Straits Echo, 22 September 1917

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Straits Echo
  • 43 1 Straits Echo .^jf r I Hi v*". '9. 1 j daily chronicle of events, circulating throughout the STRAITS, THE FEDERATED MALAY states and the far east generally. VOL. 15. $2l l*er Annum. PENANG, SATURDAY, «2nd SEPTEMBER, 1917, Single Copy, lO CfilMji- No 223.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1277 1 't V*. I 4jgS*Al]l mv3*s f Bir HRfc- *S Ji vS*BL 5WRtf SSD NATHEii as»«raK The Georgetown r Garage BANKS Chartered Bank of India, Australia and Crina. NORTHAM ROAD FARQUHAR STREET. Telegraphic address: Hokimteik. 'Phone No. 694 IS ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE. CARS FOR HIRE A fl’et of Bihikl rtw
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    • 17 1 ‘life’s MUJS J^l f *HIC«iSTrttauTUJSSTnI s’* 6»* rod US^ J r I *s4 kmmarnlfi fgi ">«_ »£fc2 •~~‘i »■<-
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  • 1653 3 The Western Powers, The first speech of the new German I Chancellor, (writes the military corresjpondent of the Times), though it may receive a variety rf interprrtations according to the bent of men’s minds has undoubtedly given a fresh warlike impetus to the world’s thoughts, is a direct
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  • 233 3 The following programme of music will be played at the Golf Club this evening from 5-45 p.m. to 7-15 p.m. 1 Selection Chilperig Herve’s 2 Virginia Skedaddle Rosenfeld 8 Selection English Hartmann 4 Waltz Queen of the Cinema Gilbert 5 Highland Bcbottische Marie Stuart Fruhling 6 March
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 481 3 BY ORDER OP THE CUSTODIAN OF ENEMY PROPERTY an order of his excellency the governor PURSUANT TO IN COUNCIL I„ the matter of the Trading with the Enemy Ordinancee 1914 to 1916 and of the Alien Enemies (Winding up) Ordinances 1914 to 1917. IMPORTANT AUCTION SALE. 01 A \a!uab!e Freehold
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    • 72 3 Teething Children. Teething children have mora or less diarrhoea, which can ba controlled by giving Ctamherlain’a Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, All that is necessary is to give the prescribed dose after each operation of the bowels more than natural and then castor oil to cleanse the system. It is
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    • 12 3 For Children’s Haeking Cough at Night. Wood’ Great Peppermint Cure Is, 6d.
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    • 410 3 A i, °W¥$ i'.'/UNs?'] i#gP a ttSS* Of all Chemists and Bazaars. Builds up trength Anyier s Emulsion is invaluable for building up health and strength in all run-down conditions and wasting diseases or after any serious illness. It soothes and heals the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines,
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  • 1439 4  -  (By Victor MacClure). Just how the private soldier home from the front for a short spell of leave spends hi* time, is dictated entirely by the kind of men he happens to be. In the big citizen army that Britain has gathered together for her
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  • 440 4 Important Regulations Framed. > A second supplement to the F M. S. Government Gazette of September 14, dated September 18, states that the following notification is, by direction of the Chief Secretary to Government, published for general information 1 THE PUBLIC EMERGENCY ENACTMENT, 1917. REGULATIONS RELATING TO THE
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 250 4 DAMA TABLE CLOTHS AND NAPKINS r> Jt* m <#> vs O' •r* 9 WHITE DAMASK TABLE CLOTHS. Inexpensive yet serviceable quality. These cloths are of British manufacture, are perfectly bleached, and are ready hemmed for immediate use SIZES. 58 by 58 inches, 64 by 64 64 by 82 PRICES. $2-95
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    • 29 4 Keep It Handy. Immediate relief is necessary in attacks of diarrhoea. Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy should always be on hand. For sale by all dispensaries and dealers.
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    • 57 4 Supplied by all Chemists. Physicians prescribe Chamberlain's Colic, Chclera and Diarrboei Remedy because it relieves cramps in the stomach and intestinal pains quicker than any preparation they can compound. It can be bought from any ohamiat shop, A bottle will keep for years, and no home is complete without it.
