Straits Echo, 10 September 1917

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1206 1 n mk l>inliLZED NATUĔM The Georgetown n i northam road AND FARQUHAR street. Telegraphic address: Hokimteik. ’Pbone No. 694 IS ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE. CARS FOR HIRE A fFet of Brand mw C*rs for hire day and night at moderate charges. Motor Car Importers Motor repairing by experienced mechanic. All
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    • 3 1 T* niSilt’.U mi
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  • Page 2 Advertisements

  • 916 3  -  VALUE OF THE GERMAN CLAIMS, By Jacques D'Urville. Is there an Alsace-Lorraine question 'it The answer is furnished by the expression of authoritative French public opinion in sufficiently explicit terms to prevent the slightest misconception on the point in the future. No sophism,” said M. Bibot, can prevent F
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  • 547 3 GERMANY NOT SUFFERING FROM A. SHORTAGE. Standardised Sailors. Dealing with the providing of men for 17-boats, a correspondent of the Daily Mail declares that never was a greater fallacy propounded than that Germany will even* tually have to abandon her submarine campaign because she can no longer find
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  • 152 3 Bsron Sbimpei Goto, Jipan’s Home Minister, is trying to purchase 15 German merchantmen, interned in China, according to the Toikio Atahi which prints an interesting interview with a leading merchant in Kobe* Through the aid of Suzuki and Company, a prominent trading house in Kobe, and
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  • 96 3 The Current Bates. For the period from the 14'h to 20th September, 1917, inclusive, the value of the highest grade of rubber is fixed at two shillings and ninepence per lb., and the duty on cultfvated rubber on which export duty is leviab’e on an ad valorem basis
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 196 3 THE SWIFT CYCLE Co., Ltd., COVENTRY ENGLAND. JUST ARRIVED SWIFT»I 6 8 4 I 2 THE I r&V¥JFT*i Sr--: r-"?, rfT/r~‘ f s a i r»*i No. 1 TOURIST CYCLS, C L U O-T OURIST Imperial Roadster Cycles, AND PRICES I AND I CATALOGUES ON I APPLICATION. I I I
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    • 29 3 Keep It Handy. Immediate relief is necessary in attacks of diarrhoea. Chamberlain’s Colio, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy should always be on hand. For sale by all dispensaries and idealers.
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    • 65 3 Man do yon know the danger of neglect* ing a chill Chills lead to pneumariia and a ■oore of ether dangerous disorders. Be prudent, and at the first si*n of a chill take a dose or two of WOODS’ GREAT PEPPERMINT CORE. the medicine that should never be absent from
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  • 1613 4 INTERESTING LEGAL POINT. Coart Decides Against Commandant. I A case of considerable interest to Volunteers came up for hearing before Mr. W. Pryde, Magistrate', Taiping, on Thursday, says the T. O. M. when Captain Weld, on behalf of the Cammandant, Malay States Volunteer Rifles, appeared in the case
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  • 93 4 Subscriptions to August 31, 1917. m&L. Amou November, 1916 236 427,760 December 144 283,040 January, 1917 192 243.870 February 205 332,630 March 323 246,900 April 142 314 560 May 115 265,220 June 74 159,440 July Ill 152.470 August 117 133,340 1,660 32,559,210 Analysis. No.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 686 4 Indian Regd. Design 3611. English Regd. Design 646,599' English Patent *****. Swiss Patent 84,238. Australian Patent 17,607, 1 m -■■rrb THAT NASTY LEATHER STRAP G 'WwiiintilL-* O N E A g a n YOU PRACTICE ECONOMY WHEN YOU ADOPT THE u NOVELTY Wrist watch Band. The life of the leather
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    • 39 4 A Master Remedy. Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and rhcea Remedy is master over cramp colic, dysentery, and all intestinal pains- One dose relieves, a second dose is rarely necessary w effect a care. For sale by all dispensarifl* and dealers,
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  • 697 5 LESSLAR—GREGORY. The Church of the Assumption was on Saturday the scene of a pretty wedding, the contracting parties being Mr. Robert Lesalar, of Messrs Boustead Co, second son of the late Mr, John Henry Leaslar, and Miss Susan Mary Gregory, daughter of the late Mr, Ernest John Gregory.
