Straits Echo, 4 September 1917

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1117 1 i’r Kao. The Georgetown Motor t northam road AND FARQUHAR street. Telegraphic address: Hokimteik. ’Phone Ho. 694 IS ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE. CARS FOR HIRE t A fleet of Brand new Cara for hire day and night at moderate i charges. Motor Car Importers Motor repairing by experienced mechanic. All
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    • 32 1 'I s '■> NfAi Of Wui ru lr ti w HlCfl JS THE Bti* t 0 fN K r> I**'* 1 L- v foL <H £c t»ons f.oi «C^J tJ *5.”5 &§f. J§y
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  • 2089 2 General Maude’s Despatch. Lieut-General Sir Stanley Maule’s J despatch dealing with the operations carried out against Kut and Bagdad by the Mesopotamian Expeditionary Force has just been issued. j It deals with the work done between August 28, 1916, to March 31, 1917; a period of seven
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 720 2 His Master’s Voice Gramophone Records. m i t |Hb l! \f\N You can enjoy the world’s Latest and Best Music by the world's greatest Artists in the comfort of your own home if you possess a first class Gramophone. We have in stock “His Master’s Voice” Gramophones with Horn at
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    • 501 2 Driving Pain Hava you a pain anywhere in your body I® a little pain or a big pun P Does it totture a single nerve or does it triad and rack your entire being Isn’t it foolish then to be driven by pains or aches, big or little, when you
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  • 771 3 (.From Our Own Correspondent.') Alor Star, August 31. The Under-Seerctiry is still indisposed and has applied for twenty more days’ sick leave, Syd Z jin is now acting for him. H. H. The Regent and party went out snipe-shooting at Bukit Penang this morning. Tnere are many crack
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  • 73 3 Mr. Kbaw Joo Tok advises us that the outputs from the following two companies for August were: D ’ebook Dredging No Liability—Cubic yards 59,000 Hours 569 Piculs 440. K«too Deehook No Liability—Cubic yards 47,000 Hours 479 Piculs 260. The output of the Kampong Kamunting Tin Dredging Ltd f
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  • 47 3 Gala KVumpone 101,305, Krian 39,800. PadaDg Jawa 22 719. 18.240, Padang 31.000, Karan 11.350, R»ntau 5,700. Sungfii Gettah 4.780, K.M.B. 23.320. N°w Columbia 33.940, Consolidated 45,371, 6 745, Straits 245,0C0, Penang 215.000, Tali Ayer 82,000. Rubana 64,000, Bagan Serai 34,000, Batak Rabit 34,500 lb.
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  • 275 3 A Decided Success. The Our Day smoking concert given at the Town Hall last evening under the auspices of the Penang Cricket Club, and under the distinguished patronage of the Hon. Mr. W. Peel, Resident Councillor, and Major J. Sellar, Officer Commanding, Penang Volunteers,
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  • 325 3 Heme Comment. We read in Truth "A striking example of the arbitrary U9e of war emergency legislation comes from the Federated Malay States. Some of the Europ c an cfficors of police applied for increased remuneration to meet the increased cost of living, but the Government merely
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  • 183 3 P. C. C. VB. C. R. C. Weather permitting, some good tennis should be witnessed on the Esplanade tomorrow and on Thursday afternoon, when teams representing the Penang Cricket Club and the Chinese Recreation Club will meet in friendly contests at Doubles and Singles. To-morrow afternoon has been
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 663 3 PENANG’S RENDEZVOUS Penang Cinema THE TEMPLE OF THE AET MOTION PICTURE.’ Tues. Wed., Thus., Sept., 4th, 5th, 6th, 1917, A PROGRAMME OF ALL-ROUND EXCELLENCE HEADED BY “THE HUNDRED DAYS” A Splendid film teeming with Warfare and the clash of steel 400 FEET OF THRILLING SPECTACLES ANOTHER KEYSTONE "Ambrose’s Fury” A
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    • 233 3 AND V "ll D B Ti 91 rlf ~-'.v M &NED D a D a FRO V'T r m < 2> ER MIXTURE. c BF* DC EASTERN TRADING Co. Engineering Department. Steelwork, Reinforced Concrete Work, Electric Light Installation, Engine Instalation and other contracts Undertaken. Free advice on Ordering Mining Accessories
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  • 94 4 M&M duly (cxoept Sundays and public t bofadayi) ism CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. R*. 59, B—ah Street, Penang. Paiom* LuOyLml —W4 per annum. Oujrtstiru Portage Extra. Mail Edite (Poet Five) $17.50 OAILI iDDBIIS ECHO—PENANG.” Telephone Nos. (Echo) 586 Printing Department 343 y.B. AH business communication» should be addressed
