Straits Echo, 25 August 1917

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1221 1 \v h < yjr i T m IKJI m sf BANKS. The Georgetown Motor Garage 7a, Penang Road. Xel Address i Hokimteik, Penang. ’Phone No. 694. pOH SAIjEI. TWO ONLY, 2 SETTER COMMONWEALTH PARTIN-PALMER CARS TWO ONLY, 2 SEATFR modeled>luxe two stroke MOTOR CYCLE A Fleet ot English and American
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    • 16 1 “"“lii®!'.; KSwl 0f whim is the be»; LO ’"fee use FO* n ons JST n; ImJ
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 36 2 > «1 A pj& A JA g Bk *s*3*2 4& £*3 1 ■ri AS BY SOLE AGENTS OH HE MEET. I hflt «fe A* n a t* «S ■>lW .V > (INCORPORATED IN THE STRAITS SETTLEMENTS.) f< OSS»
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  • 1474 3 It it possible to argue that if every man the full natural term of life, hia faculties of mind and body yielding to a •loir, gradual process of enfeeblement and dissolution, the probldm of personal survival after death would never have arisen. For in such
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  • 423 3 To the Editor of the Strait» Tim»», Sir, —The general publio will, I believe, agree with me that the Food Obknmittee have rendered a great service to the good of the public by getting the price of milk fixed. I am of opinion that they should extend their
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 776 3 henry I.'"JOHNSON. PIANIST TO EMPIRE THEATRE. HomeAddre..: 171-G, Argyle Road Undertake* tuoing and j. (f.piaoofl, Organ*, et<fc, etc* aD d other MuaieiHastrumenta t ghortest notice and moder- q ate charges. jn Til FIGHT MAN AND SAVB TQMI MONEY r.ROSS HERMANOS» eT-MALACA,- SPAIN» ,g:rr* R or high class pkodccb a B
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  • 1085 4 Among all the reports of the war the mean between credulity and unvarying scepticism is never bo difficult to find as in estimating the importance of symptoms of discontent in Germany. The German methods of propaganda have Uught us that the Government would invent reports of famine or
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  • 570 4 [To the Editor or the Strait» Echo,'] Sir, I forward you this article for publication in your much read journal and, would thank you if you could find space for its publication. From what can be gleaned there are at present at the very least, a dozen of
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  • 91 4 Satubday, August 25, Selangor Races. Kedah Rubber Co., Ltd., A.G.M, Chamber of Commerce, 12.30 D.m. Wagon-Pachaung Wolfram Mines, Ltd., A G.M., Barker Co 12 p.m. Tem a rloh Coconut and Rubber Estate, Ltd A. G. M., Chamber of Commerce, 12 p m. Penang Golf Club, Monthly Medal
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 57 4 Supplied by til Chemists Physicians prescribe Chamberlain's Colic, Chclera and Diarrhoea Remedy because it relieves cramps in the stomach and intestinal pains quicker than any preparation they can compound. It can be bought from any chemist shop. A bottle will keep for years, and no home is complete without it,
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    • 68 4 Suffers from Indigestion will find speedy and permanent relief by taking a course of WOODS’ GREAT PEPPERMINT CURE This medicine has been proved by generations of English Colonists throughout the world to be the beat for family use. It is a true corrective and preventive. Millions of people rely upon
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    • 487 4 ESTABLISHED 1874. THE ORIENTAL Government Security Life Assurance Company u d IacorparsteJ ia l,4 it BRANCH OFFICE, SINGAPORE J. R. Macphbrson, Secretary 8.8. and F.M.S. Fund. eie«d «0.500,000,00 lw .Am «*w! LOW RATES. LIBERAL CONDITIONS. Apply for Prospectus etc, to Lim Eu Toh, Merchant, 258, Beach or 8S > B
