Straits Echo, 24 September 1917

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1166 1 II '7t \l \C i IU2ED NATUEaf The Georgetown northam road AND FARQUHAR STREET. Telegraphic address: Hoklmteik. 'Phone Mo. 694 IS ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE. CARS FOR HIRE A flet of Brand ttw C*rs f>r hire day and night at moderate charges. Motor Car Importers Motor repairing by experienced mechanic.
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    • 17 1 Nfcgg mxuK *1 0f WHICH IS THE Bttf f®* tONO^ P'acc use TION8 .<r sS ImIm MM
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  • 858 3 Post-War Problems. The obscure outlook for British shipping after the war (says The Britith Trade Review is not lessened by the demand in certain quarters for the ‘‘nationalisation of] the industry. As Sir Owen Philipps pointed out the other day, our mercantile marine was built up by the
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  • 46 3 Monday, September 24 Town Band, Esplaftfda. Tuesday, September 25. Municipal Commission, 4 p m. Wednesday, Septembbe 26 Town Band, Esplanade. NeUm«y Rubber Co., Ltd, A. G M., Messrs. Kennedy Co, ooon. Friday. September 28 Town Band, Esplanade. Sunday, September 30 17th after Trinity.
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  • 875 3 Details or the Pwposid New KiooLATi^rs. In the Government Qcuett* iuit j|sued ai C printed the following diaffc reeulafcions proposed to be mcde under the Volunteer (Amendmi nt) Bill. They ere reproduced oelow in full 1. Every member of a Volunteer Corpi in the Straits Settlements, in order
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 477 3 bY order of the custodian of enemy property pursuant to order of his excellency the governor in council In the matter of the Trading with the Enemy Ordinances 1914 to 1916 and of the Alien Enemies (Winding up) Ordinances 1914 to 1917, IMPORTANT AUCTION SALE. OP A YalnabJe Freehold Ruhb?r
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    • 11 3 Children’s Hacking Cough et Night. Wood’ Great peppermint Cure Is, 6d.
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    • 57 3 Supplied by all Chemists. Physicians prescribe Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy because it reheTga cramps in the stomach and intestinal pain**quicker than any preparation they can oompoand, It can be bought from any obsmiat ■bop. A bottle will keep for years, and no home ia oomplete without it, For
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  • 2067 4 Yesterdays Funbral, The funeral of tbs late Mr, Ehoo Hun Yeang which was in the old-time style took place yesterday when hia remains were conveyed for interment at the private family buriil ground, Eampang Bharu. It was attended by a large number cf relatives and
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 249 4 DAMASK TABLE CLOTHS AND NAPKINS. X 3 O' *P ■o> ?8 WHITE DAMASK TABLE CLOTHS. Inexpensive yet serviceable quality. These cloths are of British manufacture, are perfectly bleached, and are ready hemmed for immediate use, SIZES. 58 by 58 inches, 64 by 64 64 by 82 PRICES. $2-95 each s3*6o
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    • 584 4 It’s Good to fee l tired after healthy exercise, but if that tired feeling does not disappear after a night’s s’eep it s abnormal. It means that you are aneamic or debilitated that jou need a tonic te build up your thin bleed Dr- Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People
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  • 688 5 [Reuter’s Telegrams] The Flanders Battle, siruvrioN unchanged. Rvvter’a Vivid Story. London, 8fpt. 28, 5-55 p.m. Reuter's correspondent at Headquarters state»:—“Tbe situation is unchanged upon the new front created by Thursday’s great ▼ietory, This most satisfactory news means that the Germans' costly ffforts were in v_in, What we have
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  • 878 5 Mows- Xavier. A pretty wedding was e demoised at the Church cf the Assumption by the R3v. L, Perrictaon, on Saturday morning, tbe contracting parties being Mr. Charles Hermia Mowe, Draftsman, Straits Trading Company L f d., eldest son of Mr. Charles Mowe, of Singapore and Miss Wilbelmina
