Straits Echo, 25 September 1917

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1110 1 11l KS*AI Lftifip U' > R I ygD NAIUia The Georgetown j llor Harass northam road BANKS Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China. (INCORPORATED IN ENGLAND BY ROYAL CHARTER.) AND II FARQUHAR street. Telegraphic address: Hokimteik. 'Phone Ho. 694 IS ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE. I CARS FOR HIRE A
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    • 21 1 I WWt"pt wmea is the aut K»*- •sI!f CT 'ON* i *i'o* e •_SS Ammftui **S ySw JSL‘ ;s *•«5 ~~4L
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  • 1276 2 PRODUCING AREAS. Past and Prrvious Years’ Exports. The imports of raw rubber into the Kingdom during the years 1915 and 1911 are shown in the following table 1915. 1916. p rn n Centals Centals. ron of 100 lb. of 100 lb. Straits Settlements 660,532 7,384.830 445,311 6,307,609
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  • 430 2 Undue-Water War. A submarine fires ber torpedo when submerged. She fights warships only when submerged, but fights unarmed ships on the surface with her gurr, which has been cf three and four inch calibre, and will probably ba incieased to s x-inch. Submarires when about to fire
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 301 2 DAMASK TABLE CLOTHS AND NAPKINS. s& X- t s e V j=s) ■&> rs Vo *3> -e* 00 rr“ &> *> v"*i *> jsgmy s y WHITE DAMASK TABLE CLOTHS. Inexpensive yet serviceable quality. These cloths are of British manufacture, are perfectly bleached, and are ready hemmed for immediate use.
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    • 39 2 A Master Remedy. Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diar;hoea Remedy ii master over cramp colic, dysentery, and all in'estinal pains. One dose relieves, a second dose is rarely necessary to effect a cure. For sale by all dispensaries and dealers.
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    • 50 2 Middle-aged people are often afflicted with that distressing ailment, windy spasms; they seem to cut like a knife. Sufferers should get a bottle of WOODS' GREAT PEPPERMINT CORE, The very first dose will briog relief and prove its value. Bold by Dispensaries and Stores everywhere at 80 cents per bottle,
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    • 571 2 To Be Shot at Sunrise Wd seem a welcome relief to many who aiiff jr the red hot pain thrmts of neuraljj These are the hopeless torture-wracked be.ngs who live in the ahadow of constant dread of the stabbing, twining, uafita sudden pains and spasm of neuralgia. 8 LITTLE’S OEIENTIL
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  • 226 3 RED CROSS FUND 1917. List of Subscbiption. cts. Amount previously acknowledged 61,776.19 R. D. Ekaireb 25.00 S cieta Commiseionaria Orientate Ltd. ***** Yioh Tin Lin 15 00 Cbetty Community, Penang 2,000.00 Yi On Chan 30 00 Kadersah Dubash 25.00 Penang Automobile Club groes proceeds of Gymkhana held
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  • 320 3 A meeting of the representatives of the clubs of Penang was held at the Penang Cricket Club yesterday evening with a view to getting up a football competition between the different clubs in Penang in connection with Oar Day Fund.” There were present Messrs E. H,
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  • 305 3 tFrom Owr Own Correspondent At the Bukit Mertajim Police Court, before Mr. G. A. Hereford, on Friday, Loh Kim, Manager of Mr. Ho Kim Tek’s rubber plantation, was convicted of the offence of dishonestly receiving a stolen pig valued at $lO and Muniaudy was
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  • 456 3 FOOLISH CONDUCT OF TWO MALAYS. l Interesting Ipoh Incident. 1 As the result of an audacious attempt made to bribe Mr, Justice Farrer-Mauby, two Malays named H«ji Abdulrahman and Haji Makatif found themselves in the Police Court, Ipoh, yesterday morning, on a charge of bribery. The motive
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  • 79 3 At the Eastern Produce Exchange Auction 170th Sale the following prices were obtained per picul. Diamond 8moked Good from $120 to 121 Fair 106 to 119 Diamond Unsmoked 98 to 105 Plain Uo smoked 92 to 101 Brown Crepe 93 to 108 Scrap Crepe Fair 60 to
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  • 80 3 To-night’s grand change at the Polyscope it eludes 7th and Bth episodes of Pearl of the Army Mystery.” These two new chapters add further to the volume of bravery and resourcefulness of Pearl Dare, and increase in interest and suspense until the mystery slightly begins to reveal itself
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  • 225 3 The Penang Cinema presents its usual long bill which includes a Universal Bhon. The Girl nnd the Tiger in three parts teeming with thrills and sensations, The Poacher.” also in three reels, portraying exciting hunting expeditions amidst wild bess*e and John Bull.s animated Sketch Book No. 19. Daring
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 416 3 "S5* Ci os XXXXXXXXXXX SEE THE CROWDS NIGHTLY AT PENANG'S POPULAR PLAY MOOSE WHEiE EVERYBODY GOES. I jEMPlREfed THEATRE I •—••♦—•—•♦I l 9 B I PROGRAMME FOR A\on., Tues. Wed., 24, 25 and 26 Fept., 1917, lo-night our startling offer includes two new Episodes in four «citing reels of the
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    • 658 3 MIXTURE Public Auction Sale OP AN EiBLY 1917 MODEL WILLY '-KN GH r Overland 4 Cylinder MOTOR CAR. (Oa view ia our sp'cious showrooms) THE UNDERSIGNED ARE AUTHORISED TI SELL THE AB VS 5 8EATER CAR On Wednesday, the 3rd Obtober 1917, AT 11 A M. 8HARP. In Logan’s Courtyard.
