Straits Echo, 20 September 1917

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1072 1 M S' a r i-i A 1.,*: \r M." .-4T KS3BK» The Georgetown n northam road AND farquhar street. Telegraphic address: Hokimteik. 'Phone No. 694 IS ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE. CARS FOR HIRE A fLet of B r and new C«r* f r hire day and night at moderate
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    • 33 1 m Si S ’S MILK. WHlCij JS THE BEtf W >AT ■tv »»>' vV aJ\ ECt| ons 3§t .£s?- A—.- -ga sfe •SSa jssss *555. W «£‘s Isi VC* i'~ .'fWi-ZTS* sK; -rwy V
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  • 3047 3 [By Euoikk Simon, Late French Consul-General in Chim.'] Men of genius, like Pascal, Leibni'z ard Bacon, b*Yd said of the human race that i should b-i considered as one man, immorta r, d always increasing bis store of knowledge. What they have «aid of humanity
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 563 3 B r ORDER of the custodian of enemy property pursuant to an order of his excellency the governor in council Id tbe matter of the Trading with the Enemy Ordinances 1914 to 1916 and of the Alien Enemies (Winding up) Ordinances 1914 to 1917 IMPORTANT AUCTION -ALE. Of A Vnlnable
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    • 95 3 Penang Sales Room BY ORDER OF THE ADM INISTRATOR OF THE E-TAIE OF PUAH KIM H00 deceased TO BE SOLD BY PUBLIC AUCTION All the Household Furniture COMPRISING Ebony Couches. Stools Cliairs, Side and round Tables, Tea Tables, Large Nirrors. Iron Safes, Glassware. English and Shanghai Crockery, Wardrobes, Dressing Tables,
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    • 504 3 notice. Tenders will h* received at the Resident Councillor’s Office, t' Pnarg up to nooQ on Tour§d*y, the let November, 1917, for the undeimentioned contracts for the ’year 19 i 8:—— (a) Wishing of N Fve Polic* Uniforms Supplv rf Bro »n L ether Boots and R a ling aud
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  • 889 4 There are three Russits, as there are three Irelands. Yet tbty speak of Russia” «nd of Ireland” as “she.” Grand Ducal Russia, if not dead, has bad a hard knock. Toere is, steoudly, the Ru.-si* of the laLd* uungry muj k—bO per ctnt, of the pipuUtiuu. He c»u neiiner
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 282 4 DAMASK TABLE CLOTHS AND NAPKINS. em 1 8° m &p «a «S' •8° -r--«a WHITE DAMASK TABLE CLOTHS. Inexpensive jet serviceable quality. These cloths are of British manufacture, are perfect j bleached, and are ready hemmed for immediate use. SIZES. 58 by 53 inches, 64 by 64 64 bv 82
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    • 60 4 Supplied by all Chemists. Physicians orescriba CbamtnrUin’s Colic, Cb< 1-ra and Diarrboe i Remedy because it rel eves cramps in tbe stomach and intestinal pains quicker thin any preptration they cm compound. It can be bought from any chemist shop. A bottle will keep for years, and no home is
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    • 404 4 sc there’s Purity and Vigour IN EVERY DROP OF READS M DOG'S HEAD” GUINNESS It retains through the entire brewing process and after maturing and bottling, the delicious fragrance of the hop with its sweet anf soothing perfume. ana It has the sparkling force of a cleverly fermented beverair. without
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  • 468 5 Our Day” Tennis. P C. C. V$ C- R C. The TenDia matches (Snglee) n connection with “Our Diy” between the P. C. C. *rd C, R. C. representatives were played off on V ctoria Green yesterday afternoon and n suited in the Chinese beating tbeir opponents m two out
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  • 377 5 Our Bukit MerUjam correspondent writes: At the Police Coart, before Mr, G. A. Hereford, on Friday, two Hylams named Tan Ah Chin and Goh Po Tek were found guiby of the offence of voluntarily *au»iog hurt to one Lin Ah Ewe by means f a stick. Accused
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  • 61 5 The Local Agents, Messrs. Guthrie A Co.. L*d. have received the following cable from London Profit for the year ended 30th June 1917 <£44 111 with brought forward £4 599 Dspreciat on on Dredges written off <610,029 —placed to Reserve £6 500. Final divideod
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  • 361 5 Thief Gets Maximan Peialty. I Victims of electric bulb thefts will learn I with satisfaction that a member of the 11 light-fingered gentry has been collared by 1 1 the Police acd sentenced to the maximum penalty by Mr. S, H. Langston in the Second Court,
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  • 260 5 The following are the alterations in MessrsA. A Anthony A Co’s., share list to day:— Bukit Je.'otong Rubber Estates 070 buyers and 0.80 sellers Jimab Rubber E&I fates $2.25 buyers Kedah Rubber Co. $3.80 buyers and $4 sellers; Kelemak Rubber Estates $7.75 buyers and $8 sellers Kempas $9 sellers;
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  • 128 5 Quarterly Meeting. The last quarterly meeting of the Board of Licensing Justices for Penang was held in the District Court, yesterday afternoon. Thero were present Messrs. R. D. Acton (Chairman), A. 8. Anthony. D. A. M, Browr, Quab Bang Kee, Dr. G. W. Park and Mr. A. M-
