Straits Echo, 27 September 1917

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Straits Echo
  • 45 1 Straits Echo 4 '4 W' “w 1 r f^T DAILY CHRONICLE OF EVENTS. CIRCULATING THROUGHOUT THE STRAITS, THE FEDERATED. »Al*Y STATES AND THE FAR EAST GENERALLY. VOL. 16. $24 Fer Annum. PENANG; THURSDAY, 27th SEPTEMBER, 1917. Single; Copy,<lQ gents. V >-* -rjl W I No. 227
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1148 1 '*f «.S MHUMMI r l differ fe*6a -••*-—«israaao»'’ The Georgetown n ROAD NORTHAM FARQUHAR STREET. A ■f B A N K 3 Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China. (INCORPORATED IN ENGLAND ROYaL CHARTER.) BY .«1,200,000 1.900,000 Telegraphic address: Hokimteik. ’Phone Mo. 694 IS ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE. CARS FOR
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    • 19 1 *wtS> A lĔS mu# “u StiT CO I/It ii?*w IS? ettt p»c u*B sSSi. 1 tC v* a bj*}X
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  • 928 3 A Personal Sketch. Major-General John J. Pershing, who goes to France in command of the first division of American Regulars, is undoubtedly better qualified for the honour than any American General Officer, says the New York Herald. He is comparatively young, ao excellent disciplinarian, and certainly bolds the
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 776 3 s JtmR*** V® J£ i"V. iv0* Throat SU5 SP **£3 TdhuO h V' MW t m Ĕ Chemist m m and Bazaars Ang Builds up Strength r 1 An ter’s Emulsion is invaluable for building up health an strongt i in all run-down conditions and wasting diseases, or alter any
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    • 58 3 Supplied bj all Chemists. Physicians prescribe Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy because it rel eves cramps in the stomach and intestinal pains quicker than any preparation they can compound. It can be bought from any chemist shop. A bottle will keep for years, and no home is complete without
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    • 301 3 THE BODEGA, PENANG. ike above Bar 8 Restaurant Having been Purchased by Thomas SHAFTO. Is undergoing extensive Alterations and many novel improvements will be the outcome. Patrons will soon be invited to pass judgment. MALTHOID ROOFING. For Dams, reservoirs, filter beds, factories, bungalows, banks, business blocks, coolie lines etc., etc.
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    • 461 3 aEEESKffIK ‘3T SC.rd.***.'*:.>■ .JLIZZ' JSBS^HSiZIZi SKIN DISEASES Overcome by the Waatlariul Blood Properties of Dr. MOSSE S INDIAN BOOT" PIILS. > A person suffering from eruptions of the skin lias much to endure. It not merely the discomffeure and irritation and painful sensation, hut fife is" made miserable by depression
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  • 640 4 The fact that a Briusu director of the Cainese coolies euipi y.d n France his now been sppoinled sirt-ngi Uoi s uur surmise that tue great labour uiaikat in tbe O lent eus been well tapped, and the army ot ctoliea baa grown to aucn a very respectable
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  • 416 4 We have do desire to In regarded as alarmists when viewing the activiti a of the enemy in our midst or pointing to the avenues which are open to desperate m»n who would emulate in China the nefarious acts of tbrir compatriots in Europe. Weeks ago
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  • 199 4 Pknabo, S*PT*MBIR 27. ?j p p T P |OCl »12.»|„, omZn WbihP.pfmr om b "Jf TraDg Pepper »82™* M*co *llO VJr Mace Pickings 48 89l er(J ST* i,n sailers. Nutmegs 110« 35 Bellerg a (S°i n 2 *ales. Sugar No 2 102 .ales. Basket 5.15 buyer. Copra Sundned 5
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  • 6 4 Pbhano, 27th Sbftbmbbb 1917.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 62 4 all varieties of L?-, ”£-&vssBS£z Tremendous Assortment Value Unequalled. Laidlaw and Company, Limited. [INCORPORATED IN ENGLAND.] W\ PH W\ r? *P‘ n i *V* K I C Packed in Tins of 1 Kilo and in Bottles of 500, 250 and 100 tablets. 1 FOR PRICES A PPL V TO:Penang Taiping.