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  • 95 4 rrirtlilll «nfly («coopt Sunday» and jreWie V koMoy.) AT TU« CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. 2*. «tf, Beach Street, P«M|. Vuor Daily Lml «m per uurem. Pootago Extra. Maai (Pool Free) $17.50 OABX.I ADDBMS ECHO—PENANGk" Telephone Nos. (Echo) 586 Printing Department 343 N. B. —All business communication* should b«
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  • 1222 4 In I is lastest book Ourselres and Oer many Dr E. J. Dillon exposes the eitraordinary ramifications of the German Government’s spy system, some instances of which Reu er cabled yesterday. N ne, perhaps, outside the Foreiga Office, knows as much about tbe under-currents of Eur pean
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  • 1419 4 Mortality Returns. Every week we publish the mortality returns of Penang, but these statistics prove nothing, or may be made to prove anything, unless they are interpreted to the public by a competent medical man. We hope some medical man will do for the Straits Settlements whit Lieut-Colonel.
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  • 535 4 MILITARY SERVICE BILL. Unofficial Oppoaiiioa, C From Our Own Correspondent Singapore, September 25. The 6toond reading of the Military Service Bill met with considerable opposition from the unofficial members. The Hon Mr. C. W, Darbishire said that the employers for the past two years had been badgered by
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 318 4 Field Glasses IMPORTED UNDER WAR OFFICE LICENCE. STOCKS VERY LIMITED No, 1. Good Definition and High Magnification $16.00 No 2. Gives A Large Field and Good Stereoscopic Effect *1®*00 No. 3 A Really High Class Glass This model gives an expectionally clear view over lan 1 and sea. The definition
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  • 1280 5 [REUTER'S TELEGRAMS.] the present position. New Liac Co*»olid»ted. London, Sept- 24, 2.30 p m, Reuter’s correspondent at Headquarters states After tbe failure of couuter-attaoks by t l, e enemy’s storm troops north-east of bangemarck, resulting in a severe repulse, the Germans evidently decided to gCCP pt the inevitable
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  • 639 5 [REUTER’S TELEGRAMS.] Hi* Hoiiacs* a*d tke Replies. Rom?, Sept. 24. Bis Holiness the Pope proposes, when the Allies have sent a reply to his Note, to ksue a second Note lo the belligerents pointing out the question on which all are agreed, for instance, disarmament and arbitration,
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  • 651 5 [Reuter's Telegrams] M. Ktroiky'i Army Order. Petrograd, September 24 M- Kerensky is still at tke A r my Headquarters as the military situation is regarded as serious. M. Kerensky, in an Army Order, acoepts General Alt xeie fit’s resignation, but places General Alexeiefif at the disposal of the Provisional
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  • 25 5 (From Our Own Correspondent.") London, September 24, The prices in the London Rubber Market to-day were: Pale Crepe 2/10 Diamond Smoked 2/8
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  • 1409 5 [To thb Editor op thb Btrailt Echo Drab Sib, As I hope to be pacing jolt J >or in the •hip that brings this, I feel J. c*n do do les9 than have word with yon of my doings, though I gather you yourself are awiy
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  • 266 5 [Reuter's Telegrams.] Geaer 1 Stoke Brgua. Buenos Airts, September 24, A general strike of railway men has begun. Atiitule Towards Gtrmaay, There is still a strong desire for rnptnre with Germany in view of the fact that Germany did not disprove of Oouat von Luxburg prior to
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  • 83 5 The following articles will be foaad on oar outside pages Page. 2. —The Empires Rubber. How Submarines Attack. 3. Bribing a Judge. Eastern Produce Exchange. Penang “Our Day” Oar Day Football Competition. A Big Hunt and its Sr quel. 6. —Hmdenburg’s Big Bluff. The B itish Way. P. V.
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  • 14 5 Obituary. Sheik-ul Islam Selim-el-Bichrl. Cairo, Sept. 24. The death is announced of Sheik-nl-Islam Selim-el-Bichri.
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  • 1469 6 Special Report. The general idea of the field operations on Sunday was that an ern my force comprising C Company and Veteran Platoou was known to be in the vicinity cf a quarry south of Hill 54, The Penang Volunteers and Cadets under Second Lieutenant V.
