Straits Echo, 29 August 1917

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1135 1 4ANO >-U liffiO NATH ne Georgetown Motor Garage T«1 Addrcsa Hi’kimtcik Penang 7A. PENANG k, f j ROAD. C 'Phone No. 624. O At FV K S •f FOR SALE. Two only 2 scater commonwealth PARTIN-PALMER CARS. Two only, 2 seater, Modc!e-De-luxe two stroke, MOTOR CYCLES. A Fleet ot English
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    • 5 1 £6S mm au* u* p
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  • 850 2 TO UNITED 8TATE8. Huoa Expenditure. New York, July 30. Lord Northcliffe, the head of the British mission to America, in an exclusive interview gave the first detailed statement of what the British mission is doing. It has now, he ■aid, completed the general organisation of the staff, and
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  • 421 2 Sir Oliver Lodge contributes an autobiographical sketch to the Strand Magazine, in which be tells “how I became convinced of the survival of the dead.” He says:— “As is dow well known, I have definitely ranged myself with those who; on a basis of fact
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  • 475 2 London, July 26, The War Trade Intelligence Section of the new Exports Council is sending representatives to all neutral ports in order to check imports and thus prevent supplies reaching Germany. Senator Dorah in an impassioned speech in the Senate, challenged the wisdom of President Wilson’s reiterated
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  • 164 2 There are many things that are still unknown about rheumatism. Most treatments of the disorder are far from satisfactory, and though doctors realize this no body is more painfully aware of it than the sufferers themselves, A tendency to rheumatism once established. the acute pains are liable to
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 67 2 Are You (joint; on a Journey? Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy should be packed in your hand luggage when going on a journey. Change of water, diet, and temperature all tend or produce bowel trouble, and this medicine cannot be secured on board the train or steamship. It may
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    • 92 2 Next Friday, AUGUST 31st Next Friday NOTE THE DATE J DOORS OPEN 9 o'clock “DON’T BE LATE! Whiteaway, Laidlaw’s V OF Remnants and Oddments of all kinds of Goods, REMNANTS TO BE CLEARED. HALF-PRICE. TRAVELLERS SAMPLES MARKED HALF-PRICE. SOILED*. STOCKS g BELOW .COST PRICES. Remember the S.A.LE! ends on FRID
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    • 12 2 For Children’s Hacking Cough at Night. Woods’ Great Peppermint Cure Is 6d.
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    • 523 2 There is Nothing to Joke about in a backache. It may be «erious, particu arly with women. In all erent. it i, IZ to handicap to your activities, at work n! at play. Thera is no need to suffer f Speedy relief is found in. LITTLE’S ORIENTAL BALM rnd e
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  • 1012 3 [To TH» Editob of thi Strait* Echo Dear Sir, The Chinese of the F.M.S. are astonished to see that the Straits Government hare suddenly imposed such high fees for funeral and other religious processions. C*n any of your readers or members of the Advisory Board of the Straits
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  • 242 3 TH£ RENT BILL, j Stme Amendments. i 1 (From Out Own Gorrexpondent.') r Singapore, August 28. i meeting of the Legislative Council the Bent Bill passed its second reading. The Hon. Mr. C. W. Darbishire said that W0 were on the fringe of the whole subject. He did
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  • 586 3 LOCAL FIRM FINED. In the Second Court, to-day, before Mr. S. H. Langston, Messrs. Chin Seng A Co., L f d., represented by Mr. Cheah Leong K?ab, was summoned at the instance of Court Inspector C. H. Nicol for fraudulently I affixing a false number
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 385 3 X w “STINGAREE” showing on the FRIDAY DON’T MISS A GOOD OPPORTUNITY AT THE The Popular Picture House ELECTRIC POLYSCOPE X ARGYLL HO AD We screen only the best and fir*t run pictures and provide with a first Class Orchestra, TO-NIGHT to-night to-night PATHE PRESENTS IN THREE SOLID REELS FLORA
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    • 240 3 o <0 AND A rontier »=3 S|neb 232 FRONTIER U 0 MIXTURE. r OFFICES TO LET, TO LET, at cheap rent 3 Rooms at Beach Street suitable for offices. Immediate entry. Apply The Eastern Pacific Teadiko Co., Ltd. No 2 Weld Quay. I ESTABLISHED 1874. THE ORIENTAL Government Security Life
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    • 223 3 WANTED IMMEDIATELY. A COMPETENT BOOK-KEEPER Good prospects to suitable man] Apply to REX, c/o Strait Echo, WANTED IMMEDIATELY. Thoroughly competent Typist for Penang Offi’P. Reply stating salary expected and enclosing copies of testimonials to Box No. 706, c/o Strait» Echo. WANTED. TO BUT A RUBBER ESTATE, situated in PERAK or
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  • 104 4 ptfcEahftS duly (exeept Sundays and public v holidays) as m OEITERION PRESS. Ltd. *o. 59. Beach Street, Penang. Paicr Daily Leeal P® r IMm m Oatetetioa— Postage Extra. |g»il Edition (Port Free) $17.50 H CAB LI ADMOSS I ECHO—PENANG”. Telephone Nos. (Echo) 586 1 1 > Printing
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  • 1514 4 Reuter tells us this morning that the Belgian Socialists. even those living under direct German pressure, have lefused to attend the Stock holm Conference Surely those British aad French Labour representatives who have hitherto been inclined to go to the meeting in the Swedish capital will
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  • 892 4 Mr. Justice L. P. Ebden and Mrs. Ebden leave here at the beginning of Ootober for Singapore. 1 Capt Wood, of the Malay States Guides, 1 recently arrived in Ceylon on two months’ sick leave, and is staying at the Galle Face f Hotel. 1 Mr. A.
