Straits Echo, 14 September 1917

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1162 1 erb a lU/ K > IS m <23. m t >»■< ■<& i/*r- NATUJ si aiKi “L 1 The Georgetown I Motor Gan® BANKS > northam road and FARQUHAR street. Telegraphic address: Hokimteik. ’Pbone No. 694 IS ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE. CARS FOR HIRE A fl at of B and
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    • 7 1 SB Nero, BtJ" tw' «•I use FO* *>*/
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  • 1383 2 MALAY FATHERS DEVOTION UESTED. Death Sentence Commuted. At tbe Full Court of Appeal in Ipoh > i on Tuesday afternoon, Mr. J, G. T. Pooley, of Kuala Lumpur argued an appeal m which a Malay named Mobamed, who had been sentenced to death on a charge of
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  • 651 2 That fellow,” said Henry VIII of Crani m a r, has got the right pig by the ear,” i and we venture to apply to Mr, Hughes of Australia the verdict of the tempestuous noonarob, says a London paper, cornmenti ig on the visit of the Australian
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 258 2 “THE ELITE" PUMP SHOE. Similar to illustration, made with a stout sole and upper, leather lining, silk bow, broad toes of good shape and excellent finish. Pr c $3.95 per pair“OXFORD” BRA N D. Men'» Black Patent Dress Chford Shoe, stout single leather sole plain trouts as sketch. Price $7.95
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    • 353 2 W ANTED. \It ENGINE 22-27 H.P New V "*>'**"« A PP'y .utiog* puce where itcaa be inspected to:— P 6 d T TL.” Cros» Street. 526 j) pi I. iiukit Mertajam WANTED. FURNISHED HOUSE SEA FRONT Jn ,r September, October, PenaoJ Tanjong Bucga or Butterworth. SEWELL, Kulim Kedah. John Bazley
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  • 966 3 Excerpt from Minutes of a Meeting of the PenaDg Chamber of Commence held in the Chamber oa Tuesday, the lltn September, 1917. Pretent :—Hon. A. F. Goodrich, Chairman, C. M. Henderaon E-q Vice-Chairman, F. Duxbury E q., W. G. Peter Esq,, H« A. bow E q. Absent:
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  • 337 3 i Preliminary Eaqniry. 1 In the Second Court, yesterday afternoon, the preliminary enquiry into the charge of attempted murder brought against a Malay named Mohamed bin Ismail was held by Mr. 8 H. Langston. Court Inspector Niool conducted the case for the Crown, accused not beiDg represented
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  • 77 3 The following is the health statement of the Penang Municipality for the week ended September 8, 1917 fMale 43") Total Deaths V 67 t Female 24 J Death rate 32-96 per mille per annum compared with 41.32 in the preceding week and with 30.31 in the corresponding week
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  • 472 3 The following programme of music will be played at the Golf Club to morrow evening rom 5-45 p,m. to 7-15 p.m. 1 Selection Samson and Dalilab Sain Saens 2 The Homes they Leave Behind Ruben 3 Selection Lx Fille dn Regiment Donizatti 4 Waltz Modern Eve Gilbert
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  • 98 3 Singapo re Rubber Auction. CFrom Our Own Corrc-rpondcnQ Singapore l S ptembsr 14. At the Singapore Rubber Auction the fol'owing prices were obtained Smoked fine ribbed... $l2O to 1126 per picul Good rit bed 107 119 do Plain smoked 105 111 do Ribbed unsmoked 97 112 do Plain 95 117
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  • 69 3 At the Eastern Produce Exchange 167th Auction Sale the following prices were obtained per picul. Diamond Smoked Fair from SU)7 to 118 Diamond Unsmoked 101 to 110 Plain Unsmoked 96 to 104 Brown 75 Scrap Crepe 58 66 Birk Crepe 54 L ose Scrap 45 to 62
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  • 275 3 Friday. Sbptimbrk 14 Town Band, Esplanade Saturday, September 15. Inter-state Football—Penang t it Perak loob. P. V. R. C, Shoot, 3 p.m, Sunday, September 16 15th after Trinity. Monday, September 17. Town Band. Esplanade. P-nang Criminal Assizes Begin. Penang Automobile Club. A. G. M„ Chamber of Commerce,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 522 3 XXXXXXXXXXXX C OME XXXXXXXXXXXXX X PHBNOMgW<L SUCCESS j| X AT’IHE FOPULAR PICTURE HOUSE X s ELECTRIC POLYSCOPE 1 X Argyll Hoad. 'W x X SECOND SHOW 9-15 P M. X PATHE PREBENTS 5 reels The Light that Failed mels s Q The magnificent GOLD ROOSTER PL\Y adapted from Rudyard O
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    • 297 3 AND < 'P. (S' RO u D 0 D 0 D D D H l MIXTURE bQ SUNGEI PATANI “OUR DAY” AtSungei Patani on 9, 10 and 11 November. Make up your mind to come all sorts of attractions. Programme published later. W. E SPEERS. Hon, Secretary <S> Treasurer, 1
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  • 98 4 MBaM flafly (except Sundays a*d jmWio v Mfi) > A* run CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. E+ 59, Beach Street, Penang. Puoi 1 ImI U P« «nrn. M OM«h. Poctaga Extra. Mia (Poet Fra*) 917.50 atm atdiim ECHO —PENANG.” Telephone Nos. (Echo) 586 Printing Department 343 If, S.—All business
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  • 20 4 Ghista. —At tha Maternity Hospital, P-r-aotr, on S-ptember 13, tbe wif* of Mr. J M. Gbista, of a daughter.
