Straits Echo, 1 October 1917

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1261 1 'U- < K V; L. f > ivO v: A' o£' m The Georgetown NORTHAM ROAD NS FARQUHAR STREET. Telegraphic address: Hokirateik. ’Phone No. 694 IS ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE. CARS FOR HIRE A flaet of Brand ntw C-rs for hire day and night at moderate chargee. Motor Car Importers
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    • 9 1 Ai 1 3 SI i/s'lS M F-t M £L
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  • 1796 3  -  The Motor Transport Volunteers. [By Victor MacClure Among the many vo’unteer formations that the war has brought into being in Britain there is none that can lay better claim to useful service than the Motor V olunteer Corps To underttand the working of this branch of Volunteer
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  • 227 3 Another instance of tbe daring of Chinese gang rofcbors is reported. Two constables ware patrolling between Ipoh and Guntong, about two miles out from town, ati about midday on Tuesday, when they were suddenly confronted by Chinese and relieved of their rifloe, without being given a cbanc6
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 536 3 BT OKDfe OF .TILE CUSTOIHiN OF .ENEMY PROPERTY PURSUANT TO AN OIDER OF HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVEKNOR IN COUNCIL the matter of the Trading with the Enemy Ordinances 1914 to 1916 ad of the Alien Enemies (Winding up) Ordinances 1914 to '917 IMPORTANT AUCTION SALE I OF A Valnab’e Freehold
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    • 71 3 Teething Children. Teething children have mori or less diarrhoea, which be controlled by giving Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea S All that is necessary is to give the prescribed dose after each operation of the bowels more than natural and then castor oil to cleanse the system- It is safe
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    • 10 3 For Chronic Chest Complaints, Woods' Great Peppermint Oars Is. 6J
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    • 560 3 oc A DC DUCDnc DC PALE WOMEN DC r in the n TroJi^ an Wh g d CoI Ur at H me grows pale and 8allow when th j fad i Dg 00, ur in cheeks and lips is accompanied by a loss of brightness in of the biood incraasmg
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  • 624 4 THE NEW DIRECTOR. Fir Arthur Yapp. S r Arthur Yapp, ibe new Director of Pood Eaonomy, is min in the prime of life. Some twenty-fire years ago bis personlity attracted the att ution of a Y M C.A District Secretary in the M dlands and he w»s persuaded
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  • 282 4 [To THi Editor or the Freo Preit Sir.—l cull the followiug from the published report of the bco’ble Mr. Darbisbire’s at the half-yearly meeting: “He (Mr. D»rbishire) was aware that there bad been a suggestion that highly paid Eurasians might be employed as sub-titutes for Europeans but
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  • 92 4 Under the Increase of (War Restriction) Ordinance, 1917, the Governor, in pursuance of the provisions of section 3, has established the following R«nt Asses* ment Roard- For the R iral Area of Malacca i The Chairman, Ru al Board (President). Hon Mr. 0. H. N ven, Mr
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  • 654 4 [Reuter’s Telegrams. Offcitiu Measures. London, Sept. 29. The following authoritative instances of successful encounters with enemy sub* marines illustrate the diversity of the methods employed to deal with them. First lustanoe. A torpedo boat sighted the periscope of a submarine to the starboard bow six hundred yards
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 266 4 BE&XBB m II GREATEST DUST GATHERER THE O-CEDAR MOP O-CEDAR MOP LEAMS AS IT POLISHES. O-CEDAR MOP. A pi" VO ar WBA 01 with a strong enamelled steel centre Inde*tructible Cleans and polishes at the aa<aa time, putting a high lustre on all varnished surface» There is nothing to equal
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    • 782 4 Kill Pain Before Pain Kllk you Attack* of neuralgia, constant pai or the dread of tha sadden shooting pair, are a continual wear and strain on the ritsfoices of the sufferer. Unless relief is obtined a breakdown is sure to follow, LITTLE’S ORIENTAL BAlf brings carttia and epaedy relief to
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  • 1266 5 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] Soutk-East Coast Attacked. London, Sept. 29. A British official report says Aeroplanes attacked the south-east coast in the evening and, it is reported, I various points along the coast of Suffolk, Es" I sex and Kent. The majority did not venture I far inland. A
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 656 5 WHAT you WANT WE HAVE TO-NIGHT AT Pen.nfs Popular PUy House Where Everybody Goes. f EMPIRE jSsjTHEATRE I FILMS OF THE HIGHEST ORDER FOR Mon., Tues. Wed October Ist 2nd 6t 3r d WARY FULLER IN “A HUNTRESS OF MEN” JOS A most perfect Dramatic Masterpiece Feature GIRARD AND SYDNEY