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  • 991 5  -  [By Tom Wright] The man who boras you bj insisting on giving all the details of his last horrible nightmare is no fit pattern for me, so I will now cease talking about Australia. Those who, lecause of a vague notion of geographical propinquity, would Jump together New
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  • 658 5 CFrom Our Oum Correspondent.') Alor Star, August 34. Wan Daud, D. 0., Bandar Baru, has applied for retiral owing to ill-health. He has been 23 years in the service and has been a capable and tactful officer. Mr. J. McDonough, Asst. Auditor-Genera), now at Bindar Btru on audit
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  • 178 5 A match will be shot to-morrow morning at the Rifle Ringe between Company Teams P. V. The Rest are allowed to enter one team also. The Teams that bare entered are t Maxims A Company each tram to BCompiuj f con,iat ot 8 D 1 persons Tbe
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 291 5 PENANG’S RENDEZVOUS Penang Cinema THE TEMPLE OP THE ART MOTION PICTURE Popular Prices: 10 cents to’one Dollar Booking Office ’Phone 651. AT 9.60 P.M. TO-NIGHT AND FOR FOUR NIGHTS ONLY Saturday, Sunday, and Monday August 25, 26 and 27, 1917, rJ™ “PROTEA III” p.Kra CONCLUDING EPISODES OP THIS DARING DETECTIVE
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    • 556 5 AND Cs V i /-J rontier <\ FRONTIER MIXTURE. xc D D D WANTED By local mercantile firm b clerk experienced in accounts. Salary $45/$5O per month. Write giving details as to prevk us experience to No. 33, c/o Straits Echo. EMPIRE THEATRE Business Manager Thomas Shafto No funny business
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  • 95 6 rrifflrtllt daily (exoept Sunday* and pnblio V holiday*) 1 Aim CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. He. 59, Beach Street, Penan*. Prior LnOy Lend W* per annum. Portage Extra. Mail EdMfan (Port Fine) 917.50 OiBLI ADDRIIS ECHO—PENANG.” Telephone Nos. (Echo) 586 Printing Department 343 .V. fi.-A.ll business communication* should be
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  • 19 6 Tan Cht« Sam. —At Gnenball on the 2>th instant to Mr. and Mrs. Tan Chye Sun, a son.
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  • 1068 6 Among the legend* of German superiority and supremacy that hare been destroyed by the war are many that hare little relation to their boasted system of military organisation and are indeed purely matters of commerce. In their efforts to establish a great reputation as a
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  • 948 6 Mr. and Mra. Brunei-Norman have taken up their residence in Malacca where the former hat been appointed Secretary to the Malacca Olab. Sir John Bucknill, K.C.. Chief Justice, leaves here to-morrow for Ipoh and Kuala Lumpur. He will deliver a lecture at each of these places. The
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  • 975 6 The Molyneaux Case. Mr. Ferrers’ reference to the Molyneaux case rn his very outspoken remark, on tb o position of Mr. W. W. Douglas in nection with the F.M.S Police ?ra ad case is capable of more than one interpretaticn and we tbink that in both to the
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 238 6 SUPER ICED COLOGNE STANDS ALONE. It is far ahead of its competitor* both in delicacy of odour and delightful coolness 300 BOTTLES SOLD ALREADY THIS MONTH IN PENANG ALONE DON'T BUY SUBSTITUTES. ASK FOR THE SUPER BRAND look for the flag on the label SOLD ONLY BY THE G.T.D. St
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  • 646 7 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] heavy local fighting. Good Aerial Work. London. August 24, 12.40 i.n. Haig reports,— Hea yy local fighting took place all day for Greecrassier, an important lt3i stronghold to the oouth of Leoo. S- f»» tboid thU morni s nd ItoS coonter-.ttack. inflating M enemy low.