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  • 982 4 Government Servants 9 War AllowanceWe are glad to learn that Government has approved of a war allowance to members of the Subordinate Civil Service. Within the last de?ade the cost of living has been steadily rising and since the war it has risen more steeply still so that
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 144 4 LAST WEEK OF SALE. TOTE© IE Just received a large and varied assortment of the latest fashioned trimmed Hats for present wear. We are offering these during this week only at special low rates. Don’t miss this last opportunity Fuital le for Children, Girls, Maids and Ladies 1 Price from
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  • 691 5 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] ..fIURE OF BEAUMONT VILLAGE. Siccus of Fr.a.h*"Vdo, August 28, 6 20 p.m, desorib o Be.utnoot Tillage Co ble lortre... To the .ooth-eiit l,|Ter nod which is wooded behind, lies rftb g hiU called Wavrille which wa« the |WOOd ,ndme poaition on the heighta. B tb rapidly
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  • 681 5 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] FURTHER PROGRESS. Past Ckiapovoao Valley. London, August 28, Italian correspondents state that the enemy is endeavouring to bar the way at Cbiapovono Valley which was reached and passed at various points. Aeroplanes are intensifying the disorder of the retreat swooping low and bombing and using their
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  • 780 5 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] PRIVATE MEETING. Tk* Delegates. London, Aug. 28. The Inter-Allied Socialist-Labour Conference meets in London to-morrow under the presidency of the Ex-Cabinet Minister Mr. A. Henderson. Two-thirds of the delegates are British, the great majority of whom are Pacifists. One is a South Afrioan. The Frenoh delegates
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  • 779 5 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] A STRIKING SPEECH. Diuriiiiiilim nd Remedial Measures, London, Ang. 28, The feature of the great oonferanoe at i Moscow was a most remarkable speech of the Generalissimo Korniloff, emphasising < the disorganisation of the Russian j Army and outlining the remedial measures. General Korniloff declared that
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  • 787 5 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] Aaelkar Voluntary Retirtaeit. London, August 29. A wireless Russian official announcement states i—- The enemy took the offensive from Csemowitz against Novoseritsa. Our infantry near Boyang, not awaiting the attack, left their trenches and retired to the east. The reserves also scattered. The Austrians occupied the
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  • 431 5 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] REICHSTAG FREE COMMISSION.'* Gmril Diaaatiafaetioa. London, August 28, The Free Commission of the Reichstag mentioned on August 16, has been reoeived with scant oourtesy. The reactionaries fear it as a step towards democratisation while the reformers regard it as a stop thrown to them! The
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  • 66 5 The following articles will be found on our outside pages Page. 2. —British Mission. Sir Oliver Lodge as Spiritualist. America at War. B.—Funeral Fees. Legislative Council. Breach of Motor Car Regulations. 6. —Seh Yeoh Kongsi. American Army. Courageous Seamen. European Housing. Food Controller’s Powers. Why Allies Must Win. Aerial
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  • 26 5 (From Our Own Correspondent.') London, August 28, The prioes in the London Rubber Market to-day were: Pale Crepe 2/71 Diamond Smoked 2/5 J
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  • 60 5 Latest Quotations. Tin (unrefined) is quoted here to-day at 8110, buyers no sellers, In Singspore (refined) at fill, business done, (100 tons sold), and in London at £241. 10s spot and at £240 three months. Nnw Advts Automobile offers for sale a new B. 8. A. motor car Chop
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  • 952 6 New Scheme of Management, It may be remembared that some six or i •even years ago a long litigation was started t In the Supreme Court in connection with the i accounts of the Seh Yeoh Korg?i and the management and administration thereof resulting in the Hon.