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  • 1241 4 Is it in the air that the war is finally to be fought out and the issue decided More and more we are driven to believe that this is not only possible but even likely. Just under six years ago the French and German armies proved the
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  • 985 4 H. E Major-General Ridout returned to Singapore this afternoon. m Warder J. F. Fitt is expected here soon j to relieve Warder A. G. Smith, who is proceeding to Singapore on transfer. Inspector D. Killourhy has taken over charge of Penaga Police Station from Inspector R. O’Neill
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  • 988 4 The Sporting Spirit. We are heartily giad to see that is sending a mixed team ot K» F D D l? Chinese and Eurasians to Inoh? pean Perak in an inter-state football u P y September 15. Not only will on demonstrate the sporting solid. 8 the various
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 507 4 MAKES BONNIE BABES. If your baby does not thrive put a little Virol in his food or Milk. It makes the food much more nutritious and much more easily digested. Virol is Supplied to 2,000 Hospitals and Infant Welfare Centres. Sir Ernest SHACKLETON Writing to Messrs Virol says I wish
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    • 49 4 .nannnn DDDDDDDaunaoaanacD OUR DAY 1917 IN AID OF THE RED CROSS FOND. nuDannaDannaoDnannanDD□□aaauaa Q 1 I"" <’ a I Look out for the Lottery, $lO EACH TICKET. annnnn nnanan □□□□□a □□□an. nr anna g TAKE A TICKET AND HEL P A g g GOOD CAUSE. g O a annnanannnDDnnnaauoooßUQ aaaaoa
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  • 631 5 Reuter’s Telegrams.] RIGA REGION ABANDONED. Official Accouit. London, September 3. A wireless Russian official message states ••The Rig* region has been abandoned, 0W j„K to tke threatening situation. We bare retired to a line Bilderlingshof, _Medem —Dalen, •'lathe direction of Ikskul the enemy penetrated the positions on
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  • 582 5 [Rioter’s Telegrams.] ENEMY EXHAUSTION. Facts and Figures. London, September 3, 5.20 p.m. Reuter’s correspondent at the French Headquarters states that since the beginning of the battle of Verdun ten German divisions liave been withdrawn on account of losses* The enemy now has seven divisions in the line on
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  • 1521 5 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] GRANDIOSE HUN SCHEME. "Tinas" Commeat, London, Sept. 3. The Timet in an article on Germany’s grandiose world policy says that the German I overseas policy is essentially MachtI politik,” whatever may be the garb it wears for the moment. Germany wants back her I colonies
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  • 36 5 Latest Quotations. Tin (unrefined) is quoted here to-day at $110.75, buyers no sellers, in Singapore, (refined) at $111.75, business done, (100 tons sold) and in London at 4243 5s« spot and at 4243 three months.
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  • 1773 5 THE BATTLE FOR SAMARRA. A First-Hand Account. Regarding the general situation in Mesopotamia there has lately been some little uneasiness among the public due to th9 failure of the Russians to take the offensive in the Caucasus. It may be removed when we state that we have the
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  • 200 5 OF 'ran Our Own Correspondent* London, September 2, The prices in the London Rubber Market to-day were: Pale Crepe 2/9J Diamond Smoked 2 /7} [The Market Report of Messrs. Aldens* Successors, Ltd., dated London, July 26, states: After advancing on Monday to 2/8d for Crepe and 2/7j for
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  • 72 5 The following articles will be found on our outside pages Page. 2. The Mesopotamia Campaign. 3. P. 0. C. M Our Day Concert. The Molyneaux Case. Inter*Club Tennis. Kedah Notes. Tin Outputs. August Rubber Crops. 6. The Rebellion in China. Thinning out Rubber Trees. The New America. Control of
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  • 1088 6  -  By P. J. Burgess. It may be taken as an axiom that socn°r or later in the life history of a rubber plantation trees will be thinned out, and this, if not done by human agency, will be done by Nature, through the medium of pests
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  • 1065 6  -  BY IAN HAY. IY. National Spirit. Now that abe is t»t war what is America going to do about it Germany, with her infallible instinct for diviniDg the mental processes of other nations, bas assumed (and announced officially) that America will do nothing. In fact, to this
