Straits Echo, 21 September 1917

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1123 1 gffisr yj pi* r .rj: r Wif!F'*£i iW&£ The Georgetown Mir Sane M BANKS Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China. NORTHAM ROAD AND farquhar street. Telegraphic address: Hokimteik. 'Phone No. 694 IS ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE. CARS FOR HIRE A fLet of B and mw C r* f r
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    • 22 1 M MUJS. 0f WHICH IS IHE Btit tore®" *t, 8»« £1 USCj^, i*f es isrr R3S «i?«x <S ss.* sS iP H|
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  • 1432 2 Causes of Reduced Profits Acquisition of Further New Ground. The Ihiid annual general meeting of Chenderiang Tin Dredging Ltd., was held on July 26, at the Cannon-stieet Hotel, E.C. Mr. Jonn I. Philips (chairman cf the company, piesidiDg. Mr. H. A. Huntley, on behalf of Messrs.
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  • 374 2 Thb New Central Offices. The ornamental and imposing buildirg facing the Kuala Lumpur Railway Station, which is the new iffices for the F.M.B. Railway officials, w«s designed by the Government Architect, and is built in the quisi-Mohammedan style. It has three storeys, is the highest building in the
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 273 2 DAMASK TABLE CLOTHS AND NAPKINS. «■> a° 4 A P. 9 ■*> > £*> «e» W3 r' 1 m m •3» ft WHITE DAMASK TABLE CLOTHS. Inexpensive yet serviceable quality. These cloths are of British manufacture, are parfectly bleached, and are ready hemmed for immediaie use SIZES. 58 by 58
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    • 60 2 Supplied bj all Chemists Physicians prescrib9 Chamberlain's Colic, Che lera and Diarrhoea Remedy because it relieves cramps in the stomach and intestinal pains quicker than any preparation they can c ns pound. It can be bought from any chemist shop. A bottle will keep for years, and no home is
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    • 71 2 Teething Children. Teething children hare more or leia diarrhoea, which can ba controlled by giving Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, All that necessary ig to give the prescribed dose after each operation of the bowels more than natural and then castor oil to cleanse the system. It is safe
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    • 599 2 Penang Sales Room BY ORDER 0» THE ADMINISTRATOR OP THE ESTATE OP PUAH KIM HOO deceased TO BE 80LD BT PUBLIC AUCTION All the Hoa&ehold Furniture COMPRISING Eb i 0U Z uchea Stools Chairs, Side and round Tabtes, Tea Tables, Large Nirror. Iron Safes, Glassware, English and Shanzha Crockery, Wardrobes,
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  • 436 3 P. C C. vs C. F. C. There was a bigger gathering than on the previous afternoon to witness the Tennis Doubles contests between the P. C. C. and C. R. C. representatives on Victoria Green yesterday. Owing to the unavoidable absence of H. E. Mason, who
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  • 118 3 (From Our Oun Correspondent,) Singapore, September 21. At the Singapore Rubber Auction the following prices were obtained Smoked Sheet $123 to $127 per picul Good ritbed 112 do Fine plain 110 117 do Good plain 106 107 do Unsmoked fine ribbed 109 f 110 do Good 106
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  • 71 3 At the Eastern Produce Exchange Auction Sale the following prices wer* obtained per picul. Diamond Smoked Fair from $lO7 to 118 Diamond Unsmoked 102 to 111 Plain Unsmoked 94 to 102 Brown Crepa 80 Scrap Crepe Fair 51 to 60 Birk Crepe Fair 47 Loose Scrap 41
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  • 74 3 The f Mowing new books have be n received at the Library A Painter of Dreams and Other Biographical Studies, by A, M. W. Stirling. My Russian and Turkish Journals, by Tue Dowager Marchioness of Dufferin and A va. The Great Wall of China, by William Elgar Gail.
