trang Pepper ...882 *«a*ou ovei M|oa 8110 nom. Mace Picking* 48 selleia Cloves
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  • 293 10 Puuura, 3»© Octozbjk 1917. Bur ett. Soup •M eee per catty 14 Roast eee eee i) 26 fteaks 26 Stew or Curry Meat 16 Rump Steak 26 Ox Tail each 85 Tongue 50 Feet- i, 30 Heart 40 Liver per catty 30 Fillet of Beef 60 Pen*— Pork
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  • 1249 10  -  (Bt C DaTID t-TKLLIKO She wci q i’t i tbe happiest p “oe of humanity 1 b«d c ni« aoroii in three years of war. It oould turllv hare bien her work that her that air of sweet oont'nt which •eovunt to ladiate from her lakr-blue eyes
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 68 10 FREE TO ALL SUFFERERS II Vue feel «JT ol SORTS' ‘RUNDOWN* ‘GOT theBUIV KIDNEV, BLAUU&m, NERVOUS DLSt.AMfc CHRONIC VVKAKNB.S,I I.CI«S,S*IN ERUPT lONS.PILES. write Cor FREK cloth bound medical book on and Wonderful CURES effected bi N.l No2N»3 I End decideioi I yourself if it ie -I, lr v —o ‘follow
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    • 100 10 BURRELL CO.’S BOILED RAW LINSEED OILS. SNOW WHITE ZINC. PAINTS TURPENTINE. To be had Retail from all the Leading Stores. SANDILANDS, BUTTERY A Co. Sole Agents, Straits Settlements A FURTHER SHIPMENT OF SEVENTY-FIVE MACHINES ARRIVING SHORTLY. A m l w. 'J m E -Z^T“ 1 A ij%; '-'1 i r
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    • 246 10 IN THE SUPREME COURT OF THE STRAITS SETTLEMENTS. SETTLEMENT OF PENANG. IN BANKRUPTCY, Ee P. S' 2£~2iamei Noordin CoExparte Katz Brothers LtdTo P. S. Mohamed Noordin Co. Whereat a Bankruptcy Petition wag on the 22nd September, 1917, filed against you by Katz Brothers Limited, of No. 33 Beach Street, and
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  • 1772 11 About five yra r a ago there was published iD Paris a book in which were collected all the recorded sayiogs of Napoleon on the subject of war and the men who waged it under bis eyes. The work was oompiled by a distinguished French officer, and
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 363 11 THAT The Condensed Milk you buy is Borden s Eagle Brand name is s*amped m Wrapper S tia ware HAS BEEN EXTENSIVELY USED FOR OYER SIXTY YEARS m cc' bh^ 1 t. g****~\ C^, A RICH SAFE MILK FOR EYERY PURPOSE NOBEL'S EXPLOSIVES. M GAZIIES AT PENANG AND IPOH. Stocks
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    • 116 11 Kill Pain Before Pain Kills you Attacks of neuralgia, constant pain or the drpad of tbs sudden shooting pains, are a continual wear and strain on the vital forces of the sufferer. Uoless relief is obtained a breakdown is sure to follow, LITTLE’S ORIENTAL BALM brings certain and speedy relief
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    • 682 11 JONGKEENA TO MOTHERS: A SIMPLE HOME REMEDY. If you are living any distance from Town you should keep a bottle of this wonderful medicine in your heme, for it will never fail to give relief in all pama which oome on quite suddenly. If you will only keep this by
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1473 12 P. o.— British India AND JLPCAR LINE (Com panikh Incorporate» in England) Mail and Psitenger bervioea. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS. (UUDUR CONTRACT WITH HIS MAJEBTT’s GOVERNMENT) Tho Company’s MAIL SERVICES EAST OF BOMBAY «re at present suspended Paatengers for Enrope ere booked via Bombay as oppjrtunity offers and as far
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