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  • 656 7 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] Comparative Lull. London, Aug. 28. A French communique states The day is generally quiet. Mutual artillery activity took place on both banks of the Meuse.” ATTACK RESUMEDImportant Ground Gaiatd. Loudon, August 24, 4.25 p.m. A French communique states i "We dashingly attacked this morning between Avocourt
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  • 647 7 Reuter’s Telegrams.] General Maariee’a Review. London, August 23. General Maurice, Director of Operations to the General Staff, says that the Germans are fighting very hard and with many guns at Lens, but we are now right into the town from north-west to south-west. He deolarei that since
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  • 442 7 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] GERMAN OFFENSIVE. Ia Riga Regie.. London, August 28. Besides, driving back the Russian advanced oavalry posts in the region of Mukkum to Kemmern the Germans are attacking from Kalutsem, twenty miles to the west of Riga along the road to Riga via Shlok between the river
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  • 263 7 Latest Quotations. Tin (uurefined) is quoted here to-day at SlO9, business dons, in Singapore (refined) $110.50, business done (125 tons sold) and in London at £240.155. spot and at £299. three months. We read in a Home paper:— We are glad to note from the report on the Straits
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  • 406 7 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] IMPORTANT CAPTURES. Progress Aleag All the Lias. 2 A London, August 24, The Italian offensive is progressing all along the line. The attacks are not slackening prisoners are still flowing in. The numbers given in the last bulletin do not include those in hospital who are
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  • 223 7 The following articles will be found on oar outside pages P*g®. t. —The Seasoned Hope of Immortality. Food Prices. 4. —German Policy- The Tramways. The Week’s Events. 5. In Maoriland. Kedah Notes. Bifle Shooting Match. 8. —Telegrams. Selangor Races. Shares. Court of Appeal. P.C.C. Lawn Tennis. Passengers to the
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  • 706 7 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] ANOTHER CHANCELLOR CRISIS. A Ckasged Toae. Copenhagen, August 23. In the Reichstag Baron Kueblmann, the new Foreign Secretary, in an illuminating speech, deprecated a policy based on force alone. He advocated a policy based on justice as well as force and emphasised the importance of
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  • 95 8 [Rbetbe’b Tilioeams.] Prisoners Captured BY ALLIES AMO GERMANY. Interesting rif urea. LondoD, August 24. A British official announcement states that since April 9 the British hare captured 44.155 Germans, the French captured 48,723 and the Italians captured 40,681 (chiefly Austrians.) The Russians captured 37,221 (chiefly Austrians). The British
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  • 373 8 Furtker Details, London, August 24. The Daily Mail states that the hospital ■at Ramsgate which was bombed by the raiders was a Canadian military hospital, crowded wirh patients. Indications show that the Gothas deliberately concentrated on the hoepital, the huge Bed Cross signs of which can
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  • 110 8 Undoubtedly one of the finest programmes we have witnessed is now being shown at the Empire Theatre, for seldom is such a splendid variety of really entertaining films screened in one programme. List night’s exhibition was much appreciated by a very large audience and when Marie Walcamp reappeared
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  • 474 8 Second Dai's Handicaps. {.From Our Own Cbrroqxmdmt,') Kuala Lumpur, August 24. The following are the handicaps for the t Second Day of tba Selangor Races: < 1. —The Klano Stakes. Value $300. A handicap for all ponies 1 entered for the first day. Entrance, $15 j Distance, Race
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  • 216 8 The following are the alterations in Messrs, A. A. Anthony Co.’s Bhare list to-day:— RonpibonTinN L 6/6 buyers and 7/6 prem. toilers Tin Beatong N. L. 25/6 buyers and 27/* sellers Tronoh South 4/3 sellers Criterion Press $3 buyers Eastern Smelting Co., Pref. 22/- buyers rnd 23/- sellers; Chanekat