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  • 175 5 A HANDSOME REMITTANCE. We are informed by the Colonial Secrets y ihit .£200,000, the proceeds of the War Tu, has been remitted tj the Imperial Government, Toe Collector-Gereral estimates that tbo iota) co lections of 1917 War Tax will enabliremittances amounting in all to .£300,000 to b 3
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  • 753 5 C. E. 0. ¥t. Kkdah. Favoured with fine weather tb'i match was played cff on Victoria G>eec cn Saturday afternoon and was witnessed by a f.irly concourse if spectators, including v Bitore from the mainland. The Acting Resident Councillor the Hon. Mr. W. Peel and Mrs. Peel
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  • 180 5 P. C. C. vi. Naval Team, A cricket match was played on the E plarade on Saturday afternoon between tbe P. C C. snd a Naval team, reciting in a victory for tbe former by 46 runs. Appended are the scores Natal Tbam. Jackson run out 1 Lowman b
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 293 5 SEE THE CROWDS NIGHTLY AT PENANG S POPULAR PLAY HOUSE WHERE EVERYBODY GOES. I EMPIRE teITHEATRE PROGRAMME FOR Mon., Tues. Wed., 24, 25 and 26 Sept., 1917, l,.night our .tartlmg offer include, two new Epi.ode. in four exciting re«l« of the great UniTeraal Super Serial B THE PURPLE MASK Epi.ode
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    • 481 5 wanted. A Cleric for ad office near Ipoh knowing well to speak, read and writi English and Siamese (Bangkok) with also a fair know* ledge of t pe writing in English Salary per mensum f76/-; quarter» and light freeApply gtating previous experience to Box No. 833 598. C/e Strait* Eoh
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  • 96 6 Wfthi daily (exoept Sundays and pmblio v holidays) at na CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. 1«, 59, Beach Street, Penang. PRIOR* Duly Lseal 984 per annum. Postage Extra. Mail Edition (Pool Free) 917.50 OABLB ADDXSSS ECHO—PENANG.” Telephone Ncs. (Echo) 586 Printing Department 343 N. B. —All butinea» communications should
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  • 53 6 Mows Xaviie —At the Church of the Assumption by the Rev L. Perrichon on September 22, Charles Herman Mowe, of the Straits Trading Co., eldest son of Mr Charles Mowe, of Singapore, to Wilhelrnina Agnps, fourth daughter of Mr and Mrs J J. Xavier of Butter w orth. Singapore
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  • 1150 6 In view of the German peace proposals it is as well to insist upon one aspect of the war that is often over* looked, It has drawn into the turmoil the two most unwarlike nations in the world—Britain anc America. So little was Bri ain prepat ed for
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  • 905 6 The Rev. L. M. Duvelle returned from Singapore this morning. Mr, Justice Sproule left Singapore on Thursday on long leave. Mr. F. J. Morten, Civil Servicp, has been given eight months’ leave of absence. Dr. E. A. Elder has been appointed a temp, lieut. in the Smgapore
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  • 911 6 Affectionate Soubriquets. It is interesting to know th.e .l Umled States Army General Perabiotr i. know a. Black Mack but tbi. de„o. cratic service was ever ant >1 w„„a affectionate aoubriquett on its leaded General McClellan 4 was to the Army of the Potomac, baing abort of stature.
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  • 23 6 Latest Quotations Tin (unrefined) is quote,! here to-day at $lll 75, business done, in Singapore st $113.00, business done (125 tons sold).
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 201 6 .1 Do you want the best value? WE GIVE IT. Something useful for Hari Raya Hadji Fresh s ock of Children’s Cashmere Frocks, colours Fink, Sky or Cream, 18 ins, and 20 ins. Price $2.50. Silk Bonnet, all colours sizes to fit all heads PRICE $1.50. A unique display of
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  • 1658 7 Reuter’s Telegrams.] FURTHER PROGRESS. heavy counter-attacks. Sir Dowgla* Haig’» Report, London, September 21, 11.40 p,m. Sir Douglas Haig reports ••Further evidence shows the continuous and obstinate nature of the counter-attacks yesterday in which the enemy suffered exceptionally heavy losses without gaining D y advantage. ••Minor fighting occurred to-day
