Straits Echo, 18 September 1917

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1123 1 AI 1 !ISd natu i The Georgetown 1 Motor Garage NORTHAM ROAD M AND A FARQUHAR STREET. Telegraphic address: Koklmteik. ’Phone No. 694 IS ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE. CARS FOR HIRE A floet of Brand new C*rs for hire day and night at moderate charges. Motor Car Importers Motor repairing
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    • 15 1 MXU& Rfc is IS IHL But COitjss use »0« *csr w^Si fS, iEis SFS N*
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  • 1181 2 It has always seemed to me one of the 1 ironies of life that the doctors’ should be in a sense the most impersonal of all the professions, or, at all events, that nine people out of ten should regard him in that light. Few people think, few
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  • 664 2 Half a dozen thunderstoims have been over the top lately, most of them coinciding with the going over the top by some of us here in France, and I have been greatly impressed by the dignity i f Jupiter in aotion j as compared with Mars. When
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  • 176 2 The ninth annual meeting of the Singa* pore Shorthand Writers’ Association was held at St. Andrew’s School, Singapore. Mr. W. Makepeace, in the chair, spoke of the very valuable educational work the Association is doing and congratulated the members on having steadily maintained that work on sound
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 326 2 THE LEADING PENANG BOOT STORE. W E are carrying at all times a complete stock of men’s footgear, your wants will be catered for in every possible way, and we want you to feel at liberty to call at our store, and let us solve your shoe problems for you.
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    • 12 2 For Children’* Hacking Congh at Night. Wood’ Qreat Peppermint Care la. 6d.
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    • 67 2 Are Ton Going on a Journey? Chamberlain’* Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy should be packed in yonr hand luggage when going on a journey. Change of water, diet, and temperature ali tend or produce bowel trouble, and this medicine cannot be secured on board the train of steamship. It may
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    • 552 2 Hit* yoo tke CONSTIPATION HABIT In too many case» constipation is self caused. Tke system gets out of order and purgative pills or salts are taken. These so weaken the bowels that constant dosing follows, and so the habit is formed. Dr. Cassell s Instant Relief cures because it strengthens
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  • 945 3 Annual General Meeting. The annual general meeting of the members of the Penang Automobile Club was held at the Chamber of Commerce yesterday afternoon. There were present Messrs. L.M. 8.1 l (President) in the chair, T. Wilson, C.R.A. Goatly, C.BG. Bartels, F. Mirp es, G.A. Watt, R,
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  • 93 3 Alleged Negligent DrivingA Malay chauffeur of a motor car belonging to a local Towkay was brought before Mr. 3. H. Langston yesterday on the charge of negligent driving. It appears that his car was turning into Chulia Street from Penang Road and a boy who was walking
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  • 121 3 Lim Lau and Lim Ba, father and sod, appeared before the same Magistrate on charges of theft and abetment of the offence respectively. It is alleged that on Saturday afternoon both accused went to a Japanese ourio shop in Chulia Street and asked to be shown
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  • 64 3 Kati Mohamed went to the Prangiu Market and made some purchases. He left his basket containing some vegetables and the sum of $1 30 near a stall and visited another stall. While bis back was turned a Chinaman stealthily came up and ran away with the basket.