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  • 67 5 Phhxmo Wombn Wobkibs. Amount previously acknowledged $5,836.03 Mrs. Penny 1000 H L 10.00 No 36 2 50 Mrs E. J. Bennett 2.00 u Work 1.00 $5,861.53 Hospital garments for soldiers ready out out for workers will be given out at the Town Hall every Friday at
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  • 48 5 Tbe following programme of musio will be played at the Esplanade to-morrow evening rom 6 p m, to 7 p.m. s—--1 Overture Prometheus Beethoven 2 Polka Wlr Beide Faust 3 Selection Verdi 4 Walts On the Blue Wsvps Williams 5 March The Rifle Regiment Sousa
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 284 5 TO-NIGHT’S THE NIGHT Business empire Thorns Shftfto. MAMMOTH UNIVERSAL PRODUCTION 20,000 Leagues under the Sea j gK r A ’$<-» ’i' V 'K‘*' Ij >• t- 1 i* Mir COMMENCING AT 9.30 GREAT CROWDS will be THERE! Everybody MUST eee this. Filmed at the bottom of the Ocean. SEE the
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    • 608 5 1 O V AND < '£>xn r rt+C'j rontier JS3i m U 1» E MIXTURE. WANTED Mrs. EBX )EN j If ON FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 21st AT 9.15 P.M AT THE T TOWN HALL TICKETS NOW ON SALE t AT 4 i ROBINSON PIANO CO., T Reserved seats $5 and 13
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  • 98 6 VlkßsWafl daily (except Sundays and peblio v holiday») k i!I TVS CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. |o, 59, Poach Street, Penang. Fnion* Daily Led m, @S4 per annum. Ortrtatiou... Postage Extra. lfail Edition (Port Free) 917.50 OiBLI ADDKISS ECHO—PENANG.” Telephone Nos. (Echo) 586 Printing Department 343 N. 1. —All
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  • 1373 6 The Commission which is enquiring into the shortage of smill coins may do excellent work before it completes its labours, but it cannot be congratulated on the first step it has taken. It he d, we believe, an unofficial kind of sitting on Friday and began its regular
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  • 922 6 Dr. J. D. Gimlette has now been appointed to serve in Oxford on special malaria duty. Mr. W. J. Archer, C.M.G., Counsellor of the Siamese Legation, has left London for the country, where he will pay a series of visits. The marriage of Mr. Leong Tin Ehean,
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  • 969 6 Curs of Low Degree. When a famous Russian General went tn Lausanne, we are told, he stood by the Take and said to a passer-by how manr are there in this lake And the 6.791,901." There'. P said the General, not one of your ‘I don’t knows’”. Our
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 301 6 GTD Drying Bottles KEEP CIGARS CHEROOTS In Prime Smoking Condition. They are made of best quality Crystal Glass and are capable of ho'ding a large number of cigars thus obviating th« annoyance of refilling frequently. LARGE SIZE $5.09 EXTRA LARGE $7 -0 I m wm 'M EYESIGHT CHATS O ■■■■M
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    • 24 6 □□nannnannnaa □□□□□aaaanDDannnDD OUR DAY 1917. □□□□□aaanan□□□□□□□□□□□□aanuDD Mrs. EBDENS CONCERT K TO-MORROW NIGHT E n jjj You may come in a jj WHITE SUIT. □nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnannnnnnnnnnn
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  • 742 7 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] ADMIRALTY report. A Detliit. LondoD, September 19. Tbe Admiralty returns show that the rrivsls at British ports during the week 2,695 »nd the sailings 2,737 Total 5,432 g I(? ht vessels over 1,600 tons were sunk tC( j twenty under that tonnage, making a total
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  • 601 7 Reuter’s Telegrams.] democratic conference. Tke Delegate*. Petrograd, September 18. The Democratic Conference, cabled on September 16, will be attended by a thousand delegates. The chief of these are:— the Soviet of Petrograd, the Soviet of Moscow and the Peasants Council of PetroRrad, a hundred delegates each Soviet and Peasants
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  • 640 7 [Reuter’s Telegrams] HEARTENING PRONOUNCEMENTSPrcaa Coosmeata. London, September 19. The interview with General Smuts, and M. Painlevl's speech are regarded as timely and heartening at a moment when Germany has resumed peace manoeuvres in a form designed to encourage British Pocifists. The papers discredit the German stories of
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  • 420 7 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] RESTORATION OF BELGIUM. Press Commesta. London, Sept, 19. The German press continues to be agitated on the question as to whether the Government has decided to surrender Belgium. The latest reports indicate that the government has not yet committed itself. It is noteworthy that the
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  • 69 7 (From Out Own Correspondent Singapore, September 20. At a meeting of the shareholders of the United Engineers the Ohairman referred to the extraordinary war conditions. He pointed out that the war might have meant rain. Since the amalgamation every promise bad been fulfilled, The profit for the