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    • 431 4 To Be Shot at Sunrise woo d germ welcome rtlef to many who suff r t: e r. d bot p*>n (bruits of neuralgia, I -these are tbe hopeless torture-wracked j beings wbo live in tue shadow of constant dread of tbe stabbing, twisting, unbearable sudden pains and spasm of
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  • 440 5 [Reuter's Telegrams] A COMPLETE FAILURE. Me» Retura to Woik. Melbourne, September 26. On September 25, reseating the introduction of the card system the employeeauf the railway workshops in Sydney struck work on August 2. Other Railway and Tramway Union» struck work in sympathy almost completely stopping the services
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  • 98 5 (.From Onr Own Correspondent Ipob, September 27. At the half-yearly meeting of the mem* bers of the Ipoh Gymkhana Olub the acoounts were adopted. The credit balance was $789 after payment of $BOO towards tbe Red Cross Fund and $1,630 for upkeep of the course. Tne Chairman
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  • 86 5 The management of the above assures ul that a really excellent entertainment trill b« provided in the ohange of programme which takes place to night. In the first show, commencing at 8 o’clock to-night ind to-morrow night new parts of The lion Claw" Will be ticreened and in
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  • 168 5 Exhibition hi Aid of St. DunstaiLS. [To ths Editou or tW Strait Echo.] Dear Btr, The Penang Impressionists Sketching Club will bold their Annual Exhibition on' October 4 and 5, at the Chinese Merchants Club, Leith Street, (lata Engineers’ Institute). Our object is to benefit tbe funds of
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  • 228 5 Paris, September 21, 6*50 p.m.—The French 3 per cent bonds are at francs 61 and the 5 per oent at 88.20. The French Chamber voted the withdrawal from Turmel of the privilege of the parliamentary immunity. The artillery was very aotive in ChamThe British met with considerable
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  • 145 5 The following are the alterations in Messrs. A. A. Anthony A Co.’s, share list to-day Balgownie Rubber Estate $6.30 sellers; Jeram Kuantan Rubber Estates $l.BO buyers and $1 90 sellers; Kempas $9 buyers and $9 50 sellers Lunas Rubber Estates $8 10 buyers and (8 30 sellers Mandai*Tekoog (Singapore),
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  • 301 5 Pekawg Womin Womim, Amount previously acknowledged 95,861.53 Mr-'. S'muel 3.00 95,864.53 Hospital garments (or soldier* ready out out for workers will be given out at the Town Hill every Friday at 9.45 till 11 a.m. All donations should be sent to Mrs. J.M, Anthony, Cbatswortb, Northern
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  • 456 5 At the unanimous request of the Uncfficiiis in Legislative Council yesterday the Government agreed to drop the Military Service Bill in its present form. Our report of the meeting gives the speeches of hon’ble members, which, as was beooming on such an occasion, were marked by earnestness
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  • 142 5 Mrs. Ebden s Concert. Mrs. Ebden is to be congratulated on the striking success of her conoert the detailed takings of which we append. By sale of tickets $1,018.00 roses, programmes, etc. 293.18 m drinks 160.00 auction sale of gifts 690.00 Total $2,161.18 School Sports* One of
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  • 301 5 Rumour reaches us, aaya the North China Daily Newt of September 7, to the effect that Herr Snipping, the ex-Consul-General for Germany, is developing another diplomatic malady which will prevent bis ■ailing by the Dutch steamer that is under* stood to be due here about the middle of
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 266 5 c-s EMPIRE fey .,i T'S Manager beoomlng a recognised fact that each new Empire Programme beats the one before. The all new ohange guaranteed by the management to medt with the approval of every patron. to-night is m: 1 8 The whole show from 8 to il.30 is bright and
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    • 547 5 A Clerk for an office near Ipoh knowing well to speak, read and writ» English and Siamese (Bangkok) with also a fhir knowledge of tjpe writing in English Salary per mensum 175/- quarter» and light freeApply stating previous experience to Box No. 333 598. C/e Straits Echo. GROSS HERMANOS. MALAGA,
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  • 98 6 MGiM d&ilj (except Sundays and pmblic holiday*) at in CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. Ra, 59, Beach Street, Penang. Prior* Dafly Leaal 9*4 per annum. Qrtrtatkm... Portage Extra. Mail Edition (Port Free) 917.50 M oiiLi addebss: EOHO —PEN ANG." Telephone Nos. (Echo) 586 Printing Department 343 N. B. —All
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  • 1203 6 Germany ha* climbed down to the Argentine, and the experience, new to her, will, no doubt, preve useful a* a pr liminary exercise in an art which she is nearer to learning, in a hard school, than she quite likes. The Luxburg affair may be regarded as over.