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  • 180 5 (To the Editob of the Straits Echo. Sir, May I crave the hospitality of your columns to proclaim to the public in general and the Asiatics in particular that the Dusan Twa Bungalow is not available to creatures unfortunately belonging to the latter ilk. And I make this
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  • 23 5 SepL 3 By balance 228,60 6 W. B. Gibson 50.00 Sept. 6 By balanoe 278.60 Amount previously acknowledged 32,429.23 „,♦32,707.83
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  • 381 5 Saturday’s shooting resulted as follows Rapid at 300 yards, 8 shots in 45 seconds H.P.S. 49. with h’cap, made. Corpl EW F Gilman .73 38.38 Pte Quah Cbeow Kay .71 36.81 RP Phillips .82 36 22 L/Sergt E H Everest .71 35.94 2od/Lt VG Ez chiel
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  • 159 5 Oub Day A public meeting was held on the Padang, Sungei Patani, on Saturday, Bch inst. in connection with the above. Che Ahmat D.O. took the chair and addressed the meeting in Malay, commenting on the duty owed by the people of this country to the British Army
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  • 77 5 Monthly Medal Races—so yabds Handicap. The above races were swum yesterday at Tai j rrg Bungab- The *‘A” Claes race ended in a me e and the judge ordered a re-swim this will take place at 10.45 a.m. next Sunday. The result of the "B” Class race
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  • 70 5 The following are the agenda of the meeting of the Municipal Commissioners to be held on the 11th imt. 1 Minutes of last meeting to be read and confirmed, 2. Any spscial business the President may bring forward. 3. Questions. 4 Some bills to be passed, 5. Application
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  • 19 5 Alor Pongsu 24,551, Brieh 13.819, Merbau 14,166, North Perak 4,166, Ayer Kuoing 5,900, Temerloh 8,536 lb.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 414 5 2 BIG FEATURES IN THIS PROGRAM. THE EMPIRE GETS BUSIER AND BUSIER business manager THOMAS SHAFTO. POSITIVELY ALL NEW PROGRAMME TO-NIGHT You got VARIETY coupled with PERFECTION in Cinematography at the Empire Ths&tre. Universal Super 5«rial Presents Grace Cunard and Francis Ford in THE STRANGE DISCOVERY” 9th Episode and "THE
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    • 489 5 4 AND rONTIERbr JB ytNEn L-Ss FRO MT II MIXTURE. SUNCEI PATANI “OUR DAY VV At Sungei Patani on 9, 10 and 11 November. Make up your mind to come; all sorts of attractions. Programme published later. W. E- SPEERS. Hon, Secretary Treasurer. WANTED. SECOND HAND BICYCLE in good running
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  • 100 6 NtfiakiS daily (except Sundays and pablio holidays) at ns CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. 59, Beach Street, Penang. Faxon* D*fly Local 1*4 per annum. m Oafcstatkm**. Postage Extra. lfaii Edition (Poet Free) $17.50 M OABLB ADD BUSS ECHO—PENANG.” Telephone Ncs. (Echo) 586 Printing Department 343 If. B.— All buainees
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  • 51 6 Lesslab-Grbgoby —At the Cburch of the A-i-umpti >n by th9 Rev. L. M, Duvelle. >n Stp'eoiber 8. Robert Lesslar, second bod f t ie lite Mr. John Lesslar, to ics*n Mary Gresory, daughn r of the late Mr, Ernest John G egory. Straits, F.M.8., and Ringoon papers plf a9e
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  • 1149 6 No doubt the facetious will aee in the readiness of Dr. Michaelis to publish in the near future the German terms of peace, the first fruits of the Military Service Bill introduced and read a first time in tho Legislative Council last Friday. For our part, as