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    • 570 4 FUBLIC AUCTION SILE~ OF A 5 SKATER “Svmbeam Motor Car” (ON ViEW IN OUR SPACIOUS SHOWROOMS) THI UNDKKBION.D ARE INSTRUCTED TO BELL THE ABOVE ON Wednciday, the 26th September, 1917, A.T 11 a. M IN LOGAN'S COURTYARD 16 B H P.—4 cylinde-s, with new hood. Newly pointed and thoroughly over,
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  • 1800 5  -  [By Tom Wright] In those days, before the late great War came incidentally to sober men and revive their interest in religion and morals, the Settlement was full of slackers Eicept in the pursuit of pleasure, they were slack in all things, in study, in business, in
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  • 93 5 (War Restriction) Ordinance, 1917. His Excellency the Governor, in pursuance of tbe provisions of section 3of tbe above Ordinance, has been pleased to appoint the following t-> be members of the Rent A-ses-rnent Board for the Municipality <f the Towa of Singapore and of the R'lnt Assessment
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  • 55 5 Tbe Consol-General for China at Singapore has received tbe following telegram.— Hereafter subjects of Allied or neutral countries coming to China for travelling are to present passports with four inob photographs attached signed by Chinese ministers or consuls and stamped with seals of legations or consulates otherwise
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  • 98 5 {From Our Oicn On respondent.') Kuala Lumpur, Sept. 22. The fourth annual report of the Malayan Collieries states that prospecting continues to show satisfactory nsuits. The total area is now 2,027 acres. The report refers to labour difficulties. Prom experiments made at h. me it seems certain
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  • 148 5 C From Our Own Cgj respondent.) LondoD, September 20. The prices in the London Rubber Market to-day were: Pale Crepe 2/9J Diamond Smoked 2 j7\ [The Market Report of Messrs. Aldens’ Successors Ltd, dated London, August 2, says. The market has exhibited a steadily declining tendency since
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 241 5 XXXXXXKXXXKX COME XXH)*****00<XK COME COME!! COME!!! DON’T MISS IT THE BIGGEST ATTRACTIONS OF THE YEAR Showing to-night Pati,es Mightiest picture* 20,000 teet pictures AT THE ELECTRIC POLYSCOPi? MJ Argyll Road A most delightful and Entertaining drama featuring the World s best actors and actresses W HICH? LATEST PATH E OFFICIAL
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    • 171 5 AND =11 0 M B a a o D FRON MIXTURE. a a t i MAXWELL CARS. THESE POPULAR CARS HAVE JUST ARRIVED SPECIFICATIONS I II a L"p-to-date Model, 4 Long Stroke Cylinders, 25 H P, High Tension Magneto Ignition, Electric Lights, Electric Starter, Colour-Suede Grey, Khaki Hood, Petrol Consumption
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    • 247 5 w ANTED. I M Twn D p^ TELY 0fficein Penang, 0 V h ine8e or Eurasian Clerks with f° 0d k^ owled j; e of double entry bookkeep. no^ ed f f typewriting an advantage. Good salaries to competent men Apply to E.M, p/o Straits Echo. ANTED. A Clerk lor
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  • 96 6 MUiI daily (except Sundays and jmblio i boUays) Aim OHTRRION PRESS, Ltd. gt 59, Baaek Street, Penan*. Vttoi' XVTy Lml m 9M per annul. OaHtiti— Postage Extra. F/4Men (Pool Fme) 117.50 oanx.l asdum ECHO —PENANG.” Telephone Nos. (Echo) 580 Printing Department 343 y —All buiinna communication» «hould
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  • 1156 6 Good news comes from Flanders this morning. Another storm has burst over the German lines after the lull in the offensive, launched east of the Yser Canal on July 31, and the results so far hare been satisfactory. We are attacking this time on an eight-mile front
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  • 60 6 Latest Quotations Tin (unrefined) is quoted here to-day at $llO, no buyers no sellers, in Singapore, (refined) at $lll.OO, business done (100 tons •old). Messrs. Bouatead A Co. inform us that the following were the quotations for rubber on spot ia London on the 20:h inst. received
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  • 980 6 Mr. 8. B. ArchdeacoD, of the Straits Trading Company, is on a buainesa visit to this settlement. Mr. L. F. Macao, of Victoria Estate. Province Wellesley, will be leaving for home in the immediate future on leave. Mr. See Teong Wah, J.P., of the Hong* koDg and
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  • 974 6 In Mesopotamia. AM .jor of the Rojel Arm, Medic! Corpe wbo .M at Ba.ra from Apr'] w £T,? f h 916,h bMn *«»8 0.U0! r rd ot h Mpenence. in the Brim Mediool /oarnof. He li.ed in a tent and kept a record of the temperate™ Thl higheat.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 250 6 4OOOOOOOOOOOOOO0 Field Glasses. IMPORTED UNDER WAR OFFICE LICENCE. TOCKS VERY LIMITED. No, 1. Good Definition end High Magnification 916.00 No 2. Give; A Larg« Field and Goed Stereoscopic Effect $lB.OO No. 3 A Really High Class Glass This Model gives an expectionally clear view over land and sea. The definition
