Straits Echo, 12 September 1917

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1187 1 cr Hf I» a. (AND Hki m V fesD NATUE^ The Georgetown northam road AND FARQUHAR street. Telegraphic address: Hokimteik. ’Phone No. 694 IS ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE. CARS FOR HIRE A fLet of Brand ctw Cars for hire day and night at moderate charges. Motor Car Importers Motor repairing
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    • 14 1 sa sa ss 13=, asn 3W1 ST WfllM jg jm «n s»; pjrnw S.3l
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  • 1089 3  -  GERMAN UNEASINESS. (By Lorn Sydenham.) The great offensive on the Western front remains susp nded, Since the capture of the Messina R dge, which was one of the finest achievements of our new armies, there has been no further attack on a wide front, tut fighting
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 630 3 Straits Settlements War Loan Bonds. Bearing Interest from the date of purchase at 6 per cent per annum, payable Half-yeatly on the 15th May and the 15th November. REPAYABLE AT PAR ON THE 15 th NOVEMBER. 1919. PRICE OF ISSUE—IOO PER CENT. All proceeds of this issue will be lent
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    • 298 3 ESTABLISHED 1874. THE ORIENTAL Government Security Life, Assurance Company, Ltd. Iicorporated im IiJit, BRANCH OFFICE, SINGAPORE J. R. Macphbbron, Secretary S.S. and F.M.S Funds exceed $30,500,000.00 Claim» Paid $26,000,000 CO LOW PATES LIBERAL CONDITIONS Apply for Prospectus etc, to Lim Eu Toh, Merchant, 158, Beach, or 86, beach Street, Penang.
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    • 592 3 Debility When you feel limp and washed out, weary and fatigued with no inclination for exertion—your body is in a run-down condition—you are debilitated. You need something to put fresh "go” into you —you need a fortnight’s Iron 'Jelloids' treatment English price Unequalled as a tonic restorative, Iron ‘Jelloids’ are
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  • 1325 4 Rife and I were beginning to know one another better since he blurted out bis ideas regarding the training of our manufacturers, and I was always trying »o draw him further in his own subject We were sitting in our dug out, in a very quiet part
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  • 647 4 The British Chief of the General Staff, General Sir William Robert so-, was asked in the course of an inti rview fora “frank sjldier’s opinion” of the progress of the war. He made the following interesting statement :—This tremendous cont-st is no confined to a
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  • 205 4 Pbnano, September 19 3 P- Tapioca M P. Tapioca Gold leaf **lei Pepper (W.Coast 3 lb. 5 czTtKn /o u BUcb P.pper 2,$ White Pepper buyer, Traog Pepper "’goo nca >nal Mace season over Mace Pickings Cloves f^Uer, Nutmegs 110 s (No. 1 n« ell r Sugar No. 2
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  • 247 4 Penang, 12th September 1917. Beep— e tt, Soup per catty 14 Roast 26 Steaks 26 Stew or Curry Meat 16 Rump Steak 26 Ox Tail each 36 Tongue 50 i, Feet 25 Heart 40 Liver per catty 35 Fillet of Beef 60 Pork Pork per catty 52 with
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 362 4 U vm Indian Regd. Design 2611. English Regd. Design 646 599. English Patent *****. Swiss Patent 84 228. Australian Patent 17 607. YOU THAT N/ STY LEATHER STRAP G O N E Again r PRACTICE ECONOMY WHEN YOU ADOPT THE “NOVELTY” Wrist watch Band. The life of the leather wrist
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    • 69 4 I Every Day yo c i i I y h a pp ,LT d PINKETTES, I I you the tiny laxatives that correct constipation, cure sick headaches, stimulate a sluggish liver and keep one fit always* SO cants par phial at roar druggist's or direct hr mail on receipt of
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  • 988 5 [To the Editc* c t the strait» Echo.] Dear Bir, Among the many questions that you aTQ tackled of late ia one affecting the p anting community—the Bobber Export Q ty—the grievance regarding which baa beau, lucidly setforth in your yesterday's leading aiticle. It deserves the hearty
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  • 194 5 300, 600 and 800 yards Aggregate for Season 1916/1917—5 best scores handicaps counting. Tbe result is as follows Pte Lim Teik So:n 470 58 B P Phillips 469.48 C A Padday 468 86 H A M Forreet 465 94 Corpl EW F Gilman 461.86 Pte Qaab Cbeow Kay 460.52
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  • 687 5 The following letter from Lady Lansdowne. acknowledging the money recently sent home from the Straits Settlements to tbe Officers’ Families Fund, has been receive! of Mrs. Bidout. CopyaLansdowne House. Berkeley Square, W. Dear,Mrs. R’dou*, I am very sorry not to have before acknowledged the donation of J