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  • 54 3 The following programme of musio will be played at the Golf Club to morrow evening from 5-45 p.m. to 7-15 p.m. 1 Selection Chilperig Herve’s 2 Virginia Skedaddle Bosenfeld 3 Selection English Hartmann 4 Waltz Queen of the Cinema Gilbert 5 Highland Sohottiscbe Marie Stuart Frubling 6
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  • 236 3 Bnkit Mertajam Meeting. 3 At a meeting held at Bukit Mertajam on i September 20, it was decided to oelebrate l Saturday, October 20 as Our Day in i Province Wellesley. It is intended to arrange entertainments 1 in the various centres and the arrangements are in the
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  • 328 3 The F. M. S. Government has already sanctioned the principle of a technical school, and the Straits Government are understood to have under consideration a similar scheme providing technical education or a continuation school for Singapore. An artiale in the “Chemical News," by Mr. Frank Brown, F. I.
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  • 101 3 The following players have been selected to r present the C. R. C. in the football m*tch against the Kedah eleven on Victoria Grpen on SUurday afternoon: Goal: C Seng Yean Backi K E*n and Foo Joo Wan; Half Backi C S ng Kooi, P. Thum S.ew and
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  • 17 3 0‘i Saturday, the 23rd instant in the First League, Tanjong Tokong will meet Mejlis.
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  • 198 3 Submarine Marvels. The Empire Theatre was packed from fiior t) ceiling last night when the remarkable film “20,000 Leagues under the Sea was rceened and proved to be one of the most amazing production that baa ever been shown in Penang as most of the photography that goes
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 200 3 XXXXXXXXXXXX COME XXXX>00<XXXXX>( COME COME COME DON'T MISS IT THE BIGGEST ATTRACTIONS OF THE YEAR Showing to-night Pathe's Mightiest pictures 20,000 teet pictures AT THE ELECTRIC POLYSCOP 1/ Argyll Road A most delightful and Entertaining drama featuring the World’s best actors and actresses WHICH? LATEST PATHS OFFICIAL WAR GAZETTE H
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    • 398 3 AND vf R ONTIER B <p. "V M FRO ITT I «Esses 0= rm=aoi: OUR DAY 1917 LETTUCES! LETTUCES! t bden Mrs. Peel, Mrs. Peony 8 Mrs WILL SELL LETTUCES from TAIPING HILL m Saturday Mornirg 22nd, from 10 to 11 O'clock in the ENTRANCE HALL OF MESSRS. PRITCHARD 8
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  • 99 4 flfcßArf daily (except Sunday* and pmblio v bobdays) AX TEE CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. y*. 59, Beach Street, Penang. PfelCß' XfcDy Leeal 954 per annum. Oahetatkm»~ Portage Extra. if«ii riilitr (Port Free) $17.50 OilLl IDDMM ECHO—PENANG.” Telephone Nos. (Echo) 586 Printing Department 343 1f..8. —All buainma communications should
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  • 1226 4 Thera is nothing more interesting in yesterday's communiques than the captured German Army orders, signed by General von Ludendorff, which speak for the first time of the necessity of economising life, and declare that economy of munitions cannot be order ed. despite the fact that the consump
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  • 983 4 Mr. Tan Chocg Kee, the Tennis Champion of the Biogpore C. R. C., leaves for the southern settlement to-morrow afternoon. Mr. J. H. Phipps, Auditor, Penang, being on leave, Mr. E C. D’Orville, Chief Clerk, is now in charge of the Audit Office. Mr. C. B. Whitehead,
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  • 967 4 A Grim Joke at the Front. The difference of temperament too French and tbe Eogli.h moments of cm,, i. aptly illustrated b T n story from an officer at the front *L 7 Where the French and Britain t«V French leading off at tbe doJble, wT th glorums
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 156 4 Wc EASTERN TRADING Co. Engineering Department. Steelwork, Reinforced Concrete Work, Electric Light Installation, Engine Installation and other contracts Undertaken. Free advice on Ordering Mining Accessories and Engineering Goods, Estimates Free of Charge. All work will he carried out under capable supervision. THE EASTERN TRADING CO., PENANG and IPOH. X a
