Straits Echo, 15 September 1917

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1185 1 D «.^AI g&'^-v-yik *j 1 i\. -J > T I&edMijsSi •4t? •X tt< The Georgetown northam road AND farquhar street. Telegraphic address: Hokimteik. Phone No. 694 IS ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE. CARS FOR HIRE A fiUet of Brand new C«rs for hire day and night at moderate charges. i* Motor
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    • 15 1 tfi’s tSMJUJS mj Of Much ma vm time it* ?'*«c use ion* 'Ol SBf z
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  • 985 3 Colour is inseparable from memories of the East, and appreciation of it is a question °f mood and circumstance. The Anglo* Indian gladly turns from the glare of bis exile to tbe relief of grey sbies and sober clothing associated with bis furloughs and final retirement;
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  • 879 3 Bad new# is very unpleasant: Worrying about it only make# it worse. Defeat is a Jose of tffort; so is inefficiency oaneed by worry. It does net telp the Aliie# that your firm should lose a thousand rupees because tie .Russians are play mg the fool again and you’re
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  • 79 3 Per N. Y. K. s.s. Prom London,— To Singapore Mr. H, Pope, Mr. J. Oockbnrn, Mr, A. St. G Shavers, Mr, H. Mark, Dr. H. Catling, Mins Galliakie, Mr. W, Smart, Mr, M. C. Head-Jones, Mr. H. B, Bußsy. To Penang Mr. C. B. Wbitebead. Per
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
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    • 450 3 Coughs, Bronchitis No other Emulsion can show so many testimonials to its efficacy in the treatment of coughs and chest affections. Because of its soothing, healing, strengthening properties, Angler’s Emulsion is the remedy par excellence fcr bron* chitis. It not only soothes and quiets the cough, improve the breathing and
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  • 1006 4 In the course of the public discussion which has been proce e ding for more or less tfie last six months in connection w th the housing question, there have been revealed several interesting facts in connection with the economic life of the less well paid
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 321 4 THE LEADING PENANG BOOT STORE. c. a e* can ying »t ail times a complete stock of men’s footwear, jour wan s will be catered for in every possible way, and we want you to feel at liberty to call at our store, and let us solve your shoe problems
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    • 61 4 Supplied by all Chemists. Physicians prescribe Chamberlain's Colic Chol a ra and Diarrhoea Remedy because it re! eves cramps in the stomsch and intestinal pains quicker than any preparation tbev can compound. If can be bought from any chemist shop. A bottle will keep for years, and no home is
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    • 590 4 PENANG HARBOUR BOARD TARIFFJ)F CHARGES. THE Public are hereby notified that the tew rates for handling Cargo and C a etc- as in Government Giiset'eNo, 111 of 7th September 1917 will come into operation as from Ist October 1917. Copies of the Tariff may be obtained at f be office
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  • 1245 5  -  [By Tom Wright.] After a strenuous but unsuccessful day trying to stand on my surf board, I got a ’phone message to say there were letters for me. Too late they 11 be closed now. No matter. Morning will do So in the morn in I hurry
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  • 379 5 Annual Genbeal Meeting, The eighth annual general meeting of the shireholders of The Dispensary (PenaDg) Limited was held at the offices of Messrs. Evatt Co. yesterday afternoon. There were present Messrs. G. H. Pritchard, in the Chair, G. N Saye, A. M. Seller, J. M Cna!m?rs,
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  • 130 5 The following ties have b<en fixed for Wednesday, the 19. h inst.: Ladies Doublet—Mrs Evans snd Mrs Clark is Mrs Powell and Miss Gold (2) Mrs Seuter and Miss M Pritchard va Mrs Hogan and Mrs Bennett (3). The following ties have been fixed for Tnureday, the
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  • 132 5 We are r quested to state that there has b»en a widespread impression that the States Government has taken upon itself tie work of relieving all soffe iag B lgiaoe, with the result that charities in this connection shew a marked falling off This is not so. What
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  • 98 5 A Gazette Extraordinary contains the appointment of a Commission to enquire into the cause of the present shortage of subsidiary silver in active circulation, ana thB stpps which should bo taken to remely it. The Commission is granted the usual powers for calling for evidence, documents, etc,
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  • 19 5 To-morrow, Sunday, at Dato Kramat Gardena, Mejlia will meet Stia Tanjong Tokong, in the Firit League.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 717 5 Buun r MiMfcif. n Thonm Shifto. LAST TWO NIGHTS SHOWING AT 10.15 RED FEATHER PHOTO PLAYS PRESENT The Irresistible Star of the Stage and Screen, Flora Parker de Haven iu IHE WHIRL! 00L OF DESTINY 5 'ST A powerful play portraying a little mother's triumph. Produced by Otis Turner. This
