Straits Echo, 31 August 1917

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1089 1 i aw -xv v The Georgetown Motor Garage Trl Pi dress:"} 7A, PENANG H Pt: ang S 7A, PENANG j ROAD. No. 624. BANKS, i FOR SALE. Two only 2 seater, commonwealth PARTIN-PALMER CARS. Two only, 2 seater, Modeie-De-luxe two stroke, MOTOR CYCLES. A Fleet ot English and 7 American
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    • 15 1 ♦A n r* [UIUt fm fflPl. fiw c/5 r!fi s a? i;ls t v \iX_
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  • 3114 2  -  (By Arthur Pollen) Take it for all in all, the most remarkable thing about the naval war is that it took the Germans by surpriie. They had planned the most perttet thing imaginable in the way of a icheme for the cot quest of all Europe. It
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 382 2 His Master ’s Voice Gramophone Records' kXjif 'fijM i it fj J rS'-t.K s> mm m \V-^ V >vr 1 i mjs*%Lr m You can enjoy the world's Latest and Best Music by the world’s greatest Artists in the comfort of your own home if you possess a first
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    • 46 2 Most People W .V." Are Victims I'°» ,ro#^e *»kiag it oeeaaioaal dot* e e l»xatirea wkiek geatly miit nature to e»takl<»k regular kakita of keallk* ISO ccata pur phial at roar druggiat'a ur direct hr mail on receipt ol prlea Irom Dfi. WILLIAMS' MEDICINE COMPANY. SINGAPORE.
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  • 1367 3 Chin Seng Co., Ltd. Annual General Meeting. The eighth annual general meeting of tbe shareholders of Messrs. Chin Seng Co.. Ltd., was held at the Company’s premtses at coon to-day. There were present Messrs. Cheah Seng Yean, Cheah L°org Keah, Lim OheDg Law, J, L. Woodford, Leong Sin Tat, and
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  • 78 3 At the Eastern Produce Exchange 163rd Auction Sal 9 the following prices were obtained pfr picul. Diamond Smoked Fair from $lO4 114 Plam Smoked Fair 101 to Diamond Unsmoked 102 to 107 Plain Unsmoked 101 to 104 Brown C»ep3 85 to 86 Scrap Crepe 64 82 Bark
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  • 111 3 A correspondent writes “Mr. Aruoachalam, the prr p-ietor of the ‘Samnarka Sanga’ theatrical company, ia to be congratulated on the very successful presentation of a Christian play to a very large and appreciative audience. The Reverends K. Gamier and D. S. Ponniab, and Mr. and Mrs.
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  • 185 3 The following were tie result* of tbe ties played c ff yesterday Single Handicap C —J Var.dtr Z*fl beit t W Mr Knight Young 8-6. 6 —2; J H B, Smith beat H Smith 6—4, 6 3. Profession Pairs—F R Sayers and W H j Threlfall beat
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 440 3 PENANG’S RENDEZVOUS Penang Cinema THE TEMPLE OF THE ART MOTION PICTURE Three Nights Only Aug,, 31st, Sept 1,g,3 1917 THREE SPLENDID COMEDIES ‘‘HER FRIEND THE BANDIT’' Keystone Comedy “LOVE PATCHES'* An Absolute Scream* “Cartoons in the Barber’s Shop” Edison Comedy. AT 9 15 P.M TUB UKKA.T SHAKE* PERI AN PLAT
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    • 291 3 0 i sac D 4 O V AND < 7?^ FRONTIER MfXTUR —yrnrr .wn t H l s Xi& LiAAiPrl .A &T D LOiTEOH, SWCtLAWD, J CONTRACTORS TO'IOf. GOVERNMENT. MANUFACTURERS OF Hemp and Wire Rope, Liner, Twines, Sail cloth, etc. SUPERIOR NAVY CANVAS No. 0 No. 1. The well-known B1ROULES
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    • 172 3 BAXTER 8 Cj.’i REST NAVY CANVAS SANDILANDS, BOTTIKY 8 Co. PARTNERSHIP NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby given that I, Lim Chwee Chian of 132 Cross Street, apore, have purchased from Mr Lim Joo Tek, administrator of the Estate of Lim Boon Ehim, Deceased, the business, assets stock-in trade toodwill, trade marks
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  • 96 4 MMBflbtft daily (axcept Sundays and public v holidays) um CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. R*. 5’J, Beach Street, Penang. Fnion* Daily Laeal «14 per mn™ OakeUtion... Pottage Extra, riitiir (Poet Free) «17.50 OABLB IDDBIIB ECHO— PENANG.” Telephone Nos. (Echo) 586 Printing Department 343 X B. —All business communications should
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  • 1199 4 President Wilson, at whose “Notes’ we usel to sneer, ie rapidly becoming in his own personality one of the most valu- j able assets on the >ide of the Allies He j was not in any hurry for entrance to the j world’s great quarrel,
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  • 841 4 Mr. P. T. Allen arrived here this morning from Singapore on a short holiday. Warder A. G. Smith will be leaving for Singapore on transfer in the near future. Mr. J. J, L. Harvey, of Messrs Presgrave and Matthews, has returned from leave at home. Dr. J.
