Straits Echo, 26 September 1917

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1157 1 A It !&ed The Georgetown n NORTHAM ROAD NO FARQUHAR STREET. Telegraphic address: Hokimteik. ’Phone Ho. 694 IS ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE. CARS FOR HIRE A fl j et of Brand C«r9 for hire day and night at moderate chargM. Motor Car Importers Motor repairing by experienced mechanic. All
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    • 10 1 LE’s MXLK m cat N •■*ec vie nous f« tss
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  • 2188 3 It is the almost daily task of every subaltern on active service to collect and censor the letters of the men under his command. That this is no small labour manv a weary officer will testify, who nightly burns the midnight oil over compositions not his own;
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 479 3 BY ORDER OF THE CUSTODIAN OF ENEMY PROPERTY PURSUANT TO AN ORDER OF HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR IN COUNCIL In the matter of the Trading with the Enemy Ordinances 1914 to 1916 and of the Alien Enemies (Winding up) Ordinances 1914 to 1917. IMPORTANT AUCTION SALE. Ot A Valuable Freehold
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    • 46 3 PINKEES '.t'Ji.'!: Will Keep You Fit during the Summer, hetaute they geetly stimulate the howles aad thus keep the system ecol, eleaa and healthy. 80 cents per phial at rear druggist's or direct by mail on receipt ol p Irom DB. WILLIAMS' MEDICINE COMPANY. S1NGAPOBE. irii
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    • 459 3 Keep It Handy, Immediat9 relief is necessary in attacks of diarrhoea. Chamberlain’s Colic, Coolera and Diarrhoea Remedy should always be on band. For sale by all di~persines and dealers. Is Your Child Pale? W hen a child fororrr’y l right «nd activo loses colour, s ffers from head.,, be bleedin
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    • 148 3 GROSS HERMANOS. MALAGA, SPAIN. 8HIPPERS OF HIGH CLASS FBODCCI AND GROCERY LINES, INCLUDING RVISIN3 DRIER FIGS. ALMONDS. .NUTS. LEMONS. GRAPES, OUYES, PURE OLIVE SALAD OIL. WINES, CHICKPEAS, ANISEED CUMIN SEED. Etc. Reliable Age»!» want'd in all Urge lewet Highest references and samples on application. Write for our Illustrated Catalogue S
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  • 1084 4 American army nuiuoritias are about to undertake a scientific study of cowardice, and to that end a commission of scientific men has been created to which Dr, Mortimer W. Raynor, psychiatrist of tbe Department of Correction of New Yjrk, has been ap- pointed. The commission will also study
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 250 4 DAMASK TABLE CLOTHS AND NAPKINS. £> mz > vc£ kyA ■—.i /s f v $‘5 WHITE DAMASK TABLE CLOTHS. Inexpensive jet serviceable quality. These cloths are of British manufacture, are perfectly bleached, and are ready hemmed for immediate use. SIZES. 58 by 58 inches, 64 by 64 64 by 82
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    • 457 4 Trial orders cordially solicited for the following:Beltings (Best camel hair) ox Strapping (Cary's and Acme) a* bed Wire 4 lbs, CHANGKOLS (BEST ENGLISH MAKE) SODIUM BISULPHITE (ENGLISH) Shanghai Jars Japanese Acetic Rubber Cups BEAN CAKES (MANURE FOR RUBBER) AND ALL ESTATE SUPPLIES AND REQUISITES. Actually in Stock—Prices moderate Rubber Cups
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  • 1147 5 Captain Law’s Story of the Mooltan.” Capt. Law, recently of the General Staff, Fort Canning, was a passenger homeward bound on the Mooltan when she was torpedoed in the Mediterranean. Writing to a friend m Singapore on the day of his arrival at Marseilles he gives a graphic account
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  • 628 5 Yesterday's Field Operations. The general idea of the Field Operations I yesterday evening wag the defence of the I cross roads known as “Simpang L ma”. The boundaries were—North Extension lof Logan Road until it would cut Ayer Rajah Road South Sepoy Lines, Hospital Road-Balington private Road West:
