Straits Echo, 21 August 1917

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1202 1 II i < &L L»? u* DN The Georgetown Motor Garage 7a, Penan* Road. Tei Addreni HokiaUik, Penang. ’Phone No. M 4. -♦♦4foh sale. TWO ONLY, 2 BIATEE commonwealth partin-palmer cars TWO ONLY, 2 SEATEE MODEL! DE LUXE IWO STKOU MOTOR_CYCLE A Flett ot English and American Cars tor him
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    • 5 1 E’S mj£ OIH£M»’ t.'o* 0*»
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  • 997 2 The Peace of Peking. It is quite time that normal conditions had returned in P. king. It is a month sire* Cbaog Hsun made bis declaration of a short- lived Restoration, and more lb u.h for nigtt since the whole movement collapsed. There is now no more
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  • 1057 2 The revolt which hag occurred in Petrograd will occasion no surprise. The wonder is that more outbreaks have not taken place for a Revolution, by its very nature, breaks up the old traditions of order and cannot replace them until some considerable time has elapsed. In
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 12 2 For Children’s Hacking Cough at Night. Woods’ Great Peppermint Cure la. 6d.
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    • 170 2 WHITEAWAY, LAIDLAW Co., Ltd. (I M OFPORA'IKD IN ENGLAND.) ENAMEL WAKE AT SALK RATES. A -V. > P&3 1 STRONG BLUE ENAMEL KETTLE. ENAMEL WASH BASINS 14j inches $1.55 ez ch 15£ inches $1.75 each ——jC ii 2 Pint $1.25 each 4 1.50 6 190 STRONG ENAMEL SOUP PLATES $3.60
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    • 535 2 A Knife Thrust would be welcome to many compared with B™" Wo,i bbi W.J* «out* th3S ,h 9 me Wh h 9 not -beard LITTLE’S ORIENTAL BALM jnd the miraculous relief it bring, to tha tortured sciatic nerve. Ju-t rub a lit Q iS «here the pern is and the
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  • 1509 3 Licture by the Chief Justice. Opportunities of bearing a good lecture delivered by a really good lecturer in Penang are very few and far between and when one of these singular opportunities is given the general public of this pises hasten to avail themselves of it.
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  • 53 3 The following programme of music will be played at the Esplanade tc-morrow evening from 6 p m, to 7 p.m.:— 1 Overture Under the British Colours Kliug 2 Polka I Love You Andres 3 Selection Las Educandas de St Dimas Flotow 4 Waltz lomense Success Krier 5
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  • 442 3 Toe find in the Open Doubles which was played eff on Saturday resulted in Foo Joo Wan and Ho Kim Teik beating Lee Tiang Liat and Oh Teik Lee by 6—3, 6—4. The championship tie between Foo Jco Wan and Lee Tiang Liat will be played off
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
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    • 546 3 FRONTIER 1 a MIXTURE. IT" PATRONIZED BY ROYALTY B. F. de SILVA MANUFACTURING JEWELLER AND DIAMOND MERCHANT. Diamond Rings, Pendants, Brooches I j OF ALL DESCRIPTION AVAILABLE. Fine Workmanship with a rare Mending of i Precious Stones combined in designs artistic I I and unique, result in exquisite productions of
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  • 94 4 MIM tiOjr (tzoept Solid»,■ tod poblio i fcoW»T») AS HI CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. B*, 59, B mtsh Street, Penang. VfelOß’ P*3y Leeal W 4 per annom. Postage Extra. Hail riitiir (Poet Free) 917.50 ECHO—PENANG.” Telephone Nos. (Echo) 596 Printing Department 343 N.B.— All buain«M communication» should b«
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  • 2572 4 During the progress of the war we hare had paeans of idolization of Germany and everything German, from German pens, and pages and pages of vitriolic abuse and righteous wrath, from the pens of the writers of other nations. And the really impartial student of
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  • 963 4 Ireland the Land ol the Free. There is only one really froe country to-day—save, perhaps, Mexico -and that is Ireland. A score of nations are at war the neutral nations of the world are u 0 I settled and troubled by the disturbance of their trade and industries