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  • 1199 4 Someone with a turn for figures might do worse than look into the penaion lists of the paat twenty yeara or so and work out from them the average expectation of life of a Government servant after retirement. Let him leave out of hia calculation the pensioners
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  • 845 4 Mr. T. R. Toby, of Ipob, has returned from Australia, Mr. H. Thorne, of Messrs. Wreford and i Thornton, Ipob, has returned from Australia. 1 The wedding of Mr. J. Wallace Wilson and Miss Joyce Elizabeth Grace Stafford has been fixed for October 31, at All Saints’
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  • 74 4 Latest Quotations. Tin (unrefined) is quoted here to-day at $112.50, business done, in Singapore, (refined) at $ll3 25, business done (150 tons sold.) Messrs. Bonstead A Co. inform us that the following were the quotations for rubber on spot in London on the 11th inst. received on
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  • 983 4 To-Day in History. September 14 is a famous day in milib.,,, annals. In 1852 the Duke of Welling died. In 1812 Moscow was burned by JhE at the of Napoleon. n 1882 Cairo was taken by Wolseley after hi* victory at Tel-el-Kebir. In 1857 the Cashmere Gate at
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 181 4 I EASTERN TRADING Co. Engineering Department. Steelwork. Reinforced Concrete Work, Electric Light Inetallation. Engine In8talation and other con tree.8 Undertaken. Free advice on Ordering Mining Accessories and Engineering Goods, Estimates Free of Charge. All works will he carried out under capable supervision. TKE EASTERN TRADING CO., PENANG and IPOH. “A
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    • 33 4 □□nnnnannnnaaa□□□□□□□□□□aaanan 1 OUR DAY 1917. f n a o □nnonnnannnnnDnnnnnnnnnnannunD I Mrs. EBDEN’S CONCERT Friday. September 21st BOSK YOUR SEAT NOW AT ROBINSON PIANO Co. a a a a a a □annonanDnnnnnnnDnaDanonaannnD nonnnnannnnnnnnnnn
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  • 1342 5 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] M. KERENSKY’S STATEMENT. Chief Command of tke Army. London, September 13. M. Kerensky has issued the following statement i—•'In accordance with the Provisional government's decision I have been charged *itb the office of the chief command of the Army. A senseless attempt at mutiny by the late
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  • 667 5 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] GREAT AERIAL ACTIVITY, Etiay Aerodromes Attacked, i London, September 13, 1,15 p,m. Sir Douglas Haig reports Patrol encounters to the north-west of the Bt, Quentin —Yp ei sector yielded prisoners. u There was great aerial activity yesterday afternoon and continuous and successful artillery and photographic work
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  • 821 5 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] VON LUXBURG’S CONGE. No* Ptrieii Grata, Buenos Aires, September 13. Senor Barilari, a diplomatic functionary, on September 11 handed to the Secretary of the German legation the following note, requesting its transmission to Count von Luxburg i "Your Excellency having ceased to be a pertena
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  • 408 5 [Reuter’s Telegrams] Great Dutivetioa Wrougkt, Shanghai, September 13. Owing to floods three million inhabitants hare been rendered homeless and destitute x n Chihli; the numbers drowned were inestimable. Great destruction was also done in Honan, Hupeh, and Hunan, Large districts ot North China are virtually impassable ezoept
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  • 64 5 LUiMiteri' Report. From Our Own Correspondent") Singapore, Sept. 14. The report 'of the liquidator* of the Kwong Tik Bank ehow that Ihe total amount due from sundry debtors to the Company at the date of liquidation waa 95,210,461. The amount collected since or written off waa $2,866,045
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  • 80 5 (.From Our Own Correspondent) London, September 12, The prioes in the London Rubber Market to-day were: Pale Crepe •ot 2/10 Diamond Smoked 2/8 London, September 13. Pale Crepe 2/10 Diamond Smoked 2/8 The eztenaiTe saw mills erected at Penyabong, East Coast of Johore, for the Endau Development Coy.,
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  • 655 5 FULL COURT OF APPEAL’S DECISION. (From Our Own Corretpondtnt) Ipob, September 13. The Fall Coart of Appeal has given its I decision in the Koala Lumpur Pohoe defalcations case. The Court quashed the conviction of the lower court in regard to Sinna* durai; it upheld the decision