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  • 333 5 [The Editor of the Times of Malaya ‘‘i —ln these days of abnormal prices ore is apt to cast more than a passing gLnca at the change for money paid for fiffii and accompanying drinks on the aiiut mail train from Penang. A friend of
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 315 5 SEE THE CRONOS A IIGHTLY AT PENANG S POPULAR PLAY HOUSE WHERE EVERYBODY GOES. EMPIRE fessii THEATRE 1 I PROGRAMME FOR Mon., Tues. Wed., 24, 25 and 26 Sept., !917< o-night our startling offer includes two new Episodes in four exciting reels of the great Universal Super Serial THE PURPLE
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    • 663 5 6 > AND < V/ S3 M 0|ned A MIXTURE. n MALAYAN COLLERIES, LIMITED. NOTICE IS HEREBY given that the transfer Books of the Company will be closed from September 26th to September 29th both days inclus ve, for the prepara tion of Dividend Warrants. By Order of the Board,
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  • 98 6 FiMakai daily (except Sundays ud p«Mio v hrtrtay.) i a* m CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. B*. 59, Buaoh Street, Panaag. PUoi' DfeflyLml mm 954 per unm Qrturtti— Poutagu Extra. lff«n E4Mmi (Port Free) $17.50 OAILI iSDBUI ECHO—PENANG.” Telephone Nos. (Echo) 586 Printing Department 343 N. B. —Alt butinaa*
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  • 1235 6 The news of the latest success of he British Army has dwarfed all other news during the past few days and has. perhaps, blinded us to the value of certain other items which hare c me over the wires. Yet these are interesting and valuable as supporting and
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  • 946 6 Mr. C. St. W.igh* of Kuala Lumpur, has returned from leave, Mr. A. Edmonds, acting Office Assistant, Federal Secretariat, has b°en transferred to the Federal Treasury. Mr. L R. Reutens acts as Office Assistant for the present, The following passengers arrived by Steamer to-day:—From Singapore:— Messrs. A.
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  • 982 6 Culture and Kultur. Wheu the word Kultur has been used by Germans of late yeats—roughly, from 1,870 onwards—it has not meant learning, scholarship, art and literature, or it has meant these things in quite a secondary degree. R*ther its meaning has been energy or i ffl liency, and
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 63 6 Wednesday, 10 th October, r IN AID OF THE OUR DAY131? 55 DANCING ANn OTHER ATTRACTIONS. The grcss takings of the evening will he given to the above Fund. DINNER AND DANCE 3)00 DRINKS AGAINST CASH COUPONS. BOOKING OF SEATS OPEN FROM MONDAY, 1st OCTOBER. 1 DUNLOP TYRES No Advance
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  • 1442 7 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] A NIGHT ATTVCK. Press Bureau Report. London, Sept. 25, 2 a.m. The Press Bureau announces that aeroplanes attacked the south-east coast in the evening. They came in at different places of Kent and Essex. A few followed the Thames and attacked London, Bombs were dropped
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  • 433 7 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] Successful Raid. London, September 25,11.45 a m. Sir Douglas Haig reports: “We successfully raided to the east of Epaby. An attempt to rush one of our forward posts to the north-east of Lens was repulsed, Enemy artillery was active to tbe east and north of Ypres.”
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  • 233 7 Rubber Market. C From Our Oim Correspondent.') Singapore, September 26. At the half-yearly meeting of the Singapore Chamber of Commerce the Hon. Mr. W. W. Cook, Chairman, said that the development of the local rubber market had been enormous. During tbe first half year the quantity
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  • 515 7 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] MAILS BY AIR. Remarkaklc Fligkt. London, September 25. An Italian aeroplane officer, a pilot, a mechanic and an observer arrived in London yesterday morning from Turin. They did not stop during the flight of 700 miles which were covered in 442 minutes. London, September 25—Late'*.