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    • 424 5 o d r o <$> o 0 AND 0 < D -p. o r v D 4^ 0 S|NB) WT mixture. :0 JUST ARRIVED JUST ARRIVED By S.S. 1P0H Positively the last consignment of the world-famed HUPMOBILE One ordinary Latest 1917 model with wooden artillery wheels. And one fitted with
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  • 97 6 friftkil daily (except Sunday* and peblio holiday.) ax m CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. 9x 59, Beach Street, Penang. Ykios' Dai>y Leeal m SS4 per annum. CHtietitkm... Portage Extra. Mail Edition (Poet Free) $17.50 oanLn addbiss ECHO—PENANG Telephone Nos. (Echo) 586 Printing Department 543 .V. 8. —All business communications
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  • 1198 6 Sir Edward Caraon seems to hare been in an unduly pessimistic mood when he wrote to a correspondent the other day; and he does not seem to have faced facts with his usual legal acumen. We quote from Route Peace by treaty does not necessarily secure peace
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  • 944 6 Commander B. A. Cator, R.N., is appoint* ed a member of the Singapore Committee of Food Control. Mr, T. H, B Phillip**, of Hendra Estate, Sungkai, will be taking a health trip to Australia in the near future. Mr. W. Dunoan left by the mail train this
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  • 983 6 Fish-Fighting. A correspondent writes The fighting fish season has started boys and even elderly people indulge in 5? sport, betting on the result. This fiav," which may be caught in swamps dur L tKi season of the year, in the exoftement of t t fight changes its colour
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 270 6 GTD Drying Bottles keep CIGARS CHEROOTS In Prime Smoking Condition. They are made of best quality Crystal Glaes and are capable of ho ding a large number of cigars thus obviating the -annoyance of refilling frequently. LARGE SIZE *5.00 EXTRA LARGE $7.00mm EYESIGHT CHATS If you have to hold your
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    • 34 6 nnnnnn nnnnnn nnnnnn a nnnnnn nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn n OUR DAY 1917. n n □nnnn nnnnnn nnnnnn nnnnnn nnnunn Mrs. EBDEN’S CONCERT Friday, September 21st BOOK YOUR SEAT NOW AT ROBINSON PIANO Co. nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn nnnnnnnnnnnn nnnnnn
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  • 613 7 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] the korniloff revolt. Semi-Official Slatemeat. Petrograd, Sept. 14. The organ of the Workmen’s and Soldiers' Delegates states that General Korniloff and bii Chief of Staff General Lukomaky have agreed to be tried by a revolutionary tribunal. Oeneral Euesky has been appointed to the command of the Northern
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  • 610 7 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] ENEMY ATTACK. Fierce Figktieg. London, September IS. Sir Douglas Haig reports After a heavy bombardment for an hour enemy raiders entered our trenches to the east of Bullecourt, We drove them out »fter sharp fighting. The enemy left a number of dead, aUo prisoners. We successfully
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  • 366 7 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] CAPTURE OF MONTE SAN GABRIELE. Victory After Ficrec Flgktiag. London, S ptember 14, Correspondents on tbe Italun front state that tbe battle at Monte San Gabriele, which bad been swaying fera fortnight, reached the extremity of fury in the past few days when the Austrians made
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  • 361 7 From Dutek Source». j The following Dutch cables appear in the Deli-Courant of September 11:— ladepeadeaee of Bolfiom. A private telegram from The Hague to I Batavia says that the Vienna paper Beiehe- 1 poit confirms the willingness of the Central I Pqwers to re-establish the independence
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  • 605 7 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] Voa Luxkurg's Departure. Buenos Aires, Sept. 14. Count von Luxburg is returning from the interior. Fearing hostility in the oapital he left the train at a station fifteen miles distant and sought the protection of the authorities. It is reported he was given twenty-four hoars
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  • 1299 7 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] BRITISH OFFENSIVE MEASURES. Stories from Admiralty Records* London, September 14. The publication cf the following incidents, taken from Admiralty records, is illumiuating as showing the growing suocess of the offensive measures against submarines i First story i One of our naval auxiliary forces was struck by a
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  • 95 7 The following articles will be found on our outside pages Page. 3. War* Worry. Passengers to the Straits. The Colour of India. 4. The Small Salaried Men. 5. Amurrican War Talk. The Dls. pensary (Penang) Ltd. P. 0. 0 Tennis Tournament. Small Silver Enquiry. Belgian Belief. 8. —lice Production.