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  • 70 7 Latest Quotations Tin (unrefined) is quoted here to-day at $110.40, buyers no sellers, in Singapore, (refined) at $lll.OO, business done (200 tons sold) and in London at £243 15s. spot and at £240 15s. three months. Messrs. Bonstead Co, inform us that the following were the quotations
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  • 502 7 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] A Lull, LondoD, S-ptember 19Sir Douglas Haig reports that there is nothing special to report. Reciprocal Artillery Activity. London, September 19. Sir Douglas Haig reports Great reciprocal artillery activity occurred in the Ypres sector. Our aeroplanes on Tuesday despite the most unfavourable weather continued to observe
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  • 25 7 CJPVom Otar Own OorrespondenU) London, September 19, The prices in the London Robber Market to-day were: Pale Crepe 2/91 Diamond Smoked 2/7£
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  • 344 7 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] Mr. Holm».’» Slirri.g Speech. New York, September 19. At a luncheon ia honour of Lord Northcliffe, Mr, W. A. Holman, (Premier of New South Wales) was present. They were warmly received by the Mayor Mr. Mitchell and other prominent people numbering two hundred. Mr. Holm**'* Speeck,
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  • 395 7 The following articles will be found on our outside pages Page. 3. —The Superiority of Chinese Civilisation. 4. —Arnold Bennett Critic. 5. 4l Our Day Tennis, Bukit Mortaj^m Cases. The Renoug Tin Dredging Co., Ltd, Theft of Electric Bulb. Licensing Justices. Queen Mary’s Needlework Guild, I’o-mo row’s Band Programme.
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  • 871 8 In view of tbe fact that the Chamber of Commerce bolds its half-yearly meeting next week, and will therefore have an opportunity of considering and, if necessary, discussing, tbe new Military S rvice Bill, and in view of the fact that the most curious and injudicious rumoure
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  • 89 8 The undermentioned prices were realised for rubber sold by Messrs. Allen Denoys and Co. at their 317th Auction Sale to-day Smoked Diamond Shoet No. 1 $123 to $127 per picul Smoked Diamorii Sheet No. 2 114 122 do Unsmoked Sheet No. 1 108 111 do Unsmoked Sheet
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  • 741 8 It is rather remarkable that a country sbou’d find practically the whole of its products to be in demand as war material. t hus avoiding the slump in some branches of production which acc >mpani-*s the boom in others. Y t this is the
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  • 214 8 The following is the health statement of the Penang- Municipality for the week ended September 15, 1917 ("Male 44) Total Deaths < >6B (.Female 19 Death rate 3''.99 per mille per annum compared with 32-96 in the p «ceding week and with 31.80 in the corresponding week ot
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  • 982 8 It is no exaggeration to say that tbe whole world is on tbe eve of a very mark d change io respect of fiianoe, credit, currency, and many other matters, and bi-metalii-m will most assuredly be represented in tbe Hat of subjects clamou-iog for a hearing.
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  • 2255 8 The Western Front. j Ic {From Our Own Correspondent.) It I f London, Ju’y 26, j Hard and close fighting, but none of tran-scenr iig importance took place this week h on the Wtarern front—where tbe final j issue of the war lies. There were many
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  • 154 8 A»iu»l Iiilallaiin, The aDDoal Installation of the above Lodge took place last Dight in the Frermasons Hal), Northam Road. The Installing Principal being Mr. M. E, Comp R. Owen assisted by M. E. Comp W. A. Ward. After the ctrtmony a light euDDer was provided. The following
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  • 212 8 It will be good news to the memb rs of the F.MB. Government Service to hear that there is every probability that tbe longpxp“cted increase of salaries—wbich the 8 trvice, both individually and collectively, have beea pnr-istently seeking for the last two yeart —will matoriali»e into a
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  • 121 8 Without doubt the best programme for to-uight’s entertainment is the Empire’s says every one when “26 000 Leagues Uader the Sea” in eight complete reels will be shown including tbe 3rd and 4th episode of The Iron Claw” together with several interesting and side splitting comedies. This film
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  • 87 8 Thursday, Srptembbb 20. “Our Day" Lawn Tennis, P. 0. C. w C» R. C., Victoria Grrea. Friday. Sbptbmbbb 21. Town Band, Esplanade ‘‘Our Dij Mrs. Ebden’s Grand Musical Evening, Town Hall, 9 15 pm. Saturday. September 22. Football—o R. C. v». Ktdab, Victoria Green. Sunday, Sbptbmbib 23
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 11 8 For Chronic Cheat Complaint a, Wood*’ Great Peppermint Care la. 6d.