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  • 879 6 Mr. Jules Martin will be ieaving tor Medan and Java ia the immediate future. Mr. M. L. W. Lloyd, of Bagan Datob Estate, will be leaving for India on a short holiday. Mr. R. J, Bartlett has returned to Malacca to inspect the Malay schools which number
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  • 980 6 Captain Mueller. Penang people will read with interest tho account cabled by Reuter this morning 0 Captain Mueller’s latest exploit. Althm, °u aided by the Hun Monte,”who 5I m splendid S p.dB work, he we. P •uccessful ID getting away .ben the Emden paid n, an early
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 318 6 Field Glasses. IMPORTED UNDER WAR OFFICE LICENCE. STOCKS VERY LIMITED. No, 1. Good Definition and High Magnification $16.00 No 2. Gives A Large Field and Good Stereoscopic Effect No. 3 A Keally High Class Glass This model gives an expectionally clear view over lan I and sea. Tbe definition is
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  • 1170 7 [Reuter’s Telegrams] POWERFUL COUN ER-ATTACKS, Fierce F gktiag. London, Sept. 25, 11.45 p.m. Sir Dmglas Haig reports t Under a thick mist the enemy delivered a powerful counter-attack at dawn on onr positions on the ridge between Tower Hamleta and Polygon Wood which was repulsed on the bulk
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  • 26 7 (From Our Own Correspondent) London, September 25, The prices in the London Rubber M irket o-dav were: Pale Crepe 2/9} Diamond Bmoked 2/7}
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  • 60 7 Latest Quotations. Tin (unrefined) is quoted here to-day at I $111.75, buyers no sellers, in Singapore (reI fined) at 9112.50, business done (125 tons Messrs. Boustead A Co. inform us that the following were the quotations for rubber on spot io Landon on the 25th mst. received
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  • 594 7 [Reuter's Telegrams] 1 1 Artillery Straggle London, Se.ot 26, 5 a.m. A Paris communique announces "The artillery straggle was lively in the Hurtebise, Craonne, Boil and Chaume regions. There was no infantry action. French aviators dropped ten tons of projectiles on the railway stations at Cambrai, Luxemburg and
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  • 590 7 [Reuter’s Telegrams] CALMNESS OF THE PEOPLE. London Takes Cover. LondoD, September 26. > Contrary to Monday’s moonlight, the i fcky yesterday evening was overcas’ with low-lying clonds. Again it was noticeable how London bad learned to take cover. The thoroughfares were cleared with business like oelerity;
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  • 596 7 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] ADMIRALTY REPORT. A Deere#*#London, Sept, 26. The Admiralty returns show that the arrivals at British ports daring the week were 2 775 and the sailings 2,691 Total 5.466 Thirteen vessels over 1,600 tons were sank and two under that tonnage, making a total of fifteen.
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  • 60 7 The following articles will be found on our outside pages Page. 3.—General Pershing. 4-—Chinese Labour. The Enemy in China. s.—Telegrams. Military Service Bill. M Our Day 1917, German Intriguers. Penang Impressionists.” French Consular Telegrams, Queen Mary’s Needlework Guild. Shares. 8. —Logislative Counoil. The Week’s Events. 9. The Eternal Atkins.
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  • 572 7 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] KORNILOFF-KEben* KY DISPUTE, Fuitber Li*M, Petiograd, Siptember 26. M. Eavinkfff, formerly Minister for war, writing to the Bourae Gazette, expUios that General KorniUff’s revolt was due to a misund-tr standing. Aftir M. 3*vinktff bad obtained M, Kerensky’s consent for Kornikffs reforms and Kornilcff had agreed to Kerensky's
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  • 5877 8 THE MILITARY SERVICE BILL WITHDRAWN. Unofficial Members’ Opposition. A meeting of the Legislative Council was held on Monday afternoon. H. E. the Governor (Sir Arthur Young, Q C.M.G.) presided, and the other members present were: The Hon. the Colonial Secretary (Mr. F. 8. James, CMG), the Hon. Attorney«General
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  • 134 8 Minutus of Mkjtiko. Minutes of a meeting of the Municipal Commissioners held on Thursday, the lfith September, 1917. Pruent Hour, W. Pbbl, Preiident. How A F. Goodrich. F. Djjxicbt, Esq. A. M. Goodmaw, Esq Yuo* Goan Suok, Esq. Chmm Wo* Loh, Esq. Abi&nt Quah Bsno Ebb, Esq. 1.