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 214 4 J§ U T TON’S RELIABLE SEEDS. NEW SEASON’S STOCK JUST RECEIVED. PACKED IN AIR-TIGHT TINS. 20 VARIETIES OF VfiVWER SEEDS Antirrhinum CortcptU Lupinu* Alyssum Cosmea Marigold Aster Hollyhock Nasturtium Balsam Honeaty Petunia Candytuft Lavatera Salvia ALL THE ABOVE 40 cts. TIN Phlox, 50 cents per tin Dianthus, Gaillardia and Zinnia
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  • 1711 5 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] ANOTHER SMALL PUSH. All Objectives Captured. Lindon Auguit 19, 4.50 p.m. Field-Msrshal Sir Douglas Hiig reports: A( th0 faults of a minor operation in the .aighbourbood of the Yprei-Poelcapeile R)i(] our lice was advanced to a depth of fire hundred yards on a front of a
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  • 379 5 [Reuter's Telegrams.] ARTILLERY ACTIVITY. RHEIMS AGAIN SHELLED. Tke War ia tke Air. London, August 20, 12.25 a.m. The Fiench communique says t The artillery struggle assumed marked activity in the region of Braye, Cerny and on beth banks of the Meuse, especially in the Bezonvaux sector. Rheims received
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  • 323 5 (From Out Own Correspondent.') London, August 20, The prices in the London Rubber Market to-day were Pale Crepe Diamond Smoked 2 The Rome Nationals states from Zurich that German naval men are talking of Admiral von Tirpitz resuming the Ministry of Marine. On the 17th instant, before
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  • 336 5 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] ON THE ISONZO. BITTER BATTLE ON A WIDE FRONT. Am Auitiiuu Aceeuit. London, August 20,(12.50 p.m, The wireless Austrian offioial report says: The Italians attacked the coastal territory on the Isooso whioh has belonged to Austria for centuries. After a very strong artillery preparation lasting a
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  • 408 5 Latest Quotation*. Tin (unrefined) is qnoted here at $109.75, buyers no sellers, in Singapore (refined) at $111.00, baainea* done, (75 tona eold) and in London at £243 apot and at £240 .three montha. From the Penang Note* of the Dieeeea• Magazine we qnote thia blithe paragraph Some time ago
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  • 380 5 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] RUMANIAN RALLY. Situation Satisfactory. LondoD, Aug. 20, .-Ibe situation on tbe Russian and Ruma nian fronts is generally satisfactory. Tbe Germans at present are not making serious piogresa in Poldolia and Bassarabia, while the magnificent resistance of the Russians and Rumanians is holding the enemy
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  • 258 5 The following articles will be found on our outside pages F»ge2.—Russia and the War. Affairs in China. 5. —Recollections of South Africa. Tomorrow’s Band Programme. C.R.C. Tennis Tournament. 6. —Telegrams. Court of Appeal. The Child and the War. The Mesopotamia Muddle. German Plots in China. Chinese Migration. The Week’s
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  • 656 5 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] GERMAN IDEA OP PEACE, The Question of Belgium. Suae Coaprekeasive Guarantees." London, Augnst 30. Mr. Gerard, formerly American Ambassador at Berlin, continuing bis revelations in the Daily Telegraph, gives the German ides of pesos. He says that never could he get anybody to state definite
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  • 705 6 [Reuter's Telegrams.] OFFICIAL SYMPATHY. Mr, Meiltagu’s View* and Iateatioas. London, August 20. Speaking in the House of Commons, the Hon, E. S. Montagu, Saoretary of S ate for India, announoed that tbe Imperial and Indian Governments were in complete accord regarding the desirability of associating Indians in increasing
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  • 975 6 The announcement made by Mr- Ponar Law that the Government have decided to drop the Mesopotamia inquiry puts the finishing touch to a discreditable fiasco. Two reasons are given for this decision. The first is that there are objections to any further proceedings, and the second is
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  • 435 6 A northern contemporary publishes an extremity interesting article revealing that German intrigue was at tbe bottom of the recent crisis in China. So far sb has yet been ascertained German interference in Chinese politics began in March of this year when tbe question of the breaking