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  • 885 6 Mr. T. J. Carroll, manager, Bukit Sen* tang Estate, Pangkalan Brandan, Sumatra, and Mrs. Carroll arrived here yesterday on a health trip. They will spend the holiday at the Crag. The wedding of Mr. G. A. Peterson, third son of Mr. J. Peterson, to Miss Mildred Augustin,
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  • 957 6 Chinese Coolies in France. There must by now be a mightv of "foreign" labour in Fran«i_c b i ne J Bouth African satin, and natire, of Coobi a Chma-which materially helping fj! Allies in the prosecution of bctilitie, k. releasing French and British soldier, work in the Eghting
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 215 6 If A word to the wise is enough. Too few buyers realise to what extent they jeopardise life and limb when purchasing a Cycle on price alone. Detective tubing faulty brazing, badlyfitting lugs can all be covered by a coat or two ot enamel, but sooner or later the evil
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    • 38 6 □□□□□□annnnnnannnnnnnnnnDannno I OUR DAY 1917. I a a n □nnnnnannnnanaannnnnnnnannnunn D a KEEP YOURSELF DISENGAGED FOR n Friday. September 21 at GRAND MUSICAL EVENING »t tk. n TOWN HALL, j Organised by Mrs EBDEN. g d n nononnannnaaananDnoanDaaanDanD
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  • 645 7 [Reuter's Telegrams.] A STARTLING RUMOURCkM««Uor'* Impeadia* Declaration. OopenbageD, Sept. 9, Great sensation has been caused in Germany owing to the declaration by Dr. Michaelia tbit Germany will shortly be able to pabliih peace terms. r Asitrs-Httsgariaa Preaavr*. Amsterdam, Sept. 9. The Vienna correspondent of the Ham Hratr
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  • 1058 7 [Reuter's Telegrams.] the german advance. Poaaikilitlca Diacaaaed. London, September 8. The intentions of the Germans on the Biga front are still not clear. The fall of Friedrichstadt and Dvinsk is threatened by the advanoe, but though practically unopposed except for rearguard actions, the fact that they are
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  • 180 7 The following artioles will be found on our outside pages Page. 3. —Alsace-Lorraine. U ’’-Beat Crews, Enemy Ships in Chins. Rubber Duties. 4. —Legislative Council. 5. Local Wedding. Raeial Distinctions. Belgian Relief Fend. P. T. R* 0* Sungei Patani. Penang Swimming Club. August Rubber Crops. 8. Telegrams. Lotteries. Shares,
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  • 628 7 [Reuter's Telegrams.] ADVANCE POSTS. London, Sept. 8, Sir Douglas Haig reports i—- Our advance posts at Avion and also to the east of Eleudit—Le Auvelle on the Lens front have made slight progress. Despite the weather our aeroplanes dropped a hundred bomb9 at various targets. We brought down
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  • 1266 7 [Reuter's Telegrams.] MR. LANSING’S ANNOUNCEMENT, Swede* Compromised. Washington, September 8, The State Department has published official documents showing how the Swedish Legation in Argentine had been acting as a secret means of communication between the German Charge d’Afaires at Buenos Aires and the Berlin Foreign Office, who transmitted
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  • 24 7 (.From Otar Own Correspondent,^ London, September 8. The prioes in the London Rubber Market to-day were: Pale Crepe 2/10 Diamond Smoked 2/8
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  • 21 7 Latest Quotations. Tin (unrefined) is quoted here to-day at 9109.71, business done, in Singapore, (refined) at 9110.50, buyers no sellers.