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    • 257 5 r <$> 0 o AND B < s/ D 0 D M Sn£D MIXTURE. '%*4. V-T i. if x* t r I ESTATE SUPPLIES. NEW SHIPMENTS JUST ARRIVED. to a a D ACETIC ACID 99 per cent. Glacial. MOMI CASES Size 19" by 19" by 24' Porcelain Cups Flat Bottom
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  • 100 6 MbM daily (txoepfc Sunday» and public holidays) -MU ax m CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. B* JW. %<K Bmch Street, Penanf nioi; ii, DuOy Leaal 934 per annum. Otelatinn Portage Extra. MbR BiMte (Port Free) 917.50 4 CARL» addrss*: b ECHO —PENANG.” Telephone Nos. (Echo) 586 Printing Department 343
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  • 1207 6 The optimism displayed by General Maurice in summing up the military 1 situation as it stands to-day is all the more welcome when we realise that military men usually show a tendency to err on the side of caution. He has not confined his remarks to the successful
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  • 907 6 M*-. W. Btnarti of Genuang, Johore, is shortly proceeding Home to ioin up. 0- 1#» .9%0 ft f Mr. S. H. Langston has been appointed an Assistant Registrar of Imports and Exports.'** •00 1 m The leave of absence of Mr. Jastice Sproule is for four months,
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  • 1000 6 Russia. M. Kerensky is still occupied with domestic reorganisation. His War Cabinet of five did nqtjhqlg together very long and his principal Co-adjutor M. Terestchenko has resigned. Everything now depends on two things. The first is self-suppreuion on the part of the Council of the Workmen’s and Soldiers'
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 259 6 There is no true saving where quality is not considered It is not chance or magic but quality alone that makes Bati’s** Tyres so famous. They are made of British material and like the British simply cannot'be beaten. Je r i u Motor Cycle Tym. T, COVERS. 26 by 2*
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  • 15 6 Death, 1 Eabl—Afthe E. Hotel —on Satnrd»y, 29th instant, Flora, widow of Percy William Earl.
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  • 611 7 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] COUNIER-ATTACK* CEASE. Patrol Eseovfttera. London, September 29, 12 15 a.m. Sir Douglas Haig reports “There hare been no further counterattacks, and infantry encounters were confined to patrols. We took a hundred prisoners. ••A strong enemy party in attempting to approach the lines early this morning to
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  • 557 7 [Reuter's Telegrams] Comparative Lull. London, Sept, 30. A French communique states: The day has been quiet except for cannonading on the Aisne and on the right of the Meuse. There has been no infantry 1 action,’’ Artillery Fighting. London, Sept. 30. A French communique states There was very
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  • 1122 7 [Reuter’s Telegrams] IMPERIAL CHANCELLOR’S SPEECH. Reletieee with NeutralsAmsterdam, Sept 28. Dr. Micbaelis, speaking in the Reichstag, declared that Germany’s relations with centrals were satisfactory and undisturbed by the exertions of the enemy press. Germany would continue to participate in provisioning neutrals. “laexorable Effects of Submariaism." The Imperial
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  • 105 7 {From Our Own CorresporuJejiL) London, September 28, The prices in the London Rubber Market to-day were: Pale Crepe 2/8f Diamond Smoked 2/6f London, September 29. Pale Crepe 2/8| Diamond Smoked 2/6f [The Market Report of Messrs. Aldens’ Successors Ltd, dated London, August 23, states. The market has
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  • 55 7 Latest Quotations. Tin (unrefined) is quoted here to-day at $110.50, business done, in Singapore (refined) at $ll2, business (75 tons sold), Messrs, Boustead Co. inform us that the following were the quotations for rubber on spot in London on the 28'h inst. received yesterday Plantation Ist latex
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  • 1055 7 [Reuter’s Telegrams] M. TERESTCHENKO'S WARNING. A Polity of Paradox's, Pctrcgrad, Sept. 29 M. Terestchenko, kha Foreign Minister wbo has resigned, is temporarily carrying on. He made a statement urging that from henceforth Russia's policy ehould not be the policy of paradoxes as in the last Lw months. Acting on
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  • 69 7 The following articles will be found oo our outside pages Page. 3. —An Excellent Auxiliary. Daring Gang Bobbers. 4. —Telegrams Pood Economy. Tfce Eurasian Question, Kent (Assessment Boards. 5. —Telegrams. 8, —M. P. A. A. London Rubbtr Market. Shares. Mutiny Memorial. 9, dmall Cbarrc,” The Volurt^es The Week’s Even's.