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  • 225 8 RED CROSS FUND. Lilt of Subscriptions. Amount previously acknowledged $16,701.1 9 H. Welham 1 1^.00 Guthrie 4 Co, Ltd. 500 0 Anonymoo# Ng Boo Bee, Taiping 1 NgAuuTb,. Behr 4 Co 10'nn Ohoug H.i 4 Co. "WO R.E. Prenfcs 10 °.00 Commander and Mrs. Macintyre (X100) 850
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  • 94 8 Sip 16, 15th Sunday abtbh Thinity. 8-00 a.m. Matins 8-30 a.m. Holy Communion 10-00 a.m. Holy Communion (Tamil Congregation) 10-45 a.m. Matins (Chinese Congregation) 5- p.m. Sunday School 6- p.m. Evensong Hymn 194 Psalms 82 Turle 83 Cooke Hopkins Magnificat Bt.iccr Nunc Dimittts j Hymns 290.
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  • 34 8 9 a.m. Children’s Service. 6 p.m. Public Worship. Preacher: Rev. Dcnald J. Rose, ma. Hymns:—476 (1 —3,6—8), 625, 52i, 323, 516. Choir Practice on Thursday evening at 7,
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  • 34 8 (Bubmah and Anson Roads Sunday 8-00 p.m. Special Patriotic Service. The Boy Sconts of the Anglc-Chinese School will parade. Subject: The Call of Samuel.” Wednesday 8-00 p.m, Allars and Altar Fires.”
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  • 178 8 Special attention is directed to the Empire Theatre advertisement apptaring e in our columns. Commencing at 10.15 to night ia a Redfeather feature pboto-play in fire acts The Whirlpool of Destiny portraying a little mother’s triumph. Several fine comedies and Universal Animated weekly will also be shown. The
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  • 875 8 The problem before the Governments of the Straits Settlements ard the Federated Malay States is to procure an adrqnaie supply of foodstuffs for the p opie of Malaya. Fortunately, the sap e article of diet is rice, and the two countries from which the bulb of the commodity
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  • 89 8 Saturday, September 15. Inter-state Football—Penang vt Perak I nob. P. V. R C. Shoot, 3 p.m. Sunday. September 16 15th after Trinity. Monday. September 17. Town Band E»»’»*’*d^. Penang Criminal A-e Z 3 s B u gin. Penang Automobile C üb, A. G. M„ Chamber rf Comm-rc
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  • 1143 8 A correspondent, whose letter we pub ished yesterday, made the very excellent suggestion that the Tribunal under the Active Service Bill should consist of a Judge of the High Court, a Senior Civil Servant and a Midiary Officer. That would assure impartiality and tuoroughness, aud these are ebm
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  • 755 8 General Kornilt ff, letder of the Eighth Russian Army, was, like Abraham Line 10, born in a log ctbiu. Woo knows but that, like Litcjln also, he may rree to bi presi dent From every point of view be has proved himself ficted for the position his country
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  • 229 8 The fo’Vowing are the alterations in Messrs. A, A Anthony Co’s share list to-day j Aver Kuoing Robber Estate sl.4*2£ buyers and $1 50 sellers Ay*r P*nas Rubber Es fates $l2 buv Q rs and $12.50 sellers Bukit JelotoDg 075 buyers; Haytor Rubber Estates $lO buyers Jeram Kutntan Rubber
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  • 275 8 [The Editor of the Malay Mail Si*-, la foi mar timed it w»s the custom or the fashion to settle questions of importance by authoiitative cffinal decisions. F. r -x>mple, Parliament has approved the piesent cffimal form of the Anglican Church. To
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  • 246 8 (To the Editor of the Straits Times.) til',—Now that a la g-i numb rof meu of the planting line in the S S. and F-M.S b*ve joined the colours might suggest through tne medium of your valuaole j urnul that companies adopt the course of employing the services
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  • 268 8 Miwtttes of Meetiwo, Minutes of a meeting of the Municipal Commissioners held on Tuesday, the 26th August, 1917. Present Row. W. Peel, President. F. Duxbuet, Esq Yeoh Guaw Seok, Esq. Chee Woe Lok, Esq. Absent A. M. Goodman, Esq, How A. F. Goodeich. Quah Beno Kee, Esq. 1
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  • 76 8 The E'ectric Polyt-o.jps which screened last night two of the b-t>t serials is reaping the harvest of their labour. The packed house Dst night was fully convinced, that the praise bestowed on tb>se film», was fully justified. Episode three of the Pearl of tbe Army is indeed
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  • 1042 8 Bay* yesterday’s TOM. Thursday afternoon s*w the final tf ,ge of the Police defalcations ciae from R n i Lumpur, »h»n the Full Court ol ;Ip h decided unanimously to qu 18 h the ron v.cMoo of the first accused, sLadord but* J.w no reason to alter