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  • 313 8 DONALD DUNCAN. A Retrial Ordered, Judgment was delivered this morning in the appeal of Mrs. D. A. Donald against tbe decision of Mr. Justice L. M. Woodward in tbe suit D, A, Donald vs. M. Duncan who declared that tbe plaintiff bad no interest whether as partner
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  • 238 8 Kedah Rubber. The annual g moral meeting of the Kedah Rubber Company, Limited, which was fixed for to-day had to be adjourned until next Saturday as there was no quorum, but a final dividend of 25 per cent., making 55 per cent, for tbe year was declared. Temerloh
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  • 250 8 The following ties have been fixed for Wednesday, the 29rb,inst Championship—A 0 M Forrest vs L O Hargrave (6) C C Rogers, vs E E Chambers (5) Singles A—A W de W Harries vs E H Everest (4). Singles B—L M Evans vs C D D Hogan
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  • 59 8 Per N. Y K. s.g. From London To Singapore Mr. H. Pope, Mr. J. Cockboro, Mr. A. G. Showers, Mr. H. Mark Dr H Cathmg. To Penang: Mr. and Mr Mr Mr. StMchau, Per N Y. K. b.p. From, Bitkoubaad. —Tp,„ Singapore: Mr. Nielsen To Penang:
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  • 113 8 PROCEEDINGS CONCLUDED. The Judgment. As already announced in our columns the bearing was concluded on Thursday in tbe Supreme Court, Kuala Lumpur, before Mr. Justice lanes, Acting Chief Judicial Commissioner, of tbe criminal breach of trust charge preferred against M. Sinnadurai, Teen Koq Fab and Thomas da
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  • 2056 8 At yesterday’s heating, says the Malay Mail of Thursday, Thomas da Silva, continuing bis evidence, said with regard to a bundle of vouchers (exhibit A), that they bad never pissed through his hands. He countersigned the cheque, Exhibit 3A. in connection and corresponding with those
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  • 44 8 to 2 12 S I*«*. 8-00 a.m. Matins Holy Communion 5-00 p m Sunday School bGO p.m. Evensong Hymn 477 Keaponsea Robert. Psalm 119 Asset Magnificat 5 0 Nunc Dimittis 61 Choir Practice wuTb' on Fr'idM J "l 0.4» p.m
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  • 33 8 Burmah and Anson Roads, Sunday 8 p.m. Popular non-ritual service The Decision of Ruth Wednesday 8 p.m. Midweek Meeting The Degeneracy of a Soul Paetcrr: The Rev. B. J. Baughman,
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  • 56 8 9 a.m. Children’s Service. 6 p.m. Publio Worship. Preacher Rev. Donald J. Ross M a Hymns 668, 457, 356, 3fi3, 516. Butter worth 8ervicb. Publio worship will be conducted in the Straits Trading Co.’b Club, Butterworth, on Sue day morning at 9 o’clock. Preacher
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  • 168 8 MATRICULATION, SENIOR AND JUNIOR LOCAL EXAMINATIONS. These Examinations will commence on Monday, December lOtb, 1917, Arrangements will be made to hold the Examinations at any town where a sufficient number of Candidates offer tbemselrei. Candidates who wish to be examined it anf other place than Hongkong or
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 189 8 FOR S ALE. 1 Second-hand Daimler. Compete with all lamps and tools. Pries $3,560. 1 Pullman Car 4 seater Roadster. New May this year, What offer? A ppiy Tai Seng Motor Repairing Co, MUNICIPAL NOTICE. AN ORDINARY MEETING of the Municipal Commissioners will ba held at the Municipal Office at
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  • 1828 9 Air Raid and Reprisals. {From Our Own Correspondent.) London, June 30. The air raids of this week have again emphasised the cry for reprisals on German towns and cities. The Government still hangs in the wind. The issue, however, is very quickly being narrowed down to
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 408 9 A CAR THAT IS BUILT UP TO THE STANDARD AND NOT DOWN TO A PRICE. “PU L L M-a;» CTHE PALACE CAR OF THE ROAD. Specification 32 h.p. 4 *,Cyl L head Motor, full floating rear axle, 501 inch full cantilerer'rear iprinsr* real leather upholstery, genuine honevcomb radiator Magneto Ignition
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    • 67 9 Ire You Going on a Journey? Chamberlain’» Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy ihonld be paoked in your hand luggage when going on a jonmey. Change of water, diet, and temperature all tend or produce bowel trouble, and tbia medicine cannot be secured on board the train or ateamahip. It may
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    • 144 9 I I I FRESH •STOCKS A I > sP I a AGENTS 9 a a m 3 a a a a a a Jr. T. REID Co., Penang.! BRINKMANN A Co., Singapore. •I II a a I THE WATERHOUSE Co., Ltd. II a a a a (INCORPORATE IN TH* U.8.A.)