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  • 4814 8 QUARTERLY GENERAL MEETING. A Record Attendance. The second quarterly general meeting of the members of the Malaya Peninsula Agricultural Association was held at the Eiian Club yesterday. The attendance was a record one and include the following Messrs. J. W. Kennedy (vict-President) in chair, A. R.
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  • 114 8 The following are the alterations in Messrs. A. A. Anthony A Co.’s, share list to-day Balgownie Bnhber Estate $6 20 buvers and $6 50 sellers Kedah Rubber Co. $4 buyers and $4 15 sellers Malakoff Rubber Co. $4 50 buyers and $4.75 sellers; ex div. Perak Valley Rubber Co.
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  • 81 8 The above show intends taking its patrons by surprise by not including in the hand bills all the pictures to be shown at, to-night’s grand change of programme. It includes only three The Huntress of Men” the title of which is a sufficient advertisement, the concluding episodes of
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  • 1016 8 Unveiliko Ckrkmont. I The Victoria Memorial Hall, Singapore, on Friday afternoon was the scene of a ceremony, which brought to one’s mind those anxious days of February, 1915, —tha unveiling by Sir Arthur H. Young of a memorial plaque erected on the vestibule of the Hall to the
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 80 8 translation The UNDERSIGNED ««dertake» to translate any docament from Englis l into Chinese and vie» versa. Also Chinei accounts into English. Fees according to the following soale (1) For translation for insertion in the Straiti Echo or the Pinang Sin Poe or to be printed by the Jobbing Department of
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  • 492 9 [To The Editor ot the Malay Mail.] Sir —Io your correspondence column of Wednesday last T. P- T. suggests using podage stamps in the place of small coin. This is an excellent idea, though not at all a new one, such postage currency a9 it was then oalled—having
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  • 264 9 Second-Lieut. Bartley, 5.V.1., Malay Co., is promoted temporary Captain while commanding the company, and Pte. H. F. Monk, 3. V. R„ is appointed temporary Lieutenant while attached to the Malay Company. The Governor has approved of the following promotions in the Penang Volunteers: Lieut. E E. C ilman.