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  • 95 3 A young Malay charged with the theft of a fowl said that it waa givan to him by a friend working at a motor garage. Inspector McLernon intimated to the Court that when accused was brought to the station he was given an opportunity to find
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  • 165 3 P. C. C. t >B c. R. C, Iu aid of Our D*y,” tennis matches have been arranged to b 6 played on Victoria Green to-morrow and on Thursday afterdood, between representatives of the P. C. O. and C. R C. *Tbe Singles will be played off
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  • 202 3 The following is the scheme of Operations, for the Field Day on Sunday, September 23. laformation has been received that the ecemy consisting of Veterans Platoon and “C” Co. under the oommaud of Lt. C jlman n-6 in the vicinity cf a Quarry South of Hill No 54
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  • 66 3 At the Eastern Produoe Exchange 168th Auction Sale the following prices were obtained per pionl. Diamond Bmoked Fair from $lO7 to 118 Diamond Unsmoked 102 to 107 Plain Unsmoked £4 to 104 Brown Crepa to 110 Scrap Crepe Fair Pressed Scrap Fair 41 ioo.. Scrap 41 Virgin
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
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  • 97 4 TAllsVifl daily (except Sundays and public boWays) at m CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. r*. 59. Beech Street, Penang. Faiom Daily Leeal W* per annum. Owkatatkm... Portage Extra. i/Ln Editstm (Poet Free) $17.50 OABX.B ADDKesS ECHO—PENANG.” Telephone Nos. (Echo) 586 Printing Department 343 If. B. —All business communications should
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  • 1100 4 The final chapter of Mr. Gerard’s memoirs, a summary of which is cabled b/ Reuter to-day, is a scathing indict- ment of the military autocracy which condemned a whole generation to death and plunged the world in misery. Germany, as we know, gloried in her plans of conquest
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  • 57 4 Latest Quotations Tin (unrefined) is quoted here to-day at $lll-75, business done, in Singapore, (refined) at $ll3, business done (150 tons sold.) Messrs. Boustead Cj. inform us that the following were the quo*ations for rubber on spct in London on tbe 17th inst. received to-day t Plantation
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  • 1433 4 Menace to Motorists*" At the meeting of the Penang Automobile Club yssterday it was pointed out that the polioemen put on duty at the principal junctions to regulate the traffic are worse than useless, that, indeed, they are s menaoe to motorists and an additional danger.” F. M.
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  • 81 4 Aaotkar wia for Perak. (From Our Own Correspondent Ipoh, Sept. 18, Tbe tenuis match between Spowers and Pearse (Ipob) vt. Tan Chong Kee (Singapore) and Foo Joo Wan (Penang) which was played yesterday was witnessed by a large number of interested spectators including tin British Resident, The Hon.
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  • 391 4 (From Our Own Correspondent Singapore, Bept, 17. At a meeting of the Bukit K.B Rubber Co. on Saturday the Chairman said that the results were somewhat disappointing. The higher costs were accounted for by the higher wages demanded by the Chinese tappers. The estate was too small
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 251 4 ♦♦OOOQOOOOGOOOOOO** GTD Drying Bottles KEEP CIGARS CHEROOTS In Prime Smoking Condition. saasw. ft ss, aft *?fts URoTsSMooEXTRA large *7 00"I mU EYESIGHT CHATS r If von have to hold xonr Bookor Sewing f rther evea .ban formerly Glasses for reading People ha 7® h perfect sight find this symptom at
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    • 30 4 nannnna annaDD an nnanDannnnDnnnnnnnaannnnannnc Sliavi 21 JO SfIHCHD V dwv ONOHAS H aw 9 I& J9qui9td9s Avpfjj a g 1N33N03 S.N3<m SJ W □□nano□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□annan 'll6l avq dno □□□anaaaaann □□□□□□□□□nnananuno icaaaDaanaaaa
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  • 1208 5 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] THE ENEMY’S PLANS. A Ikrouifc—Br«»k" Proktkle, Petrograd, Bept. 17. General Valonieff, commanding on the weiteru front, in an Army Order, warns his troop* that he is re!iab, y i°fo r ™ed that the nmmy, intoxicated by the success at Bigs, i, preparing for a -through-break” at prinsk
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  • 506 5 Some Comments. Says Monday’s T.O M After witnessing the match, it would be a ▼ery open question to &9k whether the result would have baen reversed had the weather been fair. Perak undoubtedly enjoyei the better of the conditions, having the heavier men, as those of the visitors
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  • 848 5 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] Successful Rails. London, September 17. Sir Douglas Haig report*: We recently successfully raided to the east of Ipehy in the neighbourhood of the i Arras-Douai railway. To the south-east of Gavrelle we destroyed dug-outs, emplacements and dumps. “Hostile artillery was active to the east of Ypres.”