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  • 1120 10 Has ths divining rod any scientific foundation in fact Are the people who •laim to be able to manipulate it so that it will give valuable information all fakers f Questions of this kind have given rise to eountkMf arguments, pro and con, for over a thousand
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  • 790 10 Impekial Government's Thanks. It will be remembered that the Hon. Mr Eu Tong Sen presented a Tank to the Imperial Government, He has now received the following letter of thanks, showing how much the eift was appreciated The Hod. Mr EuTong S;n, M.F C, Kampar Sir, —I
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 39 10 A Master Remedy. ••Chamberlain's Colic, "Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy .it maeter over cramp colic, dysentery, and all in’eetieal pains. One doae relieves, a second dose is rarelv necessary to effect a core. For sale by all diipeoeariea i'aad dealers.
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    • 10 10 Tor Chronio Cheat Complainti, Wooda' Great Peppermint Cere le. td.
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    • 261 10 0 a MD iS M I Jf nu IMI (•ft f 1 •T a*»*’ i-.’ V y*; A FURTHER SHIPMENT OF SEVENTY-FIVE MACHINES ARRIVING •SHORTLY. miMi yJ* ■LRS C“-i gg on <5 7 S@§Eff m H n vm n T r w Jt -a. d' bt 10,000 bought by the
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  • 1918 11 Neither poetry, music nor religion,” s»ys 8ir Iin Hamilton, “canloa-r outlive war.” If tbis is so, it is surprising that we find so little of the direct delight in war in the great poets. Homer no doubt, is a war poet, though the end of the Iliad might
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 603 11 IF YOU WANT IN ’PHONE No. 581 OR CALL AT No. 1, PEN\NG ROAD (OPPOSITE E.&O HOTELS o y \0 fzfri ic *y Wit!, t > '>es S DAYJjr.ilh C ~-^n 4 a t -v (Pfj 3 i Straits Dollars a /<C l r 'Ss&j <s) Solid Silver Case Time
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    • 72 11 Teething Children. Teething children have mors or 1'se diarrhoea, which cm be controlled hv giving Chamberlain’s Colic Cholera and D.avrboea Remedy, All that is necessary iB to give the prescribed dose after each operation of the bowela more than natural and then castor oil to cleanse the system- It is
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    • 12 11 For Children’s Hacking Cough at Night. Woods’ Great Peppermint Cure li 6d.
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    • 748 11 A Knife Thrust i d ba welcome to m*ny compared with jrLe vicious shooting, stabbing pains 0 f Sc*iic«. th 399 are the men who have not-heard about LITTLE’S ORIENTAL BALK *nd the miraculous relief it brings to th tortured sciatic nerve. Ju-t rub a little in wh«re the psio
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1454 12 P. o.—British India AND &PGAR LINE (Com pari is Incorporate in England.) Mail and Services. KOMINKUJKE PAKETYAART MAATSCHAPPIj, (ROYAL PACKET S. N. COMPANY.) (Incorporated in Holland.) PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS. (UMDIR CONTRACT 'WITH HIB MAJRSTT S GOVERNMENT) F#r Sl*B»p#r«, Chiia, Japan, Ceylon, Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Ports and London.
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