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    • 24 4 annnnnannnnnannnnnannnnnannnnn OUR DAY 1917. a annnnnannnnnannnnnannnnnannunn g Mrs. EBDEN'S CONCERT To-Night I To-Night You may come in a WHITE SUIT. L. n c annnnnannnnnannannannnnnannanc
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  • 630 5 [Reuter’s Telegrams] OFFENSIVE RESUMED. Attack oa a Wide Froat. London, Sept. 20, 12.20 p.m. Sir Doughs Haig reports We attacked this morning on a wide front to the east of Ypres. Satisfactory j progress is reporbd. We have already captured valuable positions.” REUTER S CORRESPONDENT’S STORY. Aatride tke
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  • 802 5 [Reuter’s Telegrams] VIOLENT BOMBARDMENT. Eaemy Offcaslve T Paris, September 20. A semi-official message states that the German bombardment onthe Aisne, in Champagne and at Verdun has lasted twenty-four! hours. It continues to be most violent which apparently presages an enemy offensive, lateaae Artillery Activity. London, Sept. 20, 6
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  • 565 5 [Reuter’s Telegrams] Geaeral Komiloff. Petrograd, Sept. 20. It is announced that General Korniloff I will be tried by court-martial with a jury. The trial whieh was decided on at the I instance of the Workmen’s and Soldiers’ Delegates will be held at the front and I not at Petrograd.
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  • 688 5 [Reuter’s Telegrams] RESTITUTION AND REPARATION. GERMANY’S PEACE MANOEUVRESf I M. Rikot ia the Ckamker, Paris,'September 20. 3 1 In the French Chamber M. Ribot empbas- > ised that the nearer they came to the end I of the war the more careful must the Allies be
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  • 1415 5 REUTER’S TELEGRAMS] RESTORATION OF BELGIUM. Further Coifrreaees. London, September 20. The Tages Zeitung states that Count Westarp, the leader of the Conservatives in the Reichstag, has gone to Headquarters on i the invitation of Marshal von Hindenburg to discuss the question of Belgium. The interview is considered
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  • 189 5 The following articles will ba found on our outside pages Page. 2—War Nows and Gossip. 3.—" Our Day Technical Education. Saturday's Football. “Our Day” Tencis. Singapore Rubber Auction. Eastern Produce Exchange. Tomorrow’s Band Programme. PenaDg Library. 6—How Paris Was Saved. Overpaid Rent. An American War Camp. Perak Man*Power. Legislative
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  • 625 6 IIcporyant Work of Japanese Mint. The Imperial Japanese Mint’s last year was the most stienuous of all since the institution was founded, because the mint was asked to coin tbe remarkably increased amount of bullion brought home from Europe and America while it rendered efficient assistance
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  • 146 6 Smart Arrest in Ipoh, The Perak Detective Department made an important arrest in Ipoh on Monday afternoon, when, on information received, they traoed and effectually captured a Chinamao named Lin Sin, who was boldly walking through the streets of Ipoh with a revolver ■tuck in his belt
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  • 80 6 The Penang Cinema beg to announce to their many patrons that they are screening to-night at their grand change six more parts of the renowned "Fantomas” in the False Magistrate, also a fine Lubin drama of power and pathos in "Until we meet again" in three solid parts
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  • 562 6 A Nktworx of Spies and Secret Agents. The Daily Express correspondent in Paris writes i The Kaiser, who, as the Ambassador of one of the Allies at Madrid told me, is all things to all meD,” has persuaded the Church party in Spain that he will
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  • 341 6 Some Interesting Official Figures Published, According to latest official investigations, says the Peking Daily Newt, the number of enemy subjects in China, aloDg the Yangtze valley, from Shanghai to Chungking, is 1,612, Of this number 1,868 are Germans and 174 are Austrians, and the remaining 17
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  • 805 6  -  (By R. Johnson.) Life behind the lines is enjoyable, especially in tbe company of pleasant brother-officers. A fighting squadron of the Royal Fiying Corps is often situated many miles behind the lines —and sometimes even oat of sound of the guns. There is nothing but the flashes