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  • 99 9 Mohdat, October 1. Town Band Esplanade. I Jewish Holiday (Tabernacles First Diy.) Full Moon. Wednesday, Octobee 3 Town Band, Esplanade. Nellmay Rubber Co, Ltd-, A. G. M,. I Kennedy A Co., 2.30 pm. Thursday, October 4, “Penang Impressiooists Exhibition inj mid of St. Dunstan’s Institute for blinded
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  • 509 9 The burden of the great apeeoh bj the British Premier on the oooaaion of entering the fourth year of war was that there must Ibe no next time.” There need be no danger of one if we but choose to go forward with a single purpose. Russia
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  • 323 9 The Lord Bishop of Singapore presided at the opening of a small ward at the Malacca Women’s Mission on Tuesday morning. The Bishop said he was grateful for the response whioh had been made to the appeal for a Malacca Church Army Tent in che Western front,
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  • 220 9 Sportsmen in Psrak will be interested to hear that Mr. John Gilfillan, manager of UluPiah Mines, shot an unusually large wild goat on the limestone hills near Tambun on Wednesday evening. Wild goats, whioh were found in many parts of the Peninsula 20 years ago, are
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 1319 9 Mart. Penang Auction P Si by order of the receivers appointed by the supreme COURT OF THS STRAITS SETTLEMENTS, SETTLEMENT OF PENANG. IM W« po4 Tail 4 □< ther ber I trie* 8UIT 1913 No. 388BITWRBN QUAH ENG HEOH and KHOO SIT CHEANG, Flaintif s AND TO TAN S1EW EIM,
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    • 12 9 For Children’! Hacking Cough at Night. Wood* Great Peppermint Cure li, 6d
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    • 340 9 PENANG’S RENDEZVOUS Penang Cinema The Best Show wtth the Best Orchestra TO BE SCREENED AT 930 PM. 3 “THE MEXICAN RAIDERS" Something that makes you Tight Reels Reels Throo An enthralling film protraying fighting in Mexico A film of the Century, that was prcclaimed the finest ever shown in New
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  • 1081 10 The pr*f>eut is a supnun m >mr>* t for Cbira O to th great war in Eu ope t- e world >s, a* jr »e e, at the' parting of tlie w»yp, *ll d it re»ts with China to d aide b*r d stiny in Ibe
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 344 10 KTOTICE. From i.t September, 1917, ail the interest and business in rubber dea’ing in the name of Kong Eng Co, and Bukit Mmtajam Rubber Factory, at Nos. 27 and 28 Station Road. Bukit Mertajam, hive been sold to me Mr. Lim Kong Eng has no further connection with the above
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    • 12 10 For Children’s Hacking Ccugh at Night. Woods’ Great Peppermint Care Is. 6d
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    • 385 10 Wm 'V,. 1 S3 r;:3S v i m ĕ=f i i. v 89 8> SUPERIOR TO ALL. m i niir i'Ssg Mfe:,-,, T >K.’V-W S5&S.f» Si* SSĕSST. ’’i?/ l £j£)r^* y=r -5 k/ *m. m r< /?W iv Ili.l I Pork and Beans Ox Tongues Lunch Tongues Breakfast longues Boneiess
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  • 2753 11 Siskiso of ‘'Sussex.” We give below farther details of Mr. Gerard’s Memoirs:— The Sussex was torpedoed on March 24 near the coast of France. Four hundred and thirty-six persons, of whom seventy five were Americans, were on board. The captain and a numrer of the passengers saw
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 127 11 f V*> r a A u V > 5 1 -v/t 4 hLT' *i- v A GOODRIC mm On Won TUT it thorough!* against any other tyre* and > VP «quip all fear whaals with GOODRICH in futara. PROVE ITS SAFETY PROVE ITS ECONOMY PROVE ITS SUPERIORITY REMEMBER THE NAME.
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    • 43 11 Every Day PINKETTS, the tiny laxatives that correct constipation, cure sick head aches, stimulate a sluggish liver and keep one fit always. 80 cents per phial at sour druggist's or direct by mail on receipt of price Iron DR. WILLIAMS* MEDICINE COMPANY. SINGAPORE.
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    • 53 11 GROSS HERMANOS. MALAGA, SPAIN. SHIPPERS OF HIGH CLASS PRODUCE AND GROCERY LINES, INCLUDING I RHSIN3, DRIED FIGS, ALMONDS, NUTS LEMONS. GRAPES, OLIVES, PURE OLIVE SALAD OIL, WINES, CHICKPEAS, ANISEED. CUMIN SEED, Etc. Reliable Altai, wasted ia all Urge towas. Higkot references and samples on application Wfi<« for o«r Illustrated Catalogue
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1343 12 p. Oc—British India AND &PCAR LINK (Companies Incorporated in England.) Mail and PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS. (totdbr oontract with his majesty’s government) Thu Company’s MAIL 8ERVICES EAST OF BOMBAY are at present suspended. Passengers for Europe are booked via Bombay as opportunity offers and as far as aoeoxaodation is available.
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