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  • 2502 9 Tbe discussion as to what is meant by No annexations,” raised by tbe action of tbe Russian Revolutionaries, has proved most satisfactory. Instead of doing harm, it bas enabled tbe Allied Powers (witness the debate over Alsace-Lorraine in the French Chamber) to demonstrate that tbe policy
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 555 9 I a i.*. r Depicting the i r s*? r^' Evils ■i IK Of War •L. -•<# Ta&i? Ordeof. Adapted from the poem. THE BALLA D OF SILENCE, by 6 X*bitl THE WORLDS MASTERPIECE IN KINEMATOGRAPHY d iMMI PENANG iCINEMA I r 54 kl DRURY LANE.) September, 13- I 16,
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    • 507 9 Hauntei by Paia! Arfl your w*k ng and sleeping boura hauntel by the awf il dread or the worae reality of bodily pain p Headache, backache, toothache, neuralgia sciatica, rheumatism, sore throat, and other external aches and piins are quickly soothed aud cured by LITTLE S ORIENTAL BALM Simply rub
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  • 954 10  -  AN AMERICAN’S PROTEST. By Francis Grierson. As some of us expected, a reaction has set in against the prosecution of the war by the most drastic means—a reaction based on the old sentimental reasons that made pe pie use traps that cause the death of rodents without
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  • 921 10 What la Copra P If tbi *ddre 88 »d to tbe genera] p„,2 c T a bar of co rect, or even 0Q w. uld probably be extremely ,t i.i doubtful if any other 00m.2 J* »Uvt enters so l&ruelv mtn thn pro* ot two of tbe St universal
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 417 10 II “A word to the wise is enough. Too few buyers realise to what extent they jeopardise life and limb when purchasing a Cycle on price alone. Defective tubing, faulty brazing, badlyfitting lugs can all be covered by a coat or two of enamel; but sooner or later the evil
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    • 39 10 A Master Remedy. Chamhprlain’s Colic, Cholera and Di»r--hnea R°mpdy is roaster over cramp colic, and All in estioal pains- One dose 'elievep, a ascend dose is rarely necesrary to pffpet a cure. For sale by all dispensaries •md dealers.
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    • 365 10 Bad Stomach Weakness Dr. Cassell’s Tablets Cure Stomach Trouble and Make You Strong. When yon cannot digest your food it just lies in your stomach, as it might lie in a pit, and does you no good. That is why bad stomach makes you weak and ill. It makes your
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    • 67 10 Are Yon Going on a Journey Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Di»r* rhoea Remedy should be packed in your hand luggage when going on a journey. Change of water, diet, and temperature all tend° r produce bowel trouble, and tbia medioin* cannot be secured on board the train oj steamship. It
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  • 1408 11 Some reputations in literature and journalism have been made by the grea* •Aar. It is a nice problem, and one having a practical interest for readers, as to whether knowledge of the identity of tbe wnt*r enhances, or otherwise, tbe pleasure with which the book or article
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  • 780 11 Is there a man in this world, however humble, who does not behve that he has a touch cf genius in bis nature He m*v contess his own incompetence in a hundn d matters he may even be morbidly aware of it, and marvel at the
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 481 11 m as ip t K: ir 3 THOROUGHLY BRITISH —AND “MILES” BETTER. AGENTS FOR PENANG ETC., SIME, DARBY 00,, LiTD.j penanc a MALACCA. TRY A a* X j* W-r u VrJ JvV JUS L Wr V# 8888 «B a»» v^ nTX *ls fAtIAV 011 IUUiI tilfi lO’Ml. it tloroagVy »g*irgt
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    • 465 11 (THE BODEGA, PENANG. The above Bar 8 Restaurant Having been Purchased by Thomas SHAFTO. Is undergoing extensive Alterations and many novel improvements will be the outcome. Patrons will soon be invited to pass judgment. r OXO-GAS-LAMPS A Brillant, Safe, CLsn and Ecoimmical Light, burns Kerosiue Oil in Lasform no Chimney,
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1249 12 P. o.—British India AND &PCAR LINE (CoMranixs lnooaro*ATi» in England and Service». PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS. (onnxn oontxaot with his majnstt’s oovxxujtxiiT) Th« Company'* MAIL SERVICES EAST OF BOMBAY are at present suspended —4 mm are booked via Bombay as opportunity offers and as faraa Moossodatien is available. INTERMEDIATE SERVICES
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