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  • 508 6 Wednesday, August 22 Towu Band, Esplanade. > Thursday, August 23. I Selangor E»c a s. Parish Had Entertainment, 8 p.m. Friday, August 24 Town Band, Esplanade. St. Bartholomew. Polo, Selangor vs Penang, Kuala Lumpur. Penang Automobile Club, A. G, M. Chamber of Commerce, 4.15 p.m. 1 Saturday,
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  • 980 6 The attitude of children towards the war has been the subject of an exceedingly interesting investigation by Dr. C. W. Kimmins, the chief education inspector of the London County Council. Some of the results of the investigation have been laid before the Cbi d Study
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  • 257 6 DIRECT SERVICE TO BURMA STOP! ED. Much inconvenience, rays a Rangoon exchange, will be caused to the Chinese community in Burma (who number at least 100,000) by the action of the Admiralty in commandering the last remaining ship which made direct connection with China. Just now there is
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  • 733 6 At the Eastern Produce Exchange 1 160th Auction Sale the following prices were obtained k per picul. Diamond Smoked Fair from $105 to $115 r I Diamond Unsmoked 100 to 103 j Plain Uusmoked 96 to 102 Scrap Crepe 61 to 71 Bark Crepe 63 Loose Scrap
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  • 1033 6 CUSTODY OP A CHINESE CHILD Mithe&’s Unsuccmssfcl Application The hearing was concluded before the Court of Appeal thi. urornio* o,™ application for leaae to appa.l* pl,'n 7 r T dcciaiou of the Pull Comt of Appeal lu a Malacca ca„ in whrch an action as to the
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  • Page 6 Advertisements

  • 613 7 a squadron cruising the wide wet Th wav from here to ends o’ the earth. Prom the broadest range of ocean blue to r the narrowest river and firth, Vanned bv a roving, reckless horde that M C tme from God-know, where TTho’d .ail their way through
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  • 183 7 The Urges* seizure in value of contraband this Besson in Burma took place recenHy on board a steamer belonging to the British India Steam Navigation Company which came from the Far East, Acting on information received Mr, T. Jordan, Inspector of Excise, with a party boarded the
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  • 958 7 It seems to me, my dear,” remarked the young husband, that tbare is something wrong with this cake.” 11 That shows what you know about it,” laughed the bride triumphantly, because it says in the cookrv book that it is pjrfectly delicious.”— Windeor Magazine “No, mum,”
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 38 7 1 Master Remedy. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarl >e Remedy ig master o»er cramp colic, and all in estinal pains. 0«e doße iff eTe, dose fl rarely mceata yto j Ct cure. For sale by all dispensaries dsalsrs,
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    • 606 7 8 k S3 I I I a a I R a 5;\ /a\ar^ V, TYRES The onlj Tyres holding the K.A.C. certificate for 5,000 miles without cuts or punctures. BRIlliH AND MAD£ IN Bill FAIN, AGENTS FOR PENANG, Tk Eastern 8 Pacific Trading Co., Ltd. I*corp.,r*te4 i* Strait* Sett!, m*»ts.)
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    • 5 7 i Penaog, 3rd Auguat, 1917.
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    • 73 7 Teething Children. Teething children have more or less diar* rhoea, which can be controlled by giving Chamberlain’s Colio Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. All that is necessary is to give the p’escribed dose after eaob operation of the bowels more than natural and then castor oil t'i cleanse the system. It
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1523 8 P. 0.—British India AND &PCAR LINE (C«KFJjriis Ixcoxfoxatm ix Exglajvd.) and Paaaenger Servloea. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS. (UX»BX CONTRACT WITH III KA/ISTT’s •OTlSVldlT) hr Biiphn* Cktii, Jiyu, Ceylui. iittralii, India. Idem. Egypt Medlterroeai Pert* aid Leidtm. MAIL LINES. Horawann (m Exxon.) Ourwan» (vox Cxixa.) INTERMEDIATE DIRECT 8ERYI0E. Tk« IsUntdiito Ssrvies
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