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  • 85 5 Wednesday, September 12. Town Band, Esplan*'**. Football—Penang XI v»,. The R?st f Esplanade, Friday. September 14 Town Band, Esplanade. Thi Dispensary (Penang) Ltd., A.G.M., 3. Weld Quay. 2.30 p.m. Saturday, September 15. Inter-state Football—Penang vs Pdrak, Ipob. Sunday, Srptimbrr 16 15th after Trinity. Monday, Sbptembrr 17. Town
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  • 176 5 There are many things that are sti'l unknown about rheumatism. Most treatments of the disorder are far from satisfactory, and though doctors realize this, nobody is more painfully aware of it than, the i sufferers themselves. A tendency to rheumatism once established, the acute piins are liable to
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
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    • 182 5 *0 D <$> a AND < a V Frontier b« M FRO ■I'T ER R MIXTURE XXXXXX>0<XXXXXXXXX>00<XXXXXXXXXX ELECTRIC POLYSCOPE 5 For Wednesday Thursday, 12th 13th r ept., 1917, PROGRAM. First show 8 p.m. STINCAREE—SERIAL 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 19 11. To The Vile Dust Episode
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  • 103 6 Tllrfkktfl daily (axoept Sundays and pvblio i hobdays) ax *n CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. go. 59, Beach Street, Pananf. Pfcioa* DoOy Lanai —IW per annum. m Ortrtaticm... Portage Extra. ff«ii Edition (Port Free) 117.50 CABLE ADDKIIB ECHO —PENANG.” Telephone. Nos. (Echo) 586 I. Printing Department 343 N.B. —All
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  • 1368 6 We are all growing a little weary of the Kaiser's persistence in setting himself up in a divine partnership. Riga has given him an opportunity and of course Wilhelm 11. delivered himself in characteristic manner. Onwards with God! ran his congratulatory message to the victor of Riga.
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  • 748 6 Mr. A. H. DickinsoD, Asst. Superintendent G of Police, Penang, goes on leave shortly. 1< Inspector B. O’Neill, who has been p relieved at Penaga by Inspector D. Killourhy, t proceeds on long leave to-morrow. o E Mr. Grayburn, of Henrietta Estate, will c accompany his sister,
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  • 170 6 Latest Quotations. Tin (unrefined) is quoted here to-day at $lll.OO, business done, in Singapore, (refined) at fill 50, buyers no sellers, and in London at £242 spot and at £241 10s. three months. Messrs. Boustead Go. inform ns that the following were the quotations for rubber on
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  • 980 6 German Food Frauds. The Berlin Municipal Laboratory ha* lotto say about the food adulteration, plentiful in Germany just now a! them are bouillon cubes,” whioh must contain at least 7* per cent meat extract, but which actually of common salt together with a lit u colouring matter.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 198 6 "A word to the wise is enough. 19 Too few buyers realise to what extent they jeopardise life and limb when purchasing a Cycle on price alone. Defective, tubing, faulty brazing, badlyfitting lugs can all be covered by a coat or two of enamel; but sooner or later the evil
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    • 27 6 nnnnnnaannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnannnn I OUR DAY 1917. I a n □□□□□□nnnnnnDDnnnnnnnnnDnnnunn I Mrs. EBDEN'S CONCERT I Mr». CLAUD HOGAN and Mr». J. J. L. HARVEY DUET AND DANCE onaDDPnnannnnnnnnaannnnnnnnnnn
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  • 1274 7 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] KORNII OFF’S coup. Solicit a*4 Ike Situation. LondoD, Saptember 11. Tbo executives of the Workmen's and Soldiers’ and the Peasant Council, hare lent a message to the army and naval comroitteei that General Korniloff i. headmg a ®ii Ury counter-revolution conspiracy and Ub moved
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  • 1319 7 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] FRESH DEVELOPMENTS. 11 Dutek Comncit. 1 Amsterdam, September 11. t The Dutch comment on the Bwedish disclosures dwells on the enormity of Count a von Luxburg’s offence which harmonises with the record of German representatives t abroad. It believes that the Allies are disinclined to
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  • 669 7 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] PROGRESS OF ATTRITION, The Somme ud Fluderi Compared, London, Sept. 11. Beater’s ooi respondent at Headquarters, telegraphing to-day, says that although we t now seldom hear anything about attrition ii this process is being employed against the t enemy in greater measare than erer. The D