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  • 612 8 [Reuter's Telegrams.] Aid tke Cause. Paris, September 8. The French Cabinet crisis was due to the Almereyda revelations mentioned on September 1 which resulted in the resignation 0 the Minister of the loterior, who was accused of laxity of administration and facilitating German propaganda. The Journal det
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  • 500 8 [Reuter's Telegrams.] Itsliss Success. Borne, September 8. An Italian column near Agilah in Tripoli moved against five thousand rebel tribesman with five guns, which army was directed by a Turkish officer. A desperate fight ended in the defeat of the tribesmen who left a thousand dead cn the
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  • 237 8 From Dutch Sources. The following special cables from the Hague appear iu the Sumatra Post: The Amsterdam Telegraaf learns from Berlin that an important discovery has been male of a new foodstuff which is already being produced iu several factories. An extraordinary case has come before the
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  • 679 8 FROM THE RIGHT HON. SIR FRANK L ASCELLEB, P. C. (Former British Ambassador to Berlin). The present unrest in Germany is, of course, siogularly attractive to all those who look anxiously for symptoms in Berlin of a grand crisis on the lines of the Russian Revolution but, so
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  • 559 8 ATTITUDE OF THE INDIAN GOVERNMENT. i We published a paragraph the other day to tbe effect that no furth r promises to prosecute persons organising War Fund lotteries will be given in Malaya. This is practically the same attitude as the Indian Government has taken up, and in this
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  • 151 8 The following are the alterations in Messrs. A. A Anthony Co’s., share list to-day:— Ayer KuniDg Rubber Estate $1.45 sellers Bilgownie Rubber Estate $6.20 buyers and $6 40 sellers Batu Lintang $4 50 buyers Bukit Jelotcng Rubber Estates 0 85 sellers Changkat Serdang Estates $9 70 sellers Glenealy Plantations
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  • 159 8 The following programme of music will be played at the Esplanade this evening from 6 p m, to 7 p.m.:— 1 Overture Soir D’ Automne Bivillon 2 Two Step Merry Mitzi Anthony 3 Selection Martha Flotow 4 Waltz Lysistrata Paul 5 March Royal St. Marceaux Dasormes The
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  • 480 8 Alleged Theft in Knlim. In the Second Court, Penang, this morn- 1 in/, a Malay woman, namid Cbee binti Babjae, was brought before Mr. G. C.G. Mulier on a charge of theft of jewellery io 1 Knlim. Inspector Law, who was in charge of the case, applied for
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  • 244 8 The programmes at the popular “Empire Theatre” are always considered the best in Penang, bat judging by the advertisement appearing elsewhere in cur columns a great show is promised patrons in the special change to-night. These filns are screened for the first time in Penang. Iu the second
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  • 302 8 A wheel that renders a railway carriage noiseless and silences the shrill screech of a trolly as it takes a curve has been perfected by Mr. Edwin C. Madden. For more than a year a street oar in Portland, Maine, has been running on eight experimental wheels
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  • 648 8 Tbe Federated Malay Sta'o, hare nr, removed several restrictions on the land for food growing, as detailed inou correspondent’s wire from Kuala t tbe chief being no restriction onj^r l hill-padi. which i.i the dr,.grow, raw, “5 is supposed to exhaust the soil and tJu the
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  • 196 8 j Monbat, September 10. Town Band. Esplanade. J PiC 0. Special General meeting, 6.45 p.m. f Tuesday, September 11. Municipal Commission. > Ipoh Full Court of Appeal begins, t Penang Chamber of Commerce, Committee Meeting, 2 30 p.m. > Wednesday, September 12. Town Band, Esplanade. Football—Penang XI
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 70 8 Are You Going on a Journey? Chamberlain’s Col c, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy should be packed in yonr hand luggage when going on a journey. Change of water, diet, and temperature ail tend or produce bowel tronb e, and this medicine cannot be secured on board tbe train or ■teamship.
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    • 57 8 Supplied by all Chemists Physician* prescribe Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy because it relieve! cramps in the stomach and intestinal P»ina quicker than any preparation they can compound. It can be bought from any chemist shop. A bottle will keep for years, and no home is complete without it.