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  • 1157 6 “You say there is dire scarcity of houses at and below $50 a month. You say, too, that some owners of such houses are rapacious, and are grinding the faces j of the poor. It m»j be so: I do not pretend to know, but I happen 1
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  • 252 6 Its Reception in France. London, July 31. The Paris correspondent of the Daily Chronicle writes:—The American army in France makes its own docks, harbours, and roads, and rebuilds the railways from its port of arrival to a vast training ground in land. It is running American locomotives on
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  • 633 6 London. July 26. The Official Press Bureau announces i Three Austrian cruisers, on May 15, attacked 48 British drifters, which were watching anti-submarine nets in the Straits of Otranto. Each drifter carried a crew of 10 and a small gun. One of the Austrian cruisers showed chivalry towards
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  • 297 6 Lord Rhondda (Food Controller), in the course of an interview, said he had only accepted office on condition that he would be invested with the same powers as his colleagues in the Admiralty, the Army Council, and Ministry of Munitions that he would be able to requisition
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  • 260 6 An American Analysis New York, July 22, The New York Timet in an editorial, com men tit g on art cent statement by Mr. James M. B c ck—that "in many respects, this is the darkest hour cf the great con fl ct —says that even
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  • 325 6 Reprisals Question. Mr. S. Samuel, M P, in a speech at Wandsworth said he thought he was not revealing a secret in saying that the Government intended to adopt air reprisals, and was making preparations to hit back. The Daily Chronicle says:—We are ahead of every country iu
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  • 517 6 New York, July 10. The New York Times published a sensational despatch from its special London c correspondent, Mr. Chirks Grasty, which is t disp’ayed with cross-page headings, marked passed by the British censor.” Mr. Grasty says —“American assistance is urgently needed to cope with submarines. Discussion in
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  • 150 6 Ia tbe House of Commons, Mr, H. G Chancellor (Liberal) denounced the Australians and Canadians wbe, he said, were allowed to break up the Brotherhood Church pacificist meeting in North London recently. The police, he said, did not attempt to control the rioters, one of whom said
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  • 72 6 Wednesday, August 29 Town Band, Esplanade. Thur8dat, August 30. Football—P, C. C. vs. Naval Team, Esplanade. Friday, August 31 Town Band, Esplanade. Chin Seog A Co., Ltd., Annual General Meeting, noont Saturday, September 1. Kedah Rubber Co, Ltd A, G. M Chamber of Commerce, 12.30 p.m, St.
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  • 823 6 Semi-Official Rbtibw. The following cables were among thr„ a communicated to »b e Bangkok by tbe British Legation rg The British 1 .Western Front London, August 18. On the Western front thnra heavy fighting, chiefly i n the neighbourhood •of Lees, where our troops in the eirl
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 12 6 For Children’! Hacking Couge at Night. Wood* Great Peopermint Cnre la, 6d
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    • 58 6 Supplied by all Chemists. Physicians prescriba Chambarlain’s Colio, Cbt 1-ra and Diarrboei Remedy because it relieves cramps in the stomach and intestinal pains quicker than any preparation they can compound. It can be bought from any chemist shop. A bottle will keep for years, and no home is complete without
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    • 10 6 For Chronio Chest Complaints, Woods' Great Peppermint Care Is. €d.
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    • 49 6 j Every Day *t3W WHT PINKETTES, I P BO the tiny laxatives that correct constipation, cure sick head, aches, stimulate a sluggish liver and keep one fit always. 00 cents per phiaJ at roar druggist's or direct bp mail on receipt at pries from DB. WILLIAMS' MEDICINE COMPANY. SINGAPORE.
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  • 1863 7  -  BY IAN HAY. n. Influences, Various influences are at work in America to-day, for and against the Allied cause. Probably the pro-German influence which has been most over-estimated is the German influence itself. America is full of Germans there are said to be eight millions of them.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 407 7 TRY IT IN YOUR BATH OV APPOINTMENT V l-N if TO H.M. THE KINO. SCRUBBS-AMMONIA MARVELLOU8 PREPARATION Invaluable for Toilet and Domestic Purposes. Softens Hard Water. 1 Splendid Cleansing Preparation for the Hair. Allays the Irritation caused by Mosquito Bites. Cleans Plate, Jewellery, and Carpets. For 8ale by all Grocers
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    • 39 7 A Master Remedy. Chamberlain’s C:l!c, Cholera and Du rrhoea Remedy is master over cramp colic, dysentery, and all in'estical piins- One dose relieve?, a second dose is rarely to effect a cure. For sale by all dispensaries and dealers.
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    • 226 7 I FEDERAL LORRIES I >1^ The Choice of Experts. Federal Lorries have been selected by the leading pies sore car manufacturers as the best commercial motor velicle manufactured. Practically every large automobile company cpirates > Federal. Behind the Federal an org&niz:ti. n with a successful record of many years standing.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1476 8 P. o.— British India AND 2LPCAR LINE (Companies Incorporate» in England.) and Pm PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS. (UNDRB CONTRACT WITH HIS MAJBSTX’s GOVERNMENT) Th* Company's MAIL SERVICES EAST OF BOMBAY are at present suspended The Company’s INTERMEDIATE SERVICES TO AND FROM LONDON are at present suspended. The F. AO. Company
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