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  • 2684 7 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] SPLENDID SUCCESS. BTIEEINO BTORIE3 OF THE FIGHT. Eaemy Lise Piutrild, London, Sept. 20. Reuter's representative at British Headquarters states i ••To-day's attack has been another tine success for British arms. Our troops penetrated to a depth of a mile «bioh is a wonderful achievement, considering the
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  • 710 7 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] Petrograd, September 20. M. Kerensky, repeating the Imperial Rescript, has ordered that all alcohol at distilleries and licensed premises must be used for making vinegar and mineral waters. The Ktltdlie Affair. Pourparlers between the Workmen’s and Soldiers' Delegates of Petrograd and the Vice Hetman of the Don
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  • 576 7 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] Smoke Boxes and Smoke Funnels. London, September 20. Regarding the smoke cloud defence against submarines, in addition to smokeboxes many merchant vessels are carrying a special smoke funnel requiring only fuel for continual use. Once the smoke-boxes are thrown overboard they are unrecoverable but if skilfully
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  • 80 7 The following articles will be found on our outside pages Page. 3. —The Outlook. 4. -Short Leaves from the Front. False Reports. 5. Uo Mari Complaisant. Increase of Rent. Passports for China. 8, The Economic Ruin of Turkey, French Consular Telegrams. Church Services. P. C. C. Tennis Tournament, Mrs.
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  • 1074 8 Sinoe the Ur iS days of tbe Crimean War, when tbe gentle Lady of tbe Lamp, of gracious memory, went her nightly rounds of mercy on the stricken field, tbe emblem of the Bed Cross, symbol of com* passion and of sacrifice, has brought succour
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  • 129 8 Accompanists. Mias Gold—Mr. A. E. Selby—Mr V. G. Ezeohiel—Mr. J. Tryner. HELPERS Programme Sellers. Mrs. E. J. Bennett, Miss Turney and the Messrs, Mollie ai d Peggie Starr. Roses and Rosbltb. Misses M. Ward, Woodford, Olive Southara, Lily S utbem, Kuching Anthony and the two Misses
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  • 367 8 POWER OF ATTORNEY’S LIMITATIONS. Chinese Manager Fined Mr. W. D 8aott, Magistrate, Ipoh. heard a case yesterday n which Ngoh Sui Pui, matagfr of Chop Tii Taoong, of Leech Street, Ipob, was charged with having sold 1'quor by retail without a licence issued by th-> Licensing Board. Tue
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  • 133 8 The following are the alterations in Messrs. A. A Anthony Co’s shire list to-day:— Ayer Moltk Rubber Co. 32.75 buyers and $2-90 sellers; K>d*h Rubber Co. J3J85 buyers; K>mpas 38 76 buye s and 39 25 seJlars Rubber Estates 36.80 buyers and 37 10 sellers P„ j tin 323
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  • 438 8 INCREASES IN IMPORTS AND EXPORTS. Comparative Statistics. The cffiJal return of imports and exports of the Strait* S ettlements for tbe quarter ended June 30, has been issued and shows appreciable advances in the imports and ex* ports of the three Settlements. Tbe figures for tbo
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  • 295 8 Saturday, September 22. Football—C R. C. vt. Kedah, Victoria Green. Sunday, September 23 16th after Trinity. P. V. Field Operations. Monday, September 24. Town Baud, Esplanade. Tuesday, September 25. Municipal Commission, 4 p m. Wednesday, September 26 Town Band, Esplanade. Nellrmy Rubber Co., Ltd, A. G. M-,
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  • 1124 8 Significant German Admissions. (By a Correspondent.) An article by Gustav Herlt in the Deutsche Levantc-Zeituvg on the prospects of Gnman trade with Tuikey af er the war throws a valuable light on the condition to which that count y has been reduced hb a result
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  • 265 8 Paris, September 17, 6.50 p.m.—The French 3 per cent bonds are at francs 61.55 ex dividend and the 5 per cent at 88 15. The French patrol steamer Jeanne sank, owing to a collision; tbe captain and 19 men are missing. Following the inquiry concerning lhe affair
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  • 154 8 Sbf. 23, 16th Sunday after Trinity. 8-00 a,m. Matins 8-30 a.m. Holy Communion 6-00 p m. Sunday School 6-00 p.m. Evensong Hymn 184 Psalms CIV Tonus Perc grinus CV Buck Nunc St iDer Hymns 362, 215, and 285 During the week ON WlDNMDiT, 10-00 a m.