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  • 507 6 Brief Shortage Relieved. The closed with a great shortage of 1 silver in Ipoh and a few surrounding towns. 1 It is not unusual for periodical shortages of small change to be experienced in a country wte e the labouring classes preponderate, 1 and the local banks and
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  • 170 6 Penang vs Perak. Uader the auspices of tbe Penang Cricket Club an iDter-state f jotbali match will be played at Ipoh on Saturday the 15th instant. A contest of this natara occurs so seldom that the match should draw a big crowd at Ipoh, We have been favoured
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  • 225 6 The following programme of music will be p’ayed at the Golf Club this evening from 5-45 p.m. to 7*15 p.m. 1 Selection Florodora Englander 2 Two Step Creole Bella Lampe 3 Fantasia Th» Jacobite Gassner 4 Three Dances In Dajs of Old Mirris Meredith 5 Waltz The
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  • 784 6 Frcm our cablegrams it will have been seen that Great Britain and the Uni f ed S'-ates have come to an agreement over the control of shipping, and that tbe Al ies have accepted tha principle cf regulating ocean st. arnstip 1 rites. America’s ’declaration of war
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  • 157 6 Tuesday, September 4. Chamber of Commerce, Half-Yearly Geceral Meeting. Wednesday, September 5. Town Band, Fsplaoade. St. Xavier’s Institution reopens, Friday. September 7. Town Band, Esplanade. Sunday, September 9, 14th after Trinity. Monday, September 10. Town Baad, Esplanade. Mr. W. D. Scott, Magistrate, Ipoh, heard a caee on
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  • 1720 6 [From A Correspondent.] To friends of China everywhere the latest rebellion* will come as a dramatic and i unpleasant shock. The Republic is again in danger. Again tbe dolorous fraternity of cymes abroad, who go about constantly i-king: “Well, what is China now—a Monaichy or a
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  • 235 6 Writing last month Mr. W. T. Massey, the war correspondent with the British forces in Palestine, said Our Palestine army, occupying a series of crescent-sbaped positions, from the sea towards Beersbeba, gives the Turks no rest. Both sides are deeply entrenched and wired in. Occasionally small parties
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  • Page 6 Advertisements

  • 1612 7 SOLDIERS’ KINDNESS TO ANIMALS. A Desert Poultry Run. With the Army in Palestine. May, 1917 I A distinguished General who earned high mention in Lord French’s Mons despatch and was always in the thick of the fighting in France till he came to Egypt some
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  • 448 7 Rather tardily, the Executive Committee of the Union of Democratic Control has issued its statement of war-aims. Geoeral adhesion is given to the principle of “no annexations and no indemnities.” The independence of the invaded countries is to oe restored; Constantinople is to be internationalised pleb'scities sbculd decide
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 1438 7 PENANG AUCTION MART. order of the administratoor of the estate B OF PILOT, EUSOOF GUNNY, deceased, TO BE SOLD BY PUBLIC AUCTION, On Monday, 17th Sept., 1917AT XI A.M (SATUKDaY. SUN0AY JAII PUBLIC BOL1DAY EXCEPTED) A f THE ARCHWAY OF LOGAN'S BUILDINGS, BEACH STREET, PENANG. The foltovtling Properties:— LOT 131
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    • 344 7 NOTICE TO AT.L WHOM IT MAY CONCERN notJpq in hereby given that I have on the 24th Jay of August 1917 purchased the stock-in tade consisting of cigars, cigarettes and other sundry articles together with money chancers stall and fittings sitiuate at Victoria Jetty, Penang, beloning to M, K Sevatha
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    • 52 7 GROSS HERMANOS. MALAGA, SPAIN. SHIPPERS OP HIGH CLASS PRODUCE AND GROCERY LINES, INCLUDING RAISINS, DRIED FIGS. ALMONDS. NUTS. LEMONS. GRAPES, OLIVES* PURE OLIVE SALAD OIL, WINES. CHICKPEAS, ANISEED. CUMIN SEED. Etc Reliable Ageata waited ia all large towas. Hi&feeat refereaees aad samples on applieaotia. Write for otr Illustrated Catalogue 8
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1534 8 p. 0.—British India AND APCAB LINE (Companies Incobpoeatbb in England.) Mail and Panenger Seririoea. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS. (UNDBB CONTRACT WITH HIS MAJESTY’S GOVEBNMBNT) The Company’s MAIL SERVICES EAST OF BOMBAY are at present suspended. The Company’s INTERMEDIATE SERVICES TO AND FROM LONDON are Bt present suspended. The P. A
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