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  • 663 7 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] Boxer Indemnity P«yme«t Poa'pootd, London, Sept. 11. Reuter learns that in recognition of China’s declaration of war against Germany the Allies have agreed to alLw China to impose a five per cent. Customs Duty and to postpone payment of the Boxer indemnity for five
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  • 81 7 The following articles will be found on our outside pages Page. B.—Lull Before the Storm. 4. A Business Soldier. Great General on the War. 5. The Bubber Duty. P. V, R. (j t Officers’ Families Fund. The Week’s Events. 8. —Germany’s Growing Troubles. S Irer and Coinage. Germany and
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  • 1100 8 When the great currency reforms were being made in this Colony, ths original intention was, we believe, to fix tbe dollar at a ratio of ten to tbe sovereign. That would have been an extremely convenient figure, saving a very coasiderable amount of time in oalonlation, and,
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  • 1026 8 Tbe subsidiary coinsgo question is be- coming acute. The shortage bids fair to bet come serious. Planters with an eye on tbe approaching pay-day are calling upon Government to deal with tbe aituation. I Silver, aa everyone who reads tbe papere t snows, Btands to-day at a record
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  • 891 8 e According to a report from Geneva, the j Karlsruhe Volksfreund recognises now that it is impossible for Germany to compel her enemies to pay ind amities or surrender i. their territory, Tbe paper adds: The r continuation of the war can only lead to a f
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  • 896 8 Giimani s Chiev Hove Tbe Cologne Qaxett» puintß out that Gera many’s neutral neighbours are carefully oont serving their fcod supplies, owing to the r precarious shipping outlook after tbe war, r and have practically ceased exporting food--3 stuffs to Germany. "This means,” saya i the paper, 1
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  • 917 8 Thh Nhw Ministbt. New York, Aug. 13. Despatches received from Zurch state that Philip Soheidemann, leader of tbs German Socialist Majority, in a speech at a socialist conference at Manheim said that the new German Cabinet did not please everyone, because it w»s not recruited from
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  • 759 8 r tt Th Powing. In the Hou-e of Commons, L or( j n Cecil (Under-Ssoretasy for Foreign Aff b to Mr Artbar Lyncb. bad been no violations of the oon./i* t there practice under which the Foreign L? 0 1 w„h .11 letter, Md teleg,L,, 8 re
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 13 8 For Chronic Cheat Complaints, Woods’ Great Peppermint Cure 4s. Si. t t i
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    • 38 8 A Matter Remedy. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy is master orer cramp colic, dyaeatory, and all -intestinal pan*. One dose relieves, a second dose is.rarely necessary to effect a sare. For sale by all dispeasarisa and dealers,
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  • 1105 9 The recent session of the Rricbsfag was occitiemd by tie npceasity of obtaining a farther Vote of Credit, and thi9 obj ct was achieved on Friday, whan the anticipated amount of .£750,000,000 was agreed to. I r is almost an op n secret that such
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 135 9 1 I 1 x A *r r m %2a. m /i -'ill! (j THE BEST LAMP FOR EVERY PURPOSE HALr-WATT LAMPS ARE STOCKER! r T ■SSas.'fcSiSSS Special New Types JUST RECEIVED “ARCA” HALF-WATT TYPE LAMPS. 230 Volts, 60 C.P. 110 Vol's. 25 C-P-These lamps are of the same type as
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    • 12 9 For Children’* Haeking Cough at Night, Wood’ Great Peppermint Cure Is, 6d
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    • 491 9 TRANSLATION BFI UNDERSIGNED nade’take* to 4. f’ausUte *aj document frca English into C: oese *n 1 v,ee rm», AUo Chinese accounts into English, Fees acco;ding to the'following §3»le (1) For t ii. iation for iuse-t 3n in tbe S'railt Echo or na rincznj .Si» Poe or to bo pointed by
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  • 1164 10 Oiica a nation is at war there can be only one opinion upon the subject i whether war be a good or a bad thing it has to be fought through to a finish. But th*t is by no means the universal opinion during times of peaoe.