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  • 319 6 Perak in general, and tbe Einta district in particular, has experienced during tbe past week or thereabouts such a quantity of iaio as would indicate that another rainy season has got a good start, and though the weather is such that mining operations have been and will
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  • 75 6 Tuesday, September 25. Municipal Commission. 4 pm. Wednesday, September 26 Towu Band, EsplanadeNellmay Rubber Co., L‘d, A. G. M., Messrs. Kennedy Co., 2 30 p mThursday, September 27. Our Dav public meeting, Straits Trading Company’s Club, 7 p.m. Friday, September 28 Town Band, Esplanade Saturday, September 29.
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  • 1058 6  -  (By F. J. Sleath.) Ia no branch of tbe B it sh Army does personal initiative count for more than in the Fjing Corps. In no branch of the service has it been more encouraged. Ibe British pilot held the German in check by sheer inherent man-power
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  • 871 6 From Henry Wood. [Correspondent of the United Press of America with the French Armies. Tbe much-vaunted Hindenburg plan which ever sines tbe beginring of the year has be6n held out to the Germ in people as their sure salvation, is no longer a closed secret. Tbe nature
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  • 1091 6 WHOLE DIVISION OF TRAITORS BLOWN TO PIECES. Attacks Madb bt Officers Only. Arnszmg details of the Galieian debacle are given in the Morning Post in a ▼fry long telegram, dated the 23rd, from its P-trc«grad correspondent. We quote the following extraots General Koruiloff, Commander-in-Chief of the South-Western
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  • 253 6 n w LUerato i e 10 Siam (Vice Consul Carl C Hansen, Bangkok).- The Eoglish language is tbe medium for much of the business correspondence in Siam and it seems probable that tbe literature in tha language will become the most popular for !t is now
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  • 51 6 Tbe following programme of music will be played. at the Esplanade to-morrow evening from 6 p m, to 7 p.m. 1 Fantasia i< Carmen Bisat 12 Polka Pliny Come Kias q a Baby Boettger 3 Select»* Qirofle Girofl* Lscom 4 Waltz Sympthu < Holmes o March Bow
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 59 6 Supplied by all Chemists Physician» prescribe Chamberlain's Colic, Chrl«>rt and Diarrhoei Rem«dy became it rel evf s cr*mps in the stomach and intestinal pai«>8 qu’ck'r than »nv prepiration they cin compound. If can bo bought from »ny chemist Bhop. A bottle will keep for years, and no home is complete
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    • 70 6 Are Ton Going on a Journey? Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar* rhoea Remedy should be packed in your hand luggage when going on a journey. Change of water, diet, and temperature all tend or produce bowel trouble, and this medicine cannot be secured on board the train o r steamship-
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    • 76 6 BURRELL CO.'S BOILED RAW LINSEED OILS. SNOW WHITE ZINC. PAINTS TURPENTINE. To be had Retail from all the Leading Stores. SANDILANDS, BUTTERY Co. So e Agents, Straits Settlements. JOHN BAZLEY WHITE BROTHERS' PORTLAND CEMENT., “LION* BRAND.” Sandilands, Buttery Bo., AGENTS. Penang, O’ F.M.S. NOBEL'S EXPLOSIVES. MGAZINK at penanc and ipoh.
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  • 1113 7 A Calcutta Newsfam*’» Views. The commercial world has now had time to consider the new rate of exchange and it is probably correct to say that the great majority of business men dislike the change not so much because of the additional burden thrown on
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  • 707 7 Ohinesb Company to Run Twelve Ybvsels. After several weeks of diplomatic discussion, the question of the disposal of the enemy ships in China waters, taken over by the Chinese Government when war was deolared against the Central Powers, hss been definitely settled at Peking. The former German
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 89 7 FRESH 1 STOCKS 6 8 6 a B B I AGENTS: jR. T. REID Co., Penang, j 9 BRINKMANN Co., Singapore. 5 THE WATERHOUSE Co., Ltd. s I I (iNCOAPOBATHD IN THE U.8 A.) Muar, Malacca and Kuala Lumpur. 1 1 AUSTRALIAN IN QUART AND PINT TINS. SINGAPORE GOLD STORAGE
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    • 72 7 Teething Children. Teething children have more or less diarrhoea, which can be controlled by giving Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Semedy, All that is necessary is to give the prescribed dose after each operation of the bowels more than natural and then castor oil to cleanse the system. It is
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    • 29 7 Keep It Handy. Immediate relief is necessary in attacks of diarrhoea. Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy should always be on hand. For sale by all dispensaries and dealers,
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    • 457 7 WANTED. A Clerk for an office near Ipoh knowing well to speak, read and writ* English and Siamese (Bangkok) with also a fair know, ledge of t. pe writing in English Salary per mensum 175/—; quarters and light freeApply stating previous experience to Box No. 333 598. C/« Strait8 Echo.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1206 8 P. 0.—British India and 2LPCAR LlINJEI (Com paviis Ikooepoiath in England.) Mail and Panenger servioe» PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS. (tomb gonteact with hib majesty’s government) Ths Company’» MAIL 8ER.VICES EAST OF BOMBAY are at present suspended. P»*»«ng»rs for Europe are beaked via Bombay as opportunity offers and as far as
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