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  • 401 5 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] Fight ia Aprcaoat Forest. London, September 17. A Frenoh communique announces i—i After a violent bombardment the Germans attacked our positions in Apremont Forest. Fractions which had obtained a footing in some of our advaooed elements 1 were driven out and the line re-established.” Successful Air
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  • 230 5 Preaohing in the Churoh of St. John the Divine, Ipob, on Sunday evening, the Rev. H. C. Hen ham, of Bate Gaj ah, the doyen of the Churoh of England ministry in Malays, paid an interesting and graoeful tribute to the Bev. E. L. Denson, late of
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  • 826 5 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] THE BARBARIAN HUN. A SuUiti Iidictaent. London, September 17. The final chapter of the revelations of Mr Gerard, formerly American Ambassador in Berlin, in the Daily Telegraph is a scathing indictment of Germany. He says that when he returned to America after living in the
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  • 630 5 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] IMMENSE PREPARATIONS. Lord Northclille's Letter. London, Sept. 17. Lord Noithcliffe, in a letter to the Timet, describing America’s war preparation?, says i—After barely five mouths’ preparation the United States have now close upon 1,£00.000 soldiers undergoing intensive training. For the upkeep of this force
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  • 128 5 The following articles will be found on oar oatiide pages Page. 2-—The Doctor. Jupiter Cum Marte* Singapore Shorthand Writer-. 3.—Penang Automobile Club. Police Court News. Our Dij Tencis. Penang Volunteers. Eastern Produce Exchange. 6. Penang library. To-morrow’s Band Programme. The Week’s Events. Burma Bean Market. Traffio, Led Horses and
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  • 294 6 Nbw Books. The following books hare been received at the Library i The Oentttry of the Renaissance, by Louis Batiffol. J a Memories 2 volumes, by Lord Reminiscences and Letters of Sir Kober 1 Ball, by.W, Valentine Ball. Prom Sail to Steam, by Admiral U- L. Penrose Fitzgerald.
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  • 106 6 TUESDAY,'SEPTEMBER 18. The Criterion Press Ltd.. A.G.M., Eastern Shipping Cj. Ltd-, 3 SO p m. Wednesday, September 19. Town Band, Esplanade. Licencing Justices Meeting, District Court, 2.15 p.m. “Our Day” Lawn Tennis, P, C. C. vs. C. R. C., Victoria Green, Thursday, September 20. Our Day Lawn
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  • 217 6 Tbe following programme of music will be played at tbe Esplanade to-morrow evening from 6 p m, to 7 p.m.:— 1 Fantasia A Burlesque Kappey 2 Galop Alexandra Kuhner 3 Selection Macbeth Verdi 4 Waltz Themse Lieder Seifert 6 March Volverine Sousa September 18 marks a date
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  • 481 6 A Severe Check to Up-Country Speculators Messrs. Morrison and Co.’s market report dealing wi h the Burma white beans market states: The supply held up by the railway breaches is now coming forward, and there has been some competition amongst buyers, Rs. 1.025 has been paid for
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  • 566 6 A ccrrespondent writes “The safety of the pubic in Penang is much ignored by these whom it concerns. Vehicles such as hand-carts and bullockcarts are to te seen daily moving along on reads and streets in such a reckless or negligent manner, as if
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  • 436 6 200, 500 and 600 yards Aggregate Scores for Season 1916-1917, five best scores handicaps counting. Pte Qqah Cheow Kay Q r YapSweeLin -J C A Padday 470 '2 R N Goodwin A M Forrest 9 f 6 H Starr 469 '0 J Meldrum 868 6 L
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  • 165 6 IfOTICU TO EtfPLOTUKS. The Indim Immigration Committee have decided in view of the plentiful supply of labour available at the present time in Southern India that conditions are favourab’e for a general reduction of reoruitiog com-' mission». In spite of the favourable conditions prevailing it is noted with