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  • 3477 9 IMPORTANT MILITARY SERVICE BILL INTRODUCED. Men Required (or Active Service. A meetiDg of the Legislative Council was held on Friday afternoon. His Excellency the Governor (Sir Arthur Young, G.CM.G.) presided, and tbe other members present were: H. E. the General Officer Command* < ing (Major-General D. H. Ridout,
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 452 9 I I I MAXWELL cars. these popular cars have just arrived. c PACIFICATIONS t I I I I Up-to-dat* Model, 4 Long Stroke Cylinders, 25 H. P., Tension Magneto Ignition, Electric Lights, Electric Starter, Colour-Suede Grey, Khaki Hood, Petrol Consumption 28 miles per gallon. QUALITIES:— SUPERIOR, COMFORT AND ECONOMICAL. Inspections
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    • 73 9 Teething Children. Teething children have mora or less diarrhoea, which can ba controlled by giving Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, All that is necessary is to give the prescribed dose after each operation of the bowels more than natural and then castor oil to cleanse the system- It is
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    • 11 9 For Children’s Hacking Cough at Night. Wood»’ Great Peppermint Cure 6d,
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    • 270 9 BAXTER 8 C»/i BEST NAVY CANVAS, SANDILANDS, BUTTERY Co JONGKEENA TO MOTHERS: A SIMPLE HOME REMEDY. It you are living any distance from Town, you should keep a bottle of this wonderful medicine in your home, for it will never fail to give relief in ail pains which come on
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  • 622 10 The Tin Hat.” Its Main Features Explained. Quits a little storm has been developing on the question of glaring headlights since the official notification was published calling upon all and sundrj to adopt the new device which has come to be known as the tin hat,” or, as others prefer
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  • 258 10 A Hun Official’s Views. Mr. Schirmer, the Hun ex-Assessor. has been delivering himself of bis views as to what Shanghai should really be—under the Huns. The occasion was a farewell reception at the Hun Club on June 30, given to tfce Hun Consular officials who
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 486 10 NOTICE OF REMOVAL. 0 CflOO CHUAN KEOK 8 Co. GENERAL SHIP CHANDLERS g Removed to 33, Bishop Street, (next door to Travellers’ Hotel.) >nr-r_" —jnt_iU3 DOC MUNICIPAL NOTICE. AN ORDINARY MEETING of the Municipal Commissioners will te held at the Municipal Office at 4 p.m, on Tuesday* the 11th instant.
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    • 56 10 Supplied by all Chemists Physicians prescribe Chamberlain's Colic, Cbclera and Diarrboei Remedy becanse it relieves cramps in the stomach and intestinal pains quicker than any preparation they can compound. It can be boughtfrom any chemist shop. A bottle will keep for years, and no home is complete without it. For
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    • 262 10 7m V A FURTHER SHIPMENT OF SEVENTY-FIVE MACHINES ARRIVING SHORTLY. fi n it/ m w a BA 'v /F- E3i kj l m r> 1 *2r r n IB /S 2 1» 2£ E RCo OVER 10,000 MACHINES 73ought by the /fitted 'Soiernmenta to equip their dfrmiea. n COMPARE THE
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  • 1689 11 If people would remember (what they can scarcely dispute) that the methods of defending ourselves against air raids are purely a military problem, they would find that their thoughts would arrange themselves more easily. Once recognize that aerial defence is a matter to be solved on the same
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  • 296 11 Paris, Sept, 5. The artillery was violent on the two banks of the Mease. We brought down eleven aeroplanes. The military police are examining a new affair of exchanging intelligence with the eaemy, which has no connection with the one of the Bonnet Ruge. The accused, one
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  • 195 11 You are not downright il!—but you oertainly don’t feel well. Every day you are erribly tired, and sleep doesn’t refresh you. Y u wake up with a headache that lasts *11 day, your appetite is poor and you are depressed and bothered by trifles.
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 132 11 rr > > r > A W.-V •AM** U' v* C-' V 1 u V, jPBW *M mm JM ."‘X V' fe 1 Ml v.\>y i ns i <& ■iiss' -fe t Ira »*t v ,i. At» tfAffn MlviUuu 4 1 it thoroughly against any other fyre» and *Bl «TOP
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    • 67 11 Ire You Going on a Journey Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy should be packed in your band luggage when going on a journey. Change of water, diet, and temperature all tend or produce bowel trouble, and tbia medicine cannot be secured on board the train or steamship* It may
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    • 345 11 Haunts! by Pain I Are your waking and sleeping hours haunted by the awful dread or the worse reality of bodily pain Headache, backache, toothache, neuralgia sciatica, rheumatism, sore throat, and other external aches and ptins are quickly Boothed and cured by LITTLE S ORIENTAL BALM. Simply rub it in
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1211 12 P. o.—British India AND APCAR LINE (Com panics Incokpoxat» in England.) Mail And Service». PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS. (UNDUE CONTRACT WITH HIS MAJESTY'S GOVUUNMUNT) Ths Company’s MAIL SERVICES EAST OF BOMBAY are at present suspended. Pssssng#r3 for Europe are booked via Bombay as opportunity offers and as far as accomodation
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