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  • 27 4 A match will be played at Dato Kramat Gardens, to-morrow, Saturday, between a Naval Team aid Hatton Lane Football Clab. Kick off 5 p.m.
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  • 937 4 A Quartern Loaf a Week. repeats itself. Ia Septemb.r lBon the enormoui cost of bread” i800 Parliament to reassemble in a burr?“"u passed an Act prohibiting the sale n w j aatil tweoty.foar hoar, af„ hid baked. Ia the New Tear there we. Act that only brown bread
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 123 4 AS AHI BEER The Meet Popular Brand in the E*st. SAPPORO STOUT A Stimulating Tonic. CITRON WATER A Thoroughly Healthful and Satisfactory Drink. j Raspberry Water Ribon Tansan Water OBTAINABLE EVERYWHERE. SOLE /GENTS: THE EASTERN TRADING CO., PENANG and IPOH. LAST WEEK OF SALE. Just received A and varied assortment
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    • 35 4 annojanaaa□□□□□□□□aaaaaaaaanaa OUR DAY 1917 j IN Alt OF THE I D C'OSs FDSD anaaaanaaaanaaaaaaanannananaaa I Look oat for tbe Lottery. aaaaaaannnna□□□□□aaaaaaaaaaaaa g TAKE A TICKET AND HELP g A GOOD CAUSE. a a a □□□anaaaauaaanuaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
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  • 600 5 [Reuter’s Telegrams] GENERAL MAURICE’S REVIEW. Tbe IlklUk Lull. London, August 30. General F. B Maurice, Direotor of Operatioos of the Military Staff, discussing the litaation with Reuter, said that the Bge on the Italian Front is due to Geoe'al Cadorna getting up his artillery. M.cb depends whether
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  • 578 5 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] ENEMY LINE ATTACKED. A Thousand Frieoacra Takea. London, August 29. A wireless Italian official announcement states i—- Having overoome the enemy rearguards on the Bainsizza Plateau we are attacking a powerful line which the enemy is defending desperately. We made progress on the heights to the
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  • 1510 5 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] DISORGANISATION OF THE ARMY. Gutrkl Alexieff'» CokKraktioa. Moscow, August 29. General Alexieff, formerly Generalissimo of the Russian Armies, confirmed the worst that General Kornileff said about the disorganisation of the army and contrasted the army of the old regime poorly equipped but strong and warlike
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  • 1304 5 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] AMERICAN REPLY. Tkt Mmc« of Militarism. Loudon, Aug. 29. President Wilson, in reply to the Note of His Holiness the Pope regardirg peace^ says, intor alia: The obj ot of this war is to deliver the free peoples of this world from the menace and
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  • 70 5 The following articles will be found on our outside pages Page. 2.—Germany’s Lost Opportunity. I 7. —The Pleasures of Fright. The Great Days of the Novel, 8. —Chin 8eng Co., Ltd. Eastern I Produoe Exchange. Last Night's I Tamil Play. P. G. 0. Tennis Tournament. 6.—Foiling The Gun-Runners. Affairs
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  • 547 6 JDitf Legislative Council on Monday gave considerable attention to the Increase ot Bent (War Restriction) Bill and agreed to certain principles which will be genera y approved- They also adopted certain amendments which bad been suggested in the public press, and this rather ta any iting in
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  • 117 6 Th 6 following programme of music will be played at the Golf Club to-morrow evening from 5-45 p.m. to 7*15 p.m. i—* 1 Selection Florodora Englandre 2 Two Step Creole Belle Lamps 8 Fantasia The Jacobite Gassner 4 Three Dances In Days of Old Morris Meredith ft
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  • 116 6, August 30 (By courtesy of the Chartered Bank.) London, Demand Bank .*< 2/4* 4 months’ sight Bank... 2/4 11/16 M 3 Credit 2/4 27/32 3 Documentary 2/4 7/8 Calcutta, Demand Bank Rs. 3 days’ sight Private... Bombay, Demand Bank Moulmein, Demand Bank .5 3 days’ sight Private... Madras
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  • 1035 6 [We give the following extracts from a series of articles on post war trale problems specially written for the Free Free» by one with exceptional opportunities of going into i the subject It may be estimated that out of the i average annual pxpoit trade ol
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  • 925 6 A Sea Patrol in the Bay of Bengal. Tbe following narrative by Periscope,” is taken from Khaki Opinion, the bright little monthly run by a oommitt99 of soldiers at Poona. A little-known but important operation was the patrolling of the B*y of Bengal in search of gun-runners