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  • 262 7 C From Ow Own Cbrrespondmt) London, September 21, The prices in the London Rubber Market to-day were: Pale Crepe 2/9$ Diamond Smoked 2/7$ London, September 22. Pale Crepe 2/10 Diamond Smoked 2/8 There was great exoitemeut in Jelutong Village yesterday morning when it became known that a
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  • 1163 7 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] REGENERATING THE ARMY, War Miaitter’s Plaaa. General Verkhovsky, Minister for War, has returned from Headquarters, He explained his plan to regenerate the army to the Executive of the Workmen’s and Bo!diers’ Delegates and said there were two ways of regenerating the army. One was General Korniloff's plan
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  • 487 7 [REUTER’S TELEGRAMS] CIPHER MESSAGES. Buenos Airep, Sept. 22. The Argentine Government has ordered the cable companies to seed over copies of all despatches sent or received on behalf of the Swedish and German legations in order that they may be deciphered at Washington. Railway Strike Spreadiag. Buenos
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  • 76 7 The following articles will be fouud on our outside pages Page. 3.—After Wild Boar. The Sword of 1360. The Week’s Events. 4 —Late Mr. Khoo Hun Yeang. 5. 11 Our Day Football. Cricket. Lee* I Wedding. War Tax. Telegrams. 8. —Telegrams. The Straits Dollar. Rent Afcs’ssraent Boards. The British
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  • 1356 8 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] AUSTRIAN EMPEROR'S REPLY. WkelcHurtil Support. Amsterdam, Sept, 22. The Austrian Emperor’s reply to the Vatloan Note says:—Throughout the war we always looked on Tour Holiness, who is inaccessible to all influence, to fiad a way to peace. Therefore we whole-heartedly support the proposal that the
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  • 678 8 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] AN EXPOSURE. Iittreitiii Puklieatioa. London, 8ept. 22, Tbe Time»' correapondent at Washington states that the Committee of Public la- i formation publishes a long expose of German intrigues in America accompanied by photographic exhibits, including facsimiles of tbe receipts to the German Embassy, of $5,000 (gold)
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  • 110 8 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] A Remarkakle lavealioa, Paris, Sept. 22. A high French naval authority, interviewed by the Matin on anti-submarina measures, said that besides imoke-clouds other inventions are increasing the pirates’ difficulties. For example, our submarine listening microphones, invented by three French naval lieutenants, have been perfected to a
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  • 430 8 The fo’lowir g are the alterations in Messrs. A, A Anthony Go’s shire list to day:— Bukit JVlutong Robber Es f at?s 0 72: buyers and 0 .77\ sellers Bukit K*til Rubber Estates 090 buyers and 0 97§ selierß; Hsytnr Robber Estates $9 75 buyers and $10.50 sellers; Jeram
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  • 740 8 Twn Edito* of the Malay Mail Sir,—The letter in your iasua of Stptem--17 about tbe Straits dollar ires exactly what is wanted at tbe present time —an intelligent argument on an admittedly difficult problem. lake the case of a man realising hie interest in a rubber estate.
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  • 109 8 His Excellency the Governor, in pursuance of the provisions of section 3 of the Increase of Rent (War Restriction) Ordinance 1917, has been pleased to establish the following Rent Assessment Boards for the purposes of the said Ordinance For the Muoicipslity of the Town and Fort of
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  • 32 8 SCOTTISH BRANCH. Amoctt prewoßily «knowledge 3>MO A. Carmichael 'Vi D. B Bbirk Alex Jack Sellar Norman Davie J A. Robertson J. B. Sin 50 20 Total ...$2,960,
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  • 871 8 The Rent Assessment Boarl having appointed, it is possible that the overfight dealing with the»* 0 f thorn landlord! who are charging rents thirteen months to he year by makirg the tenancy according to thevCbmesG 0 r Mobamedhan years lnnaf QloQtb, <h„ i_ w t* tbeir not.