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  • 195 7 A Cehatueb or Gikkavt. Reference was made in Monday’s cables to Edwin EmersoD, who went to Germany as war correspondent of a New York paper, and received $l,OOO (gold) from the German Embassy in Washington- The Frankfurter Zeitung on Dec. 10, 1914, published a letter from him in
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  • 812 7 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] RUMOUR'S CONCERNING PEACE. Foreiga Minister’s 3 late me at. Pttiograd, Sept, 25. The Foreiga Minister, M. Terestchenko, in a statement regarding the rumours that certain powers had initiited peace negotiations, stated that these rumours were baseless. Equally unfounded were (he reports attaching importance to the conference at
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  • 58 7 Latest Quotations Tin (unrefined) is quoted We to-day st $ll2, buyers no sellers, in Singapore (refined) $112.75, business done (75 ton* sold). lfess rs. Boustead Co inform cs that the following were the quotations for rubber on spot in London on the 24 h inst. received yesterday
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  • 446 7 Reuter’s Telegrams.] RUPTURE WITH GERMANY. Att'tule of th*. Chamber. Buenos Aire», S ptember 25. Tbere was animated discussion in ths Chamber on international queatoia. Apparently the majority are in favour of rupture with Germany. High Officer Interviewed. Buenos Aires, Sept. 25. A high officer, interviewed, said that
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  • 218 7 The following articles will be found on our outside pages Page. 3.—Germany and Research. 4—Concerning Cowardice. s.—Submarined. Penang Volunteers. Refreshments on the Night Mail. 8. —China as an Ally. The Week's Events. J*m9s W. Gerard’s Memoirs. To-lay’s Band Programme. 9, Malayan Collieries Limited. 10.—War Notes. O d Libraries. 11
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  • 19 7 Obituary. Earl of Mouat Edgeeumke. London, Sept. 25. The death is announced of the 4th lari of Mount Edgecumbe.
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  • 768 8 TEOOPS FOR EUROPE NEXT SPRING OFFENSIVE. Desire far Active Participation. "We are willing to send 20.000 or more pioked soldiers abroad to participate in the next Spring offensive on the Western front If the Allies so desire, provided the problems of arms, munitions, expenses and transportation
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  • 120 8 Wednesday, September 26 Town Bond. Esplanade. Jewish Holiday (Day of Atonement Nellmay Rubber Co., L*d, A. G. M., Messrs. Kennedy Co., 2 30 p m. Thursday, September 27. Our Dav" public meeting, Straits Trading Company's Club, 7 p-m. Hari Raya Hadji. T. M. C. A,—-Lecture by Mr.
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  • 4901 8 REVOLUTION IN GERMANY 13 IMPOSSIBLE Chancellor Admits Deliberate Violation ox Bulcium. I. Following is the first instalment of Mr. James W. Gerard’s book, My Four Years in Germany.” for which the Philadelphia Public Ledger bolds the rights of publication in the United States. Subsequent chapters of
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  • 50 8 The following programme of music will be played at the Esplanade this evening from 6 p m. to 7 p.m. 1 Fantasia Carmen Bizet 2 Polka Pliny Come Kiss 9 a I Bo«ttger 3 Selection Girofle Girofla Lecocq 4 Waltz Symptbu Holmes 5 March Bow Wow Jones
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  • Page 8 Advertisements

  • 862 9 ANNUAL REPORT. The following is the report of the Directors for the year ended 30th June, 1917, which will be presented to shareholders at the meeting at Kuala Lumpur on October 2. Tbe Directors have pleasure in submitting th»ir Fourth Annual Report and Statement of Accounts for
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 244 9 All that baby requires is provided in Mellin’s Food mixed with fresh cow s milk, and provided in a form perfectly digestible from the day of baby's birth. It is this absolute suitability of Mellin’s Food in all circumstances which explains the gratifying success that invariably follows the use of