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  • 1022 6  -  [By A grippa.] If we may judge from the war literature produced by our enemies for their own consumption, tbe inhabitants of Germaay and Austria-Hungary are capable of believing two entirely contradictory theories at tbe same time. Their masters on the one band inform them,
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  • 1333 6 At the general meeting of Juru Estates i I/d,at Glasgow on August 3, the Chairman (Mr. T. A, Gillie,) in moving the adoption of tbe Report and Accounts, said—I much regret my esteemed colleagues, Colonel i Houison Craufurd and Captain Carruthers, are again unable to be with
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  • 413 6 Frrtnaf W°p Jf u hltVa received £rom Sir Ernest W. Birch, x.a M.e„ the former Utt.'r h -V u' daDt P t 6r k a. followio* letter, which wa publish as received in full agreement with the sentiment expressed in his concluding paragraph that our readers are
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  • 253 6 r Lovers of picture shows will not make a j mistake if they go to the Empire for a good enjoyment. The change sf programme last night, and it was an excellent r programme, is a herald to better ones which j w *il include some of the
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 39 6 A Matter Remedy. Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy is master over cramp colic, oyientery, and all inestinal pains. Ooe dose »«l>CTe« a second dose is rarely necessary to Care For ~le b 7 all dispensaries deale r r
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    • 72 6 I a child deYelops one of thoso nasty hacking coughs which keep ’the family awake at night it ia annoying' for them but j f ar mor e serious for the child, becauae of the strain thrown on its undeveloped bodily .organs. Rupture if often caused by a straining cough
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    • 61 6 Supplied by all Chemists Physicians prescribe Chamberlain’s Colic Cholera and Di irrboei Remedy because it rS 1 eve* cramps in the stomach and intestinal pains quicker than any preparation they can compound. It can be bought from any chemist shop. A bottle will keep for years, and no home is
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  • 1202 7 SITUATION IN THE SOUTH Ait Intibbstjng Lbttbr. Peking, August 31. The following are some very interesting extracts from a letter received by me from the South, The writer is a person of exceptional experience in Chinese politics and his interviews with some of the southern leaders
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  • 713 7 Why does the Chancellor state things which we all know to be untrue The question is asked by the military correspondent of The Time*. Let us place the most charitable and probably the most true interpretation upon his words, and admit that he does not know.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 166 7 FRESH !STOCKS a 6 I I AGENTS: |R. T. REID Co., Penang.] I I I BRINKMANN A Co., Singapore. j| i THE WATERHOUSE Co.. Ltd. (INCOEPOEATKD IN*THI U S A I I Muar, Malacca and Kuala Lumpur. a I I I Eli JUST ARRIVED JEST ARRIVED By S.S. IPOH Positively
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    • 73 7 Teething Children. Teethmg children hare more or leas diarrhoea, which can be controlled by giving Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea R medy. All that is necessary is to give the prescribed dose after each operation of the bowels more than natural and then castor oil to cleanse the system* It
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    • 10 7 Tor Chronio Gbiit Complaint*, Wood*’ Graat Pappermint Omra li. W.
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    • 581 7 Are you a Slave to pain Do You Ever Rett Or is yoor life a perpetual burden—a wakeful, restless, fevered tortured existenca P Do you atart and ory out from twitching nerves or darting paina f Are you robbed of your nighta of just re* poae and tranquil sleep P
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1328 8 P. o.—British India AND &PCAR LINE (CoifFAKins Ixooavobati» iw Englahd.) Mail and P»«»entfer Service!. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS. (OTM OOXTBAOT WOT MS HAJMTT’s «OTIHHMHHT) Th* Compsuy’s MAIL SERVICES EAST OF BOMBAY are at present suspended. P*M«DR«rs for Europe are booked via Bombay as opportunity offers and as faras INTERMEDIATE SERVICES
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