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  • 702 10 9 (To the Editor of the Straits Echo.) > Sir, —I shall be glad if you or any of your t readers will kindly answer this point in auction bridge —A and B are partner* versus C ar d D. C has finally declared 3 diamonds and prior
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 67 10 Are Yon Going on a Journey? Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy abould be packed in your hand Jaggige when going on a journey. Change ol water, diet, and temperature all tend or produce bowel troub'u, and thia medicine cannot be secured on board the train o ateamship. It may
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    • 10 10 For Chronic Chest Complaints, Woods’ Great Peppermint Cnre la. 6d
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    • 291 10 rd ar. m r, )D. k|1 A FURTHER SHIPMENT OF SEVENTY=FIVE MACHINES ARRIVING SHORTLY. <x r n <2^4 /t V, J' 1*1 v uli /i /1S2 1 IB ,1 HP! 5fe L cy M| L* fl* sr; T3a fc a t•jr~ sm «»?{i ••V' 8k 3USK pfSPstf 4.'-; Vw# K7Tr7"S
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  • 1101 11 The main thing to be Doted is the simple fact that with the coming of synthetic dyes the use of indigo has very largely dis appeared, says the P. D. N. 1 his fact is by itself important enough, but it is symptomatic of a
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  • 873 11 Our Washington Correspondent observes that it is part of the policy of the United States Government to make it as easy as may be for Austria-Hungary to break away from Germany. At the same time, it is reported in America that the Ottoman Empire is inclining
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 619 11 try it in your bath by APPOINTMENT TO H.M. THE KING. S&RUB6S ld AMMONIA t HI MARVELLOUS PREPARATION Invaluable for T ofet and Domestic Purposes. Softens Hard Water Splendid Cleansing Preparation for the Hair Allays the Irritation caused by Mosquito Bites Cleans Plate, Jewellery, and Carpets. For Sal® by all
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    • 74 11 Teething Children. Teething children have more or less diarrhoea, which can be controlled by giving Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. All that is necessary is to give the prescribed dose after each operation of the bowels more than natural and then cas* tor oil to cleanse the system. It
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    • 364 11 Hauatet by Pain I A'« y 'U- wak <>g and sir-eping lours haunie I by tip awfai dread or the worse r?a ity if b> dil? p*in Headache, bickacbp, toothacbp, neuralgia ■icutici, ibeumitism, sote tl-nat, and other •-xt-rnsl aches and p.ins are quickly soothed and cured by LITTLE’S ORIENTAL BALM
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1063 12 p. 0.—British India AND &PCAR LINE (CoMPA5J*8 lHOOKPOKATB» IK ENGLAND.) Mail and Service». PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS. (UVDBB 00NTBA0T WITH HIS MAJHSTT’s OOTHKHMBNT) The Company's MAIL SERVICES EAST OF BOMBAY are at present responded Passengers for Europe are booked via Bombay as opportunity offers and as far as aeoomodation is
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