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  • 1145 6 The Position of the Army and the Navy. An interesting telegram appearing elsewhere in tbvs issue indicates that the authorities in Canton are in both a jubilant and a rebellious frame cf mind. We cer- 1 tainly wish them much joy on their jubila* tioD, and in
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  • 1331 6 Germany's Internal Troubles. In one of bis recent letters to the. Antipodes” Mr, Spender wrote:— In one of my last letters to you I j b gged you to watch the movements of opinion in Europe and to treat them as of at least equal importance with
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  • 383 6 The trial of U. M. A. S. Muthu Karuppen Chatty, of Teluk Anson, on a charged criminal breach of trust of valuable jewellery said to have been deposited with him by one Mohamed Kasim, of Teluk Anson, was conc.uded on Wednesday before Mr. Justice Farrer-Mauby, in the Judicial
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  • 142 6 Friday. August 31. Town Band, Esplanade. Saturday, Septbmbbr 1, Kedah Rubber Co, Ltd., A, 0, M., Chamber of Commerce, 12.30 p.m, 8t, Giles. Full Moon. Crick :t—Esplanade, 2.15 p.m. Sunday, September 2 18th after Trinity. Monday, September 3. Town Band, Esplanade. St. Xavier’s Institution and Penw? Convent
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 14 6 A t* For Children’s Hacking Couge at Night. Wood’ Greet Peopermint Cure la, 6d
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    • 60 6 Supplied by all Chemists Physician? prescribe Chamberlain's Colia, Chi bra and Diarihoea Reni n dy because it rel evrs cramps in the stomach and intestinal pains qu than an? preparation tbev cm compound. It can be boughtfrom any chemist shop. A bottle -will keep for years, and no home is
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    • 12 6 For Children's Hacking Cough at Night. Woods’ Great Peppermint Cure Is 6d
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    • 62 6 Suffers from Indigestion will find ®P e and permanent relief by taking course o WOODS’ GREAT PEPPERMINT CURE This medicine has been proved T tions of English Colonists throughout world to be the best for family use true corrective and preventive. Eeople relv upon it to keep them 10 f
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  • 1059 7 No one who has lived in London through the various air raids can any longer believe the platitudinous pretension that human fear can only be held in check by discipline and duty. Excitement, curiosity, sheet irresponsibility, the mysterious attraction of risk, the mysterious desire to get
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  • 213 7 To-day is the day of the woman-of-work many new occupations are now open for her, and truth to tell, she views, without fear of failure, the prospect of sharing the responsibilities of the men. But, as womon are subject to more frequent fluctuations of health than
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  • 947 7 A Glance at the Victorian Writers, A few days ago was reported the death of Mrs. Anthony Trollope, who had survived her husband, the famous novelist, by as much as thirty-five years,” says the Daily Telegraph. She was fin daughter of a bank manager,
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 401 7 CROSS HERMANOS, MALAGA, SPAIN. NOTICE. aTT whom it may concern hereby given that I have on the 24th notice*® p Urc haBed the stock-in JIVOfAU- «ij.w.tfa, onH d 7 insisting of cigars, cigarettes and t»de consiHi'og °r u( ]rv articles together with money other x?-.*:— 4 stall and fittings sitiuate
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    • 10 7 Tor Chronio Cheat Complaints, Wooda’ Great Peppermint Cere la. 6d.
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    • 756 7 There is Nothing to Joke about in a backache. It may be serious, particularly with women. In all events it is sure to handicap to your activities, at work or at play There ia no need to suffer. Speedy relief is found in. LITTLE’S ORIENTAL BALM The sovereign cure for
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1568 8 P. o.—British India AND apcar LINE (Com PANIKS Incobpoeatid IN ENGLAND.) Mail and Passenger Services. s KOKINKLUKfe PAKETYAART MAATBCHAPPIJ. (ROYAL PACKET S. N. COMPANY.) (lncorporated in Holland.) For Intended to Bail. Steamer PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS. (under contract with his majesty’s government) The Comp? oy’« MAIL SERVICES EAST OF BOMBAY
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