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    • 39 9 A. Baiter Remedy. Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy is master over cramp colic, dysentery, and all intestinal pains. One dose relieves, a seoond dose is rarely necessary to effect a cure. For sale by all dispensaries and dealers,
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    • 455 9 GOVERNMENT «'KEDAH PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT, ALOR STAR. ANTED an experienced Clerk < f vv Wo ks for the superv «ion of buildings and read construction aid maintenance. Salary $170 to $215 p.m. by annual increments of $7.50 per mensem with free quarters and the usual allowances. 2. Applicants must possess
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    • 548 9 Lassitude is a feeling of weariness, depression, fatigue, which affects equally men, women and child' ren, and it is most important that these signs of a run-down condition be not neglected. Neglect may easily lead to more serious ailments. Therefore if you are feeling exhausted, slack and depressed, don't delay,
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  • 950 10  -  [By Major. G. W. Redway.] An extraordinary revelation in connection with B rl tish aircraft baa appeared in ar official B rlin newspaper. It is contained in a detailed list of our machines that bavfallen into the enemy’s bands during June,' showing tbe number »Dd description of eacl
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  • 994 10 These are days when even quite important local celebrations are relegated to a -ho t paragraph at the bottom of the I column, aal hence it ii that we have heard j little about the sixtieth anniversary of the opening of the Norwich Free Library, the fi'Sfc founded
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 73 10 Teething Children. Teething children have mora or less diarrhoes, which can ba controlled by giving Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea B°medy. All that is necessary ir to give the pieacribed dose after each operation of the bowels more than natural and then cs <• tor oil t cleanse the system.
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    • 287 10 t n A FURTHER SHIPMENT OF SEVENTY-FIVE MACHINES ARRIVING SHORTLY. Ti p W. m vY mi Z !fr W. m m m SI /j^U i^;iataamasmmsr li (I jsM&agyl PBE® 3! If'SffM ■"rk#«sr/4 wjS.'WBa.» ►'■XS? J «SVfi IS Vy"Ml fro* c n 'Y''- 'Wr.i fe v> i-N “IS •$k a ip
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    • 58 10 Supplied by all Chemists. Physicians orescriba Chamberlain's CoHo, and Diarrboei Remedy because it re I eves cramps in the stomach and intestinal pains quicker than any preparation they can compound. It can be bought from any chemist shop. A bottle will keep for years, and no home is complete without
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  • 1834 11 WAR-TIME SUB3TIIUTE3. ENEMY'S DIFFICULTIES. Oyer Oroanisati n Evident. It is not often that there reaches this country authentic details of what is beiog done during the war by German technical institutions. Accounts of work of this nature are usually carefully kept within the confines of the Central
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 511 11 BAXTER Co 's THE EASTERN PRODUCE EXCHANGE. 27. Beach Streef, at the corner of Beach Street and Church Street Ghaut. CAPITAL $120,000. Auctioneers Brokers. The 171st Auction Sale of Rubber WILL BE HELD On Thursday, the 27th September, 1917. Auction 'Sales ot Rubber held twice a week, on every Monday
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    • 422 11 To Be Shot at Sunrise won d seem a welcome relief to many who suffer tbe red hot pain thrusts of neuralgia. These are the hopeless torture-wracked beings who live in the shadow of constant dread of the stabbing, twisting, unbearable sudden pains and spasm of neuralgia. LITTLE S ORIENTAL
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1413 12 British India AMD &PCAB LINE (COMPAHHB IlfOOEVOEATB» IN EnOLAUD.) Mall and Pa j(er Sevvle PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS. mn CONTRACT WIT* NIB MAJBSTT’s OOVERMfENT) Th* Company’» MAIL SERVICES EAST OF BOMBAY are at present snspanded Passengers for Europe are hooked ri* Bombay as opportunity offers and as far a» accomodation
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