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  • 92 8 Thubsdat, SiFTimn 27, Our Day" public meeting} Straits Trading Company's Club, 7 p.m. Hari Raya Hadji. Y. M. C. A,—Lecture by Mr. Isaac Tambyab, Catabombs of Boms” A. C. 8. Hall, 8 p.m. Fbioat, Sbptbmbbb 28 Town Band, Esplanade. Satubdat, Bbptbmbhb 29. Michaelmas Day. Rahman Hydraulio Tin
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  • 2075 9 War-Hospital p*ii.-nts are of many sorts. It is a common mistake of the armchair ntwspaper devouror to lump all soldiers together as quaint, bibulous, aitch-drop-ping innocents, amblike and gauche in dr*w-iog-rooms, fierce and p uturesqua in the fiiid, who (to judge by their published photographs) are continually
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 319 9 32 H.P. 5 Seater, Electric Light, Self Starter, B.S. BICYCLES AND riOTOR CYCLES CAN BE HAD ON MONTHLY SYSTEM. JUST RECEIVED MAGNETOES. IWICHEIilfi TYRE STOCKISTS. CYCLE l CARRIAGE C0-. The Complete House for Cyrles i>nd Motors Penang, 'poh, Kuala Lumpur and Singapore. A CAR THAT IS BUILT UP TO THE
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    • 39 9 A Hatter Remedy. Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy is master over cramp colic, dysentery, and all in’estinal pains- One dose relieves, a second dose is rarely necessary to effect a cure. For sale by all dispensaries and dealers,
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    • 1027 9 s AUCTION SALE e Of Jewellery, consisting of Diamond Rings, Brooches, Earrings, Bracelets, etc., I DIAMOND SET KROSAKGS, HAItt PINS, Etc., y AT II A.M. On Tuesday, 2nd October, 1917, e At Logan s Archway, Beach Street, The Union Auction Room 4a Beach Street. M. NALPON, t Licensed Auctioneer, r
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  • 875 10 Bitter Quarrel. What are thn Ge r m*D8 fighting for?'* This is the subj ct of a cunous discussion O. tween the Liberal a«id C mwervative German m w-papprs be quarrel, as usual, was •Parted by Coup*' Bevrotlow wifb a direct warning to the Kaiser
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 143 10 \r ifll M 1 B8 1*M > Kjm */> 9> M J THE BEST LAMP FOR EVERY PURPOSE HALF-WATT LAMPS ARE STOCKED S From 100 to 2,000 C.P., for 230 volts. 60 to 1,000 C P., for 110 volts Special New Types JUST RECEIVED “ARGA” HALF-WATT TYPE LAMPS. 230 Volts,
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    • 70 10 When a child deve’ops one of those nasty hacking coughs which keep the family awake at night it is annoying for tbfm, but far more serious for the child, b*-o*use of the strain thrown on its undeveloped bodily organs. Rupture is often caused by a straining cough. WOODS’ GREAT PEPPERMINT
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    • 105 10 e i i c i i B I r r §i fi G I I t ti a PEISH ES i i sP i V. S I' f f AGENTS R. T. REID Co., Penang.! BixINKMA.NN Co., Singapore. J THE WATERHOUSE Co., Ltd. I (INCORPORATED IN THffi U.8 A Muar,
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  • 2477 11 THE SISKING OF TPE “LUSITANIA” AND 01 HERS. GERMAN FOREIGN MINISTER’S QUIBBLING. Many Unpublished Details Gitbn. We publish below further instalments of Mr. J. Gerard’s Memoirs At international law it had always been recognized that private individuals and corporations have the right to sell arms and munitions
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 651 11 M (Z3R2 THE EASTERN PRODUCE EXCHANGE. 27, Beach a,,te<, at the co.cer of Beach Street and Church Street Chtut. BAXTER Co's BEST NAVY CANVAS CAPITAL $120,000. Auctioneers Brokers. The 172nd Auction Sale of Rubber WILL BE HELD On Monday, the 1st October. 1917. Auction Soles of Rubber held twice a
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    • 124 11 GOVERNMENT 0P KEDAH PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT, ALOR STAR. ANTED an experienced Clerk of vv Wo ks for the super? sion of bur dings #ni roai construction and maintenance SiUry $l7O <o $215 p.m. by annual iocr j noentB of $7 50 per m msem with free quarters aud the usual
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1519 12 p. 0.—British India AND &PCAR LINE (Companies Jjmjo*fo*atb» in England.) Hail and Panenjer rtcrvico®■ PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS. (TOMB CONTRACT WITH HI8 MAJRSTT’s GOTKRNMRNT) The Company’» MAIL SERVICES EAST OF BOMBAY are at present suspended. Passengers for Europe are booked via Bombay as opportunity offers and as far as ueeomodation
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