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  • 59 8 L?.\ rr me t ,> i the ,b wm cne »ea will be shown and special arramre. Md“ mr 6 |i!'° g de ,0r ,l,e children d “I clnb, who b U, 7 e> ot tb d ~P- On Tb.r.d.r Mother two meUlmeni, of the Pi,pie
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  • 48 8 played B D p'l ,I 7 grt Mm# °1 mo f c will be 6 p in. to 7 d thl en»ing bom 2 zvr see d M 3 Selectioti UD^ jttU Coote w -<*« Lu£a*J 5 Mareh J* oma Wfi’ Bnrrth Roy s Laealls
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  • 309 8 Obita^ry. Admiral L. C. Keppel. London, Sept. 23. The death h anuounced of Bear— Admiral L. C. Keppel. [Rear-Admiral Laicester Chantry Keppel w»i the tec. Dd son of the late Rev. Canon the Hon. Thomas Robert K-ppd. He served as midshipman in H. M. S. Bellerophon, 1854, was actively engaged
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  • 1363 9 We note with no small satisfaction that Sir Reginald Custance continues to urge the importance of basing our naval policy npon sound principles, or rather on a sound principle, says the Spectator. The gallant Admiral insists that the essential funotion of the Navy is to destroy the enemy’s
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  • 497 9 Sncexponn Chinssu Sußsoairrious. l °£i? riday aftorno the invitation of the Chinese members of the General Committee of Our Day the Hon. Mr. F. 8. James met the Hon. Dr. Lim Boon Keng, Messrs. Lae Choon Guan, Lira Peng Qian g TanJiak Ngo, Tan Ka Kee, Lim Chin
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  • 98 9 The following are the agenda of the mioutes of the Municipal Commission to be held on the 25tb inst i—--1 Minutes of last meeting to be reap and confirmed. 2 Any speoial business the President may bring forward. 3 Questions. 4 Borne bills to be passed. 5 Declaration
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 237 9 Rvnnymede Hotel, Penan* (SEA-SIDE) nnannnnnnnntinnnnnutinnn n n 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Every Wednesday and Saturday Musical Selections during dinner. nntmtitj atm 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 E. O. Hotel. •:o:« SPECIAL
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    • 222 9 THE KWONG YIK BANKING Co. Limited. (IN LIQUIDATION). NOTI r E is hereby given tbiit the Liquidators’ Report and Accounts for the third year of tin lquidation have now been completed and are ready for issue. Creditors who may deaire to obtain a oopy of the Report and Accounts can
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    • 72 9 Teething Children. TeethiDg children have more or leu diarrhoea, which can be controlled by giving Chamberlain’* Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Reaaady, All that ie neoeaaary ia to give the proscribed doae after eaoh operation of the bowels more than natural and then castor oil t-'» cleanae the system. It ia
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  • 1386 10 Aw Excitino Sport. Pig-sticking ia not the fashionable «port in India in the present day that it was thirty year" »<?<>. Then, every cava'ry regiment in Central and Northern lodia had its quota of pig-atickera, and the indigo planters of Behar shared with the militaiy the honour
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  • 775 10 The presence of Japanese warships in European waters and their active suppression of German and Austrian 17-boats wherever encountered bring vividly to mind the fact that Japan is doing her part in fighting the German. Bbe has a first-rate navy and a remarkably efficient army yet
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 325 10 A FURTHER SHIPMENT OF SEVENTY-FIVE MACHINES ARRIVING SHORTLY. n m tmt a m-s m* m i^KS m %3 I! S •ig£ Wk il Jts* m es <s s** H Sg 2 a ia •d o I T^c OVER 10,000 MACHINES 73ouyht by the rftded to equip their tfrmiei. COMPARE THE
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  • 2060 11 la commenting on wu&t it conceived to ba the parlous prospects of Gurmaiiy after the takiug of Virny Rdge, aa Italian new-paper put the following pleasant question to its readers —lf such triumphs caa be achieved by British arms alone, what will be the German
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 126 11 m r tk vN? <\ /j» i V w s# jA* lsf*s V ,#> feiw i n fe i 'A-- V as? g ;r> *Pf a .v O jfcvV i™s> 'lk :isi a' fi 'V V 1 a. V Wi «W. W-7 ns >1 A GOODRICH os to® sis tow.
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    • 45 11 Ji PINKEES Will Keep You Fit during the Summer, because they geatly stimulate the kowl«s aad thus keep tke system eool. eleaa and healthy. SO cents per phial at your druggist’s or direct by mail on receipt ol price Irons DB. WILLIAMS' MEDICINE COMPANY. SINGAPORE.
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    • 537 11 Shot at Sunrise [wou d seem welcome relief to many who I »uff r t 6 r a bo p<iu thru t* of neuralgia, are the bopedets torture-wrack ,d beings wao live in the shadow of constant dread of the Btabbing, twmticg, unbearable tudden pains aud spasm of neuralgia. LITTLE
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1915 12 P. 0.—British India AND &PGAB LINE (CoMrAmns iMOoaroaATi» in England.) Mail and. Servl© PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS. (OVBU CONTKACT WIT* HIS MAJBSTT’s GOVERNMENT) Th« Company's MAIL SERVICES EAST OF BOMBAY are at present suspended. Passengers for Earope are booked via Bombay as opportunity offers and as far as aooomodation is
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