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    • 42 8 A Master Remedy. Chamberlain's Col'C, Cholera and Dint?hnea R a medy is master over cramp colic, dysentery, and alt in estinal pains. Oae dose tei'eves, a second dose is rarely Deoescary to effect a care. For sale by all dispensaries and dealers,
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  • 1246 9 Books And Persons. By Arnold Bennett. (Chaito and Wind os. ss. net.) These selected papers of Mr. Bennett’s th« j are reprinted from the “New Age,” 1908-11—have certain very cheering quali ties. They are light; they are personal they are frf quent y impudent; and, when dealing
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  • 272 9 Peeang, 20th September 1917. Beef— ctt. Soup per catty 14 Roast 26 fteaks 26 Stew or Curry Meat 16 Rump Steak 26 Ox Tail each 36 Tongue 50 Feet 25 Heart 40 Liver per catty 35 Fillet of Beef 60 Pork— Pork per catty 54 with fat 46
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 358 9 SINGAPORE COLD STORAGE COMPANY, LIMITED. importers of ALL KINDS COLD STORAGE SUPPLIES Price Lists on application Singapore, Kuala lpoli and Penang. rsggraaM.i' MBiMM > u—, m FEDERAL LORRIES liilJZfvX^va P WELLS FARG Serve the World The acknowledged superiority of Federal Lorries is due entirely to the precision and care with
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    • 29 9 Keep It Handy. Immediate relief is necessary in attacks of diarrhoea. Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy should always be on band. For sale by all dispensaries and dealers,
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    • 273 9 I a a i FRESH I STOCKS #s ft I a a ft *P i a a l agents:.gR. T. REID Co., Penang. I BRINKMANN Co., Singapore. I a a i (X I I a Kr: a g a I a a I i a a 8 THE WATERHOUSE Co..
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  • 809 10 Lord Haldane’s Plan Lord Haldan», address ng a conference on educational, reconstruction, oyer wbich he presided, in connection with the summer me-ting of the University E item ion students at Oxford, outlined a national scheme of educ.tional reform btsed on the of devolution, the separation of the thinking from
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 352 10 n—dO J ESTATE SUPPLIES. NEW SHIPMENTS JUST ARRIVED. *t! M acetic acid 99 per cent. Glacial. MOMI CASES Size 19' by 19' by 24Porcelain Cups Flat Bottom GLASS CUPS Half Lemon Shape Earthernware Cups Glazed, Flat Bottom Enamelled Latex Pans Sizes 18 ins. by 9 ins. by 31 ins. and
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    • 72 10 Teething Children. Teething children have more or less diarrhoea, which can ba controlled by giving Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. All that is necessary is to give the prescribed dose after each operation of the bowels more than natural and then castor oil to cleanse the system. It is
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    • 803 10 Anaemia or Poorness of Blood, is far more prevalent than is generally supposed. Men, Women and Children are all liable to suffer. If neglected, serious consequences may result. If taken when the symptoms are first noticed, it is a very simple matter to enrich the blood and so effectually check
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  • 1828 11 EXPERIMENT AND SEQUEL. Action by Penan* Rubber Estates. A civil case of more than usual interest was heard on Monday by Mr Justice Farrer Manby in the Judicial Commissioner s Court. Ipoh, when the Penang Rubber Estates, Ltd., claimed $1,285.70 as damages incurred through breach of an
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 452 11 r j m K\k n f A'' i j A '/if» 4-4 a f i# /VI -*> ii s^^V\7 /5 7 Tf-fTy' I I 'i\ fo »h rj- >. /^v s' V v i **&*&•/>' 1 V“~ m kMrS&r? ‘---S --5.1 A? L Wkr .o.’t ,k.r Skriol V" AN EASY
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    • 443 11 s Arc you a Slave to pain i Do You Ever Rett r Or ia your life a perpetual burden—a wakpful, restless, fevered tortured eiistence Do you s'art and cry out from twitching nerves or darting p*ina Are you robbed of your nights of juat repoae and tranquil bleep P
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1436 12 P. o.—British India AND APCAR LINE (Companies Incorporated in England) Mall and Passenger aervicei PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS. (under contract with his majesty’s government) The Company’s MAIL SERVICES EAST OF BOMBAY are at present suspended. Passengers for Europe are booked via Bombay as opportunity offers and as far as accomodation
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