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  • 132 8 The following ties have been fixed for Tuesday, the 25th inst. t Ladies Doubles—Mrs Clark aod Mrs Evan v Mrs Powell and Miss Gold (2). Th 6 following ties have been fixed for Wednesday, the 26th inst. t M xed Doubles—Mrs Ebden and J S*llar v Mrs
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  • 1090 8 There are, no doubt, a certain number o( shirker,,’ but we thick tbe, ma, be dimmed from consideration as hardly woith spacial legislation. There is a far greater number of men of|tnilitary age and military b ness who have been persuaded by their employers that it is their
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 41 8 A Master Kemedj. Chamberlain’* Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea K°irsdy is master over cramp colic, dysent r;, and all in estiual pains. One dose reliever, a. second dose is n.rcly neoessary to effect a cure. For sale by all dispensaries and dealers,
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  • 1081 9 THE SCENE AND PREPARATIONS FOR YESTERDAY’S ADVANCE. i Feom Pxacivax Phillips, British Front, July 31, Yon must realise that this wilderness of lagoons, salt marshes and flat farmland that has been a battleground for ages is as dreary and as difficult of access as the Fen
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 192 9 DON GO TO BED I I I f I I I I B I i I i a a i i a I It wi 1 help you to moke life'* Malt built your better Netu-e ha B B Until you have given a thought to your heavenly Father who
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    • 526 9 NOTICE 19 hereby given that the firm carrying business at 136 Main Road, Taiping, as Pana Kavana Ahamed Co., having ceased to exist on 15*9-17, all creditors and debtors having any connection with that firm are requested to settle their accounts with A. Packir Mohamed the purchaser of the said
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    • 303 9 00 3 Debility an Weak Nerve Dr. Cassell's Tablets Build You Up and Make You Strong and Healthy. When you are thin and ■weak it is l>ecause your food is not nourishing you. Perhaps your stomach is out of order, or the organs that make rich healthy blood are not
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  • 1655 10 For some reason which it is difficult to understand, the Government makes a my■tery of its organisation and proceedings in connection with Reconstruction, and we are left in the datk as to the meaning of the obange that has now been made. Dr. Addison has been appointed, we are
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 64 10 BURRELL CO.’S BOILED RAW LINSEED OILS. SNOW WHITE ZINC, PAINTS& TURPENTINE. To be had Retail from all the Leading Stores. SAND!LANDS, BUTTERY Co. So e Agents, Straits Settlements JOHN WHITE BROTHERS' PORTLAND CEMENT., ‘LION BRAND.” Sandilanils, Buttery 6o„ AGENTS. Pending &> F.M.S. Wong Kim Mun, 77 a, Bishop Street Penang.
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    • 377 10 m n r M A FURTHER SHIPMENT OF S;iVENTY=I IVE MACHINES ARRIVING SHORTLY. jfi ii^rr I 3* JafedE*» •i i377oTi i&T, •..a. CT/f **i rr >-/l /Jj /3 iT'.v i :.v G OP; gf» •Ijiy 3&dk*sej S\l?*aMg9 k& 'SaSH i. =3 _W !V is> V «r. v:r Ap*► ej*- •S
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  • 1836 11 NEED OFCONCENIRATED CON FROLAbroflanb v. Cavalry (By Lord Sydenham It has been usual to claim that each new advance in weapon would have the effect of revolutionising war. Gunpowder, rifling, breech-loading and magazine rifles, machineguns, quick-firing field guns, and high explosive shells have all in their
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 631 11 mjaflt k S^B«S6R w rJt> n e, 0. Rrj* A Harmony of Fragrance from the scents of a thousand flowers, Shem-el-Nessim perfume is fragrant and lasting. It possesses just that subtle note of daintiness and refinement which appeals most strongly to the person of taste. Shem-el-Nessim can also be obtained
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    • 656 11 Arc you a Slave to pain Do You Ever Rett l Or is yonr life a perpetual burden—a wakeful, restlass, fevered tortured existence r Do jou start and cry out from twitching nerves or darting pains Are you robbed of your nights of just repose and tranquil sleep P Then
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1653 12 p. 0,—British India AND 2LPCAR LINE (Companies Inoobpobatss in England.) Mail and Paasen£ev Service*. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS. (under contract with his majesty 8 government) Tbe Company's MAIL SERVICES EAST OF BOMBAY are at present suspended. Passengers for Europe are booked via Bombay as opportunity offers and as far as
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