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  • 190 5 The following articles will be found oa our outside pages P*ge. 2—A Curious Crime. The German Cancer. 3.—Chamber of Commerce. Alleged Attempted Murder. To-morrow’s Baud Programme. The Week's Events. Singapore Rubber Auction. Eastern Produce Ezohange. Vital Statistics, 6. The Situation. The Hopeful Side in Russia. Our Bailor’s Day. Local
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  • 746 6 Interview With the Siamese Commissioner General. The tour of the southern Siamese and F.M.S. systems just completed by the Commissioner General of Siamese Bute Railways is an interesting event in the linking up by rail of the F.M.S. and Bangkok, says tbe 8. T Two Siamese
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  • 228 6 [T*i Editor of the Malay Mail Sir, —Mr. Ramsay Muir has rightly solved the question, how and in what manner tbe Protecting Powers would io future be able to deal with the natives. In reference to hie paragraphs, quoted iD your editorial of S*pt. 6 his views are
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  • 754 6 Tbe 2s. 4i. dollar has never really pleased anybody although, at tbe time, it was a relief lo h«vd a definite and fixed value. A good many people would prefer a 2a, d >llar. The valu-) of F.M.S. expoita in 1916 was three times ti of tbe imports.
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  • 272 6 At the Penang Cinema to-night “Faotomas”, The Man in Black in 5 p<rts and three capital comedies will be shown in the fi r st show. "A Patriot of France” or “Tbe -Ordeal” depicting tbe Evils of War will b 6 one of tbe main items in a
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  • 1707 6 British observers of events in Russia will do well not to despair prematurely of a Russian off osive that may have a very appreciable ufljonce on the course of the war. It is p* rfecily irue that an iffmsive bad been timed to take place
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  • 370 6 The rubber exhibition io corn®ction with Sailors’ Day h* Id at the Town H -ll, Kuala Lnmpu r on Tuesday afternoon was a great success, both socially and fiaancially. All over the body of the hall, long tables on trestles bad been arranged, on which
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  • 1952 6 [By The Military Correspondent of the Westminster Gazette LudeDdoiff is reported a day or two ago to have assured a group of German pr* ss- j men that the military situalion was highly satisfactory.” Ia the assurance proof that «he situation is from the German standpoint j as
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 42 6 A Master Remedy. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Disr* rh >ea Remedy la master over cramp colic, dysentery, and all in estinal pains. Oae dose relieves, a second dose is rarely necessary to effect a care. For sale by all dispensaries and dealers,
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    • 27 6 Commercial Union Issnrinca Company, Limited. (Ihcobfokatbs ik Ehqlakd.) Head O«ce:—LONDON. Eastern BranchSINGAPORE. Fire, Life, Marine and Guarantee Departments. Far partionlars, apply to A. A. ANTHONY A Co.,
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  • 1596 7 Apropos of superstitions the following notes may be equally amusing if not so interesting. They refer to some of the superstitions believed by Dusuns in their district. The other day while on a tramp upcountry I saw crawling across the track (I was perfectly sober at
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  • 368 7 STILL ANOTHER SLUMP. Java Stops Butiwo. The Burma rioe market is not only bearish,” but alarmingly so. In discussing the gloomy proep-cts of the B irma rice trade so far as present indications enabled one to judge (writes our market correspondent) I said on August 30 that the
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
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    • 12 7 For Children’* Hacking Cough at Night. Wood’ Great Peppermint Cure 1». 6d,
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    • 423 7 o Haunts I by Pain I A r e your waking and sleeping hauntel by the awful dread or the reality of bodily pun boon worse Headache, backache, toothache, neuralgia scutica, rheumatism, sore throat, and other external aches and puns are quickly soothed r and coied by LITTLE S ORIENTAL
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1311 8 p. o.—British India AND JLPCAR LINK (COMPANIES INCORPORATES IN ENGLAND Mail and Paantnger Services. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS. (UNDRR CONTRACT WITH HIS MAJESTY’S GOVERNMENT) The Company’* MAIL SERVICES EAST OF BOMBAY are at present suspended Passsngsrs for Europe are booked via Bombay as opportunity offers and as far as Uceomodation
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