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  • 70 6 Friday, September 21. Town Band, Esplanade. Our Day Mrs, Ebden’s Grand Musical Eveniog, Town Hall, 9.15 p,m. Saturday, September 22, Football—C R. C. vt. Eedah, Victoria Green. Sunday, September 23, 16th after Trinity. P. V. Field Operations. Monday, September 24. Town Band, Esplanade. Tuesday, September 25. Municipal
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  • 774 6 Stort of Yon Kluge’s Defeat. The boys of tbe Lycee of Plrigueux had a rare treat on their prize day, when the ohair was taken by General Ciergerie, who, on tbe outbreak of war, was Chief of Staff of the Military Government of Paris, and as
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  • 224 6 How Tinants can Eicotbe It is rather amusing now that the payment of exc3Bs back rent has been dropped from onr local Bent Bill to find that in England the Government has just decided on a measure to ensure such repayment of raised rent from beginning of the
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  • 1561 6  -  (By Herbert Bbbd.) It is inevitable in any great gathering of men afield, each as is to be found at Platts burg Barracks, that some one unit will lift 1 itself out of the mass and become the visible expression of tbe basic principle of that
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  • 281 6 Meeting of the Adtisort Committii. A maeting of the Perak Man-Power Advisory Committee was held at the Ipoh Residency on Monday, there being present —The Chairman (The Hon. Mr. E. 0, Watson, ciio,); and Messrs. 0, Gordon Brown and J. H. Rich (civilian members). The military member (Captain
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  • 157 6 The following are the Orders of the Day,” for the meeting next Monday. 2.30 p.m 1. Motion by the AotiDg Treasurer:— That this Council approves of the mores of the Vote ‘Contribution to Rural Boards by the sum of 171,853.22 on account oi Malacca. 2. Estate Labourers (Protection
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  • Page 6 Advertisements

  • 1971 7 (From Our Oivn Correspondent.') London, August 3. Germany’s Fntil* Efforts. Germany’s growing consciousness of inevitable defeat is reflected in the increasing fury of her futile efforts to escape the doom which hangs over her. A triumph over the Allied forces on the field or on the
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 310 7 the eastern produce exchange. 27. Besch Street, at the corner of Beach Street and Church Street Ghaut. CAPITAL $120,000. Auctioneers Brokers. The 170th Auction Sale of Rubber WILL BE HELD On Monday, the 24th September. 1917. Auction S»lcs of Robber heli twice t week, on every Monday and Thursday. Sale
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    • 49 7 It’s Astonishing Sluggish Liver when they c*n cure the trouble by tn occeeion&l doee of PINKETTE8, th* tiny laxatiyee thnt work m gentle ee nature. Do not gripe. •0 cent, per phial at roar draddiat'a or dirtc* by mall on receipt ol prlca from DO. WILLIAM»' MEDICINE COMPANY. SINGAPORE.
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    • 597 7 WANTED IMMEDIATELY for Office in Penang, Two Chinese or Eurasian Clerks with good knowledge of double entry bookkeep* ing. Knowledge of typewriting an advan tage. Good salaries to competeut men Apply to E.M. c/j Straits Echo. WANTED. A Clerk for an office near Ipoh knowing well to speak, read and
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    • 446 7 Arc you a Slave to pain Do You Ever Rett} Or is your life a perpetual burden—a wakeful, restless, fevered tortured exist, enca r Do you start and cry out from twitching nerves or darting pains Are you robbad of your nights of just repose and tranquil sleep P Then
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1424 8 P. 0.—British India AND JLPGAR LSNJE (Com panjis Incosporat*» in England) Mail and Passenger Service» PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS. (tTHDBB CONTRACT WITH HIS MAJBSTT’s GOTRRNMRNT) Th« Company’s MAIL SERVICES EAST OF BOMBAY are at present suspended. Passengers for Europe are booked Tie Bombay as opportunity offers and as far as
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